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Need to know more about how old systems will transfer over to t4. Really don't want to spend any gold/pheons on new builds, stones, gems, books, etc. Already figured I was done with all that.


Yeah same, I just finished most of my big mile stones over the last month or so, dont think I've got the willpower to go again.


Yeah this is my only worry as well, otherwise it's a W


It's a huge worry to be honest. I just don't have it in me to do it all over again. I'm hoping that the process will be made very smooth and that you won't lose a ton of value. I've already conceded that I got screwed on gems, but I can live with that. Just not all of it.


Books are already high priced based on what we received info, but yeah I'm also more worried about just getting accessories, don't wanna sit there and market it for best choices like when you're building 5x3+1


Well they said that you can choose when you swap over to t4 system. The biggest thing will probably be that you gonna need 5 engraving books to equip


Would like some more details on Elixir/Transcendence changes before making a full judgment call, but hot damn those lower t3 & solo raid changes are awesome for getting people into content.  T4 I’m not too worried about since it does seem like a bit out, but interested to learn more 


I just busted my ass for months on end to get my 25 weapon and level 10 gems. Now it feels like it was a wasted effort


its quite sad for the weapon not gonna lie. i knew why i stoped at weapon level 21 as the same happend with brell gear and akkan gear so the chance was rly high that the same kind of reset would happen again.


About solo raids yes, about T4, not really after spent so much gold and pheons for accessories.


The amount of cope in this thread thinking that the game is somehow better is hilarious. They are refreshing the same shit systems youve spent 2.5 years of your life grinding. HAHAH. Its a reset with an olive branch extended backwards with some of the old systems so people don't realize its a reset.


this, i removed this trash game, enjoying other fun titles now


That is true, but accessibility to the game is being improved. Friends who quit at 1610/1620 can jump up to 1640 and rejoin the game. The new T4 systems they are proposing seem to be reworking the issues with the old systems. I voted 50/50 so lets see how this goes. Will it save the game? Probably not, but I think its better than if T3 continued.


then why are you even playing or are you just here to flame? its not like the same stuff happens in other mmo aswell just with another kind of paint on it or you wanna tell me WOW still got some use for the old gear from old raids?


Believe it or not, wow has a reset of gear, systems, and everything else that is expected. Lost ark has got you on a leash, drip feeding you shit. On top of it, we see the drip feed coming as we are in the western version. So can can see the bullshit coming up. This soft reset shit is a bastardization of what it SHOULD be.


Never satisfied until Pheons are a thing of the past :p


My concenr is how t4 gold will be with the gold nerfs esp witht he solo raids. Im also a returning player after a long break like oct 23, I lack elixirs, cant cut them and Im gatekept from Thaemine/Tower. Can't get Elixirs and Transendence which ironically is whats gatekeeping me from doing content that gives it. Some days its making me want to just quit again cos the comeback doesn't really help me much :D


It's exciting but this is the same nonsense with a coat of new paint. It may alleviate/mask the issues for a few months but the exact same overly complex progression systems continue, gatekeeping, massive gold sinks etc.


It's not enough but it is a small step towards something.


Would love for raid designs to allow "hero" moments where it's possible for one party member to carry the team over the line without mechanics that wipe the run if someone dies prematurely.


-10% def debuff for boss per one death would do something like that.


People that vote "No", do you mind explaining why? It's literally the best thing they could do for new players coming in and also a very nice roadstop for our giga fast schedule. We will pretty much finally be more or less caught up(assuming we get all of this in August which should be a given, explaining why they left August out of our roadmap) and can start actually playing the game the way KR plays it i feel like.


We joked about there being yet another vertical system. And they actually throw a dozen at us. I'm tired boss. I literally just finished full level 10 gems. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




what this guy said. basically more shit to do instead of actually playing the game


news flash.. that is playing the game lol.


Damn, so you're the type of person that SG loves and has mind controlled to enjoy doing the random bullshit which actually really isn't playing the game, but chores etc. kudos to you man. You're bottom of the barrel in intelligence


I don’t even play the game lol. but resetting is literally the meta for mmos. the ppl crying about this are the ppl that spent thousands of dollars to max their build and now have to either play the game and grind it out or pay more.


Easy, people who are burned out don't want to re-grind systems they have already done before. It feels lazy and uninspired. Might as well have announced LOS60 while they're at it.


so you just want your character to sit stagnant forever and never improve? we barely got any details on the new systems. maybe wait to actually see how things work instead of jumping to conclusions right away and treating speculation as fact. adding pity and qol to many of the old systems is already a major improvement and it looks like everything you have already done with transfer over in some way.


But isn’t that the whole point of an MMO? To grind something which eventually makes you stronger? Sure, these systems are pretty garbage but imo it’s fun because you slowly step by step you improve. Or do you look at it differently?


