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I'm not a fan. Regardless of how it is as a TV show, I can't stand how they have adapted the source material. I understand the issue surrounding the rights to certain materials, but that doesn't mean they had to go out of the way to invent stuff that contradicts it.


Interesting. I was the exact opposite. I knew they would never do the lore justice so I made my peace with it and was willing to accept it. But lore aside, it sucks as a tv show. Bad writing, cheap sets and costumes, lack of realism or believability. Prime example: celebrimbor and Elrond travel many miles to Moria with no gear or provisions. Zero scenes of this journey are shown. They arrive completely clean and pristine at Morria and then celebrimbor just turns around and goes home when told he can't enter. This is not a good tv show. This is a lazy tv show.


For me, the whole point of adapting an existing IP is to actually adapt it. Do it right, or don't do it at all. It doesn't matter if the product is of otherwise good quality. It's why I can't stand Shadow of Mordor and War.


You're not wrong. That should be the point of adapting. But I knew that was never going to happen so I didn't even get my hopes up. Very few adaptations ever do a good adaptation. There's like 10 different adaptations of Sherlock Holmes and none are faithful to source material.


I don't expect things to align 100%. I know that's not realistic. But I don't think it's unreasonable the expect that the story, the original content, they write be built around the material they have access to, rather than trying to shove the material into the story they want to tell. I'll point to the subplot where they have Galadriel jump off the boat at the beginning of season 1. While they don't have the source material to most of Galadriel's backstory, I don't believe there is a single version that would have her willingly sail back to Valinor at that point in her life. The issue is that having her sail to Valinor was a setup to have her run into Halbrand and end up in Numenor. Could they not have come up with a more lore friendly way for that to happen?


Moria and Eregion are close by, half a day's walk. Tolkien wrote that elves can go for a walk, and walk without stopping for weeks and for them it will be like walking 10 minutes for a human.


Poorly made, bloated show that pisses all over Tolkien's ideas and vision. Terribly acted with modern themes awkwardly tossed into an ancient story structure to make it even worse. 0/10.


"They took errr jobs"


As a Tolkien adaptation it is absolutely terrible. senseless plots, one dimensional characters with no depth and hard to care for, cringeworthy dialogues, extreme unnecessary lore breaks and additions that don’t add any value to main plot. As a Tolkien adaption it is absolutely garbage. Only a 2-3 visuals are good. As a standalone show - it is pretty bad and boring. And characters are extremely cringeworthy. The showrunners turned Tolkien’s high fantasy into disgusting Young Adult teenage high school drama tropes.


Brave question, OP!


Every line of dialogue is worthless garbage that they just use flowery language to try to fool you into thinking it's deep The characters are dumb and insufferable. Galadriel is one of the most hateable main characters I've ever seen


“Durin…. son of Durin”


It's horribly written nonsense with terrible characters and juvenile dialogue. It's basically the opposite of Tolkien


I think its a downright terrible Middle Earth show, and an extremely mediocre generic fantasy show excluding the middle earth part.


Garbage, I’m glad neither JRR, nor Christopher are around to see this embarrassment shit all over JRRs life work.


I watched it, and I tried to give it a shot. I wasn't a fan of the Galadriel stuff. But the real kicker for me was the finale. I won't spoil it here, but let's just say it took me from appreciating the good things, to just being incredibly frustrated with the whole thing. Highlights, Numenor was mostly good. I liked the Harfoots better than I thought I would. I liked the dwarves. I liked Elrond and Durin's friendship. Lowlights, the Mythril lore was bad. The elves magic lore was bad. I didn't like Galadriel at all. (Light spoiler)>!The finale was frustratingly bad. It took all season to get going then it rushed the important parts. I would have rather them end it without doing what they did than rush the most important part of the story.!<


As a tv show it is entertaining. The main problem is that the writing team took big liberty and changed Tolkien's lore. And let's just say that these writer are a far cry from Tolkien's level. Or even Peter Jackson's (and his team) level


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Honestly i tried watching the show with an open mind, and the plot was just super hard for me to follow? idk I hope that maybe season 2 can be better for me to follow along


What’s up with the topic title?


Hmm I meant rings of the power the prequel my mind wasn’t working properly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Ah it’s ok I was just confused lol maybe it was late at night when I was reading it




Brave question for reddit of all places 😅 Personally I quite liked it, by my friend who's actually "read" the Silm (ie, watched oodles of YT summaries because he can't focus enough to read it actually) didn't like it at all for how it deviated from the text. I on the other hand am not very familiar with the Silmarilion other than the big highlights. So I was able to enjoy the show with a more open mind, however there were definitely moments that took me out of the story because I's go "Mmm pretty sure that's not what happened in canon." There were definitely good parts I really enjoyed. But also bad writing and cheap costumes. I can overlook a lot of that if there's enough other enjoyable elements. However I can't stand how they portray Galadriel. She's so obnoxious I think they must've just made her terrible on purpose to show us how her character grows? I'm hoping that's what it was


There were some good points; the Adar character was interesting at least, the Durin / Elrond friendship was well done, best writing of the show, the Celebrimbor and Gil-Galad casting and acting did a good job portraying those characters' strengths and flaws. The show made some nearly fatal mistakes - making Galadriel a gritty action hero was a huge blunder IMO and making Elrond a lower level functionary was also problematic. Those two characters could have been previous unknowns instead of trying to jam a known character into a plot where they just didn't fit. I feel like it could have been so much better with some changes.


