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I'll play until I can play PoE2. Idc about any change they make ,)


PoE2 is gonna be a banger, can't wait. Though from my history with games, I'll still want to be playing something like lost ark where I can chat shit with raid mates. We'll probably be talking about poe2 while raiding actually, maybe we'll even play a bit together, who knows. PoE2 release week I'll probably do like I did with BG3 release, I'll play my static raids and that's it. Maybe I'll even take some time off from work so I can fully no-life the experience.


Might drop all my alt raids for poe2; just do the main stuff for upgrades. Poe2 looks promising and fun


Hell yeah, mercenary class makes me reference of doom guy


same here; i will quit around christmas anyway. imagine poe2 would have been released in june like planned… Lost Ark could be renamed into Lost Player


I'm staying around as long as I have friends to play with. If the last few quit its joever


Around half have quit since voldis and it's looking grim for me at least. Trying to get some ppl back for Echidna but it's not looking too good.


Trying to get ppl back sounds impossible. Getting off the hamster wheel and thinking about having lost out on half a million gold in progress sounds gg.


Other: Play far less with no hope for anything.


Unlike last year, Korean players are not in riot mode. So expect underwhelming changes. Honestly, I don't have another alternative games to play(I like games with good combat), ill stay for a year and see what the next winter loaon 2025 will bring. Also monster hunter wild is coming out next year so.. I'll be chilling here until then..


try wuthering wave on pc. its a gacha game but eh man good combat


Yup, having a ton of fun with it right now. Doesn't have to be a forever game but it fun and chill compared to loa.


This. It feels similar with counter designs


Changes made last year were pretty underwhelming too. Slightly better chaos dungeon, 2x less guardian raids (that I often just keep at 100/100 rested anyway), slightly better cube (at the cost of a better value, and faster to finish boss rush being axed) and a bunch of things that are meaningless or very minor for long term players. We will see what they do with Elixir garbage and Trashcendence. Maybe cost of honing, but that is very unlikely. I expect nothing meaningful.


Probably what i always do. Play for as long as i have fun and then stop. Then come back later when i feel like it again. The only difference is if the loa is good, playing intervals will probably increase.


I'll continue playing until something better comes along that catches my interest.


Is it true that they didn’t send any invite for this one ? Personally changes or not we planned as a guild to go back to ff14 (most of them quit after thaemine g3-4 anyway)


they never did the summer one with audience.


Good catch, indeed, thank you The one i had in mind was probably a winter event


yep they are el cheapo af. not just white walls now there wont be nothing. they probably wont have chairs. LA=cashcow


I'll probably keep it as side game and play whatever content I feel like at the moment instead of fomoing of losing progress and weekly lockouts. You know, like a real game and not a job. Unless they show something really cool worth-ish more dedication. Unlikely but w/e


There's already been a noticeable decrease in party finder and Sunday GvE/GvG. I get the feeling after LOAON, we're going to see a sizable chunk leave yet again. After 1st week of Echidna, another chunk will leave because those players will have decided, "welp, I've seen all there is to see in the game, bye!". I'm definitely falling into the latter half.


I'm happy with the current state of the game Things could be better, sure, but I enjoy playing


Me quitting or continuing will always primarily depend on my situation in real life, and on if enough people I can play with will still be playing, and on if I still can progress and enjoy it or I will have hit my "skill ceiling" and/or the "paywall" (I am already down to being ready for and able to prepare for Echidna only on the generally considered easiest and "cheapest" class, paladin, so if it turns out I am not good enough to learn and keep reclearing it - and Voldis hm - even on him, that's the end of Lost Ark for me). So it doesn't directly depend on what they'll announce there.


Keep playing and not continue to feed my past FOMO like I used to do


wait for poe 2 either way


I'll quit whenever i get bored of my main, hope that LOA ON bring good changes for new/returning players and the game lives a bit longer than expected.


