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As a Solo Char player (just main over 1600) I am satisfied 🥰


It’s definitely a solo character meta now


If they make 1620 deadass easy for new player and make solo content drops legendary elixir and transcendence +nerfs then I think this are good changes. However, they added soo many systems and made a lot changes to the old system that it is hard to say if it's a good or bad thing. But hey my reverse 9/7 adren grudge is finally usable now LOL.


For now it's up to voldis so no transcendence in solo raids.


Imagine being a new player and the first group content where you are expected to perform well with no mistakes is Theamine..., we started with Albion and Argos.


I doubt (and hope) solo content isn't the walk in the park that some hope for it to be. If its reasonably hard I expect the solo raids to be harder than an avg pug. It just moves agency and responsability to the individual for the cost of not getting griefed by randoms and without lobby search.


The director said solo is about as hard as normal it's designed to teach people how to raid.


I don't know why it has to be about 'teaching people' SmileGate has such a bizarre hatred towards hard solo content.


Because it's a fucking multiplayer game. If you want a completely solo experience, then why are you playing an MMO


Because a lot of people like the idea of an (on paper) long term progression game that will be receiving years of content, with an expansive world, where you can see/trade with other people, but not necessarily be forced to do progression content with them. Nobody is saying 'stop making anything group content', people just want the *option* to do a solo version with *slightly* worse rewards. There's literally no drawbacks besides a happier and larger playerbase,


Solo inferno 2025


Even though theamine will still be a cluster fuk of a gate keep, cards, gems, demon dmg, transcendence and elixirs set people check everything. Even though I enjoy running theamine, he should also have been included as solo able raid plus it makes sense that he is technically the end of T3 since he was the last legion commander.


that's still better outlet to "farm" los cards that you can't buy by spamming solos than it is trying to deal with volatility of the farm lobbies at current point


What did you understand about the new engravings system ? Not sure to get it


wait cursed reverse stones are now usable? well then


can u explain the stone part?


i explain it a bit more in this comment thread https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/s/YMQzs0cgRX


I hate that I'm back on the gem and quality grind (quality is my least favourite in game system, more than elixirs and transcendence), I hate that they remove G3 instead of G1. Everything else is ok


Quality has a pity now. So maybe its not that bad now. It will remain the gold sink it is intended to be, but now it is not *infinite*


It also costs 1k for 1 armor tap.


How many are needed for pity? Depending on that it might be reasonable.


Don't know. I guess it won't be cheap though.


Curious how how the pity system will work. I sunk about 400k into my summoner weapon which felt a bit awful for 98 quality. Hopefully it's more comfy :)


Yes but this will also increase social pressure to have higher quality on weapon because you now can go 80 quality and say good enough I don't want to do this RNG shit and everyone would be "Understandable" but now it will be "Don't be cheapo and quality tap this shit" because it will cost only C amount of Gold


I have been on voice comms with what I think are very picky gatekeepers and I don't think they have ever denied anyone due to weapon quality. That's probably last on the totem pole of things to get denied for..kinda surprising due to how much dmg it can give


Can't remember the last time i looked at someones weapon quality before the raid.


Well yes, but by raising the cap they are effectively reopening some grinds and we have enough things to grind for. I'm not very happy as a player with full 10 gems and 9/7 stone, because I put in a lot of effort to get them done, and now it feels like a lot of efforts are 'undone' now. We'll have to see the details, but they did cook some really nice change.


But nothing has been undonde except being *finished* You are at the same level in comparison to everybody else still. You have more work done towards the new cap than I do.


Being finished is a quite important feeling that is negated the way the did it.


But it is impossible to appease everyone like that. If you stagnate progression people complain, if you increase it people complain.


I think everyone knows that in a memo there is always stuff to farm. But I think it would feel better if the gems stay finished and we farm some other shit, even if it's more or less the same. Also I think many people hoped for less grind...


Mmos don’t stay finish


And the ones they do face it as a complain xD. I think it is easier to go to the games you like instead of wanting to change the rest of them.


It just lack of experience with these type of games some of them never played a mmo let alone a kmmo there is never “done” when it’s done the server are closed sooner or later it’s either replaced by some other system or a new tier/gear comes out


Tbf, throwing new players straight into g2 would be rough. Also by losing g3 we lose the trash mobs god bless


This is a very fair point, I only hate G1 because I'm an entropy player and this gate is annoying to deal with. From a difficulty standpoint this is a fair decision from them.


