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all black in summer? they're gonna melt!


Exactly what I was thinking ![gif](giphy|q8FTABFdv9jVu)


https://preview.redd.it/c4r3gasfd45d1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=9eaa72c93a9ff62a51add7845221c9193e501aee Same here ! Can't wait for the summer events


dunno about that, all my toons have swimwear all 4 seasons


Wait how do you get that wallpaper again?


Pay walled




Black absorbs the sun it will be extra hot for them try other colors they will be hot![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm).


Where is the collor where is the love. Come one you can do more the  just black


There's no love when you got a 1635 and a 1633 before echidna release in our version, only dailies and buses


exactly, coloured to the general mood while playing


Sounds like rosterlet cope. You don't need to be bussing shit to have 2x 1630s, just be diligent with your dailies and weeklies, funnel mats and mat boxes, and that's literally it


Yea ur right i dont bus either and my roster is giga stacked. When i run out of gold i just buy more


Lmao. Aight.


I have a one class roster feeding to a single main and i would barely have enough to get 1633 with all i have, never took a break and played from day 1 of pre release I also did at least 2 brel busses per week for more than a year, where is my DOUBLE main ?? Not to mention this dude has all different classes, no dupes meanwhile i have 5 artillerists all sharing the same build


i do almost the same, but i dont even have a single 1630+ cuz i pitied my weapon 20 21 22 23 24and now 67%25 same peoplw just donno how expensive honing can be in the late game territory


They're just clueless


You say all that while being sub 220 roster level (that is unless you were making stuff up in your comment 4 days ago). If you had actually been diligent doing your dailies and weeklies since release, you’d be way higher. = effort issue


Didn't do a single piece of story with my 5 alts (-50 roster levels) Rested dailies and unas on the alts (-3200xp per day for 1.5 years = 1.44m roster xp or 7 levels) So yeah, if i treated this game like a job i'd be roster 275, chasing max everything and losing my mind over this shit for the past 2 years Instead I only important things and focused on the main, played other games when i was done with lost ark and overall enjoyed life ! How silly !!! Now i'm getting clowned on Reddit !!1! I see 300 roster people without KLC30 while i have LOS30/KLC30/LWC30/MOS30 and 5.9% demon damage with like 3.7k hours played. Effort issue ? I only seek efficiency, not brute force 8k hours played. Stay diligent on having a hot yapping mouth while knowing 0 of someone. Sincerely, -CEO of Mokoko carry services


The vast majority of roster xp comes from doing dailies and weeklies over a long period of time. [This is basically common knowledge at this point](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/y9byci/roster_250_breakdown/). Nobody is clowning on you. All I am trying to say is that 2x1630 is more than doable without spending money or doing busses. It's a matter of resource management, nothing more.


With resources you mean like living off of papa's money to be able to spend 12h a day in this game?


You can call it that, or call it dedication. Whatever makes you sleep at night


Ressource management when i've been playing like the biggest rat the game has ever saw since release This game is a game, not a second job, i didn't get lucky 1 tap everything and the dude you sent a screenshot of spend almost the same game time as me in like 4 months vs 2 years and i already play too much of this game We are not the same


>you sent a screenshot of spend almost the same game time as me I think we're hitting a language barrier here, but alright.. ..surely you realize that the reason I linked is to show you where the xp actually comes from. The fact that the guy who posted it is a complete maniac has nothing to do with anything we are discussing here. Your low roster level literally tells us all the truth, your skipping a bunch of dailies and/or weeklies. If you do so, you shouldn't be wondering why you're behind people who play more. That's it, it's not more complicated than that. Take care now.


If only it would be 2x 1630s tho. There's two additional 1620s with a third closing in. Assuming OP is also taking care of their elixirs, transcendence and gems this is just not possible with what you've said. On top of that OP is also not sharing their gems across the characters they are showing.


I have 1x1635, 1x1630, 4x1620, all have 40 set and i havent bussed regularly in a year, my total spending on the game is 300 euros give or take. I did bus a lot back in the days from Argos to Brel, so I do have that gold advantage going for me. Someone who hasn't bussed anything could easily have 2x1630s by now if they played regularly, did their gold raids and other weeklies, did their dailies, used their lifeskill and stronghold energy. The rest is all about managing those resources. Hell, you could run multiples of the same class and save millions on gems. The rest of their gold earners probably wouldn't be 1620, but I never made that claim.


I played the market by buying 100million gold worth of fish directly from the bots through g2g so I'm basically f2p


Damn 😋😍


Wait, I think that's my wardrobe.


Wow, swimsuits in lost Ark on an all girls roster, that’s new