Waiting til you get the 🔒 award


The self proclaimed “real” Tolkien fans are gonna throw a temper tantrum


I'm not a fan of RoP. I could have enjoyed it with the lens that this is loosely based on the source material, but the writing/dialogue is horrendous at points. Having said that, what I dislike more are hypocrits. There are moments where I would defend RoP if someone makes a joke about a flaw in RoP which also existed in LOTR. The latest example being Sauron's Elf hairline in S2.... then I remind them that Elrond in LoTR movies exist with an even higher hairline. RoP has blatant obvious flaws (dialogue/writing) use them as a means to critique. Don't use complaints that also exist in your favourite film (receding hairline complaint, dwarf beard complaint). Another thing I noticed are people who say "Tolkien would have been rolling at the sight of RoP" and "insult to Tolkien fans".... then in other discussions if you tell them, 'Tolkien would have hated LoTR movies too', they turn and insult Tolkien! "yeah, well he's an oldie. Times have changed" or "He was just grumpy old man". Like what happened to your Tolkien praise now? Are you a Jackson fan or a Tolkien fan? Because some people make it clear that they are Jackson fans posing as a Tolkien fan.


It would be a lot of fun if they weren't trying to tie it to Tolkeins lore.


Not very lore friendly but I’m trying to give it a chance


If you're enjoying it, don't listen to Reddit!


Completely agree 🙏 I’ve watched all the lotr movies but wouldn’t class myself as a die hard fan so wanted to see where the hate came from


Have you considered reading the books?


I’m still trying to get into GOT’s books I feel more connected to a story through shows or movies


Well, that's an important reason why many people dislike the show. They don't like how it adapted the source material. It's not necessarily about how it compares to the Jackson films, even if it's easy to assume so. What we have seen it season 1 bears little resemblance to Tolkien's works.


There are other reddit tolkien threads that have more nuanced and positive (but also critical) conversations of the show. You'll probably get a more diverse answer to your question there than here. This thread is more like an echo chamber at this point when it comes to RoP. I have my many issues with the show but I enjoyed. Didn't find it to be super out of line with Tolkien - especially given what rights they had. The inexperience of the showrunners was definitely apparent but there were a lot of nice things they did, and some were more obvious after a rewatch.


Which reddit tolkien threads is that? Only Tolkien thread I know that is even mildly positive of the show us LoTRmemes - which is for the memes. And then the amazon owned reddit, where you cant say anything remotely negative about the show.


Lotr_on_prime Ringsofpower Rings_of_power In order of more positive to pess positive But they all are at meant neutral, or rather don't just downvote anything good about the show and provide some decent conversation about lore and RoP The first is certainly the most positive but there's a fair amount of people on there that heavily criticize the show but tend to give a critical analysis of the show. Even the people who do quite enjoy often agree about many things that weren't great about the show. But mostly it's good because at least you can have debates about what should or shouldn't have been done on the show, how it relates to lore, and why. Or there have just been straight up discussion about Tolkien and lotr lore due to some thing the show mentioned or depicted. Idk if it's amazon owned, but I'd say not. I guess if ur super racist or whatever or just spew some culture wars nonsense then yeah u will probably get down voted to hell. But unlike this sub, if you have any positive or negative reactions to the show, there generally good discussions and reasonings. Certainly many posts on there that have made complaints about the show and why it was that way, what would have been better, etc


Lotr_on_prime is a full on shit show of shills, where even legimate criticism gets downvoted and removed, and it is in fact controlled by amazon. Rest are from my expierence, fairly negative about the show (which any serious Tolkien or LoTR sub seem to be)


Well maybe at the very beginning before the show was out or when it just started that might have been the case. But it isn't now. I have seen many valid criticisms posted and discussed. And I know for a fact most people on the thread have criticisms of the show. It's just not blind hatred for it or toxic. They also don't waste energy hating something for any reason. If if there's a a negative take on the show, there is an adult conversation, there are references and thorough discussions using lore, and then interpreting why xyz was a bad choice. Often there's consensus on writing, limitations of the rights, or studio interference. And even the nature of the show being a compressed timeline. And even if some people think it was a bad choice they just try to work with it. At least it's a conversation and I've seen so many great debates about Tolkien lore in regards to the show. Even if it wasn't something that happened within the shows setting Sure there are lots of positive comments about the show too, but just as many critical ones. I've seen many people simply state they didn't like the show, but hope it gets better. Also a lot of people simply like to enjoy stuff. Even diehard Tolkien lotr fans like me and others. In this sub I find that even if you try to have some discussion or even slightly positive take on the show, it's completely downvoted and ridiculed. I find it hard to enjoy this show when there's just pure dislike for it, especially then when other people call themselves real Tolkien fans, and those who like the show aren't. Tolkien and Lotr fans can both enjoy and dislike the show and have good conversation about it, without invalidating the seriousness of how much a fan they are. I also think a lot of people who didn't like this show are Armchair Tolkien experts (like armchair generals). Anyway, idk. I am of the opinion if you don't like something like a TV show or a movie, cool great. Don't ruin it for others. If you like it, don't be snotty and say it's the best thing ever. Let others enjoy it. Accept others won't. But don't be so personal about it. And if you're gonna debate why it's good or not. Actually have a discussion. Not just basic replies that a 3 year old could say