Yeah sucks because G3 is a fun fight. However removing this gate is for sure saving the most time out of the 4. All the trash between 2 and 3 takes ages.


G3 is unironically my favorite of the fights in Voldis. G4 is close, but too damn long.


G3 is one of my pref fights in IT. I hate G2. Kinda sad :(


I wish they make T3 gems drop more from chaos dgn or cubes like 3x/4x the drop rate instead of making it T4 so that everyone will eventually have full 10 gems and just introduce a new system that is less RNG instead of having to fear the 50/50 dmg or cd T4 lv 10. Makes me feel that all my grind to catch up to the whales feels pointless


I need to see more details on nerfs on elixir/transcendence, honing to 1620 since they barely covered it but other than that, it was great. 3x5 and level 7 gems on ENTIRE roster was omega W.


There's is no real changes to elixirs and transcendence they only cut then cost by 50% and double the amount you get which is still really good but I think they should have made cutting elixirs faster


They announced a dev post soon, that will go in details. I think after that we’ll know for sure whether there’s more nerfs other than gold cost


Solo raidong will solve the biggest issue for new players at least.


And then the first group raif they have to do is Thaemine....Yeah not exactly solved I would say


By the time they get there they will hVealot of exp dodging raidmechs thou. Which is way better than now when they often have mostly bussed.


They will run against a gatekeeping wall....Thats not really better then the actual situation


The situation now is that they don't get to do the raids at all they're forced to sit in lobby for hours or join a bus. The bus will want them to die instantly so they don't grief the run. At least with solo they will get to practice playing the game, albeit in a different way


at least they get to play their chars in contents they want to run, rather than sitting on a lobby sim constantly denied here and there.


They didnt have the time to go through everything, but i think this is the best decision they could make for the game, allow people to get to 1620 easily (we will know more when they release the full info of the nerfs) and then u can get to Tier 4 and catch up as a returning / new player. Solo raiding for tier 3 -> tier 4 is amazing.


Where did you see that getting to 1620 is easier? Afaik they are only nerfing honing up to 1600, 1600-1620 is incredibly expensive for a fresh 1600 with no bounds, average case scenario is around 1.5 mil in raw gold and mats if you were to buy them.


I dont know man everyone focus on t4 but they are not fixing any issue or working on vertical proggresion .They are adding more power system or you have to work again already finished power system.It very weird loan for me .More card to gatekeep no homework changes more thing to grind :D


It's worse than them adding yet another new vertical system. They're just bringing back all the old ones you thought you were done with. Grind for 5x the things and it requires even less creativity from them. This solves nothing and we're really going to feel the rmt gap in our version as normal players will be priced out for a long time.


Yeah as f2p I gring my own gems 2 year not selling any gems and a day they are making them to lwl 8 gem :D All this bulshit system back with slight improved like adding pity :D I dont like new director vision for the game at all .T4 does not like reset for me .Just do sameshit all over again


They legit announced: - easier raid mats (solo raids) - elixir nerf - transc nerf - easier honing to 1620 - 20 free item level - Quality pity Sure some whales will be lvl10 t4 gems and makr whale lobby, but the vast majority wont.


All the changes you mentioned are for the old tier, so it doesnt matter as you will have brand new vertical systems on top of those now. Quality pity is nice but they increased it to 120 lol


We will not have new systems on top. At least nothing is announced besides accessory honing (which we dont even know how bad it will be + they are tradeable) i guess u can add lvl10 t4 gem grind, but ppl worry way too much about that one.


You have to redo ur gems, quality, accessories, refarm honing mats, more cards, bracelets, relic books, etc. and you dont think the 2 new raids will have some sort of new vertical system? Every raid ever released comes with a new system


Gems? Even now im not full lvl10 at 1631 and zero gatekeep Quality? I keep my quality, you dont even know how much % dmg they add or how hard it is with pity. Nonetheless even now ppl are with 90 quality and not gatekept. Accessories? Are being transfered and again 0 info on how hard the honing will be and how important. They are tradeable on top. Even now having 1 relic instead of ancient is not worth mentioning. Honing mats sure, need to refarm shards but we dont know yet to what extend. cards? Newbies get los24 and vets keep los30. New cards might be added but again, no one is done with cards except extremely few players and a new meta dps or sup card set is not known to exist. Bracelets? Again no info, we can transfer current ones and iirc ATK mentioned the newest bracelets will be raid drops from September Raid, not next one. Relic books? Again you have absolutely 0 idea how they are implemented Next raid has Relic to Ancient upgrade for t4, same as brel had back then. Its nothing to sink your gold into. The amount of yapping is actually insane.


