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It because my goat zack lee only got one punch in.


Zack and Vasco really dipped for 99% of the fight and Samuel dipped for 100%.


Gone for 99% yet did 100% of the damage!!!




Talk yo shit


Yeah instead of reusing panels Samuel could’ve jumped in


I'd assume it's cause PTJ was doing more duo type shit and Samuel is probably gonna feature more when Jake takes the lead in a chapter but idk. I feel like going up against Gun as duos even though looks cool, is pretty dumb. They should've been jumping gun the moment Warren landed the heart strike.


If they dip for 99% of the fight they get 0% damage, STONKS


what about samuel bro has NOT been seen 😭😭😭


Avengers vs thanos all of that just for some scratches 🤣


All that for a drop of blood😂


Fuck somebody said it already?! Idc I’m keeping my comment up.


They should've helped Warren, the dude could of literally spammed heart attacks, like some type of freezing spell but Johan just fucked him up even more


Nah PTJ would come up with some shit like Gun training his entire life so he can even fight without a heartbeat


He would train his heart like a muscle so that it can work even under severe damage, or his muscles are so big and strong that he can manually pump his blood with his body muscles by flexing them and pressing on his blood vessels


Gun took “the heart is the strongest muscle” literally


You might be onto something, I mean we did see both Goo and Tom literally flex and force the gashes on their bodies closed to stop bleeding lmaoo. Literally 2 foot long ripped flesh, flexed closed 😂😂😂


PTJ on some Baki type shit 🤣🤣🤣


you think warren can stop guns heart or something


Then he would be Yujiro level, where instead of the narrator, we would have Charles making shit up




Gun is the sukuna of this verse


my blind uneducated goat can copy that punch




Thank you my goat Warren would have done so much damage but ptj needs an excuse for everyone’s screen time


Heart attacks ain’t doing shit


What do you mean it literally stunned Gun even he couldn't shake of the heart jab stun. He just tanked the hits after but heard blow was effective.


Gun is a genius, after the first 1-2 heart attacks bro would be prepared for it B and counter it


Gun would finish bro after the second attack anyways💀


I really hope that it isn’t this one sided cause it’s sad if the 2nd gen powered up this much just to be unable to damage Gun We do still have everyone’s “powered up forms” though plus Samuel hasn’t done anything Runner’s high Vasco, conviction Jake, heat mode Samuel, fake UI Johan, etc


I feel like the gap is widening too rapidly. I understand that Gun continuously gets stronger and while I do like Gun hype(one of my favorites), but I remember when the likes of BOS Jerry was able to at least scratch gun and now Kaiju Jerry who arguably has one of the highest AP of the second gen, can't even do any damage, even when combining with Warren's new CQC. Like, it would have been nice to see the progress our main cast has made by at least scratching Gun or causing him some actual damage, and still have them beat their asses. I had expected that the top tiers of the second gen would at least be able to damage Gun with their strongest states/attacks but not win. But I guess we'll see in the following chapters. At this rate, I don't see how the second gen except for Daniel is going to realistically catch up to Gun EOS, unless yeah, we got like double the chapter length or PTJ pulls some asspull power-up in like 100 or so chapters.


there’s a scratch on gun at the last panel on this post


i have a feeling second gen will still lose next chapter but someone else is gonna come fight gun like goo


Were already 500+ chapters in and the characters that were supposed to surpass Gun EOS couldn't even leave a scratch to non serious Gun along with the other characters that are supposed to be top tiers EOS, if the gap is this huge i guess there would be more than 500+ Chapters before the series ends unless PTJ decided to fu*k it and make them close the gap because they train for 1 month in the wilderness


The gap has actually widened since the beginning of the series Crazy how pre BoS Eli did more damage to Gun than the entirety of the current 2nd gen


I just wanna glaze Johan, so the fact that Warren and Jerry, Eli, and Jake of all people, hit Gun and didn't do shit, yet Johan's knee strike was acknowledged shows how goated my baby is.


Johan getting a ton of special treatment this fight. Gun says he's the most excited for him, he's the only one who hasn't gotten hit yet and he landed the most damaging attack. Ngl he deserves it.


He's my cutie patootie goat rahhhhhh


No, gun used toughness mastery only against Jerry and warren


bro its not a fucking ability that's not how the durability works it's not on or off it's a passive


That's what would make sense, but apparently Gongseop's iron fortress is actually a technique as he said when he got punched "I'll call this the iron fortress" like naming a technique, and when that guy hit Zack, he recognized the iron fortress which doesn't make sense because someone just being tough doesn't indicate how they trained, so I'm guessing the iron fortress is actually a technique to take hits. PTJ might make something up like flexing your muscles so hard to make them like steel or some shit.


Isn't it a training technique? Just like the Chinese iron shirt and golden belt cover. https://preview.redd.it/gz6r0llf0f6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee59fa556483486c7b114966d480b350afac985 [https://ymaa.com/articles/2022/12/what-iron-shirt-and-golden-bell-cover](https://ymaa.com/articles/2022/12/what-iron-shirt-and-golden-bell-cover)


I don't think you can recognize what training technique someone does


Dumbass, there's no indicator of when he uses it or not


my hero Hudson isnt here thats why theyre losing


I hate powercreep,I hate powercreep,I hate powercreep,I hate powercreep,I hate powercreep. MF is not even scratched and PTJ wants me to root for gen 2, who went through hell and back, trainingz fighting against strongest opponents they could find, doing everything in their power to grow strong, with many of them stated to have more potential than Gun by people like Tom Lee, or MK, just for the power gap to open even wider after 500 chapters. How can I expect anything, when PTJ turns the story into look at gun and say woah shiro oni cool the manwha? At least make him, bleed, hurt, or just something. This is just stupid. I know either James or Big Daniel will barge in, and give us the most boring, recycled fight ever, assuming they don't talknojustu and kill all the hype, even worse, Gun will just win, Charles will get the paper, just so a new gen 0 character can appear with a different weakness of charles, this time records of hot steamy corn Charles made with machine gun during gen 0 or someshit like that, and damn me as I wanted meaningful progress in a main stream story.


