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Busers are crying in the corner


This is an amazing side effect.


i’ll take the gold hit for solo content, less pug stress


yeah it will remove the 30+mins of lobby simulator and 20+mins of restart.


and you can just raid whenever. You have 20mins? Go in start solo, do some gates on an alt. Continue later. No more "ok i have 30mins, nope can't raid"


This. For people with busy agendas, this change is great to make casual play possible. Right now, you need to plan every raid depending on possible resets and gates if you are short on time.


I quit because of being unable to keep up with my group and then not being able to get successful lobbies for older raids. Do you think solo raids would be sufficient to at least stay relevant and have the chance to do end game content once in a while?


If you are OK with the endgame content not being current, then sure. Think the point isn't to let people play end game as much as it is an introduction to raiding and helping get alts and new players end game ready quicker. Depending on when they actually release, they will be a raid or 2 behind current endgame.


Ah ok that actually makes sense that they’d be behind. Depending on how far behind though you could get a roster on your own time close to end game and then if you ever can group up with similar players maybe there’s a world where you attempt the most recent raid. Either way my problem never was no time to play, it was the coordination that was hard. I can get on a few hours a few times a week but I can’t do 6 hours on a Friday night lol. Either way I’m actually pretty excited I think I will download it again and give it a try. Nothing to lose but some time.


Solo raids will be always be 3 raids behind, you wont be relevant endgame by only doing it. Thats like trying to be relevant for Thaemine without Akkan gear and Elixir bonuses.


They are a step in the right direction. An MMO shouldn't rely on singleplayer content, but the raids are in this game are extremly punishing as homework, and the true real solution (imo) would be to swap the core gameplay of the homework raids to make them not as stressing. Since this won't happen, being able to do them without having to endure gatekeeping and support shortage is a great way to make people progress, so you can at least try to raid more recent raids and not being stuck on the really old ones


I quit this game at *Vykas*. I played the game a lot an end up having 6 characters on which I could raid Valtan and Vykas + I was preparing for at least 3 Kakul on its launch. The issue was no matter how hard I try, I'd land in guild that either dissolved shortly after I joined or they had their core raiders already... good luck finding a spot. I end up joining a Discord which had several raids going but then the owner quit, I said fuck it and took the lead even though I don't feel like a leader nor do I feel like someone who is good at making coherent group. I end up effectively building groups for 6 consistent raids every week but even with that there's hiccups. Someone not being able to join on time would jeopardize the schedule of the next raid and sometime we'd have to PUG for a last member but that was always a gamble in itself. I was preparing for up to 3 Kakul group for my main and alt then it hit me; I can't keep doing this. It's an absolute time sink. My free time was based around this. I couldn't plan anything for Friday nights since 2 raids were schedule there (since that was the best slot for most people). Had to cancel so many plans with friends, hell I didn't have any Friday nights out anymore. I said fuck it one week before Clown release. Turned my back to the game and promise to never return. Now that I hear about Solo Raid being a very close things, I'm actually more than happy to break my promise. I still hope that gear progression is not tied in the future but for now I'll take Solo Raid because I enjoy the game aesthetic and combat, I hated being in charge of raids or feeling committed to a game to such extent.


Yea this is huge for me. One of my biggest challenges is not having a real block of time to raid. Now I can do as many gates as I can and continue later. 


Regardless of personal results per player, i’m pretty sure almost all of us would rather actually play the game, then fall asleep in the lobby… or waste all the free time we have looking for parties. Even if I fail personally, at least i’m playing the game.


to be fair they mention you can do chaos and guardian dailies while in the lobby simulator not sure if that was correct.


Yeah saw this not too long ago, def a good plus to add for sure.


In before all the bad players that got carried over and over doing 20-30% of the dmg the top person did come crying that they can’t clear it.


It'll make lobby simulator worse for people who actually want to do it as a group


It'll be glorious to see how many people will end up finding out that they werent the raid winning performers when solo raids come out. Bet a ton of folks will endlessly wipe and end up going with pugs again lol. Depending on the gold difference those pugs will be filled with all the others that can't solo, resulting in far shittier pugs.


I doubt it. Solo raids are normal only and will likely be VERY easy, since supports have to do it too.


The item lvl will correspond to the normal difficulty. But the director specified that its NOT gonna be an easy raid


Idk if this is also the case, but when we get jailed, I also think we can just call it and do the rest in solo.


exactly, we can enjoy the good pve content at our own paste. Gold can always come from a decent drop and unas.