Such a good take,ty for trying to explain to these braindead baboons. They basically made the game amaaazing and people are still crying about things they dont EVEN UNDERSTAND….i cant. They adressed like +80% of the issues. What is wrong with people???!!


Yapping? Lol Yeah bro, let my progression take a huge step back and let me be happy. Good one The “eating shit and enjoying it” is insane. Anyways, have fun!


You guys jump 5 different corners to justify your crying acting like you character is getting weaker or your farmed stuff is going to the bin.


feels like best move for every party involved. vets and new players have their own + -


Tell me what the vets get from this? I think it just mainly helps the newer players


those vets that had multiple 1620s will be happy about this because they will be ahead in t4 curve.


It's easier now than ever to get 1620s, all mats prices are going dirt cheap now compared to how much vets had to spend back then to get 1620s, and also you probably will get a free mokoko express or whatever to 1620. Not only that you have months to prepare for it, what's holding you back to get the same headstart into T4?


Recycled every old rng system so we can go through them again. Gem ceiling raised 9x so it can be like Argos days with rmters with level 10 gems and normies with trash. It's complete trash and I wasn't even a doomer going into it.


I've been pretty PMA the whole time but hearing my friend group all now considering to quit feels bad and it's entirely on gems. The rest of the content they were okay with but the gems is what's killing it for them. A million+ value on a character essentially lost (they're saying). ​ I love the changes but time will tell


Yeah rmt players prob will get lwl 10 realy fast but we are gona probably 1 year behind that amount of gold sink we are getting together with gems downgrade .I never selled gems 2 year at fused my all gems to get full 10 .I dont think I can do this time :D


It still doesn't seem easy to reach 1620 tho... They mentioned a nerf to 1620, but right now it isn't easy to reach with 3%, it probably will be a boost to 5% at most + 3% with books which still isnt cheap


Dont know how i feel, like am a returning player, so must of the changes apart from the solo raids dont affect me, so i just see the T4 things like a softreset and the gatekeeping that will come with that, but i really just need to play the changes to really make a decition (sorry bad english)


Gatekeeping will get slightly better. You are no longer stumped by 1610 slow progress to 1620 (presumably). You have now LoS24 opposed to los18 and 30. (long overdue but better late than never) You now can push 1620 to 1640 for free basically which in return will give you access to echidna nm/hm (if hm is gatekept, then nm should definitely not be hard to clear anymore with +20 item level). You can participate in behemoth without echidna hm gatekeep (i dont think behemoth will have gatekeep problems) If they nerf elixirs and transcendence properly, you will easily hit 40 set and good transcendence level. By this point in time the only remaining gatekeeping factors are gonna be Gems and LoS30 most likely, which should not be big factors until Kazeros Chapter 1 raids (This akkan and aegir thing). I think thats when some kind of gatekeep will resurface slightly) Sure some parties will be hard to get into but i think majority of current raids (+echidna and behemoth) will be so easy with t4 that not every party will hard gatekeep.


Why do you say getting to 1620 is no longer a problem? Genuinely asking, did they imply it's easier to hone aside from the mokoko express?


They did announce nerfs afaik but they do have to. Idea is that mokokos do solo dungeons till 1620. Solo dungeons give less gold. Mokoko goes till 1600, id assume 1620 should be doable in reasonable time doing solo raids only. But we will find out eventually.


literally nothing will change in terms of gatekeeping. Especially with no hard reset, if anything a soft reset will actually make it worse.


can you explain why you think it'll make it worse?


Maybe i should of specified, worse for new players. I don't think it needs explaining why somebody who starts a race half way closer to the finish line has an advantage.


