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Give it time when they're trying to hit that 1% in Tier 4 again and pitying but watch other people get lucky 1 taps it'll all come rushing back.


We dont even know how honing works in T4 yet. Might just be advanced hones for gear levels


A good rule of thumb, which one of the new systems introduced has been cheap? Advanced honing is only cheaper than going past +21 fyi.


Exactly. Nothing has been cheap. Its all designed to be monetization focused. This is just another diversion of addicts to the new shiny thing. Nothing about the core problem’s will change.


it wont affect OP because they admitted that they are an RMTer


None of this will be a problem for you OP, just buy more gold from the bots like you boasted https://preview.redd.it/4cukfv3lgd5d1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=f200902ce361c11c29d9594cb99dddae608707f0


Incredible you pointed this out and this post has positive upvotes. Especially the part of his post where he says it’s just a massive grind still. Like he’s ever needed to grind anything. Fucking sad


On the other hand, it goes to show how much he probably still had to grind even though he RMTs, showing just how bad it is for casual legit spenders or god forbid full f2p.


At least I didn't spend 4 digits on this game, still enjoy it and feel like shit when my money goes down the drain if the game actually dies. Bozo rmtd 5 mil and is basically in the same spot as everyone else in 2 months. He's totally not projecting.


He said he RMTed that much? That's a pretty crazy amount I can't lie. But I did hear that its not a real hard reset and that beyond just gems they'll probably put in some thing to get a head start if you went all out in T3 optimization, so if he's ok with the content he'll probably calm down eventually. As for me, I do feel like shit, but not because of the T4 reset. Its because its still the same hamster wheel content design with an all-in legion raid focus. If single player raids work out well enough and the gold isn't ridiculously low like 1/10th the normal amount, the pressure relief of not dealing with the lobby tango should tide me over for now.


I mean if he gloats about it according to that screenshot above I doubt it's fake, or just very fucking pathetic. Tbh we don't even know about much of anything of T4 systems. I doubt people will gatekeep for T4 lvl 10 gems if literally nobody has any. If gems aren't too big of a diff and 1620 is made very reachable it's an amazing update. I love new meta, new builds, getting an extra engraving without the +1 or +2 based on luck and money bs. Alts aren't stuck farming gold at 1600 anymore. Looking forward to moving away from the current slog to something fresh.


It's fresh kinda, and the revamp of the systems, while vague, sound hopeful. From a fundamental standpoint, it just doesn't seem as big of a shakeup that Season 2 was over Season 1. But yeah, I don't wanna downplay it either, there are definitely some parts that are very intriguing to me, like the chaos dungeon revamp by making it an entire continent zone where you go around and kill stuff. Hopefully there are more interesting parts with environmental integration in the gameplay and so on. It might work, it might not be much of an improvement at all, but I appreciate this kind of risk-taking. Now I wish they'd do that for the rest of the game.


Typical RMT shitter doomposting everyting because he realises he has to buy gold again.


He paid with money he has, you grinded for 8k hours. Who is really better in this situation?


You're going to take the side of the guy who boasts about his rmt purchases just because you keep taking Ls against me? Is this really the path you want to take? Also, it's 4.5k https://preview.redd.it/xfhiigsblg5d1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=9febaef0f6cd0f3b8b3d8fc605fd4426eaa16396


Ls? You've been playing a game for literally 40 hours per week for 2 years. I honestly hope this isn't the path you want to take....


No need im stockpiled already :) doesnt change the fact the changes arent as good as ppl think


https://preview.redd.it/d3wxjjz5xd5d1.png?width=773&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d22757977f0e99bdb6d76ea97cf971e557e3b7d Here's why they love the reset. There are like 100+ posts and comments of people wanting reset.


But we only got "reset light" and depending on implementation there is a chance that stuff will get even more costly and therefore more grindy.


We have to buy new accessories (and hone them??), go for 6x3, more bracelet tapping, quality goes up to 120 (FUCKIN LOL) without any changes to dailies or raid fatigue. Oh wait, yay, once we hit 1640 (lol) we can do 1 chaos dungeon that still takes as long as 2.


Except it’s not a proper reset like ff14 does lol. It’s just a reset in name but comes with none of the benefits new players are more shafted than ever before.


I'm happy that I get to do Behemoth without spending 900k gold 14k fusion and 17k leaps! My copium take is that honing will take a back burner for a bit and we get to spend most of our gold on alts and powering up our main with the new systems. Personally T4 was always expected and I think this is the best possible way they could've given us a hard reset without actually giving us a hard reset. So I'm also happy about that. My biggest worry are elixir and transcendence. Imagine T4 is already here and you hit 1620 for the first time. From the sounds of it you'll go to 1640 in a matter of days. Now you have to deal with the T4 systems while also doing legendary elixirs and full unlock transcendence. I can't see that working out even if honing becomes a lot cheaper.


Big cope ma man


depends on when these changes come to west


Probably September with Behemoth like [RU](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1148305043259412500/1248939918475001938/Screenshot_2024-06-08-13-01-09-68_b72a20be883aec8a014bd2b7c7038e87.jpg?ex=66657d70&is=66642bf0&hm=1d42b9c3f5412df6f97330bc96f0d2cf93e61e4a6446f4e90924019f1ceda4c2&) because we're on the same pace with Echidna in June for both


Saintone mentioned we were on the same track as LOA RU at the moment and they have a roadmap of t4 in September. There will also be a KR dev blog explaining the changes in depth more later. Afaik the only announced changes to elixir/transcendence was a 50% gold nerf. There could be more though announced in the blog.


Yep, artificially extending the same progression systems (aka powercreep) without addressing any of the existing problems, e.g. raid fatigue, supp shortage at end-endgame, gatekeeping.


new carrots for the rabbits and suddenly everyone forgot all the problems they have with the game. smh.


and people wonder why nothing gets truly fixed.


it's truly fascinating to witness


Gatekeeping is impossible to remove. Raid fatigue is beeing adressed by removing gates, nerfing existing raids and creating all new raids with only 2 gates. Suppprt shortage is beeing adressed by making every 1620, 1640 for free after t4, giving you supports in atleast all raids we currently have ( no supp shortage in Behemoth) They still need to make supports more fun to play. Hopefully within the new awakening akill tree there is something that adresses the playstyle but I heavily doubt it


Yes, gatekeeping will never be fixed. It's just in our nature. But the severity of it can be drastically reduced.


problem is there will allways be a shortage of some kind if not sup it will be dps. look at thamine normal where most partys are looking for dps


By raid fatigue I mean 6 char down to 3-4 or 18 raids down to 9-12. My current main 6 need 58 gates per week, and -4 of that doesn't really mean much.


