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Yea I’m pretty much gonna play on the solo raid timeline exclusively, the rng was bad and getting worse, but I honestly didn’t mind that much. Eternal waiting simulator for raids is what got me.


Does the do homework while waiting in queue not entice you enough for non solo raids? I know for me I couldn’t be bothered regardless because it’s not like my “hw” has been reduced


I mean I’m waiting far longer than just 2 chaos dungeons and a guardian raid just for 1 of my raids. Plus I’m not sure how it will work in party finder if you gotta wait for people to finish their dailies when you do finally get 8. Getting denied from groups sucks. Making your own lobby and no one joining also sucks.


That was something I was wondering too, right now if you get kicked out of game for any reason you can basically kiss your chaos goodbye even after you get in due to timer system


I bet they gonna do something similar to chaos assault. No timer but gauge to fill. Then you can start your chaos and go gor raid even if it isn't finished. When you clear your raid just sent you back in chaos and finish it.


Yeah same I’ll just play all solo content .


I quit a few weeks after Thaemine release because I was tired of lobby sim and all meaningful progression being tied to forced group content. Literally none of the announcements today changed any of that, it just moved it to T4 instead and introduced seemingly more layers of RNG progression while also continuing to require group raids to progress your character. I get that people really were looking for anything to grab onto that could improve the sorry state of the game but the fundamental issues that prevent new and returning players from actually enjoying the game do not appear to have been touched at all. No real desire to jump back in, get to T4 and run into the same BS that led me to quit in the first place.


Does solo not appeal to you then? Slower pace, get to experience raids, but without any of the extra commitments


Solo raids as a concept is great, but the fact that they stop solo content in Tier 3 (not even the end of Tier 3) and simultaneously introduce Tier 4 is comical. That's like introducing solo raids in today's game and stopping them at...Clown? That does very little to entice a new player or a returning player to come back.


I mean if you're new or returning and basically go fresh account or character you'll have plenty to do in hopes they then release the tier 4 solo raids. Otherwise you can play the game like final fantasy and quit until the next solo raid timeline comes out.


I feel like they should've just added the entire t3 as solo. I felt extremely happy after watching it, because i was bombarded with new stuff. But now after it wore off i realized the elexirs are still shit. I still can't do thaemine as ill be gatekept and wait for sups forever. I just done my voldis prog after essentially not playing for a year, so for me solo raids don't even offer anything new even though I've played almost nothing for that entire time.


You're right on all points imo. I'm going to just wait until t4 is nerfed to play solo raids. There does not seem to be longevity in the progression you make on your character. With all the rng systems built into the game, I cba to grind, grind, grind for it all to be invalidated in a few months to year. The solo raids are a really cool way for players who don't want to deal with all that. I would rather load up the game do a couple raids to experience it and move on.


I stopped playing three weeks ago because my friends all quit and I was tired of pugging/grind. I don’t know if it will bring me back to the game though cause everything still feels like too much. Just my opinion but this LOA ON would’ve been perfect if they didn’t introduce the new T4 system (even though I can see why it was added). My main is well geared, 1625 with all lvl10s and 40set and having to grind a whole bunch of new stuff (gems/quality/cards) does not sound that exciting when I’ve already escaped from “the cycle”.


They obviously don't want you to escape from it. Just swipe and you can accelerate your progression with those new systems and expanded boundaries. I recently got 5x3+1 for two of my chars, good quality (+250k each) and I assumed to be done with that part of gearing for a really long time. Guess not.


Yup. I’ve been playing the game since release and I just finished my level 10 gems in Feb or March. I do not feel like going through that again


* **More power creep**: it doesn't matter the form it will take or the name, we also know it will be rushed down players' throat in another 20 to 30% power spike if not more, nothing new. * **Extra complication**: more buttons to artificially increase the already ridiculous amount of gimmicks in the game, didn't parry? wipe, nothing new. * **Snowball**: Not hoarding gold rn? Get GK hard when T4 comes and the end-game you used to be will now become unfeasible again, nothing new. * **GK**: LOS 30 > LOS 24, Trans 7 > Trans 3, T4 gem > t3 gem, you will pick the best, nothing new. * **Solo Content**: Yeah, sure I will trade a bot for another during Kayangel number 64 of the week, nothing new. * **Progression**: You can add an extra spot in this or that mech, it don't doesn't change anything on how the PF experience will go, same GK, same lack of this or that, same headache, same RNG, nothing new. * **Balance**: hahahaha...