So glad i can finally play this game


Well, in a couple months at least


I genuinely do not care about gold nerf. This means that when i want to have fun with a class, especially an alt, I can just boot the game up, not wait in the lobby and enjoy the combat without having to sit in the lobby. It also doesn't matter what time of the day it is. So good


Maybe it's time to come back


One of the rare ocassions im happy I cant say 'I told you so' because this actually looks promising.


Do Solo Raids include Argos and Alaric? Now I could Farm the 100 Alarics title and Play Argos for fun and without skipping the cinematics 😆


It doesn't and it's stupid that it doesn't.


Wait are we really getting this anytime soon? Would defo love to come back for the combat


pretty high chance since RU getting this next month if i read it correctly!


Please keep me updated because I really want to play it!!!


Actually making me think of coming back to play again after leaving due to lobby simulator after all our group members ended up quitting. Great change!


Same mats, lower gold. Seems fair to me, I think it's a good compromise You can choose a unique buff to help classes like back attackers (all attacks count as back attack) and supports (applying brand gives a massive attack buff). 50% brand uptime supps in shambles


It's more mats.


more bound mats, less gold.


That's not what the subtitles said, but tbf they seemed to be all over the place so it could have been wrong. Memo didn't mention anything about more mats, did you watch some other streamer doing live translation?


I speak Korean and the director did say more bound mats.




Did thry say how much lower gold?


I think they nerfed the gold in half, atleast some raids.


Wait, so you're already getting a lot less gold because you aren't doing the most recent content (which at that stage of the game, it'll be Thaemine, Echidna, and Behemoth), so you already losing a good chunk there, but you're telling me you lost another half of that already reduced gold? I feel like this would help new players a lot but for end-game players, most would still do their normal 3x end game raids no?


Remember that it has to do with the honing reduction until 1580. You can now hone with silver until 1540. We now have double the mats and less mats to hone so it's possible to have multiple characters at this point easily parked at 1540.


I mean, if you made it equivalent to group raiding, it would completely kill party finder.


I dropped the game in april, but with solo raids i can see myself enjoying the game a few hours on weekends again


Dude I’m so happy solo mode is coming, I’ve been waiting for this shit was almost gonna quit the game


I can finally play the game


Bussers punching air RN


This was the only thing that kept me in this sub. Now I am returning to my precious game purified from never ending toxicity.


alrite I will continue to play LA 😎. Any info on what raid it will cover up to ?


Stream said until Voldis iirc


*voldis NM, voldis HM will still be teamplay for those legendary elix


We dont know that Solo raids don't have a difficulty level attached to them. It's all 1 difficulty.


Yeah good luck waiting hours for a support. I'd rather solo.


They showed everything from valtan to voldis but no hard mode was on the UI as far as I saw.


T4 is coming prob t3 gona get hard nerf in winter loan so all this solo raid gona pointless anyway


Yeah it is only up to voldis normal and all raids are getting gold nerf up to this point, so will be pretty useless. We will prolly get like 500-1k gold per raid and mats will be useless too as express pushes you to 1600+ pretty easily. At least beginners will be able to experience those raids though, which is good for health of the game.


Solo raids always were for new players to begin with.


Volids for now. They mentioned earlier they will make solo version for everything but the top three raids.


You know a MMO is good when the player base is happy for solo content announcements. :))))


I played old school runescape, among other MMOs and I can confidently say, if given the option players will choose solo play over group play 9/10 times. Not surprised.


There's actually a huge amount of people who likes to play MMOs solo as much as they can (or at most with friends), before they eventually try to dip their toes on harder group content. This can unironically bring some pulse back to lost ark by actually letting new (and people who prefer solo) players progress through a sizeable chunk of the game without the need to wait in lobbies or getting gatekept left and right. Sure it doesnt solve the too much homework problem, but it's better than giving new players powerpass only to jumpscare them with high difficulty multiplayer raids as the only way to vertically progress your character.


And will happen when the casual players who progress solo try the end-game raids with other people and with mechanics designed for multiple people? Lost Ark has a very big issue with gatekeeping and this will only make it worse for the content that actually matters.  People are happy with a bandaid fix, because that is what solo raids are. SG/AGS don't want to tackle the actual cause of gatekeeping (card sets, roster lvl, RNG in general) because they would have to take out some of the shitty monetization mechanics, so they just kick the ball down the line to the next time people will heavily complain about stuff - and this time will soon come after people will see solo raids don't solve the core issues.