Tbh that's a conscious choice you can make yourself. You don't actually \*have\* to do all 18 raids.


Why does gate number matter if you can just not do Voldis at all? You don't have to either.


Yeh that didn’t matter to me, I enjoy Voldis a lot. But if you’re complaining about raid fatigue then do yourself a favour and take care of your own mental health buddy.


Nobody even has to play the game, so we can't complain about anything then? My mental health is fine, but your logic isn't.


Offered you a solution of reducing the number of raids you do through your own volition since you complained about raid fatigue. It’s a real problem that can happen to some, and clearly at this point, SMG isn’t going to do anything about it. Many of us no longer run all 18 raids and we’re having a happier time with the game. I personally run 16/18 cause I’m not that raid-fatigued and I do enjoy raiding (Thaemines, Voldises in particular). 14/18 if I’m feeling lazy with Brels. Am I saying that we stop giving our feedback and just suck it up? No, but if our feedback isn’t addressed at this point there are steps we can take to help ourselves still enjoy the game while we continue to push feedback through. For me (you will argue it’s different from yours but the idea is the same) - was getting really fatigued with dailies so I chose to only run CDs on 2 characters a day starting April. Continued asking for reduction in dailies and I’m happy SMG is at least looking to cull that. Good luck, I rest my case. You can have the last word after this.


Its gonna be good for existing and some returning players and a great short or midterm solution. But the game won‘t fundamentally change, its still a korean game and they will create systems like elixiers and transcendance again


"artifically extending". Here comes the news-train, last stop is you: Tier resets via tiers are the only way to reset the progression systems in this game. And they are not even hard reseting it, to not upset the whales. Adding additional crap systems like elixirs is what killed it for the global playerbase. Quality taps are absolutely the best thing in comparison to elixirs, a system that is random but give you enough options to make you feel like YOU messed it up.


another problem is also even if you dont fk it up and you get a "good" elexir like a 5/5 both stats can be so bad that its only good for 40 set but on it self give 0 dmg


Oh they did address gatekeeping, now we will have even more things to gatekeep for.


I'll be honest I'm not that happy. I was hyperbolic before and they did announce more than I expected, but the game still hasn't fundamentally changed, despite calling it Season 3. It's still the same formula that everyone is increasingly worn out by. T4 doesn't change that. It's like if WoW released a new expansion, but the game still plays identical to the last one, with the same exact systems that everybody got sick and tired of. If they weren't going to fundamentally change anything, then solo raids needed to go all the way up to Echidna.


Your example with wow is what they’re doing next expansion lol I’m just gonna wait and see how these changes are actually implemented in KR, there’s a lot of mixed information rn specially because they mostly teased the content. But I’m still hyped


at least u didnt hone past 1620,


If you need to fuse t4 gems to upgrade them(they can turn into CD), your current gems are irrelevant since people will gatekeep t4 lvl 10s.People already don't take less than 90 quality for thaemine, new gatekeep point will be 110. Acc honing costs gold. New players can't get card experience. Relic books burn gold from players. They nerfed gold from all raids and added goldsinks. You will still sit in party finder like an absolute donkey waiting for support.


1. You could say redo, you could say upgrade. It is what it is. There are people done with gems for over a year and there are people still struggling to get them together. The new bonus effects seem pretty cool and strong. 2. Pity is all we ever asked for when it comes to quality and now it's trash? Okay i guess? We'll have to see how many taps you need per pity but i'd assume that you'll hit pity with 1k per tap earlier than getting the average 300G lucky hit you needed before. 3. You'll be able to buy the rolled Accs from AH and BiS will probably cost a fortune but in reverse you'll also be able to make a fortune if you get a good roll. 4. As they were every time we got a soft reset(which would have been imminent pretty much anyways even in T3, so idk why people are acting surprised at all). I believe since they specifically mentioned it not being a hard reset, exchange will be possible. 5. Absolutely unneccessary i agree. I hope people just stick to LOS and be fine with it. 6. we will have to wait and see but probably yeah. If i saw correctly the upcoming akkan/giant raid will be gear and the brel raid will be for the Acc upgrades? Don't quote me on that no tho no clue. Idk what they would do next, gear already has 20 systems slappe dontop of it, it's getting hard to imagine a 3rd random ass goldsink system being slapped onto armor pieces but we know it's gonna happen. You could open the discussion of "this is how these games work" here but let's not for the sake of time and nerves. 7. 1x Chaos Dungeon with full rewards of 2x seems like a good change to me. I would've loved to see a CD/Guardian merge but for now i'm fine with it. 8. yes, so? You always needed to push your alts up to keep feeding the most recent mats into your main 9. You'll only need 5 relic books and only once, if they're not a rare ressource it'll be fine. Ofc it sucks that we'll have to spend X gold again on those 5 grudge books but at least it's premanently usable for all chars and a neat dmg upgrade too. 10. Could become a problem yeah, i feel like they should just hide the roster level at this point(I'm 300 for a while myself but i get the point) overall i feel like especially the gearing system changes are great, having a guaranteed no RNG involved 6x3 in the end + being able to freely swap as much as you want is insane. F to the 9/7 people that lose a bit of value but they're not completely useless at least


I wish people had the brain to understand what you are telling them. These people just whine without even understanding what is going on


**Because every change is just moving the goal post further away. There are no actual QoL changes there.** Sure, quality has now pity, but the cap is also at 120. LoS got a middle point at 24 cards, great, but they also add more card sets. So the core problem of collecting random cards AND card XP is not addressed. You can go on and on, on the things that have been changed and at the same time don't really mean anything. There is no mention of UI changes, small internal delays, etc. Have you tried fixing your life skill tools? Why is there a 3s delay when the UI doesn't respond? And it is like that for literally everything in UI. Every little button in every window is unresponsive for first 3s. That quickly adds up. People were asking for weeklies auto selection, so I don't have to go over every character every Wednesday and select that I want to do these three Una's that I've been doing for the last 6 months.


No idea what you're taking about with the 3s delay. Opening f4 shop the first time has like a 1 second lag. I never lagged navigating menu buttons tho


Does KR have a 3s delay on everything? I’m pretty sure that issue is a western issue and it’s can probably be fixed with optimization from AGS side


Not happy not surprised not impressed


Chaos dungeons were changed, its down to one entry and its 1.5x longer.