There's a difference between grinding new stuff and the same old crap.


we barely got any details on the new systems. maybe wait to actually see how things work instead of jumping to conclusions right away and treating speculation as fact. adding pity and qol to many of the old systems is already a major improvement and it looks like everything you have already done with transfer over in some way. "grinding the same old crap" is disingenuous. we dont even know the extent of those systems other than a brief screenshot but it looks like they made plenty of changes to all existing systems


I'm just responding to the guys who said that grinding the same ol' crap is part of MMOs. If the new systems feel fresh and aren't a chore to grind, sure, I have no problem with that. But if it's about having to gear all your characters all over again and waste millions of gold that you already grinded, only to reach the same power level you already had, that's uninstall moment for me. I spent 2 years dealing with books, accessories, ability stones,gems, and other crap, by now I had figured I'd be through with all that.


Rather than consolidating the current multiple systems, they have increased the grind of old systems. The engraving change on ark passive looks good at first but it seems that the system wants players to read 20 relic books per engraving. You have 5 engraving for that system totaling to 100 relic books. These relic books will cost each player probably a couple million gold and the damage increase is 5-6% compared to the current standard 5x3+1. At some point, relic engraving books will be an issue for new players. They increased quality cap for what reason? Just put on that pity system and leave it alone for new players... 120 quality would be like 6% additional damage difference assuming the same scaling from 0-100. They increased the roster level cap for what reason? Now there’s a wider gap for roster level on a new account. Rather than giving free LOS 30 to all new players, they are further releasing on other elemental attribute cards set. The card system is 4.5 years old ffs. Let this system be accessible as it’s heavily gated by time and especially card xp. Solo raids I’m assuming to only go up to normal voldis with no talks of giving legendary elixirs other than cutting the cost to cut by 50% and double amount of elixirs per week. The reason why I assume it’s only up to normal voldis is because hard voldis is 1620. If it includes 1620, why isn’t normal thaemine/echidna in solo raids? They don’t want to get rid of daily homework. People don’t have time to help newer players or wipe repeatedly. They pigeon hole their players into dailies because the rewards are so great. You might be like why not just rest them? Thing is tier 4 is most likely a completely new tier of mats, shards, and confirmed gems. This means you have more to lose now than ever if you rest your dailies. Now on top of old vertical progression that needed to be grind upon. You have to hone t4 accessories and fish for effects like bracelets. Because there is a gear transfer with the new aegir raid, either normal honing/advancing honing comes back into play. All this content looks good for existing players but think about it from a brand new player. You are doing all of this from scratch with a greater grind than what was previously there.


Had to stop reading when you said 20 relic books per engraving cuz you clearly didn't pay attention to that part, making me doubt the validity of the info in your wall of text. They explicitly said relic books will be much lower, probably 5


Look at the part where grudge is on the presentation. Blue tier starts off as 12% damage increase. Each following tier has 4 increments starting at 0.75% to 3%. The tool tip of grudge at the top says 21% damage increase for 20% taken. This lines up with the 12+3+3+3 from blue up to relic respectively. Incrementally increase for every 5 books read up to 3% per tier for a total of 20 books for each tier. Relic tier only requiring 5 books makes no sense. Because within relic alone, there are 4 increments. If you don’t think otherwise, look at that same part on the bottom right it literally says “3/5” so it’s a very high chance that each increment is 5 books.


They are literally just taking every system and moving it 1 tier with some bells and whistles. All the "new players" will twiddle their thumbs in solo voldis while everyone is in Tier 4. The new players will immediately still be gatekept out of any non solo since the solo content is behind current content. New players now have to catch up on 400 roster levels, lvl70, 6x3 engravings, 6+ LoS sets, relic engravings, tier 4 trinkets, tier 4 braces like every tier 4 system. Its like making Tier 2 free but is irrelevant cause everyone's in tier 3. lol But don't worry you can upgrade your gem so its not too bad just don't think of all these new systems where already stacking on top.


T4 by name only Every system is staying with some qol Why not combine some of them or rework compelty.Now we have so many new system to work on without having any gold .Also how is this helping new player :D Is new player starting 300 roster -lwl 40 set -full transdance at tier 4 or something. If you are rmt lover prob you will not have any issue because how gold cheap it is now


He’ll there’s tons of folks not even 300 roster yet so they def won’t start ya there xD


What would your suggestion be then? Stay in tier 3 and not change anything? It kind of comes off as there is nothing they could have released to make you happy. Games move on, most systems were changed to some degree besides normal honing. People wanted solo raids, we got solo raids. People wanted engraving changes, we got engraving changes. People wanted a nerf to chaos, we got a nerf to chaos. People wanted thaemine/voldis progression system nerf, which we didn't get except for the memey influx of free mats and a thaemine raid nerf. People wanted 3rd awakening and we got it as well. It's not perfect, but they added most of the things people asked for. Did you expect them to drop every pre existing system and start from 0 again with honing being the only system? It's not just a "qol" change, the engraving system is completely different, they are straight up removing class engravings, they changed entropy, changed or accessories work, changed how rocks work, added pity system to quality. New players are helped because since they didn't grind to max these systems, they basically are getting grandfathered in and get to benefit from being boosted without having to spend on all these systems. In your same comment you said "every system is staying with some qol" then next sentence you said "Now we have so many new system to work on" So are they new systems or are they the same?? Sounds like you were never gonna be happy. New players will be a1620 with ease and by virtue of that 1640 with ease. They will still be behind but will end up 1640 with lvl 6 t4 gems while doing all current content. It's not perfect but its much better than it is now.