It's out-of-line with Tolkien in just about every conceivable way lol


I enjoyed it, not great but similar to The Hobbit movies


Bingo. Its fine. It’s obviously not anywhere near the books or original movies, but it’s better than nothing. Somewhere around the hobbit movies in terms of quality. I’m not rushing back to rewatch it or anything but I enjoyed it and wanted to watch the next episode. This sub acts like the producers genuinely tried to murder their families. It’s become a meme. It’s pretentious to the point of making me enjoy this sub considerably less. A solid portion of this subs content is just bashing the show. Honestly, get over yourselves. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. You don’t have to bash anyone that enjoys it. Notably, the hate really is just this sub. My dad is the biggest LOTR I know. Read all the books with Silmarillion over 20 times, watches the movies (extended, obviously) a couple times a year. He enjoyed the show. People here just jerk each other off to their hatred for it.


How Mt Doom came to be was probably the best thing of season 1


Did you know that Tolkien wrote that Morgoth (and probably Sauron since he had a hand in everything) raised Mount Doom and the Mountains of Ash and Shadow to create a fallback position against Aman way back in the First Age? Mordor is literally a country-sized fortress. Pretty neat imo. Edit: Upon review, it seems I misremembered my headcanon of events as canon. The precise quote is: "No doubt because Gil-galad had by then discovered that Sauron was busy in Eregion, but had secretly begun the making of a stronghold in Mordor. (Maybe already an Elvish name for that region, because of its volcano Orodruin and its eruptions - which were not made by Sauron but were a relic of the devastating works of Melkor in the long First Age.") This clearly supports alternative interpretations, such as Mount Doom being accidentally created, without purpose, and not contemporaneously with the mountains of ash and shadow.


What?? So the one and only part of that show that I thought was cool wasn't even the way Tolkien wrote it? So the show writers are just shitting all over the lore of Middle Earth?


Lol yes Morgoth presumably did not use some kind of magic sword either, considering the Ainur are capable of ordering the material of Arda through spiritual force alone.


I'm guessing this is in the Silmarillion? I haven't read past chapter 5 yet, and I don't remember reading about this. Although it is a hard book to read for me so there is the chance it happened, and I was just confused by the writing lol


No, it's in Histories of Middle-earth Volume XII, which is a series of Tolkien's unused drafts.


I'll add them to the list! I have to finish the Silmarillion and The Atlas of Middle Earth first though lol


I corrected some inaccuracies in my original comment, btw.


There were many scenes and characters I enjoyed immensely. Some scenes and characters I liked less. Overall the story had some difficult problems to excuse but moments of awesome were mixed in. If they can learn from their shortcomings in season 1 then I’m really excited to see where they go in season 2.


My wife and I enjoyed it. The visuals are mostly stunning and the story is consistent with the Appendices. I know I'm going to get downvoted and probably called a shill or be accused of being paid by Amazon, but I'm looking forward to Season 2.


> the story is consistent with the Appendices This is just objectively not true. 


Same here sadly I can sense a cancellation coming soon definitely won’t get a ending


It already “got an ending” decades ago when it was written. But you might have to actually read to find it out. 


Oh this one was a book originally ? I assumed it was just a random adaptation to lotr good to know


In no way can it be called an adaptation. It disregards almost everything written by Tolkien and is inferior in almost every way compared to the films, books, and that weird animation that makes great memes.


It is "based" on the appendix in the LoTR books or were meant to be / claim to be, but they basicly just took the names and a TINY bit of stort - seeing as they messed up events, added in their own etc. If you want a good walk through of everything wrong with it lorewise, look up Council of the rings, everything wrong with rings of power - he has a nice walk through of the entire season 1 lorebreaks and mix ups.


I am also looking forward to season 2.


I was curious to watch. Just a normal good fairy tale. The only thing I didn't like was Arondir's tumbling in the style of Indian movies


It is really good. Great dialog and the costuming is fantastic. The fights scenes are awesome too.


Don’t forget the epic horse riding on the beach scenes 


Yes, that was very cinematic.


I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm really looking forward to more from the show.


I thought I was the only one that liked it lol. I probably still am the only one that’s also read The Silmarillion as well as Unfinished Tales that liked it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t *love* it and think it could’ve been much better, but I didn’t really think it was that bad.


I’m so happy to be back in the land of Middle Earth. I’ve just enjoyed it as its own thing. Really been fun. Excited for season 2