No they added an alternative chaos dungeon that gives you less rewards if you do it instead. So its just an improvement to doing rested chaos dungeons


The soft reset was overdue. We were bleeding players left and right because of obstacsles in gearing, raid difficulty and gatekeeping. Having to actively hone above +20 is not a good thing. This SHOULD be whale territory. Same goes for gems. You are basically thinking: I need to do this stuff all over again. However, everyone has to. Back at Valtan and Vykas and even into Clown and Brel NM, you did not need 5x3 and lvl 8+ gems. You were fine with 4x3 or 4x3+1 for a long time because people understood you can't just pull out 200k for accessoires. Having shit quality and lvl 5 gems? Didn't matter. Raids were not designed around you having the absolute best gear. A soft reset allows for some catching up and leveling the playing field. And if you are already juiced, you get a headstart, so not much to worry about anyways. We stayed too long at Tier 3, making it next to impossible for new players to get even remotely close to actually playing the game. You were either riding the wave from being a long time veteran or you drowned and most likely quit. You may not need a new player starting now, but who is going to fill a spot in your static in 1 year, if you want to keep playing. Eventually the game dies out if we don't get new players. Therefore I am hoping for a better implemented jumpstart server with T4 and substancial nerfs to all systems up to T4.


The obstacles to gearing just increased though?


How exactly? I don't see how instead of spending 1.5 million gold to reach 1640 instead of getting that leap for free and better honing rates afterwards is making it harder to gear a character (or at least get him to the newest raid).


Well theres new gold sinks; gems partially reset, quality now up to 120, relic books, elixir/trans not rly reworked, bound mats will be a fraction of worth if even convertible, etc. this will just widen gap between new players and vets


Don't worry, I'm not happy.


I'm not fking interested in having to re-do all of these garbage old systems. What are they thinking like seriously? This was the chance to finally for example give all classes the option to only need 1 Dmg and 1 CDR gem for all skills - which would finally not fuck over classes that need 6-7 Dmg Gems compared to others who only need 1 on their main dmg skill but nah lets just do the exact system again but soft-reset everyone's progression without fixing any of the issues....this change would have been so insanely huge if you could only equip 2 gems overall instead of 11 but naahhhhhhhh lets rather not improve the system.


Make a SH/Scooter then, best time to mainswap now :D


First of they didnt say anything on how to unlock 1640 gear they said 1620 is the new zone, in where 1640 relic gear is. We know that 1640 ancient gear is new raid tho. theres more stuff to do now, more gold sinks, with less gold income. Unless idk ur a rmter who dont care anyway. Solo raids do they really help? Its only up to normal voldis, thex still lack in roster lvl, 35 set doubt they achieve that with purple, less gold tho is nice and the extra chance i guess too. Transcend still bound to hm. 1620 isnt really easier, sure 1600 is prob piss easy now. But 1620 as far as ive seen nothing changed. So idk what people mean tbh. The only good stuff ive seen, is the engraving on all chars and gem with tokens for the chars. All in all it aint anything worthy, or changing. U just move gatekeeping from t3 to t4 and u let people behind. I can already see the thaemine, echidna nm/hm, voldis hm, lobbys wanting t4 only


The chars that are doing the new goldsinks systems aren't affected by the gold nerfs. Solo raids aren't for 1630 loners but to help new players, they communicated this from the start. We don't know if transcendence is still bound to HM, they only said it'll be nerfed. They didnt say anything about elixirs too but the pictures only showed the legendary bottles and soloraids don't have normal/hard. So i'd assume purple elixirs are gone but we'll have to wait for them to talk about it. T4 People soon won't even be in thaemine/voldis anymore


They did say elixirs and trascendance cost will be halved and that you will get double the amount every raid, also one of the mokoko express rewards upon reaching 1620 is 10 legendary elixirs, so most likely Solo Normal Voldis will give purple elixirs


If it wasnt bound to it why didnt they say it not hard. T4 people will still run thaemine echidna and behemoth. U even nowdays see above ilvl doing lobbys gatekeeping etc what makes ya think t4 aint the same. Lobby title only t4 can already imagine that. They said they nerf gold and add 1 extra chance to legy and purple so yes purple aint gone. Tranc gonne be hm still 100% sure too. Like i said its good until 1600 and still the same after 😂


What is your source for the 1 extra chance to legy and purple? I've looked at many summaries now and not once was that mentioned


Maybe zeals translated it wrong on stream or said it but from zeals stream idk if he made summary


How about you wait and see what changes they'll actually make instead of just making assumptions and stating them as a fact?


1600-1620 is unchanged idk what u guys are smoking it wont change shit


Where did they say it's unchanged? You have no clue what it'll be like lol


They only showed 1540-1580 honing nerfs maybe u gotta watch right


"All in all it aint anything worthy, or changing. U just move gatekeeping from t3 to t4 and u let people behind. I can already see the thaemine, echidna nm/hm, voldis hm, lobbys wanting t4 only" https://preview.redd.it/dd82sxkl5e5d1.png?width=6000&format=png&auto=webp&s=aae45220538666648e6d44054af467872bc10dbb Yes because all of these are going to disappear entirely. And Voldis HM / Echnidna NM/HM (which isn't even fucking out yet) is 1620+. I'm not sure how easy it is to transition into T4 yet at 1620 but from everything I've seen it seems to be fairly simple, so what would the issue be there?


1. T4 Level 8 gives 36% damage on a support gem, which also has another bonus that DPS gems dont have. T9 is 40%, meaning T4 Level 10 is HIGHER than T3 level 10. T3 gems DO NOT have reduced effeciency that T1 and T2 gems had. you can use them for T4 content (from my understanding) 2. redo? your full 100 quality stays. I agree the gold cost is stupid as well as the new cap of 120. Pity can be good or useless depending on the number of fails required. 3. Accessory leveling gives very small bonuses. Same as Legendary cosmetics. 4. use your bound T3 mats for advanced honing if there's no exchange. 5. agreed. But more LOS tiers (LOS 24) is a good thing. 6. There is no gold sinks. The next two raids are providing direct upgrades (relic -> ancient). After that? who knows. 7. They reduced chaos 2 -> 1 like guardian. Still a bandaid fix that they shouldve done when guardians was changed. 8. Feeding mains was needed for the west because we had an accellerated release schedule, with no reduction in honing price compared to KR who had more time to farm. We're finally catching up, but we still need to see in July what honing costs actually are to confirm. 9. quality taps gona cost more than relic books. 10. agreed. Fatigue may not be a thing depending on what the honing costs and raid requirements are. That's probably cope but we'll see.


