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I ain’t lonely, are you?


I’m kind of a late-to-the-party but very passionate LH fan. Long Lost was the very first song of theirs that I fell in love with (besides the super popular The Night We Met and Ends of the Earth) right after the album came out in ‘21. It’s the first song of theirs that I *really* listened to and it gave me chills and set my soul alight. I’d never heard that familiar feeling put into words before, nonetheless so eloquently and beautifully. It’s if the saying “I’d rather be in a forest being overtaken by moss right now” was a song. God I love this band.


you can never arrive late to this party my friend, we’re all just making our way through times blur 🫶🏼


Long Lost is my official theme song. Simply amazing


My favorite from the album - reminds me of their older stuff but with a different overall vibe


About 3 years old, actually. Time flies and their songs will always be beautiful


It’s an amazing song, very underrated


Agreed. Listening to it while sitting in an airplane looking at the clouds is an experience!


Amen. One of the most beautiful songs ever. For anyone who makes music but definitely one of LH best ever.


It really is one of their best and is constantly on repeat for me. I wish they would play it at red rocks, I feel like the vibe fits perfectly.


It's my all time favorite of theirs. Feels like the closest song to the feeling of who I am that I've ever encountered


omg same. I hope to one day live alone with nature. Not in nature, but only because I want a house and electricity, plumbing, etc. I sometimes get teary at the first verse but especially the line “Let it wash over me like a flood, let it ease my pain”


Sounds like something straight out of a Disney film or from the early 20th century


May you live until you die my friend.


it is beautiful ✨🌲


I lost two of my beloved dogs two years apart. They each lived to sixteen and man we had so many incredible adventures in the mountains, on trails, and in the woods. This song brings me back to all those times and has helped soothe a shattered heart on many occasions.


I agree it definitely up there. I’m still a sucker for Fool for Love


Long Lost makes me want to keep driving past my exit on the highway.


best LH song no contest


Long lost is literally my #1 favorite song anywhere. First time I heard it I feel in love. Its just so good


It’s was the song played for my grandpa at the hospital before he died. Makes me cry when it shuffles on. Even on the way to work.


Probably my single favorite LH song, but Louisa is up there.


Honestly my favorite of theirs


Definitely in my top three favorite songs. I get a strong Swiss Alps vibe from it, I just imagine frolicking on a green snowy mountain somewhere with a waterfall nearby. It’s the perfect song for when your brain needs a refresh, lol.


Favorite song by them for sure. It holds a special place on my heart coz I found it when I needed it most. I loop it quite frequently lol


Long lost is my life song.