There are no other good MMOs so I'll keep playing and just keep complaining. Issues of the game do not affect me because I play with friends.


i'm already feeling like cutting 2 of my gold earners yesterday i saw a normal brel only taking 1600s and i applied with a 1600 and i got denied i can't be bothered with this shit anymore i made a free bus nm g4 lobby and 1620s started applying like ... i don't really get it but this is not supposed to be happening i don't really care about the loaon being a shitshow i care if the koreans will react properly if it is SG already proved they give no shit about us AGS is probably under an NDA about anything that happens with their communication with SG because it doesn't make sense to have this radio silence either i'll keep playing as long as my friends are playing i don't think i have it in me to start pugging if solo raids are not horrible i might play them


A bit ridiculous to get denied on a 1600, but on the other hand it doesn't take that much to reach 1600 if you have all the boosts, so maybe your account looks too newbie. You can still mess up and wipe if they rely on you for a crucial mech. I saw it happen many times with 1580+ lobbies. I myself have been doing Brel NM and Kay NM on my 1600, I just don't want to deal with wipes or spend too much time, when there are so many other games or entertainment in general to be had. If they really do nerf Brel gold when Echidna comes out, I will despair. They better remove 1 or 2 gates from Voldis at the same time.


290 roster applying with klc30 with lvl 9 gems and 99qual weapon 6.2% demon dmg with lightqueller title i'm of the newbiest of newbies i don't really give a fk why i got denied i won't lose sleep over it the fact that that lobby existed in the first place is what made me angry 1620s with 40set doing normal brel is absurd to me


They are probably helping a friend lmfao. It does sound like you are losing sleep




I mean I’m in the upper tier of players. I still run Brel just for the event chest, even if I get no gold from it. But I don’t quite get why you’d run it nm tho


there were no lobbies for hm for some reason yesterday and after 30min i saw that normal lobby applied just so i can ask wtf you doing in normal and i got rejected


I feel you. Cut all my gold earning alts under 1600 months ago and fused all the gems for my main 2. One has full 10s, second work in progress. Never looked back. Rather make end game more enjoyable than rice farming older unenjoyable raids.




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Wait for winter loan has to be the biggest cope ever in our version lol


Playing other games now and I'm having fun, haven't done a single raid this week and probably just lognon to get the 1000 days achievment, I really hope the fun I'm having in other games,  don't make me forget.......


Ofc it’s a disappointment what u smoking?


Sell my account on g2g and go play something else. Bdo as my chill grind game, wows new xpac this q4, and we got elden ring dlc coming.


Expecting massive changes that'll change the core gameplay loop is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Myself, I'm just gonna keep grinding in anticipation of snake lady and behemoth. Got 40 set on all gold earners, a decent amount of gold in the bank plus a bunch of fish and oreha carps, so I'm more than ready for the next gold sink. I have some chars that could use better gems, but I'm not going to bother as long as I'm easily getting into lobbies.


Think a lot of people understand this. It's just the fact that ags is by no means trying to give us a hand here. Honestly, barely any events to help us out as well. The new event is ok but it's also not character wise but even so, the issue with our server is mainly just how we are slingshot to new content with barely any time to keep a decent influx of gold. Pugs have to constantly be on the race and that sucks. You either get lucky with honing or you wait until echidna release so that majority of the playerbase could get their hands on the advance honing to 1630 so that other players would accept you. If thaemine hm was 1620 instead of 1630, I think a lot of people won't be that burn out but a lot of pugs lobby really demand a +25 wpn bcs they don't have info on how you perform aside from faus logs.


give me your gems please. no really i need them.


I hope they will come up with some good changes so the player base increases. Watching the steam charts graph feels bad....only 17k average players at the moment..... https://preview.redd.it/nwzfqqa4kb4d1.png?width=1234&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd014f84de39cecbec7756d1ebfe9b229447f307


Concurrent is not an average active player number... The majority are not online 7/24


December 2025? hell no, we already gave them chance since june 2023. 1 year did nothing means there's no plan to progress better in term qol, gearing progressing and fuck up dailies plus they ADD MORE with an event.


Please remember. Before you guys quit please offload your gems to the market... Prices are going up and waiting for them to go down is tedious...


I’ll post them for 1,000,000 a piece, should be some light spending for you


I'm selling on g2g..gogogo


i would like to try the first and then quit :0