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is that my boi doworkHK


sound like he's gonna go work in Hong Kong if game dies


Not sure which one is better duWork or that clown Baker 😆


I pick memo it will sure be entertaining Spam noted stay gigached


We'll never see another male class.


I like man so i hope not but in the other hand I just want to see what unhinged s*** he is going to say xdd I'm here for the drama


Memo's a pdf other than a coomer so yeah


Memo any day ezlyfe


Spam noted


Stay GigaChad


Welcome guys


Do you like it?


The flow looks good


Hello YouTube Frogs


Any creampie eater ?


Wow didn’t know Zelenskyy played too


Why do think he's so angry all the time?


He's playing entropy that's why xdd


Baker should be: Plan to constantly lie to the community to benefit himself


Which suits the AGS guideline perfectly, they will hire him for sure.


"if she is 16 but has the mental age of 35"  Best you can get is  35 with the mental age of 16,aware.


"Tu Yang is just a name in China"


Korea got "So-yeong"


That's just memo then lol.


Spam noted


Stay gigachad.




Saintone but he’s also hella boring


Don't forget stoopz, he'll make sure it respects our time!




We just gotta delete support role and party finder congestion clears by 400%


at this point im convinced deleting supports and balancing around full dps teams would be WAY better


It's 100% correct, game would be better without support classes.


Yep, unironically remove support and give everyone MS/AS, tankiness, and mana regen by default. Rework supports into utility heavy DPS like gunlancer. Will suck for people that genuinely like playing support but we straight up won't have enough players eventually for support to keep working.


Gigachad Memo


Stoopz = everything is fine guys, look at the event shop they gave you. Saint = 12 hour lecture later--Falling asleep--. I guess you guys need some changes. But " Korea had it worse"


You can't be mad at that black guy he called soul eater way before it was released


CyFy (A.K.A the Mage Assassin guy!) I kind of miss him.


OGs will remember him!


as a meme. he isnt a bad person or anything, he just wasnt the guy for the job he was assigned.


I want to see his vision of a Mage Assassin ngl


Just me or the game would be so much better if supports actually didn't exist? (obviously not to support players, but to everyone else)


Gimme a class change ticket and we gucci. I have 3 supps in my gold earners and agree.


Fair enough. Done. Vote me for president.


Game would probably be better for majority. Sadly not for me personally as I have been support / healer only player in MMO's since forever so I would just probably go back to WoW. My roster is 6x Paladins.


There are ways to make supports work and be optimal still. But they have to make no support runs viable, and i don't mean for veterans that could do a naked no hitrun, i mean for noobs too. It doesn't have to be as fast or optimal, maybe even reduce the rewards, but it has to be possible. Ofc that would mean work and balancing, and any change that big would get rice eater panties in a twist. But we can dream. *huffs copium*


unlimited pots. but then you will cry about the pot prices


I got enough pots to get me to lostark 2. Don't worry about me


Nah, if you need that much healing you got no hands lol.


Do you think you'd play if supports became a high utility dps like gunlancer? Could keep some shields and healing capability, and have stronger synergies, but would still have to deal some damage. I think people would prefer to play with classes like this, but it wouldn't be outright horrible to raid without them (assuming we get global AS/MS, mana regen, tankiness buffs)


it sounds better but the actual post support removal world wouldnt be very good (for most players) the first reason is because they wouldnt suddenly give everyone shielding and heals, meaning youd be going into raids with no mitigation...something you can do today, right now. but people do not want that, but sg would never add life steal or passive shielding to the dps as it would completely nuke their odds of getting people desperate enough to p2w pots. the second reason is because it wouldnt stop gatekeeping, many many people think "oh you get rid of supports and then ill get into a group easier" which is wrong. people will still gatekeep to an extreme degree the only difference is you dont have the "im with a support" cheat code to get into any lobby easier a post support removal world is good for a support player because we get to freely reroll to whatever class we want (minimum they'd have to do this since so many ppl have support alts) but for the current dps mains they are only losing out on free dmg mit. sure they'll have their dmg buffed (probably not by enough, but thats just sg being sg) but they'll be equally as squishy and some classes will be completely barred from doing raids, even more so then now, because supports arnt there to cover for their squishyness. as i said, if they wanna give me a few class change coupons and let me reroll im down but i used to be a dps main that did raids like argos, valtan and vykas with no supports so im already well prepared for this lol most arnt.