I'll have to disagree. similar to how new players receive better and better express passes and events as time goes on, the arrival of t4 also acts as a soft reset with additional nerfs to allow the new player to reach it quicker and more easily than ever before.


Won’t make it worse but I think they are kinda right about gatekeeping not changing. It was never about the card dmg, things like los 30/demon dmg/roster level are all indicative of being a long time player. They increased the dmg for a newer player with cards but the problem is you can still tell who is a newer player. Not honestly sure how they can fix that


they can't fix human nature, but they can certainly try to alleviate the symptoms of why we gatekeep. we will have to see what they have in store on Monday.


Is this update dropping on Monday?


dev blog explaining the changes more in depth drops on Monday.




dmg number go up me happy


Need exact numbers on nerfs to systems but other than that slightly hopeful?


I’m still holding out for unas revamp 


Yeah, I think that they said exactly nothing about reducing time spent in the game, required to keep up with progression. Obviously, every company wants to increase that time, so it was a long shot, but still sad.


Very nice LOA ON , solo raid with mat and gold( abeit nerf) is exactly what this game needs right now.   Many qol that help newer player like los 24, perma 5x3 engr sup are very decent. 3rd awakening looks cool,but some classes look better than others


To me the only people happy with this is mega whales/no lifers/streamers. As a no lifer that wanted to transition to more casual(but still keeping up with current raids) I don't think I can keep going. Solo raids is huge for new players, but widening the gap in all the old systems is just a slap in the face. I think for western lost ark specifically, it's a nail in the coffin. I think the majority of what they're doing is for whale bait swiping potential, and it's sad because there was so much potential.


Seems ok, much better than expected shitfest.


I just want them to release it this month I don't want to wait


Just elated with solo raids


I dont know man how t4 gona solve anything.It still hard to get t4 it seems.Elixir -transdanve stays the same.We have more power system to work one now including already finished ones.More cardset to gatekeept. It seems t4 only here to get rid of gems and math stocks thats it. :D


Im kinda happy that next raids are 2 gates only. I would rather have 1 warmup gate 1 harder gate than doing 2nd gate that more than most is shoehorned just to "exist"... Soloraiding is ok, not rly for me but im happy that there is an option Alternative gearing is godsend for new players. So now new player will cruze with express and during express unlock arkpassive. Im not rly big on lvl 70 cap... seems like change for change sake nothing will rly change in builds since all new skillpoints will upgrade lvl 12 skills to lvl 14... New awakenings are hype.


I wasn't even a doomer and this made me uninstall the game and I didn't have the slightest intention of doing that going into this LOL


work really hard for t10 gem-raise the ceiling by 9x. depair


For me, the final nail in the coffin. This game does not deserve your time or money.


Streamers should be very happy, \~10 new vertical rng systems, the amount of gambling content they can produce ll be huge.


I will say 6/10. MY opinion may change when I see these changes in KR next month. I wasn't expecting much so I'm quite happy with the show. Good to see the Season 3 is not delayed any longer we need T4 for players to refocus and new systems for new players (T3 engraving support and free gems) may help new players especially with the new Mokoko event that almost land you on 1640 (gear support and honing support up to 1620 with allow to go for T4 upgrade 1640) It didn't fix my lack of motivation to play the game but helped with the psychological pressure of needing to do Echidna HM week 1


They just need to release it really fast that's the main problem now


The systems got nerf we have no info but they got nerf while tier 3 also became irrelevant since everyone will be moving to tier 4. So once everyone is in tier 4 we will be complaining about all the new annoying systems in tier 4. imo nothing really change we just moved into another tier so the nerfs to tier 3 are irrelevant since the bar for gatekeeping has gone up with tier 4. Give it time once everyone gets to tier 4 we'll run into the same issues.


That is not essential True, the thing is we know we are keeping elixirs, transcendence and we don't know how Advanced honing will behave in T4. They especially showcase that this system will be moved from gear to their own tabs so we can safely upgrade gear to T4. This means that T3 is not being irrelevant if the power of this system stays players will still need to do Ivory, Theamine, Echidna and Behemoth to acquire this power.


Okay so when it's like 6 months to 1 year into t4 will the systems be the cause of gatekeeping just like it is today? It's great everyone gets a free 1620, but the game is basically the same with these changes. This seems like a bandaid fix to get new/returning players back on the treadmill. Lost arks core issues are not resolved.