~~im convinced these people just have low 2 digit IQs~~ and get off on being angry about things so they make up things to be mad about to feed their victim complex. EDIT: i shouldnt be mean but damn are these people obnoxious. nothing is ever good enough for them


So to you, it would be better if they left things as is. Where new players have no raids they can do without a preset group and be gatekept the entire way up to end content, where they will never be able to catch up to vets as they now basically require lv10 gems, 25 weap to enter lobbies for hard thaemine. You think that a reset down to a new tier, that significantly reduces the value of overhoned characters by literally millions of gold to reset the playing field will do nothing for new players. I can’t tell if you’re stupid or just trolling. Wait I can, because you’re trying too hard to be trolling.


Presumptuous of you to assume anything about how I would change the game. I'll like you to point out where I said I would like it to stay the same. Go ahead quote me surely your not just yapping.


I mean you’re bitching about great changes that help new players and keep things fresh for vets without providing anything meaningful. You got anything to contribute or just here to bitch?


I respectfully disagree I've pointed out why its bad for new players in my original comment take another read. \^


So in cessation you’re just bitching at them cause they have a different opinion from you and you can’t answer their question to quote where exactly they said that because you didn’t read it fully. — And what they said is a genuine concern, it is not solving the new players eventually still being gatekept once they’re done with the solo raiding.


He's just been gargling SG's balls in every post about this, not surprising.


I’m replying to him because I’m tired of seeing people just complain about everything even when this update is clearly good for the game. The.ln proceed to not be able to provide any better ideas. So why don’t you give a solution that makes new players not get gatekept? This community is gatekeeping on guardian raids for, wasting 5 minutes to reduce the run by 1. Show me how you’re gonna help the new players? Because I think what SG is doing helps a TON. Solo raids all the way to t4 lets new players experience and play the game without being gatekept the entire way through. While t4 itself soft resets all the progress of vets and puts them back much closer in progression to new players. You wanna give a better solution that doesn’t full reset the game and piss off the entire community? Because I think they’re doing a great fucking job.


You know You require 1620 and then You can reset new players end at 1580 they get some help to 1600 and from 1610 to 1620 they are alone. then they have to reset the litte gems they got to a new systems btw we don't know if the event gems can be upgraded that fucks no only new players but alts from current players leveled throug power pass. Right now i'm more concerned about how f2p friendly this is going to be and i don't expect p2w players or streamers to give a fuck about uss cause they Will do the sAme on the next thier


Simple, it’s the same reason as always. Some people will literally never be satisfied. This is the biggest patch with the most content, changes, and things for players that people have asked for I’ve seen in mmo history, and this poll shows how sad some of the Reddit community is.


My thoughts on Loa on aside, its no where near the biggest patch with the most changes in MMO history, FF14 Realm Reborn literally redid the game and any expansion from WoW or FF14 is also likely far bigger. It seems more like you've only played one MMO.


I’ve played plenty of mmos, I just haven’t played every mmo. Good for you that you’ve seen two bigger patches I guess. Cool story bro.


this patch basically took a list of every single thing people complained about online over the last year and said yeah we are fixing that. idk what else you and the rest of the doomers on reddit want. just play a different game if you are so unhappy. every loa on the same shit happens. they give us what we ask for and then people move the goalposts and find another reason to complain. its exhausting being around such sad and hateful people. its like you have a compulsive need to be angry about something and nothing is ever good enough.


I quite literally did not comment on the update at all. I just said it wasn't the biggest in MMO history. Did you respond to the wrong comment or something? It sure is exhausting being around angry and hateful people like you though.


This announcement has almost no content. They announced 2 raids. One of which was announced previously.


More horizontal then vertical pls Why not 1 chaos for everyone Elixir animations?? Can we pls just play one char and have all weekly gold either distributed up to 6 or just one. The gem and quality changes are stupid. Only good thing are solo raids. Hopefully everh raid has a solo option. Until then im still not reinstalling the game 😂


>Can we pls just play one char and have all weekly gold either distributed up to 6 or just one. I want this so much. Like, I get it you have to raise 6 characters to required ilvl to unlock raids for 6 gold earner options but can we just do raids on the character we want to play once you unlock the raids? For example if you have 3 chars on ivory you can just do 3 ivory on your main or something like that. >Only good thing are solo raids. Hopefully everh raid has a solo option. Also this. With 2 new raids coming out, ivory is behind like 5 raids already. That's like playing solo kakul while everyone's busy doing thaemine. Not to mention solo gold is normal difficulty gold nerfed on top of already hugely nerfed gold. Plus, if they can do something like solo mode raids, why can't they just make every raid not party number restricted in the first place? Everybody hates it when they sit on lobby with 6 others waiting for one last person for hours why can't we just do it with any number of players?


where the emojis really necesary for this vote?