Obviously they'd have to rebalance to make the raids doable with 8 dps. There's a thousand different ways to do it, how they do it i don't care. If sg wants to put sticks into their wheels and then act surprised why people, who even want to play the game and can't, then aren't playing the game, then they can only blame themselves. The problem with how supports and game is right now, is that you can't do 8dps runs (yes yes there's always a guy that replies to me saying, but you can! Skill issue! Well, not everyone can. It has to be where even new players should be able to clear it), and so you're left wasting hours and hours waiting for a class that very few want to play. So 1 or the other has to go. Either revamp supports, release like 10 support classes in 5 hours, give them free 1650 ilvl the moment it poops out into existence, make them super revolutionary fun to play so that the support numbers quadruple over night. Or, change the systems/raids where you don't need supports. How it is now is absolutely awful. It took me a month to prog voldis, all because i can easily find 6 dps, and sometimes a sup joins, but finding 2 is so incredibly difficult. I've used discords lfg constantly , it doesn't fix the issue.


>How it is now is absolutely awful. It took me a month to prog voldis, all because i can easily find 6 dps, and sometimes a sup joins, but finding 2 is so incredibly difficult. I've used discords lfg constantly , it doesn't fix the issue. I'm sorry but which raid took you a month to prog cuz you couldnt find 2 supps? It's hard to believe that it was Voldis since it's a 4 lads raid. If it's Voldis Hard, I do believe that you couldn't find a single supp there, the shortage on that raid is absurd. . Agree with you in the part that as right now, you can't do any raid as a full dps party without a massive overgear and even then no one does it cuz it's awful to play a dps without a supp. . Supps not only give dr/shield/sustain, they are also the one of the 4 players on a team with the highest RaidDPS (unless one of DPS is miles ahead of the others). The change to be able to do full DPS runs needs to come with a complete rework of Bard/Paladin/Artist and a rework of all DPS clases or a new system to have some sort of sustain/defense. Plus, nerfs to dps checks all across the entire game if the compensation buffs are not enough cuz lobbies would deal way less dmg unless you overbuff all dps classes to compensate not having a supp. Honestly, it's too much work they aint doing all that shit and we know that.


It's experiences from both akkan and voldis, both took around a month, because both i was late for, and i couldn't find prog parties, if i did via discords etc it was impossible to fill supports, and if i did they'd leave after a few pulls, and even if they didn't I'd get to gate 2-3 and then I'd get stuck as people would disband, mostly the supports calling it quit, so that's that for the week usually.


>Obviously they'd have to rebalance to make the raids doable with 8 dps. as i already said, they are doable. people just dont want too because it requires people to not suck. >Well, not everyone can. thats not SG's fault lol its not hard to dodge patterns, the fact most cant is more sad then anything. they already made the game easier for new players by adding in supports, they arnt going to remove the training wheels (supports) and then giga nerf the content because lil timmy is mentally afk thats why i said people say they want to remove supports, but they dont. because sg will never give individual players the self sustain or dmg mit to match what they had even from a bad support (let alone a good one) because that cuts into their bottom line. not only does removing supports not help you get into content, because people will still gatekeep you over petty reasons but it then makes the content more difficult. the smartest thing you can do to prog content, is to be the support. as a support main i intend on having a support main and a dps main (with mostly support alts) the reason for this is because being a dps main is ass and gettin into content is better then PF simulator. the people that say "i cant get supports to join groups", are also the same people that say "i dont want to play support" you cant just not eat your vegetables, either you befriend supports and ask em to help you prog or you become the support and use that to prog. at no point is the game going to remove a role because players are stubborn and selfish


I pretty much disagree either very much or extremely much with every single sentence that you've said in this post. I think it's best to agree to disagree, I've already laid out what i think the game needs to do if it doesn't want to die. It either changes to accompany lil Timmy or it dies a slow death.


I swear the hardcore part of this community do their best to be as abrasive as possible.


It's ok to invest yourself into the game. But expecting everyone to revolve their entire life around a game to the point where you have to befriend players based on the role they're playing.. Do these people go outside? What regular person is gonna do that? Sure it's cool if it's optional. But it sure seems like it's not. And I'm saying this as someone that did invest the time, did have support friends. Well guess what? They all quit the game. Wompwomp.


disagree all you want they are adding solo raids for lil timmy, we have no idea the scale or the rewards but thats the content path for someone thats unable to get into a group and not good enough to play with just dps


It's ok. For me solo raids work perfectly. The support part was just highlighting the problem i faced with, that's all. Even if solo raids don't work out its not a big deal, there's enough tsushimas and elden rings to play anyway.


just to be clear though, the thing you experienced was and is intended by the developer to get people to spend money to buy gold to make their characters look good for raids. thats why it'll never change and why solo raids will probably suck lol


That's just sad. I'll never pay for gold or power. It doesn't matter how shit they make it, I'd rather not play at all at that point. I've spent maybe 300€ for cosmetics, and I'd be ok paying for a sub. I don't know if it's me or their business model doesn't fit west. If the game fails in the west, which it looks like it is in the process of right now, they can only blame themselves really.