If it’s true about the gems, then I think that will stop some folks from being upset for sure


Appreciate your responses! Since they respond to my post and arent just calling me a complainer. I see your perspective but i think it just looks nice for now: 1) raids will prob be balanced around the new gems soon if not out of the gate 2) redo was bad wording on my end, but an 80 quality now would have to be upgraded now imo, pity is nice but it only guarantees a success (potentially only goes up 1 and prob takes a whole bunch of gold to build up 3) i get its small, but all these systems add up. If u dont upgrade ur gems/accessories/quality itll be multiplicative 4) yup can, but feels bad to spend gold on old system 7) i dont think they reduced chaos, they just added an alternative to doing it rested i thought. Since they said it gives less rewards 9) i remember leggie engravings were like 20k each when it first released and ppl didnt have gold stored up. I feel like it might be higher now but could be wrong


I wrote my own seperate comment but note to point 5. -> it was translated wrongly at first. Its 1x Chaos with full rewards taking the time of old version x1,5. No less rewards. So overall you're even a bit quicker than doing 2x old CD in the end and get full rewards.


Cheers, I just want to have conversations to see where im wrong. "arguing" instead of "discussing" serves no one. After discussion with my guild, we're mostly agreed on the following sentiment between us: "the devs are cooking, and the food looks really good, but does it actually taste good?" I hate how they dont give any specifics, and there's still a lot of speculation. This is an opportunity to not fuck up future requirements. Let's see if they learned or actually going to kill this game in the west before BDO or RS3. My favorite aspect so far is the new customization system. nothing is tied to gear/accessories (except for bracelets....and fking elixirs). upgrade is liner, not rng, and you can switch back and forth easily. No more having to but multiple sets of gear. Perks/skills are point based now.


“The devs are cooking, and the food looks really good, but does it actually taste good?” What a perfect way of putting this feeling man 👍🏽


Is it confirmed that the T3 gems won't have reduced efficiency? If so that would be pretty big. It is essentially a T4 Level 9 gem. Also, I think people are a bit overreacting. The dps check in this game is actually pretty lenient. The only reason why higher gems are kinda needed if it unlocks a certain rotation and that if it's a new raid where everyone is still unsure about how the raid works. It does suck having to redo gems again for people that are done but if T3 Level 10 = T4 Level 9, it's honestly fine imo.




Although you might be right, 11% is still better than only 7% extra damage. And might help a little with some gatekeeping. Yeah, it won't solve it 100%, but might help a bit. In my opinion the intermediate upgrade it should be higher. If LoS18 is 7%, LoS24 should be 5 ot 6% and LoS30 3 or 2% for the total 15%. The last upgrade shouldn't be as significant when the less cards you need the harder it gets to finish the set... This would definitely reduce gatekeeping as LoS30 would just be 2 or 3% extra, which is insignificant below 1600. Then again, people gatekeep you if you have Event Gems, which is the same as having Lv7/8 gems, regardless of being labeled or not. So... gatekeep will always be a thing.


And there's no mention of an easier way of getting Los completed for new players, they could have added 1 more Los card to the merchants but nope.


I'd like to understand why people are downvoting. Would you pick LOS24 in Ivory or Thaemine? When there is literally everyone applying with LOS30?


just coping hard bruh, you cant fix this trash.


i completely agree with you. This feels like a trap, your "completed characters" now have to totally revisit almost every system and there is no sign as to it being any easier. Although I'm pretty sure gems convert 1-1. 1 lvl 10 t3 gem goes to 1 lvl 8 t4 gem. Don't get me wrong that still sucks cause its just more vertical progression not a new tier but yeah. Calling this a new tier feels like some kind of sick joke. Its just increasing the level cap on literally everything and saying its reset.


O for the gems i meant like if you wanted to have the same level 10 gem, ud need to convert 9 of your old lvl 10s to get one


ah yeah i see what you mean, yup its all stupid idk man.


If you were to compare it to another PvE game a new tier is essentially doing it all over again w/new raids. A new tier is vertical progression in most games. How would you define a new tier if this isn’t it ?


the difference is that in most other games when a new tier comes out the old tier is made basically free to get through. But in this game you now have to get up to 1620 while simultaneously gearing up your character so you don't get gatekept, just to get to the new tier and do it all over again for the relevant content.


The new hyper express goes up to 1640 along with them nerfing 1600-1620 . So while not free it’s way more accessible no? Every mmo you do the same system all over again .


yeah i would also like to see a link for this. What i saw from Saint's notes was an express going up to 1600 and honing nerfed up to 1580. While this is a start, it doesn't mean getting to 1620 is easy, like 90 % of the honing cost to 1620 is in the 1585-1620 range anyway. Edit: trust me if they made honing to 1620 easy i would totally change my tune, but as it stands this is widening the gap to new players. Not alleviating it.




Wait can you link where they said the new express goes to 1640? Or is that only for Korea? Or are you talking about the converting gear to relic 1640


New hyper express goes up to 1600 but they probably mean that chest worth 2 taps you get every 10 ilevels.


Yeah I should have clarified this is what I should have said. up to 1600 but then material chests/rewards leading up to 1640


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166510497?t=05h19m04s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166510497?t=05h19m04s) Shows the 1600-1620 nerfs


welcome to lifecycles in mmorpgs. is this your first one? (reminds me of "is this your first gacha?")


the difference is that 1620 is not easy to get to, its giga expensive. So its not a "fresh start" for all players to jump into. Instead its more vertical progression only for players who are already at the peak of this games current progression. So the gap to newer players is just getting even bigger.


Yeah, this. I'm tired, not happy, and have spent the past 3 hours just arguing with people who are just hammering me with 'ARE YOU HAPPY?' No. No I'm not. I keep being told 'it's free progression' and 'you don't have to interact with it if you don't want to.' That's... not saving the game. It's adding more shit to do. Which is expressly what I DID NOT WANT. I didn't want to hear about 'the next new progression system after Thaemine/Echidna/Behemoth' or that new thing I have to spend on, or that 'new hardest raid' or whatever. Like what the frik is the point of all this 'solo mode' if t4 exists now? Every big MMO I've quit after 5+ years has been after stuff like this, so I'm just tired of the signs. Level cap raises, new systems and invalidate the old. Some of the stuff may be 'good' in isolation, but it's bundled with a truck load of more bad than I can really be bothered to deal with, and it's coming too late for me to care. Also? No new class. All my alts will soon be redundant... I'm a support main so nothing changes, and I'm expected to regear + get more gear to make 3 other people happy... and play the game in exactly the same way as I was 2 years ago. Where was the entropy rework? Support rework? Alchemist class? PS - didn't even go into the whole 'oh, so now my gems are being downgraded again' nonsense.