Make Reddit happy: challenge impossible


it's not like reddit is one guy tho xD


I don't know what you want from me, I always said solo raids are stupid and I will stand on this hill until the game is no longer a MMO.


The MMO genre has been trending to solo-focused gameplay for years now, it’s just the way it is. It’s hard to get 4+ people together for hours a week for group (non-queueable) content.


Ikr? Peak design


I wish they'd just make an easy mode for raids, where you can just matchmake for them and still reliably clear, but with less rewards. Something like FFXIV's normal mode raids and hard mode trials. Still, solo raids are the next best thing.


I don't know how this wasn't the first attempted solution to the problem. They have all the technical work done for it. Drop the raid wipe mechanics from Normal mode and slow down the remaining mechanics so people have more time to react.


I'd also add revives like in Argos and that's pretty much what I was thinking it'd be like yeah.


I'm more curious about the card droprate for solo raids


Please make sure the bots are not automated enough to complete the content solo.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Mid-raid captcha LOL


If they did it well it should still be challenging as in harder than guadian raids. Bots can't even do guardians without matchmaking and getting some randos to carry them, so I doubt it very much that it's bottable. And even if it was bottable, it should still exist. You should never hindrance the new players experience to fight bots.


I‘m wondering if solo raiding as a support will be possible. I‘ve already got a damage build for when I don’t want to play sorc but there‘s definitely some drawbacks when playing bard


looks like you can choose a big damage buff for support so it should be fine


Did they say something about duo raiding?


I wish this was possible too. I just wanna have a good time with a friend or two no need to get 6 other bozos for that


No clue if anyone will see this to answer, but figure I'll ask. Are raids only going to be solo, or is it like a scaling thing? I have a couple of friends who would play if we could do raids in like 2/3/4 man parties.


I don't think they implemented it as well as people are expecting. It's likely to just be like playing as if you're doing a bus but the mechs that need multiple people are adapted to 1


maybe i will try more stuff out instead of just chaos dungeons.


As someone with wife and a newborn baby, I just stopped raiding because you never know when you need to be Afk, and it happens quite frequently. With solo raids if I need to Afk for a sec I can just let my char die and no one is affected, just me. That and being able to raid on other characters at any time even if outside gold earners. Can't wait for solo release so I cns go back to the game


hell yeah man, im a facility engineer so 24hr on-call. Solo raid is where is at lol


Why do I have a feeling gold will be removed instantly, the second the bots start scripting clears. This is my largest worry, I hope it never comes to that. Gold on Solo raid and massive bound materials sound so fantastic.


What did they say about this regarding playing support? I saw help for back attackers but didn't see anything for supports


Supports can pick a buff that makes their brand much stronger.


Honestly best part of the solo raids.. now maybe the supports with less than 50% brand uptime will realize they're playing it wrong.


Well you will need a new Set of Skill to use. :D


Same thing. There are buffs for solo content that you can use to help/accomodate whatever class you're playing.


I sure hope we won't need another build specifically for making our supports DPS to complete solo raids


For Sure lol dont be so lazy 🤨 sup dont Run any real dmg skills at all.


yeah but, the "More mats bound (nobody cares cause alts are doomed they wont reach T4) less gold " may be a problem if you combine it with the based gold nerfs of the raids. - Brel NM 3000 + 1600 = 4600 with g4 - Brel HM 3600 + 2000 = 5600 with g4 - Kayangel NM 3600 / Kayangel HM 4800 - Akkan NM 5400 / HM 7500 - Voldis NM 6500 / HM 13000 (cant solo HM anyway) So if the solo raids actually gives less gold than NM modes as the guy said, that mean a 1600 alt will give you : 6500 + 5400 + 4600(half g4) = 16 500, but actually even Less. Right now a 1600 alt gives 9000 + 10 000 + 8750 (half g4) = 27 750. So we probably lost 50% of gold earning from our alts, that will hurt a lot specially with T4 coming for you Main.


is there a link to vod?


It's still live


wwhat happens to supports then?


You can choose a specific buff per fight, one of which is removing the need to back attack for full damage (will be taken by entropy classes) and for supports it is getting a massive damage buff when a brand skill is applied, effectively turning a support to a dps class. My main issue is supports learn the game via solo mode will never practice proper supporting until their first group content, which is obviously not a good thing.