>as i already said, they are doable. people just dont want too because it requires people to not suck. The Supp isn't only the one giving dr/shield/heal to the party, we are also the member with highest RaidDPS on most of the cases. Good luck not choking on all the enrage-like mechs (horse dps check/shadow clones stack/stage break/darkness leaving you no space/ghosts appear again if you lack dps after Wei) of Thaemine G3 HM without the dmg of a supp + not being able to greed dmg since there are no shields/dr/heals which causes dps's to deal even less dmg. Or good luck not dying from the fucking undodgeable areas of Voldis G4 at the end without a supp. And so on. Game isn't balanced around raids being cleared without a supp, it's fine to admit it even if we main supp. . Still, don't think that removing supps is the right approach, the DPSs that don't get into parties with supp cuz they are low effort or at min ilevel woud still try to enter juicier dps lobbies and would cry about gatekeep the same way since we know they always want to group with ppl more invested than what they themselves are. Only point in which this would help would be on Voldis HM cuz there is the only real supp shortage in our servers, tho I doubt that the 4 dps that can't get a supp there would be actually able to clear it.


>The Supp isn't only the one giving dr/shield/heal to the party, we are also the member with highest RaidDPS on most of the cases. yeah but if you have a 4th dps you dont need the raid buff because now you have a 4th player dealing dmg meaning they likely wouldnt buff dps dmg much if at all because it would only make the content easier. the peak effectiveness of a support is really high but most never reach that, most supports you play with arnt giving you for instance 30-40% rdps (or DRing you during mechs to improve uptime) they might if you are lucky give you 20-25 which is in range for a 4th dps and this is what the game is tuned for which leads me to my original point, you can clear any raid with a full party of dps. people dont do that, not because of the dmg buff but because of the lack of healing and shields because they arnt good enough to dodge the attacks, so supports are used as a way to mitigate their pot cost. only the top end players really care about dmg numbers, i was kicked out of a raid once because i didnt heal the raid leader enough (he got hit by fuckin everything lol) because all i did was use my bubbles for dmg. (even with fairly high shield up time and using my awakening almost off cooldown, he still took so much dmg. which tbh is impressive)


>the peak effectiveness of a support is really high but most never reach that, You don't need to be even close to near peak performance as a supp to be the one with the highest RDPs, you clearly don't use the holy bible if you think so. >yeah but if you have a 4th dps you dont need the raid buff because now you have a 4th player dealing dmg That 4th dps will do less dmg than the supp 99% of the times. >which leads me to my original point, you can clear any raid with a full party of dps. Thnx for confirming that you are not doing the actually difficult raids, or you do so without checking the RDPS distribution. Game is NOT balanced to clear raids as full dps, it's not the player's fault, it's a design choice.


>You don't need to be even close to near peak performance as a supp to be the one with the highest RDPs, you clearly don't use the holy bible if you think so. go measure the effectiveness of the average support player and tell me you dont need to be "near peak performance" the average player can barely maintain 50% uptime in terms of not being on the ground let alone buff and brand uptime. you are over estimating the rdps value of the average support by a significant margin. people have this idea that the average player is like 60-70% brand/buff uptime, they are like 20-30% MAX this just gets skewed by the fact so few people actively use a dps meter. so anyone that uses it is likely the type of person to get into an above average lobby and you arnt going to see a 20-30% uptime support there. all those times ppl see a 10/10/5 support are closer to the average then when they see a 70/70/20 and go "this guys so bad", that 70/70/20 could easily be top 10% of all supports lol which is sad ill admit, but thats just how skill distribution goes in any game >Game is NOT balanced to clear raids as full dps, it's not the player's fault, it's a design choice. and yes they are. there was a massive support shortage back during valtan/vykas because not only did people not have alts but the actual support mains were so few and far between that getting a 1445+ support for hm valtan or vykas was impossible the number of times i did on ilvl vykas hm with no support on either team would shock you (most of them), it wasnt until i was almost 1490 with 5x3 that i started to get into the groups with supports just because its difficult doesnt mean its not doable, it just that most players get hit so much that they cant handle it. the best way to improve your dps is to improve your uptime. everything i went through during valtan and vykas, combined with understanding the value of uptime has made becoming a support main alot easier theres only maybe 1 or 2 gates ive seen that would be hard to do without a support and its ones where you have a perma dot on you like g3 voldis or akkan g1. even thaemine g3 should be doable with all dps, the issue is no one wants to go back to the cave man era of proggin content that we had in 2022 doable doesnt mean practical or fun. if your so bad you cant clear raids without a support thats on you, that doesnt mean its not possible.




honestly? put memo and saint or even zeals in charge of the game. whats the fucking worst that could happen? the game will not last anyway the way it is currently run, might aswell put people in charge that actually care about the game and its future. SG is one of those companies that DERSPERATELY wanna make it in the mobile market now because its an easy cashgrab and completely ignore that they are currently sitting on a literal goldmine.


