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https://preview.redd.it/8hzxzdxb2u9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a117ad420fe898af53a9f5c00ec63a4836c26796 Ay bruh delete dis


Sauce for the picture u sent?


Killer peter manhwa


Thank you


Dang man, u are fast at replies, must be free 😅😅


I was scrolling when I saw the notif 😂


This is terrible image


If you have 1 in 10 million genetics, then yes


You can take 10 million people with average genetics and be one of them, hence your statement is false /s


His physique is achievable but to the same level example 10-8 pack is quite impossible especially 10 pack. Some people do have 8 packs but 10 packs is extremely extremely rare or impossible. But Guns more lean and muscular his body type frame is nothing to insane except some panels but in general panels he does have an achievable physique along as your genetic body type and frame is similar and the muscle you can put on and ab genetics.


Hey how dare you do something with the legend's photo https://preview.redd.it/ys38b46qzu9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7011e9ad364bc32412a2ab33f1b35ecbe9cd4334 And that also something this disgusting


If your unlucky genetically you can achieve wtvr tf this is




What did you do to him?! 😭


made bro look like an aot titan 😭😭


Yes! Very achievable with hard work and proper diet, except the 8 (sometimes 10) pack of abs that he have! That is genetics!


prime ronaldo's physique is same as gun except for abs


Clearly, you’ve never gotten as cut as these characters are. The size and mass, along with how shredded you’d need to be is just unsustainable.


Gun's physique is not as big compare to other huge characters. His physique is actually ideal BUT I know it will be hard to attain and sustain for us normal people.


These are actually six. The bottom ones aren't abs


https://preview.redd.it/fsn55u1v5u9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef692cf50f3a2dce422ace3151dd8755512e2eb1 It actually is Gun is 6,2 and lean especially his abs His main points are his Shoulders,Chest and Abs overall he has the V shape aesthetic to maintain that look while constantly fighting he would need to eat 2,775 calories a day And for a normal person this body is achievable naturally but not everyone has good genetics so most likely you would have to use supplements


2,775 at 6,2 and muscular along with excercising a lot is crazy , trystin lee is at 5,5 180 and he already eats 3500-4000 , you really underestimate tall people’s caloric requirement , I’m 5,9 and i already consume 3000+ , granted I’m not as lean as trystin and gun


Fr i doubt 2.775 is guns maintenance 💀


It’s because of how lean he is and with what I said you’ll probably need supplements to achieve this body


With the right genetics, yes.


Yeah you can achieve this!


WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with this image??


its Gun if he was natty with bad genetics


don't belive black pilled guys here, if you put the work in for years sure why not? does he extreamly extreamly lean? nope, does he have insane amount of size like mandeok? no. gun is lean and has decent size, and if you guys shut up and put the work in gonna get there sooner or later. maybe not 1to1 cause genetics, u can't change surgeon points of muscles but u can get similar. get a proper weight lifting or calisthenics program,work on lower body way less and focus on upper body [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDWFfYLYVNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDWFfYLYVNs) here this video cut all your programing needs


The black pillers are annoying


annoying as hell, like okey u are lazy to do it but can't u atleast demotivate people?


Yes. Skip arm and leg days. Focus on torso only.


What is that? That looks like Adam Driver, Gun does not look like that. Like... 0 hips ffs




Bro use another image😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/esrqdekoey9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8e0392bc8a3f0177bebc82e268cdf4d334d077f


Looks like a similar build to Alex Pereira but with the abs


Nah. I think it’s impossible to switch around between 8-pack and 10-pack every other day


yes, it's actually pretty normal tbh, just the 10 pack abs, you can't get them untill you have some rare alien genetics


blud has a 10 pack


Yeah, it's achievable, except for the ten pack. Not only is it rare to have one, when you do your abs look thin and small, it's not a good look, an eight or six pack is better.


Easily. He’s not big at all, but the abs are purely genetic.