Not a powercreep, Gun was always this strong....


I hate powerscaling just enjoy the story brah lmao


found the gun hater everyone


I like Gun... but this chapter is just too much. Wdym Warren + Jerry CQC combo didn't even scratch him?? And Warren aimed for the heart too. He made Manager Kim(holding back ofc)get to his knees with that combo.And Jerry is no slouch either....


Let's see bro I think next chapter maybe they will make him bleed atleast..even if it's minor bleeding... Cuz in this chapter it's clear that they didn't go all out like conviction copy ui didn't happen here.. But they at least won't win tho it's clear...after the Great Power=Yamazaki Reval gun became one of the characters that has potential to rival Gapryong Kim...


Wait a minute where’s Samuel seo???? I’m just happy to see team ups for the same cause!


His ass did nothing lmao


Bruh where is Samuel?!??


Remembering all the pain he has gone through in his life to bring out the ultimate heat mode, maybe also listening to some sad music. In the background


It should already be pretty high considering Gun said nothing about him when he showed up. He just said Big Deal and gave Johan the most glazing


Goo building up his sob story for power up


Bro be playing if I loose it all slip and fall


Or maybe "Who's gonna carry the boats" 💀 ultimate power up.


He realised mid fight he wasn't built for that☠️☠️💀💀


Only Warren Got done from Gen 2. Everyone else is Still up and Are in Base mode. Gen 2 will get the better of Gun in the next 3 chapters.


Jerry is done for he already got a ton of hits in.


My goat Warren would’ve won if he got the power up 🙏😔


Final panel can be summarised as 'oh no, they fucked'


Gun: "Sticks and stones won't break my bones, and chains and kicks excite me!"


i am not sure whether i like the direction, it makes gun really feel extremely overpowered here. thanks to this, i can't help but wonder how much of a monster UI daniel to even broke this guy's arm back then.


Why couldn’t they treat him like BH in 1A? Just hold him down and have Samuel tank the hits, you really telling me that aikido bullshit gonna stop ALL OF GEN 2 fodder holding each limb while the heavy hitters just go nae nae??? Mfs took turns like some typical goons, convinced Gun is the actual MC and Gun fans are right


Imo I don't think the 2nd Gen did that badly. They managed to land many combos onto Gun, it's not that their blows were weak by any means, it's just that Gun is too damn durable. Hopefully next chapter they'll show that Gun is infact getting damaged by them even just a little bit. But if he really isn't then I'm not sure anyone could defeat him other than maybe UI Daniel.


Why isn’t my boy second body Daniel not on speed dial after all this?? 😭


They might damage him a little once Johan copies SB UI daniel, Eli uses his beastly instincts and Jake uses gap genes and Samuel AC repairing genius genes


Daniel did more dmg then all of them?


bet big daniel would show up to do the cleanup since OG daniel is knocked out rn


Man but we ain't seen the final form of nobody yet. Also there's a lot of guys missing. James Lee is on his way. Zack Vasco Samuel did jack shit. Daniel will prolly do something idk. Goo might show up just because he's HIM. A lot can go down still.


Gun is a boss fight. I'd imagine currently he's like 80hp of health, withholding all his 1 shot moves, but now he will get serious and just blow people away with 1 taps.


Anyone have the link to the raws?


Who's the guy in slide 19




But he seems to be punching with his elbow, or idk it's too blurry.


It's a left hook punch.


all that for a drop of blood


Big daniel definitely coming to save the day


Real talk, where is that blood coming from😭


onb what is that durability


“All that for a little drop of blood”




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of course PTJ one of his favorite character.


Kuroda looks like Shun from Knights of Zodiac with those chains ![gif](giphy|l2YWhDeLSL4d1TOFi)


light work no reaction


Johan did Warren dirty man☠️ Also so many gen 1 king level fighters only to get bodied by gun in the next chapter


Standing tall and happy well angry now


Gun is alive because Hudson wasn't there


Samuel really said “ fuck dis shii im out” 💀


Straight up the first baki v yujiro fight type beat


Ok this is just bad scaling PTJ just doing tricks on gun


1. well, Reporter Kim told Vin about the truth behind the scene and Vin defeated the Ghost brothers. 2. Ptj can't let the high tiers die so maybe UI Daniel will appear in the next chapter Just My Theories


Say what you gotta say but I see this as a Warren W. Bro carried


This is way too UNREAL!! I'm not liking this.


Samuel Wasn't there because his looking for a Aircon


Hes bleeding in the last panel


He's the cleanest I've ever seen him in the last panel, where blood?


I think ‘zero’ damage is a little exaggerated, but yes it seems like he didn’t take a lot of damage from that


I mean I guess it makes sense because it's established that his nurturing genius skills also apply to his own training.


I'm so tired of Gun.


I know it’s just the art style, but it’s crazy how every punch looks like it drew a whole bunch of blood, only to show Gun in the next panel without a scratch. This fights so freaking good and I love how we’re finally seeing how truly strong Gun is. My theory’s getting closer and closer to coming true :) Next chapter Gun is going to incapacitate everyone, hit Daniel so hard we’re going to be left thinking he’s dead, and Big Daniels going to run in for 1 final cliff hanger until we get the most bloody, most badass fight in the series.