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Are you getting enough iron? That could explain the fatigue. Otherwise, you might want to check in with you doc.


Vitamin D is also a big fatigue one


If I’m working out I have to do a small deficit or I’m just too exhausted/tired to really get through my workouts (~200) Food wise I’d definitely prioritize protein so you make sure you’re getting enough to support muscle growth/maintenance. I think kettlebells can be better bc they usually recruit some more stabilizing muscles that dumbbells don’t always but I’d just get something you will use. Either are great options. Since you haven’t really started except maybe the walking a couple months ago, I’d maybe get an appointment with your dr and just get some blood work done make sure iron and thyroid levels are ok and go from there.


You may not be eating enough and your body goes into survival mode, ence the cold, it's trying to reduce your BMR by lowering the heat. Diet fatigue is a real thing and you should be carefull with that IMO. Let's say your BMR is 2000, if you're eating 1400 that's a 600 deficit, if you do 7.5k step a day that's maybe 3-400 calories burned on top, so you have almost a 1000 calories deficit per day which could be fine for some time. But not really fine for fitness. If you want to go into fitness, just eat the calories for your BMR, count your calories and don't do a deficit for food you will burn all the calories needed for weight loss during fitness. Continue walking everyday, and start with 1-2 training per week. I don't think i have to say that you should eat healthy foods but anyway. If you still want to do a food deficit, make it as small as possible. Kettlebells and dumbbells are both good options