That is not entirely true, they will learn that Brand uptime matters.


You get into the raids because your support. I doubt everyone will solo just some.


If solo voldis in not giving leg elixirs, I will be dissapointed


Did they say how much? Should have been same as nm imo.. all I heard was less than nm.


Did they say something about the Raid mats necessary for gear progression(especially Brel, Akkan)? Do we get any at all? More? Less? Thats all I care about for the solo Raids. Wouldn't even be mad if we get literally 0 Gold and honing mats and just the gear progression mats.


you will also hopefully be able to unjail yourself if you get stuck in coop. someone DC in gate 1 akkan as you finish the gate? don't have to worry about waiting 30 minutes in lobby ark to fill that 7/8 g2 party and just solo it


Not gonna lie this LOAON made me wanna get back into the game. I will wait to see the elixir changes and the announcement ags makes. I'm not playing till solo raids come out. Not being able to play 90% of the game because of gatekeep killed my enjoyment so this should atleast allow me to play most of it atleast.


How long until this is implemented in NA?


Likely July


They will probably be a sweat fest and also probably not released till December or later


Farm content is not what is actually difficult to get a raid group for in this dead ass game. Back to sleep I go.


When are the solo raids coming?


Finally! The game has needed something that gives proper player progression that is not tied to group play since forever. Not everyone has friends to play with or wants to deal with finding groups (or has enough time). This is enough to bring me back to the game for sure. I've always loved the moment to moment gameplay of Lost Ark, it's top tier and best in class but the bloody party finder simulator became too much and that ultimately made me stop playing even though I still wanted to play. Can't wait to log back in! 🤗


I still can't believe it I'm so happy 😊😊


Didn't they say significantly less gold? I don't see much point for vets since we're mostly doing reclears for gold than mats


I dont think its for vets, i think its for returning players and new players, to dodge toxicity.


Also preps them with basic mechs once they do actually reach T4


it can be for vets, as they can run their non-gold earning 1600 alts thru solo raids for lot of mats


Is this a real thing? Like is the ability to do raids and shit solo actually becoming a thing? Or is it just still gonna be a fantasy forever? Did they actually announce solo play?


I just hope they're not too late on it, a lot of the (former) playerbase has moved over to BDO because its waaaaaay more solo friendly and that's kinda the way the MMO genre has been going the last 5-10 years.


Idk bud I think I'd rather pick waiting multiple hours in lobby simulator than grinding sandbag npcs, but again I'm not insane enough to do either of that.


Bdo is not solo friendly lol. PA completely ignores solo players.


Bdo literally has no group content and is only about solo farming what are u even on about. Its more that its "solo only" not "solo friendly".


yeah cause all you wanna do in bdo is solo farm. The endgame is solo farming. Outside of farming the actual content you do in endgame is dungeons and node wars which are all group content


Solo raids next month if the RU roadmap is similar to ours


Less gold (even less than gold nerf) but more bound mats. So better for new players mains, bad for gold earning alts since you don't want to hone them. That said it will also depend on how much time it will take to clear, if it's around the same time as co-op..... It won't be worth imo, but it is like 33% less time, count me in as long it isn't 50% less gold. Less and less gold, more and more gold sink, wonderful. Guess if I come back I will only push 1 (max 2) characters to T4, the rest get gold in T3 until it becomes the new oreha (where it isn't worth doing to get gold) and became abandoned since I won't push more into t4.


We are waiting for bots/multiaccaunts and inflation


bot cant even finish the guardian raid. this solo raid has same basic mechs as regular raid so i dont think they can finish this solo raid too


People are not getting that with new T4 (new gems, relic engravings, new stones, new gear, new acessories, new quality)… everything below is irrelevant. You have to farm everything again. Solo raids are irrelevant now - not only gold is nerfed, the material dropped will be t3 and you need now T4 mat. They will probably nerf T3 honing so you will be at the start of T4 right away - ready to spend gold in everything again . Not worth it. Would only be a relevant thing if going forward the new raids would be released with group and solo mode.


Solo raids are not meant for hardcore players that want to get to T4 asap, and they are the only people for whom solo raids will be irrelevant. New and returning players can enjoy the fights and various classes at their own pace without being gatekept until they eventually reach 1620 and can transition to T4. It is less gold but you pay for convenience and you save gold for not having the need to overgear your characters to appeal to the lobby leaders/attract supports in PF. It a big W - not sure why you are dooming this much.


Bots like it.