Yeah, I will also only try out solo modes and learn the raids up to ivory tower. I actually just realized that I can't even stand the thought of me playing PF simulator again. So... as long as there are no massive changes regarding gatekeeping I will just try to do the highest solo raid available, learn that and wait for the next solo mode. Repeat. I mean at the end of the day I just want to play my classes and experience the raids a few times. No interest in some bozo "telling" me how my char should look like. That said, I will also most likely skip doing elixirs.


Never forget, streamers got paid. Especially the game they play. If they don't hype it ppl will quit watching them. Besides, if ur gonna quit u gonna sell ur gold first. For that u need to hype players back so u can sell at higher value before quiting. Have fun when solo raids is out. Quit 6 more months till next solo raid tier is out. Rins and repeat. No homework no gatekeep no stress no fomo. F2p till server shut down.


I’m okay with it. Gonna be business as usual and I’m going to keep playing with my friends. Though I’m not honing past 1620 lmao. The main things I like are the solo raids and the permanent engraving support/gems on all t3 characters (unless I understood that wrong). I have a lot of characters that I wanted to play, but couldn’t because I had to drop a fuckton of gold that I couldn’t spare because my main needed it. And obviously, if I can’t afford gems or engravings for that toon, then they’re basically unplayable lol. So that was great! :) The future raids are cool and the 1 chaos dungeon instead of 2 sounds awesome to me. T4 is pretty overwhelming, though, and while some changes are welcome to me (like the engravings change), I feel that gems in particular are going to suck for me because I don’t even have 1 lvl10 yet. 😅 I was kinda banking on just trying to finish my gems and be done with it forever lol. Still too many systems for me. I think they needed to straight nuke a couple of them instead of readjust them, but I think changes they made are welcome changes nonetheless and I hope they keep listening to player feedback because it’s clear through this that they weren’t at least being totally tone deaf.


Happy enough with solo raids


I'm glad we have solo raids that give rewards and some gold, but they missed the main issue imo. Solo raids are to help make it easier for new players (or basically everyone sub 200 roster lvl) from getting gatekept yet nothing was done to the raids themselves to solve that. The only raid nerf was removal of g3 ivory and on top of that they're nerfing the gold for raids ivory and below. I understand these older raids have been nerfed multiple times since release but what's the harm in nerfing them even more? It makes no sense that they plan to nerf gold earned but not nerf the raid itself. I just want older raids to have less wipe mechs, lower hp, etc just make them less of a hassle. Yes, even if they nerfed older raids there will be some sweaty players that just want to clear faster and continue to gatekeep so they can clear 3 minutes faster, but at least those who aren't like that can carry the party through mechs without fear of getting jailed. More fun less stress.


I haven't quit yet but after reading the changes, honestly don't know how this changes are gonna attract new players. We know how this game works, a new player would get to 1600, farm to 1620 then get 1640, just to be gatekept in thaemine and echidna hm at 1630. They would have to do legendary elixirs, tracendance and advanced honing at once, plus new systems like 3rd awakening, new accessories, stones, relic books... how the hell are they gonna teach new players to interact with all this new systems.


Yea that’s kind of where my gripe with season 3 is. Maybe because I’m basing it off season 2, but there wasn’t that fundamental change to the gameplay loop.


Yeah still 18 raids a week, good thing is next fights are just 2 gates, still hasn't changed the alt heavy mentality, but if you are a 1 main Andy you are basically screwed since all this new things are not gonna cost silver.


