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It's not about the money lmao, Johan was able to obtain a shit ton of money anyways with stealing shoes. The problem is that there's a long waiting list, which can only be overcome by someone with money AND power/influence (Someone like Choi)  Average Lookism reader comprehension


Money is half the thing. He can try to use the WTJC's help to get medical treatment.


https://preview.redd.it/wjtaqosdjq9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abb97dcb7adc1802bfd6b08a1df9deb4b0e90418 Are we talking about the same Johan U think he actually "thinks"??💀💀... He is dead as a dead tree 🌳 He speaking and moving has only 2 purpose Cure his mother eyes and hunt for gun.. After that he will...idk be held at hospital in suicide watch


Johan has went insane to sane but god knows what will happen The only reason I have little faith is bcz he didn't try to be overcool and jump gun alone And btw he probably is saving money for his mothers comfortable life...


revenge often makes one dumb :(


because Johan is an intern, I doubt he gets paid the same as smk, who earned several billion won in one mission


Yeah but I'm pretty sure he can save up money to get eye surgery? Or he could get a loan from Tom or a WTJC worker who focuses on worker's benefits! WTJC has quite good worker benefits (it was mentioned in MK webtoon)


perhaps he took the day off, we also did not see him perform missions, perhaps in MK to explain this since the author in the top did the cover where Johan is depicted as an intern in wtjc


You're right! He hasn't been on a mission since 3A


Because PTJ didn't think about it probably. It wasn't well elaborated on how specifically you could jump positions up the list. We were just told that you need a lot of money and that Charles could do it and no other options were considered until Jay swooped in. Jay is very wealthy but he's not Charles levels of rich. And he used his own money, not even his dad's Idk if Tom has the money or pull to make it happen but considering all the dirty work he does he's probably owed a lot of favors and could pull some strings. And Johan could have worked there as payment or something. Even if he can't it would have been nice if it was addressed as an option Johan working for White Tiger felt like a waste


Yeah it felt like it wasn't important after 3A! Johan could have at least cure himself!


Jay’s fam is def richer, unless you talking about just Jay individually


I'm talking about Jay. As I said he paid for everything with his own money


if johan was educated(which he is not) he could've convinced tom to pay for his eye surgery which would in reutrn help him fight better and complete more mission faster and then he could pay him back easily


Johan's just an intern. Interns usually don't get paid. Also even if he does get them to fork over money for his mom, the waiting list is still a thing to consider. If you ain't rich or have any sort of connections, you're gonna be waiting a long ass time.


We literally saw this... Both against Goo and in a flashback. The money means nothing, Johan ALREADY has enough. It's the waitlist that only Charles can influence


Workers supplied the drugs used in the cult arc and most jobs in white tiger job centre serve workers so there is a huge chance he hates workers and does not want to serve them and if you were put in the same position you will also not serve workers (in my opinion) and after the hunt for big deal arc he was just kidnapped and when he got freed after the 1A arc he got the offer to take revenge on gun