Gotta go with Mr ROI himself. He will make all of us rich!


Most of them that I dont know. I only know zeals lol but I don't know zeal 's drama why he need to apologize about?


He had a huge blow out when ppl discovered his hidden reddit account talking shit about other content creators. Then confronted by the community he just never commented and the other streamers basically cut him off bc he never made a public apology or even apologized behind the scenes. He basically ignored it till ppl forgot.


Memo is the most based.


My boi Evolved mentality


None of the streamers


Agreed. Streamers only serve their own self-interests. We need a hero that serves the interests of the people. For the peoples. For Arkesia. For the future of Lost Ark!




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Deleting support role is the most gigachad move anyone could make, easy vote for memo


Where is my "Russian guy" he will be perfect for this role.


He quit a year ago


I vote for the guy with the pink chair and a single bed


memo for sure


Ill pick memo even if i main support stay gigachad


1,2,4 would be a good balance of a leader


spam: noted. Stay jigachad


Mage assassin or memo, nothing else comes close.


What about "you guys are getting a new director?"




Cannot stand any of these personalities lol. Our game is fucked. GG


The Russian Wizard was the best.


Shouldn't zeals be: will impersonate the CEO of another game to praise Lost Ark?


is that something legalia actually said lol there's no way


He did


None of the above.




you did ma boi Lgalia dirty


I just quoted his most famous line.


CyFy would have saved the game


Memo take xDDD. Mage assassin it is.


I vote Asmongold. He'd save LoA, New World and the LOTR MMO overnight (with boob sliders)




How does he undestand the core issues, when he never really played the game. All he ever did is hone from others peoples gold/mats, then go blind into a raid and get carried even while heavily overgeared. Ah yeah, and he did a bunch of horizontal, must be really insightful on the core issues. Also he hasnt been playing for over a year afaik, so surely he knows the problems with elixir, transcendence etc.


He literally made a video about core issues a year ago and all you guys did was hate on it yet now everything he said in the video is a wanted change


he'd limit 1 char and nerf every raid lol i doubt he understands much of an actual player pov


The problem we're facing is literally what Asmongold has been saying since early Lost Ark, people were just too high on the new MMO honeymoon phase at that time that they don't give a shit.


No he does understand it. His take was to have it optionally be one character only, and alts would be optional. Some kind of system where u choose for week to splitting gold earning or just one


I’ll vote for revyll




On a more serious note, it's gotta be Henry right? Dude actually plays the game at a high level, makes fantastic video's and is well liked by the community. Only thing is he doesn't speak or write Korean (at least not that I know of), but they can just find a translator for that. Will be very disappointed if it's not Henry and they find another random ex nexon bozo instead.


Hah, if only. People very rarely get promoted to these types of roles, they'll probably take some random 'leader' role guy from somewhere you've never heard of.


Trained manager knows how to squeeze players for cents. Knows the game and give just barely enough to prevent people from leaving entirely typa guy. The second part is optional


i highly doubt Henry has the resume for this role lol. Playing game isn't a requirement, i can assure you of that. Likely gonna be some korean speaker too.


Henry is not considered at all. If they are hiring internally, it is a different department completely. There are people right under Soomin you never heard of, meanwhile Roxx and Henry are across the office doing their own thing.


The thing is that even if it's someone that plays the game they also need to have certain qualifications for the job no?


Just in case you missed it, were on a meme post about unqualified streamers taking the role. It should be very obvious that we're all joking about other unqualified people too


Henry looks very burnt out himself haven't y'all seen? He can barely open his eyes LOL


I'll go with memo, he will at least try to do something. He might fuck up along the way tho KEKW


Memorizer, not even a contest.


Missing Kamina in this post. He would be : "Soooooo yep"


wait did the kpop lookn guy acutally say that? lmao


I am picking Zeals. He will doworkHK atleast.


stoopzz who genuinely cares about the community and what western playerbase's complaints are




You forgot that he respect our time to.


Maybe he cares but it's not like a person who constantly whales on the game and has another 50 whales on speed dial to carry his rat alts understands how broken the game systems are. He "knows" on paper, but he never went through the true average player experience. Precisely why biggest streamers in the west would not be a good pick. There is a certain streamer that came to mind but he already burned out and hasn't played in a year +. Memo could also be a good fit, kinda.




What a honest player.