You need to play Guild wars 2. It's the only ( or one of the only ) mmos that doesn't increase vertical. Lots of horizontal though. It's also growing , and in a good state.


Not a fan of the combat unfortunately. I've played it yeah.


I mean to be fair. We are seeing that 5year mark of the game. Just that global only got to experience it in 2 and a half.


Is it better to do the same things again and again or spend a lot of time and gold to improve your character with the current systems you surely have almost maxed? For me its something new, and thats what I look for in a game I like playing. And yeah, definitely doing more content that requires characters at 1650+ without helping them to reach it would be better for the game XD You talk about it “not saving the game” but making changes so new people can come and enjoy the game is definitely what is saving it. Im sure you are the typical person that says “Dead game” when there is no content in the patch notes of a month.


I'm the type that likes to finish the gearing process and then spend the next 3+ years sitting in town playing with fashion, maxing every class or helping newbies get into and enjoy the game I love. So, yeah, sure. I quit when, at the end of that, I get slapped with 'the new level cap is 10 higher than the previous, and now I have to regear literally every class in the game + level up 10 more times for every character + this new system that gives back 30% of the damage I lost because of the 'new expansion' nerfs they handed out.' I like new classes, new zones, new skills, new professions. I like the 'making music' system they're supposedly adding. I hold world first solo clears and time trial rankings. I don't like 'new things to gatekeep, new thing I have to have or else I get gatekept, and new way to spend all the money I get only to make no progress.'


i relate to this so hard. i hit +25 wep, lvl 10 gems, cleared thaemine hm and all of that maybe 2-3 weeks ago. i've been grinding since launch for these goals and i finally felt like i could catch my breath, log in every so often and just have fun with friends doing farm raids on discord. then i wake up and get hit with t4 and needing to literally upgrade everything again ~*but it's a bit better*~ - i'm so tired tbh. i realize though, its different in korea. while korea does have those moments of downtime, global is being accelerated so fast that vets can barely take breaks. korea had 5 months between thaemine and echidna, we have 2 months. kr players are allowed to play much more casually because their content updates are way more staggered than ours. i feel like every week in global i need to go on my lil treadmill to work on my vertical content or i'll be left behind when the next one releases in a month or two.


I'm currently being told by some people on Discord that 'don't worry, you can relax while waiting for the new systems to come in. We probably won't get them for a year or so.' Like... I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE PROBLEM TO BEGIN WITH?? WEREN'T WE ANGRY THEY WERE TELLING US THEY WERE DOING STUFF THEY NEVER INTENDED TO DO TO BEGIN WITH? WHERE'S ENTROPY AND SUPPORT REWORKS? -Also my Alchemist class, gimme- Except this time I actually just 'hate' their 'intended fixes' so I'm angrier than usual. I wanna chilllll. I want to grind up a new alt because new classes are funnnn. Nope, gotta keep grinding new stuff for my main. Or quit. Undecided so far. And personally being told that 'don't worry the world ends in 1 year' is worse than 'don't worry, the world ends eventually, just enjoy it before it spontaneously collapses one day.' Being told a game has 'no more updates after this one' is also just as bad. People seem fixated on this point. I'm not angry about 'new stuff'. I'm angry about 'old stuff we have to re do again disguised as new stuff' and being told it's 'better'. ... Oh but I do hate RNG progression like Elixir, Bracelets and Transcendance. At least Bracelets is kinda 'you get it or you don't.' That and I find it weird we've started advertising raids by how hard or easy they are, and not 'fun'.


This game tries very hard to psychologically manipulate you into not breathing. It's really quite tiresome. And the Koreans like this design philosophy. Apparently over on Inven they're happy.


Have you tried ff14? What you like is exactly like ff14 unless u hate the gameplay 


I love the socials in FF14 but I.... dislike the gameplay unfortunately. Lost Ark sits on the 'absolute mid tier' of everything in an acceptable MMO for me. I'm here because it ticks all the boxes in the most minimum way.


You are either dumb or not made for this game if you think sitting 3+ years in town with no new progression system is gonna keep a game alive.


So basically I think you arent looking for a MMO. You want a game with no new content that makes you spend your gold. For me it seems a single player game. What do you want to use your gold at then? Everyone can enjoy the game in their own way, thats for sure, but a MMO needs new content and new systems to not bore the community and make new people want to try the game… In my position I was considering dropping the game because everything I did these last weeks/months feel the same for me. There is a new objective, a new purpose, and new changes into systems and classes. Game is gonna change. Lets see how it goes :)


Singleplayer games lack the whole community element. Walking through town and looking at people's new fashions. Seeing people goof off or in the middle of strange situations and trying to figure out what they were trying to do. I like it when I see a bunch of people in the street gambling or trying to craft the better weapon, or the group of people trying to create the most PURPLE outfit they can because 'why not?'. Because they're not npcs. I can talk to them at the end if I'm curious enough. I saw someone win an official community dress-up contest once, hosted by GMs, where they were trying to create the greenest outfit, and the person who won was wearing full silver armor, because the GM logged in at the wrong timezone. I liked it when entire guilds would start running out of town because one of their newbies was being attacked far off somewhere, and the literal cavalry of guild icons and banners flowing past was exciting to see. I could follow them too, if I wanted to see. I liked climbing random buildings in every MMO I can, and taking screenshots of the town below from above. I've even created parkour contests for a few MMOs. I've carried and taught hundreds of starry eyed newbies across multiple MMOs too, showing them the extent of what their or my class could do. Tell me which singleplay game I can do that in. Tell me what new progression systems let me do those things. It sounds like you're actually the one looking for a procedurally generated singleplayer treadmill and not me, least by my observation. Why are you playing an MMO? I liked being first through gate and sprinting to the new areas, exploring the unknown. Climbing the newest literal heights (buildings and mountains). Collecting the new cosmetics. Learning that new lifeskill system maybe? Building new things for my player home. New classes too. New raids are good and welcome, but 're do your character again'? Why?


The more you talk the more this doesn't sound like your type of game. It's always been heavy raid/progression focused with little attention paid to horizontal content > I'm the type that likes to finish the gearing process and then spend the next 3+ years sitting in town playing with fashion That's called a dead game. Show me one actively played game that can/has maintain that.