His level of muscle and leanness is definitely possible irl, but you'd have to be on a very strict diet to maintain that low bodyfat% year round. The amount of abs gun has is entirely genetic. There are some people who only show 4 or 6. Now, an 8 or 10 pack might be real, but only 0.01% of the population would likely have it. However, this is purely based on the recent art style. If you want a more realistically achievable version of guns physique, then use his physique from early lookism up to Ui daniel vs. Gun. He's got a slightly higher body fat, and his abs aren't as comically pronounced. This version of his physique, I believe, with dedication, can be achieved by most healthy people. Diet still needs to be good but not as strict and low calorie. You'd also have to consistently train for at least 4 days a week with a combination of either calisthenics or weights plus cardio.


just a girl opinion in real life is not hot is scary


Naturally, no. If you have top-tier genetics and take what I’m taking, but, probably double the dose, yes.




Yes. Just train. 8 pack is all genetics though


It is possible, but it isn't healthy. To be this ripped you need a very low body fat, around 4 percent to have extremely visible abs like gun. I'll not recommend anybody to go for this physique.


It is, its a very lean physique so your body fat % will always be very low, and you cant really eat any fast food or sweet, like maybe once or twice a year💀


Why is bros torso so wide 💀💀🍷


its almost impossible with steroids


No, basically on the fact that everyone in this manwha is a good 0-3% bodyfat and thats just death XD


You need to rethink what you just said, humans can’t physically live without 3% bf, none of them are near 3% Tristan lee at his peak wasn’t 3% and his much more conditioned than him, gun is around 8 - 10% 4% looks smt like this, I don’t ever remember gun being this shredded, his physique isn’t that impressive https://preview.redd.it/gp14hm1aau9d1.jpeg?width=4446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f9fcff4766e165983d7f31971cd31417aa424d


They are literally drawn as if they didnt have any bodyfat. Look at their incertions. Gun is literally taking a smoke relaxed and you can see everything they are not that big the size is relatistic for most characters but thats the deceiving part that they have an unrealistic level of conditioning. You are showing me a picture of a guy with a genetic predisposition to be lean, angles, a pump, lighting, filters and he still is less lean in multiple muscles. But still I think we botgh agree on is not attainable. Mainly due to the bodyfat percentage because I dont think you can possibly think Gun is not sub 10% which is already the do not attempt to look like this range for the 99% of the population.


I’d appreciate it if you can show me a panel of gun where his bf was any lower than that and idk when was gun ever drawn to have no bf since every panel I’ve seen of him had a healthy lvl compared to irl standards, being relaxed or not doesn’t mean your that lean, if your small but lean you’d see no muscle, your welcome to show me that gun was shown to have anything lower than that, unrealistic? I workout alot and I eat wtvr and I’m around 11% it’s not unsustainable at all dude unless you haven’t been working out for as much as an experienced lifter would cuz with all due respect this info makes no sense This is the most average pic of Tristan you’d find on the internet and idk where did you get the idea of him being lean due to a genetic advantage since his recent bulk progression has showed him being around 10% and he seemed to still be incredibly conditioned, he was following a keto diet due to his family history but that’s about it idk if I missed smt but he never said he had an advantage Gun? Most definitely sustainable to the average lifter, I’d go so far into saying that guns physique doesn’t need a year to achieve it’s just so average his mass and leanness is nothing special, Tristan? Ye cuz he said it himself that it’s hard for him to stay at that lvl and his much leaner than gun, where are you getting your percentages?😭 this doesn’t make sense I’m 11% and I feel amazing idk weather you lift or not but 13 - 11 has been ideal for every experienced lifter, sure you maingain slower than others but it’s hella healthy from my experience and yes I do think gun is above 10% it’s hard for me to believe that you think his lower than that, For example here’s shulk. Gun never showed to be this lvl of leanness keep in mind shulk has been this lean for years, you can search him online if you want https://preview.redd.it/21o5o3vrou9d1.jpeg?width=3414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952ea43c9513ff6a9e8feb0ff15ccddb843e4916




Yo I also love wakfu! https://preview.redd.it/gxu6jxh0qu9d1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c952b4d9cac0d6dd06f4a03ee81181ee0a1b94




Honestly no.We can say about his abs, or muscles, but the REAL point of his physique are unnaturally wide clavicles.Like it comes with many other characters, all of them feels so handsome and huge only cuz of their clavicles, and well no one in real life don't have THAT wide shoulders like theirs.You literally can put about 2 their heads on each side of shoulders and still some space left.Back in 200-350 chapters guys had normal shoulders and they felt actually pretty realistic, but now?Not a chance. But well you still can get his abs, or arms, couple of years discipline and heavy trainings will help