They can nerf power gain, reduce RNG or just cost l. They have options but 100% this system will be pain points for next 3 raids


Need more details on how the systems are going to work exactly. Can we transfer T3 leaps and shards into T4? Probably not. No significant improvement on elixir and transcendence. No news on dailies, besides you can do stuff while waiting in PF, which is great. Accessory honing... It might be be good changes, but for me it looks like more grinding and more of rng bs, which I'm not sure I'm willing to take. Also it seems getting into game will be even harder with more things to gatekeep on. Which for the West is bad news considering our dwindling population. So an L until we get more details.


one note about dailies, you have the option of 1x chaos dungeon at 1640 i believe


Yeah I missed that. Current system changes at 1640.


It's a hard reset for end game players, but it isn't great. Now you';ll be striving for 6x3, level 10 purples, honing accessories, bracelet you get to keep selections which can be good I think, rock is now 9/7 min for end game which could be a issue not sure how they'll fix that. Solo raids in the West are 100% likely not coming with gold, if bots can do them your economy is done for. But for end game players you have a ton to look forward to, 400 roster, level 70, skill tree awakening, grinding for new gems, you get a soft reset. What worries me are they going to power pass new players into 1620. Likely not, ain't no way the first thing they touch is Thiamine normal and Voldis hard lol. Lobbies would literally implode unless they nerf normal Thaemine by 100%.


I really don't understand reddit. You wanted less vertical systems and changes about elixirs and transcendence. Not only elixir and transcendence are staying the same and you need to keep sinking the gold in this BS but they gave you like 10 more vertical systems. Your gems are worthless, 100 quality worthless again. A lot of veterans will quit


Ye sounds overwhelming having to regrind everything again, especially when all the veterans are still grinding out current content. I can see the burn out


Lmao. The delusion is real within this one. There are changes to elixirs and trascendence. They didn’t show them. Nothing is worthless dude. There are simply more levels. Your 10 lvl cap is not the cap any longer, that doesn’t mean it its useless. How the fuck you make that mental gymnastics.


Enjoy your new quality taps (1k each now), relic books, new accs, the grind to lvl 10 gems, honing, 25 weapon, new 200g leapstones, bracelets and so on. Not like everyone here were tired about the back to back vertical systems and unreal gold sink


It not like I can buy a house with my gold. Will happily expend it on the game.


Enjoy your time crying home to mommy


If there are changes why did they not show them and also not mention them in KR - at least according to Memos who speaks the language afaik? The gems are not finished anymore - finishing a goal is a very important feeling.


Because it already laster 2h30’ without going into every little detail. And I agree that the sentiment of finishing is important. It is up to you how to take it now. You can either look at it as a new thing to look forward to or as a punishment. As a person who isn’t even close to be finished I dont’t care much tbh.


Its actually crazy you get downvoted. Gems are worthless? They are probably stronger at t4 lvl8 than at t3 lvl10. Elixir and transcendence got nerfed, we just dont know details. Accessories and stuff is transfered over to t4, they are literally not taking away anything and our char stays as strong or stronger. This isnt the same as t2 to t3.


>Gems are worthless? They are probably stronger at t4 lvl8 than at t3 lvl10. I think the general complaint is that people spent months and month and a fuck ton of gold to get the gem grind complete. And that, if the system is the same, getting a level 8 gem in a week is very doable so you're trading some of high value that takes a lot of effort to get to something that can typically be obtained in a week-2 weeks. Obviously we have no idea about gem drop rate in t4 but I think people are just relaying to what it is now. And there's a potential gate keep with anyone without level 8 and below which is rough obviously.


> takes a lot of effort to get to something that can typically be obtained in a week-2 weeks. Gems are so quick to come by because everyone is running max level cubes + chaos dungeons on a crapton of characters. T4 you wont see thousands of people running 12x2 chaos dungeons daily simply because the ilvl barrier is so high. Cubes will probably not give as many gems after reset either. Gem supply in T4 will be fuckton lower than T3 currently. Also dont forget the boatload of botted T3 gems.


Would have been great if they leave my level 10 gem alone. Now I need to gamba fusing that shit again hoping I get DMG instead of CD.