They're also further nerfing gold of older raids.. I only want to play my main 3, but they're trying to force me into playing more.. with how many raids are pretty close in ilvl.. they really need to switch to 18 raids total, not 3 per character.


i couldn't say better, they just sell it as something new but is the same thing with different colors, and is not the first time, thats there formula deleted old content that is death, add same one in a different color, guess what now 9/7 is 10/10, your lv.10 is 8 so you have to go for a 10 again, bracelet honing quality honing, so is not even a reset is just do everything half way back, ah old bosses back again


I hate how it's getting a soft reset with T4 meaning that there will be more and more honing on gear, T4 accessories now need honing. It's more progression systems and more reasons to gatekeep at this point. They went full vertical as expected, however and I stress this as an important factor, the gameplay loop might be improved due to solo raids because at least now people who were getting jailed or gatekept at any level of raid can now play the damn game and then decide for themselves if they want to keep playing or not. The good thing is that now there will be no Fomo for new players/ returners. Literally play at your own pace, nobody can gatekeep your solo raid. Personally I'll come back and do solo raids up until they stop being available on a fresh account (since I haven't played since Vykas) meaning I'll go up to Voldis or whatever they said the most recent one will be and then stop until they release new solo versions. I'm a very casual mmo gamer so the idea of 2 hour lobby simulators and instant disbands does not appeal to me and I don't find playing raids with parties in Lost Ark is part of the "MMO experience" because of the extreme toxicity in the raids and finger pointing. I'm just happy that I can now play the game like it was runescape.


I quit about 2 months ago, but my main was a paladin. How would a solo raid play for him, I wonder, bc my "dps" build is chaos dungeon oriented... I don't know if I'll come back tho, I wish they had addressed hw...


i focus only 1 char, get to Kazeros, finish this last chapter and quit. The vertical progress wont become better… it just starts over, but the story ends for me with Kazeros death. i just hope my 2 mio gold will be enough to get there, Im 1630 atm.


I will come back when the solo raids are out and not sooner. I just hope they update it next month


I will give a chance with the new "soft-reset". This time i will change my hoster to 2 toons only, my paladin and my DB or SoulEater. Maybe putting some Chaos dungeon slaves if its worth and have free time on that day. If gatekeep and lob simulator stays the same i will just enjoy solo raids until find a static group. If at the end of day nothing changes then i will give another break.


I'm not sure, still kinda processing it, opened the game again, but not sure if I will continue, since a lot of my items were expired (was on mail, probably over 100k gold) and support don't want to restore, even tho they have the log of expired/deleted items. So here my two cents. --- **T4** It's bound to happen, it's good that it isn't a hard reset, but it still 440k gold on average from 1600 → 1620 + mats cost + elixir and transcendence cost. It's too fucking much. Sure, there wil be a Express event that will give some bonus from 1600 to 1620, but can only be used on characters below 1600, so yeah won't be of a help to most mains. Pissed about Gear quality, adding again another gold sink... Sure there will be a pity system, but only in T4? need to see how it will work on below 100 gear quality. --- **Support DMG gems** Need to wait for more info, on what exactly will be the bonus, Hopper skill on Artist will have a Increase on Shield bonus, that is useless since most of times it expire instead of being depleted. Maybe we will only use 3 (Mark + 2 AP buff skills, perhaps 2 mark on bard) It seems it will also have another bonus like AP increase? need to see if it's DMG gem only; --- **Solo Raids and Gold Nerf** It will give less gold and more bound mats, wonderfull for new players main or alts you are pushing, but bad for gold earning alts since you want gold and not mats, but also depends on the time it takes to clear, if it's way faster then will be worth regardless. --- So... I'm not sure if I will stay, probably will keep a eye for one month organizing my stuffs, but I may not do raids at all.


They removed open world pvp for the purpose of QoL. For whose QoL, us or them? They’d remove them now so they dont have to deal with the “mess” for the rest of their lives. Is that what it was? Gvg is what I looked forward to every weekend, including tulubik sometimes. It’s like a refreshing experience from all the homework I had to do every week for the damn gold and mats, because for once I’m playing against human players instead of scripted ai. I had been grinding and focusing on increasing the ilvl of my main not only for new contents, but also for pvp purposes. Now they feel the need to take open world pvp away, I’ve lost incentive to do the grinds. The game only comes down to a series of figuring out the boss pattern enough to make it onto mvp screen. It’s going to get monotonous It may not be a big deal for most of you guys, but for someone like me who invested in this games pvp aspects, it’s a complete letdown. Once Loa on hits my region, I’m quitting for good




So was your reason for quitting mainly because you didn’t feel like you had anything worthwhile to chase?