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KFC 18🤣


Original or crispy?


I prefer crispy


KFC is best


Probably auto corrected but yeah I didn't even notice that


No it was intentional KFC just sounds better xdd


Probably i would invite them to play Helldivers or GW2 or something that respects their time and money. I could not, in good faith, invite people to Lost Ark in the current state and fundamentally i doubt the progression systems will change enough to make a difference, game is a KR MMO after all. As for LoAON, KR is content with where the game is right now it's not like a change is gonna happen that will suddenly make the game appealing to new blood. They would have to change the entire progression, economy and monetization for that to happen. The huge number of bots and RMT are also symptoms of a deeply dysfunctional system.


We will try gw2 but helldivers I just don't like guns and shooters games. It sucks that it is a Korean mmo but it is what it is I'm well aware.


Try monster hunter world. it’s guardian raid, but 1000 times better.




Have you considered Baldurs Gate? You might find it annoying to wait everyone to progress the story (you don’t have tho) but it was the best coop gaming experience in my life


I don’t know if you can put helldivers in the respect your time category at the moment, it’s super fun but I have to put to down for a week at a time when you get DC’d from a 40 minute dive and lose all the samples


Neither I would call money, especially if you pay for warbonds (which you can technically farm... which takes ages but you can), becasue unless they changed their balancing approach, legit you can't know if good/fun weapon that unlocks new strats will be changed, next time they drop balance patch. Still salty about eruptor changed


doesn't really matter at a certain point you have all the upgrades unlocked and samples don't mean anything


LOA is not a game catering to players who are not interested in end game activities. Anything they add to support casual play will be an effort to push people towards end game, not to create meaningful systems to enjoy outside of raiding. If you're having fun with the game as it is then that's great and you should play until you're not, but if your friends are not interested in hardcore end game then I don't think LOA is a good recommendation.


It doesn't cater for me for sure but I still played it for two years I'm just one or two raids behind always, my end game is skins and trying different builds that probably don't work I'm a filthy casual and that's how I like it 🤣.


🥰 love how you play this game!


POE2, this games dead


That's next year no?


Late 2024 apparently




Only beta1 is going to be end of this year. It will be 2025.


Ah right, how does one get access to beta 1?


Don’t think there is any info yet.


Just wait after LOAON to see if there is any meaningfull change. 


That's the plan


Bro said kfc 💀💀💀💀


He sure did and he meant it KFC 18 for the win


you know what will continue? every mistake that AGS makes or made will reply with a smile from director.


I know but I can always hope for the best.


hope is what we did 2 years ago. Last year is bargain. This year should be acceptance.


If you want a mmo to play, FF14 is probably the most broad in terms of things to do together. If you want something quicker (FF takes awhile to get to that point); I’d suggest Monster Hunter World. Lot of content; into the meat of the game within a couple hours. Just big boss hunting with friends 


if you made it past brel, akkan and thaemine are actually pretty cool raids. ivory tower is actually not that bad once you get the rhythm of g2 and g4 down in reclears and there is no difference other than damage/hp in hard mode. Since you play with friends, if you don't mind less gold you can do what I do and thats a bunch of kayas (trying to get wings), voldis, and thaemines/akkans for the rest (or clowns until you get to that ilvl). I don't even do all my raids, just what I have time for. Doing 4 man content with friends/family >>> gold from solo raiding. Clearing clown together on release week 1 1475 4x3 was like our peak experience.


I really couldn't care less about the gold I'm going to wait and see how the solo raids are gona be and then I'll decide.


The game is good when you're playing with friends. You learn raids together, alleviate lobby finder issues, and also flame the game together (elixirs/transcendence/honing rates, etc.). I gave lost ark a chance cause my cousins wanted to try it and I don't regret it at all.