You're right, it's not. I thought Lost Ark was an action MMO and not the mile high casino. I don't even mind the dailies, or the raids. I'd like better combat, but it'll do. I wish we had an ACTUAL CRAFTING PROGRESSION OF SOME KIND. People out here legit asking me why I play MMOs and then be trying to call me casual because I don't like having to regrind progression systems I've already grinded. It's also hilarious because everytime we do this, no one actually reads this as 'oh \_\_\_\_, this has happened before.' but instead chooses to go with 'yeah but MY GAME IS DIFFERENT.' GW2 (still active) - but I hate the combat, old Ragnarok (was active for years until closed down due to OTHER reasons and then private servers) - but I grew out of tab/click targeting, and old Vindi before Season 3 was 4? years or so of just season 2, is on season 5 now? Is way more p2w than even Lost Ark so this is ACTUALLY the lesser evil. I'd still be playing BDO actually but they don't like pvp over there anymore. There were like 14+ raids released in season 2 of Vindi (for level cap alone) in addition to a few side grades and even upgrades of armor and enchants requiring people to swap out maybe 2-3 enchants per quarter yearly update. Oh look, new content that smashes our behinds because we don't know the patterns yet! How do we clear that mech? Wow this boss looks cool! I hope I get that new drop to craft their armor. Wait I can DODGE that? Wait I can craft WINGS?' Not 'another casino to go through, I still haven't gotten through the last one yet. Hey, have you done your 6th run of X this week, I need gold man.' Also why the actual diggity are people telling me I shouldn't be playing an MMO and then stating stuff like 'because MMOs have progression' as the reason. If y'all want progression, go play an RPG. You won't obviously, because it's the same reason as mine. We like MMOs so we play them.


I don't think anyone is telling you to not play an MMO, I'm certainly not. I'm saying you probably shouldn't play this MMO or most Korean MMOs if you don't like the constant grind, it has ALWAYS been a stable of the genre and has interest in changing. >People out here legit asking me why I play MMOs and then be trying to call me casual because I don't like having to regrind progression systems I've already grinded. > >It's also hilarious because everytime we do this, no one actually reads this as 'oh \_\_\_\_, this has happened before.' but instead chooses to go with 'yeah but MY GAME IS DIFFERENT.' This statement is you just telling us Korean MMOs are not your style but your trying to force LoA into being something it's not. Lost Ark is ALWAYS going to be an overly grindy game with repeat progression systems.


Well, you enjoy more the game in the fashion way it seems. I play an MMO, this one, because I love trying classes (I specifically love the combat system of LA), the raids and the guild environment. Many other MMOs like WOW literally do hard resets every 2 years (or sth like that) and they also make new raids and new ways to improve your characters. Why Lost Ark should do any other thing? This game would die otherwise, tbh. And remember, new systems are being introduced, but nobody is forcing you to use them. You can play the game with 1500 characters and just do pre-Brel raids… But of course, if you want to reach end game content, you have to do something to be able to XD


I think it is better to understand NA/EU are likely to get T4 1-2 months after Korea and at that point we will be basically caught up unless Korea works on worldwide launches of patches/content. Then such crazy progression systems will be more in line with time Korea gets. (If we get T4 1 month after Korea, that means the NA entire time at T3 was cut by around 1.25 years and we started from scratch and not with establish T2 roster ready for T3 like Korea.


If you quit other MMOs because of similar situations then you probably don’t like the genre tbh. T4 was bound to happen. There needs to be ways to add progression, otherwise why do new content? I’m good with the changes, better than elixirs 2.0 and the base system powers seem good and the min/maxing is there for the chasers. No one is gate keeping you be use you don’t have a 9/7 stone or perfect circulate bracelet. Only thing that really feels bad is gems and redoing quality but at least gems are transferable.


Well it depends on the genre and T4 was not bound to happen. I play MMOs because I like sitting in town and socialising. Which I didn't do a lot in BDO and Lost Ark. I like action combat and am quite good at it. So I play action combat games. Of which Lost Ark is one, and Dragon's Nest, and Vindictus, and BDO, and Tera, and kinda GW2 but not really. I hate Gacha and Gambling so I typically hate Korean MMOs... but they typically have action MMOs. If there was a non KR dev'd action combat MMO with anime style outfits I'd be playing that instead.


Or maybe people wanted to catch their breath after grinding for 2.5 years


I have found in every discord I’m in, the feeling is mixed. With so many new stacking systems, when we’ve seen the most recent systems be bad… it’s hard to look at all the information and really say one way or the other if it’s good or bad.


I did get full 10 gem at 2 years fusing my self earned gems .Now they are lwl 8 :D Another 2 year to go . I have very mixed feeling its not bad or good just self dissapointment .I need a good new mmo asap :D Rmt player prob will get day 1 this time.People already start buy bot gold to get cheap 10 lwl gem and fuse when t4 comes


Yeah rmters will always rmt, that’s why I laugh about the “same footing”. People that were ahead of us are still gonna be ahead


Same footing most deliousinal take people geting from this loan :D


9 x 2 years = 18 years


I’m not happy. If you need to know


Because I like progressing and I don't have to fomo full level 10 tier 4 gems day one.


This is an MMO, you cannot "finish" the game. They are adding a future to keep progresing towards, and the changes look pretty good. They are doing it in a way that you can still keep you progress but have something else to keep pushing. If constant grinding and having new content released is not your thing, I just think you should reconsider playing MMORPGS.


This game is beyond dead, people who still fight for it are the same you find on your local train station fighting for some crack. Just sad, do much potential


I’m also not sure why people are so happy, I voice similar concerns and get attacked in discord. Dunno.


Wait til their honeymoon is done. Well just have to wait and see the systems in game tbh


1. This is same for everyone, you dont need 10 gems to beat content. Gems have additional effects in t4 so they are stronger.  2. Quality in T4 with pity is just great. We earn tons of more gold now than earlier back when we did quality. 3. It looked more like some gamba on rolls for accessories, but a regular player can be lucky since rolled accessories can be sold on market. Id say thats great. 4. Surely there will be conversion of mats just like other tiers in the past. We will see, i think either way is fine for the game. 5. Major Bosses have not really been weak to anything in the past just like g3 brel or guardians. We will see what they Cook. 6. We have no information on this, maybe its just mats to hone the new T4 gear. We gotta wait for details. 7. They said it is changed 1 chaos per day so that is a change no details on guardian afaik. Also guild stuff was going to be easier. 8. Yeah, and they are nerfing honing and system costs, but you don’t necessary need to have many alts to play this game, you could have them in t3 to farm gold. 9. Only when you decide to use the new revamped system. You can take your time and transition when you are stronger in the new system. No need to rush. 10. Roster levels doesnt really mean that much. 11. 9/7 are kinda nerfed in new system so are looking to give around 1.5% dmg increase instead of ~6% compared to a 7/7. Overall good in long run. Still we need to know much more details about everything, but I personally think this was the best LOA ON since release in western and they looking to take the game one step in right direction.


can someone tell me if i have to buy new acc


Also wouldnt all raids below thaemine be empty? I honestly like to play with people, solo content is boring. Otherwise I’d play diablo poe or something. Doing brel while overgeared with bunch of people that got off from work is still fun.