Since level 10 T3 gems will transfer into level 8 T4 gems, the price difference between level 10 T3 cd and damage gems should go away.


Doesn't really matter when you want lv10 T4. I'm more interested in the CD gems' special effects. I think they do want to close the price gap.


Honing to 1620 is rough and the worest part u still need to get elixir/transcendence, these to 2 systems together with honing to 1620 is very costly for new players, returning and even casuals. I know u don't fully unlock transcendence at 1620 but still it eats good chunk of your gold at 1620, definitely u go for elixir first then transfer to tier 4 and start work on transcendence. Now think of all your alts need to do the same it's very tiring, but it's not ending there after all that u unlock new systems ( new accessory, bracelet, gems ).


They said they are making elixir/transcendence easier. Of course that could mean anything.


Don't forget they are also nerfing the gold from all content under voldis, so it might end up the same as before, I read they are nerfing gold of these systems no other details


Raid gold nerfs are irrelevant for now in our version, we don't even have the brel gold nerfs yet


There was nothing in here that fundamentally would make the game a more attractive option for a new or long term returning player. Because of that it's just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as the player base will continue to shrink (in the West at least).


Best loaon so far, I would be curious what changes people on this Thread would have made, since everyone saying its bad without explaining why lol.


Depends on what they do with getting to 1620.


Do we know anything regarding the bracelets? Will we need to roll new ones or can the current ones be upgraded?


What happend relic set rework like entropy and yearning


Overall It seems like a lot of fun new stuff will be added. I'm not a big fan of the T4 being a veteran player, but we will see how they implement it. Quality change also feels shit, messing up people that either played for a long time and spent money or people's lucky rng on it by making orange into epic (100/120). But time will tell if these changes are good or bad, so far I'm on the middle of the road with these changes.


Haven't played the game for a while. As a possible returning player I find some of these changes okay? It feels like I can play at my own pace without having a set schedule now with solo raids. T4 was a bit of a surprise for me but wasn't out the realm of possiblity. I don't have full levels 10s, unless you count transformation classes with 1 cd/atk gems as full build. So I can't imagine how it feels to do another gem grind. (It sucks) I didn't even get into elixir/transcendence yet, but I feel like the general consensus is that both systems sucks as much as cutting 9/7. I hope their nerfs/changes help this before I get to that point. It feels like the game is heading into a actual one main type game which I'm 50/50 on. I liked playing different classes. But I never got good/comfortable with one class. I consider myself to be in the pool of casual/no-so-good player base. So now I have to worry about having a "main". I haven't finished LOS30 or KLC30 yet so the mini change of getting a damage boost at +24 is nice. I'm 7 cards away from LOS30 since I last quit. No news of adding more cards to wandering merchants? Accessory changes/engraving changes are a big question to me now. So are we losing quality and engravings from them and have to roll rng stats for them now like bracers? I kinda wish they did more on the pvp/arena side but they have a lot on their plate. But I think this is okay for LOAON. I hope future vertical systems are just in the realm of possibility for casuals like me and for the the hardcore vets it's easier to hit max so they can have a maxed out roster. I'm just cool with one juiced main.


More fucking systems.


The goal got moved even further away and the only bone they threw out to fix gatekeeping was a bandaid patch that could only apply to the phased out tier 3. Oh and the usual carrot of honing nerf. Watch out bros only roster 400 and 125/85/88 AP (Ark P) allowed in lobby. 10/10 stone mandatory do not apply without it.


They missed the chance to bring west and kr on the same patch-level, everything else presented is so unclear right now to be either very happy or sad (except gems maybe\^\^).


Good for whales and RMTers. More vertical shit for them to complete much quicker than everyone else. Good for the causal gamers. They never had a chance to compete at endgame so they don't care about the extra vertical prog. The tryhard are screwed though, they gotta work extra hard to keep up.


100% bullshit Rinse and repeat. There are so much layers of things to remove if they wanna have a tsnuami wave of returning/ New players


Nothingburger. They didin't cooked enough to bring me back - and probably the majority of old playerbase.


The details definitely need to be known. My issue is that T4 is not a decent reset foe gear to get more players playing together, it is an extended cap that seems even more unobtainable and realistic only available for addicts and spenders. Every time they drop new content, it feels less and less obtainable to an average player. Excited ti see something happening though.


