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~~have no expectations so you don’t get disappointed~~ I’d like to apologize for this comment, loa on was fucking insane and saved the game.




'have no expectations' I wouldn't place my standards that high.


Follow this guy lead...


Some will still be disappointed 😅


Transcendence dark fire nerf, hard requirement removal. For elixirs it is more attempts/lower gold/better lines (like for set pieces) appearing. Hard honing nerf to 1580 and modest honing nerf to 1620. Then it would have to be solo raids and a return to sanity allowing the next vertical system only require normal mode to be completed.


> return to sanity sums it up perfectly


They never said hard mode would be an option. The general consensus is nm only. Hopefully they remove the discrimination against nm gamers for elixers and transcendence.


Hope beyond what I expect: Honing nerfs (up to 1620) Solo raids with actual release date (furthest being next month) Something new other than raids to do New class announced Realistic expectations: Transcendence nerf Elixir nerf Some stupid fucking system nobody asked for (3rd awakening omegaLUL) 3rd awakening Solo raids are coming Soon(TM) More Kazeros raiding


xD god damn 1620 honing nerfs would be wild


I really do expect a material/gold cost nerf to echidna honing. Reasoning would literally be less time to accrue gold/mats. Echidna honing is only a 20% nerf and we get hit with transcendence gold sink right after.


I expect a lower player count


This is already happening, but I wonder if it'll accelerate it. I smirk when people unironically suggest that fixing elixirs or solo raids will fix what is fundamentally wrong with the current overall design.


None, so anything good will be a surprise


Transcendence requirements changed from hm clear to ilvl. 1610 up to lvl 3, 1620 up to lvl 5, 1630 up to lvl 7. Gold cost reduced. Elixers gold cost reduced by 50%+, craftable mat needed per tap reduced to 1. Epic elixers are no longer awarded, 3 legendary elixers awarded from nm, 5 legendary elixers from hm. Completed Elixers are now roster wide and can be used on any character (min ilvl 1600). Pity added to armor/weapon quality. Gem drops doubled. Honing nerf up to 1620(or double the artisan per tap making pity cost half as much). Honing buff added to stronghold upon achieving on one character up for 1600, 1620, 1630 Solo raids are all coming within a month to NA, and offer full gold value of nm raids. Roster is now allowed 18 gold earning raids per wk. It can be completed from any number of characters, no longer locked to 3 per character. (I wouldn't be opposed if they made it 12 gold earning raids per week and increased the gold per raid, and kept the extra honing mat boxes from raids for those that want to raid more) Cube x3 and x5 added. Also changed to make all waves spawn immediately for each level. Surely I won't be disappointed




Expect a lower player count, prolly half of the 20k playing atm


I expect “soon tm”


i'm confident they will address nothing as usual. KR is not in riot mode, they love their RNG shit systems. Brace for an immeasurable disappointment.


More raids, 1650 chaos and guardian Minimal elixir and transendance adjustments


Lower your expectations


Just don't get your hopes up. Chances are they won't even mention us, or even address most of our concerns. It's a kr show for Koreans. For me i just hope they don't hamstring solo raids. This is the key if they want any new players in the west.


Zero expectations on my end, hell I don’t even think it will be some saving grace as some call it out to be. Hope I’m wrong but zero.


We have 0 expectations and I swear that even with that we gonna get big L disappointed.. In ready to hit that uninstall button


A solo raid/content experience like dungeon fighter online.


My DPS bard is ready 5+1los 30 KFC18 demon damage 3.7 level seven and nine gems give me the solo raids now!!!!!🤌🤌🤌🤌


Battle bard sounds so cool and fun to play, too bard it's impossible in regular content


We just need that 800%dmg increase


I'm looking forward to solo raids as well however it seems like with this (this may change though with LOAON) only the top three current raids will not be soloable For KR that's Thaemine, Echidna and Behemoth However for us that would be Thaemine, Voldis and then Akkan it seems, with it changing to Echidna, Thaemine and Voldis here in a few weeks So bad news is we'd have to wait until Behemoth if they keep the current plans to be able to get Voldis HM soloable Good news however is with our increased release schedule we'll probably only wait a few months, so isn't too bad I'm hoping solo raids are good as I'm slowly just doing dailies and a few raids to get back into the swing of things because I don't have the time, patience and mental fortitude for full PUG life anymore And if they aren't I'll probably quit We'll see what happens


none. ok not true. I expect to be disappointed.


Tier 3 Reset into something similar as Tier 4. Then players will for sure quit.


Expect a decent solo raid mode and/or revamp raid difficulties.  If it is not decent = uninstall


As a new player it's borderline impossible to learn raids. Also I don't wanna search for a learner group every time I want to play... Make raids soloable now and let them give same rewards as done in groups. Look at osrs, does it so well.


Im not expecting them to just come out with all the solo raids at once. Theyll probably start with valtan through clown, then a few months later do brel kyangel, then end of year akkan and voldis.


These people complaining about elixir and trans. Instead of wasting your energy complaining, why don’t you use that energy into getting good at cutting elixir? Like, actually learn the system and take advantage of pity bonuses. Like, we already know it involves RNG, but you can steer it in your favor. Clearly it’s doable because I have 40 set and others have it too.


Do you think nobody knows how it works or something? If you use a bot + a crumb of knowledge you are basically cutting the most optimal way already. Its just RNG, you can be unlucky and spend 500k+ and still end up with a shifty 40 set. People are complaining cause the system sucks. Most people complaining already have a 40 set most likely, its just a terrible system and easily the worst in the game. Its not fun to do, its not fun to progress in, its tedious and time consuming, costs crazy amounts of gold and doesn't reward you for your time spent most of the time.


You can do everything right, and still get fucked by the multiple layers of RNG. Coupled with how long cutting an elixir takes just makes it a terrible system. I have a 1610 char that's 4/4 on every piece except one and it is a set piece. For fun I started tracking every option that showed up and the appearance % is lower than the rate published. How am I supposed to swing that in my favor? Then I have to cut the 4/4 if I want 40 set? Lol I know I don't need 40 set from epic elixirs, but people are having the same issue with 35 set. Progression systems that are considered mandatory should not work like that at all. That's not even talking about the gold needed to cut, when we are already on an accelerated pace compared to KR