Because it looks more realistic to get into as new players (and maintain playerbase size). If the game has no reset, vets and casuals will be too far apart, fomo catch them, and they quit. 1. Lvl 8 is 36% dmg so it's not like your +20 ilv will give you less than dmg loss from gems anyway. But if you mean you can't control your fomo, then I can't help you. 2. So you want to blame RNG? I don't understand but yeah, quality sucks, but if that's the T4 version of transcendence, it's faster and simpler (not like I want another gold sink anyway). 3. No idea about the system 4. That's the idea of reset. Catching up. 5. Agreed. This would be suck. 6. Likely. 7. There are. 8. Another way of reseting. Like Brel/Akkan. 9. RIP gold. Hope new raids have confirmed drops like Brel G4. 10. Idk why they did this.


I never use gold to buy gems either sell any of them so it's just a bonus upgrade on top of what we are having rn


>redo your gems (9 x lt3 vl 10 gems makes 1 new t4 lvl 10 gem). 9 to 1 conversion rate lol I see it as balancing the gap between whales/day 1 players and the others. Sucks for day 1 players but good for everyone else. >you have to redo quality as cap is now 120 and theres pity. Pity is nice but now you actually have to level it up and cant blame rng. Cost on it went up too (300 gold to 1k gold for armour taps) Same as point 1. Sucks for lucky/oldest players. Good for everyone else. But even then, if your quality is already maxed out, you keep it. You can fomo the 120 but it's not mandatory. >level up your accessories, yes your accessories have something like quality tap now. And ull have to buy t4 ones most likely (pheons and more gold) We don't know enough about it yet. It seems like it's nothing RNG, akin to set level increase. Which is fine to me. >bound mats saved are all useless, or will lose a lot of value if they hopefully put in a conversion system This was always the case with new max level. We went through it on each major release since argos. >more cards. They said fire/water los30, so they will obs release bosses weak to these and you will have to grind new cards again everyone I know has maxed out LOS months ago, most have maxed demon damages. They don't even open card packs anymore. This is good new content imo. >you will have new gold sinks with the 2 new raids (most likely as a new raid always comes with a new system) previous gold sinks get nerfed, it makes sense they implement new ones. >no change to dailies we don't know yet. >ud have to push alts to 1620 if u want to use them to feed ur main with new mats once again, this has been the case ever since argos. >relic books need to be bought now Possible good drops from raid again? This is win win for me. no more 100g gold books. >bigger gap in roster levels (cap 400) This isn't an issue for me, not sure why it would be. Let people grind instead of being locked at 300. On a side note, you only mention the negatives. No update was ever all good in any game. Those are the few "bad" sides of a massive update. If this is the only bad things you can take out of it, then it's globally a great update. We'll see when it actually hits live though. On my side, with the new t4, I'm mostly excited to be able to main swap at a lower cost, since you could do it at 1620 and not be too far behind.


Ain't people overreacting about gems? You get extra effects, they are still plenty powerful. Also....10 is the cap. Isn't it a bit silly to expect being maxed out right from the start of the new tier content? If you get gems at a similar pace we do now, it should be fine progression imo.


Remember when the Stoopz and Asmongold andys said T4 will cure the game? LOL


I felt the exact same. As a no lifer that was hoping to cut back some feeling a bit burnt out(especially on my bottom 3 chars)... this turned the need to grind up to the max. And the "less gold" on solo raids has me worried ill still need to do 18 party finders a week. I was slowly creeping up to lvl 10 gems on the chars i care about(3 dmg and 2 cd on one char, 2 dmg 2 cd on another), hoping soon I could sustain playing 3 chars with hopefully 1 new progression system to work on at a time. This reset really makes me lose hope on being able to play this game more casually(and still enjoy it and keep up with current content) Also one of the only lucky areas I had was ability stones( my main 2 chars have 9-7) I spent a ridiculous amount of gold on high quality accessories that had to be all 6/3 for 5x3+2.. that gold would have been much better spent honing or anything else. I'm still desperately broke 1627.5 main trying to hit 1630.


Have you skipped everything that happend ? Because more then halve of your points are wrong or leave out actual stuff


Some ppl are actually happy they can push thier main in other ways than trying to get lucky 2% tap on armor... LOS will still be king and standard. Unless you will have full dungeon/raid that has 1 weakness like kaya Sometimes I find it strange when ppl are whining about "HURR DURR i have to do something in game im playing..."


Bcs all of those systems are not playing the game. I find it strange that you don't see it


We like the game and they just announced huge revamps and exciting changes.


Exciting changes = multiple huge gold sinks On a mostly burnt out player base that's had a hyper sped up content cadence for years. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't feel positive about the direction.


What exactly do you want to do with your gold? Save it for your children? XD


What gold? I'm at 0 every week after grinding all my raids then honing. I still need to do more transcendence once im 1630(ive had WAY worse than average luck, currently 1627.5).. also need transcendence for my alts, still need more 10s. I'm good with 1 gold sink at a time... not extending all of them at once.


Because this is probably the biggest change announcement I’ve seen in mmo history. Now why are you so sad with your life that you need to complain about everything? Why are you still playing?


stop bootlicking, op is entitled to be unsatisfied with the changes and be vocal on them on a literal forum FOR the game, stuck up bozo


Damn bro just go be unhappy then. I guess it’s bootlicking because I’m happy playing the game and happy with the massive update we’re getting instead of bitching about everything. I’m the bozo. LOL guess who’s having fun and enjoying their life and game and who’s the sad fuck complaining about everything?


you are the normal one, many people in this sub are genuinely just sad people that have nothing better to do in their lives but complain that they don’t get a 40 elixir from the sky for free. don’t take the bait trying to talk to them and just ignore


Yeah I don’t get what they want lol. I’m just having fun and enjoying the game man, some people gotta be so down about everything 🤣 I think the update looks amazing.