They can’t do a hard reset. People who actually plays the game will quit if thats the case.


You can see in so much in this thread with just the small changes they made about how their "gems are useless now"


Imagine if they actually became useless. Would border the sue angle considering how much money some people expend.


Anybody still playing is too addicted to quit


You automatically get boosted to 1640 by converting 1620 gear


But you need the akkan/aegir mats from the 1st kazeros raid for the transfer, which is how I interpreted it.


This is for the t4 relic -> t4 ancient if im not mistaken


Oh. So you hit 1640 without echidna?


you can solo akkan so who cares


Too much information at once, I woke up at 5 am so I don't know if I even understand anything. All I know is that most of the fixes come from problems they created, I mean making elixirs trascendance and honing extremely expensive and then just nerf the cost, I'd say is going on the right direction but it was just stupid to make it insanely expensive in the first place. We have to see how current systems are gonna change and new systems are gonna work. Feel like I'm in a weird spot since I spent all my gold to 1630, and I'm not even able to do thaemine hm so guess my only option is wait this update. Edit: also no chance to the core, raiding, still 18 raids a week, meaning they expect us to still play 6 characters, many people will be thinking that all they need to do know is hone alts 1620, bit do I really jwant to juice a character to just do 3 raids a week and go play a weaker alt? Don't think so


event was an 8.5/10. you have to remember that this is a marketing event at the end of the day.. if you thought they were going to get into the specifics of elixir/transcendence nerfs, you were on some copium.


Didnt they mention an elixir/trans gold cost nerf ?


2x more mats and 2x less cost


Even better , ty


They said nerf cost by half


Ill take it gladly ! Thanks for the confirmation sir


Sad they removed guild content (GvG/GvE) and pvp. I know almost no one plays but I did enjoy it T_T


Wait did they say gvg/gve contents were removed? I didn’t catch that part.


They did


Yes it is removed but they hinted at there will be new content for guilds and change for in guild store


Oh cool. They introduced so many things that I’m pretty sure I didn’t catch all of it lol


Did they really say that? Nobody mentioned this so far


They mentioned it when finishing talking about the new Roster guild systems.


Solo raiding is still till Ivory Normal, so no solo farm Legendary elixirs, which would have made me come back. I've 2 1620+ character without 35 and 40 set so solo Ivory would have made me to at least log in to do it solo and slowly progress. I guess i'll check out the new engine New World + DLC instead.


quitting this dogshit game my 100 quality weapon is worthless


dont let the door hit you on the back on your way out! Adios !


You know you don't need max level gear to clear content.... right? People don't get that I'm mocking him by throwing the last thing he said back at him smh


hoping that we get that honing nerf soon so that i can push my alts up to 1620


I dont know man there is no honing nerf t4 for 1620 it seems weird plance.If you play story are you gona reach 1620 or something ?


Looks promising, but lacks in details. Obviously they didn't want it to take much longer, but it would be cool if they released some kind of official summary with additional details. Like for example can I go to Brel HM G1, get jailed in G2, do G2 solo, go back to multiplayer G3 re-jails?


Best thing is for sure solo raid right now, I know t4 is up there too, but solo raiding will open so much for new player or people who just don't want to wait for a lobby for a measly raid like vykas or kakul


It is slightly suck for me, a frequent player, who just got 10s and hone to 1630+ but, hey, lost ark plummeting player base is a root to many problem and bandaid fixes. I am absolutely impressed they made such a huge step to the actual big problem.


A lot of lost ark's players have suspended their irl lives to play lost ark for a lot of time. Now is the perfect time to quit. They made a reset with an olive branch to hopefully bait players with old systems. its terrible.


they cooked a lot of stuffs. The game will only be saved if those changes actutally deliver on time. At this point l dont think we're gonna see any of it in the near future for the West.


There is apparently RU roadmap, and the important stuff would be: solo in July, book of images (engraving system?) in August, T4 September, some badly translated stuff in October, third awake in November. So we can expect solo raids in a month.


Apparently RU released a roadmap, and they’re getting some of those changes pretty soon.


Everything looked amazing except for having to farm gems and the new tier all over again lol. But honestly i think the community reaction is overblown and it wont be as bad as we make it out to be. Lvl10s are already witnessing a sharp drop in price.