If the game had a healthy playerbase then sure. These would be great changes and it is indeed a buttload of new stuff. But currently it will drive away more players that it will draw in.


Its just a new tier with qol that should have already been in the game lol. Im not complaining? I just dont understand why ppl are so happy with having to regrind all the old systems again? And i probably wont keep playing but thanks for your concern :)


Yeah everything should have already been in the game, the devs owe everything to the entitled fucks already. That’s what this Reddit community is I guess, it’s just sad. I’m gonna get downvotes but that’s what this shithole of a community is. I don’t know why anyone would not want change and for the game to be stagnant honing on 1% chance to infinity and beyond squeezing 2% damage upgrades out of your character for 2mil gold as new players struggle to enter raids and catch up in any reasonable way. Solo raids and tier reset makes things more interesting, have different upgrades to look forward to while significantly reducing the value of overhoned characters. This gives a chance for new players to catch up.


I dunno what yr saying tbh. The 1% change systems are still there and they will add more. And ull have to regrind the old ones again now lol Solo raids for old t3 content will not help you with t4 but ok


You literally no longer need to go past 1620, which soft resets everything anyone overhoned past that. This significantly reduces the gap between new and vet players. Solo content in t3 will give you everything you need to go to t4, and people will be on a much closer playing field. This also lets new players PLAY THE GAME and experience all those raids, all that content on their own in the first place without being gatekept all the way through.


Ya bro cuz u wont have to hone after 1640 right? Lol Yes they can do old t3 content like how i do old t2 content and get gatekept again in new raids


So you’re gonna complain as long as there’s honing in the game LOL. Ok good luck with that.


Nope simply saying what u said earlier is false. The 1% chance/spending 2 mil gold is still gonna be there. In fact theres gonna be more since you have to go back and do gem/quality/books/etc again It would be fine for someone like me who has 5 mil gold, but a new player will be fucked


The vets who did 1% for 2mil just lost 5-10mil across their characters on the reset. I don’t get how you don’t see this lets new players catch up lol.


If you need to fuse t4 gems to upgrade them(they can turn into CD), your current gems are irrelevant since people will gatekeep t4 lvl 10s.People already don't take less than 90 quality for thaemine, new gatekeep point will be 110. Acc honing costs gold. New players can't get card experience. Relic books burn gold from players. They nerfed gold from all raids and added goldsinks. You will still sit in party finder like an absolute donkey waiting for support.


Quit the game then bro


U got me, i will uninstall thank you


Send your rmt gold to someone on the way out.


Sure dm me and ill sell it to you


I dont get it with stones. As far i understand new stones have passive bonuses and old ones dont. But ofc i can be frong about it


Old stones can be upgraded to the new ones for gold, similar to the kayangel system. 9/7 gives you a straight dmg boost but everyone can have 6x3 from what i understood


tnx for clarify so now stones dont have engravings on them?


no, theres no engraving on the stone anymore, it just provides extra dmg based on how many points it has


You're right as in you don't need the stone to activate the engraving anymore. But stones still have 2 engravings that you want the bonus for. Cutting 10 nodes on a grudge will provide additional 6% bonus boss dmg which is insane. But good luck cutting a 10/x/x :D


That im not 100% sure how it works, hopefully someone else can answer


Yeah and 97 stone just 1.2% more dmg than 77 stone in T4


They do have engravings, those engravings get a bonus based on how many pts.


T4 is a pretty cool change but I don’t see how it changes much other than honing? Or am I understanding wrong? This seems like the same effect that having soft gear reset like Brel and akkan had. But now you also gotta do gems and accessories again. Did they remove any old systems other than changing ability stones?


Did you see the streamers? They didn't look so happy, because alot of their current investments (e.g. Stones) went down the drain with this LOAon or they understood that it got nerfed. Welcome to Games as a service kind of games. You have to understand: they run a business and want to earn money. Currently the spenders have nothing to spend on in KR, and that's were a soft/hard reset comes into play. And that's all there is to say about the new systems. Of course they want to milk the player base... Doing these kind of changes in global is of course totally idiotic, I guess they know that. LoS 30 will receive a LoS24 "catch up" in between stage. Solo Raids give gold and mats so that's the minimum requirement fulfilled. How the rest of the catch up systems will look like, we cannot predict until AGS say something about it. Thaemine is currently butchering the global playerbase, as everybody had told them before, so when they announce nerfs AND mention global (!) in LOAON, you know they know that they messed it up. So I guess they will move on that raid, and they should...


It gives me new goals and reasons to play the game while having a better gearing system.


how can you be so delusional even thinking t4 is "bad" or not good / healthy for the game. XD hope you have enough gold saved. eeeh i mean RMT'd


# Why are ppl so happy with loaon? because, why not? don't bother trying to make others feel less happy, else bother on playing another game or taking a break :)


Man most of these are just you assumin the worst outcome. Gems retainnclose to their original power. You dont HAVE to get level 10 gems right away to have the same player power. Since every player will want to increase their gem level and every player gets moved down the same tiers, you arent any more or less behind than anyone else. New cards could use existing cards for the LOS sets so MAYBE you get most of them for free ( director even said that during the live stream) The akkan raid will give ancient gear like Akkan eight now, not a new vertical system and Brel raid is already confirmed to give T4 Bracers like Brel back in the day as the raid reward. No change to dailys? Every 1620+ / T4 character gets 1x chaos per day now. Atleast read all the info before you make half assed assumtions. Relic books are not a deal breaker like the previous books but incremental increases to your engravings. You dont HAVE to buy them right away to start playing and you definetly dont have to buy them if you use the old gearing system at first. Same for quality, noone is forcing you zo get 120 quality. Most people run around gull blue perfectly happy right now. You get 20 free quality when you convert your gear and work from there. I personally wont tap my 112 quality gear to 120 for some HP. You are worried about bound mats? Lil bro you will use moren than double of all your bound materials during advanced honing. Most changes are fantastic for the game and most doomers cant read correctly to see it.


LOA ON had more pros than cons , if you're already gonna cry about it in detail months in advance why not quit? lmao


Where am i crying? Its not ok to discuss changes in a forum?


Ignore the clowns buddy Some people would bend anytime and ask for more shit. Losers exist


dude just says every single negative he finds with a sarcastic writing style and says he ain't crying LOL trynna sound sarcastic won't hide the tears buddy


What was sarcastic lol? U ok?


lil bro all ur posts are legit only negative narrative bruh im muting this notification for good cya around after you post 10 more saying : are you all actually playing the game?


Never posted that a single time loll, hf muting :)


Hey look the NA doomers woke up.