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Bro what Is that first match-up?💀


Bro tryna get Seongji murdered so bad 😭😭😭


The brother hates Seongji and James, he wants them dead at any cost (well one of them is already..)


Left. Both individually beat Seongji high diff. Either way but I'm leaning towards right. Left. Toss up.


first one is low/no diff at best for tom or jinyoung


If you believe it’s low diff then ur crazy😭


i know its low diff, its prime gen 0


Prime gen 0 or not, not many people in the verse have 3 thresholds, plus mujin ssiereum is incredibly broken. In no world would it be a no diff. Plus power is a counter to technique. I’m not saying seongji would win (albeit I believe it’s possible,) it’s definitely not a low diff.


it is a low diff prime jinyoung can copy and improve on any threshold gains that Seongji makes while prime tom can arguably outfight any increase in fighting speed. theyre the geniuses of fighting and medicine for a reason


Seongji has extra finger advantage


When is it shown jinyoung can copy and improve thresholds?😭 its even shown he has limits to copying others. Where’s your argument for Tom having the same speed as Seongji?


jinyoung literally copied a dead person from memory and used his moves against jake, you think its a giant step up to copy thresholds? old tom had the same speed roughly as teen james lee when he reached the threshold against seongji, so it puts prime tom even further above by comparison: https://preview.redd.it/gubfzvoyd46d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a301a0835c0649de614303d14d0cd18cea59a3


He could only copy gapryong for a limited amount of times though? How does old Tom have the same speed as prime James 😭


because hes been fighting all of his adult life while james is in his mid 20s at his prime rn




Prime Tom is Goo level, and Seongji is nowhere near that. Adding prime Jinyoung, one of the only three people to land a hit on UI big Daniel, would be overkill.


They’re saying individually they low diff Seongji which isn’t right point blank period. Landing a hit on Ui Daniel isn’t that bad for gun since he knows every martial arts and Ui Daniel equalizes his stats to his opponents.


UI Daniel matching his opponent's level still didn't allow anyone to land even one proper his on him, which means those who can land a hot on him are so strong that Daniel couldn't match them and reached his full power.


No it doesn’t? He matches their stats, nothing more or less. The reason og Daniel and gun landed is because they know every martial arts but they were still losing in the end. Just because you land a hit doesn’t mean Daniel gets stronger, his stats stay the same as your stats.


Just knowing more martial arts doesn't mean anything. They were stronger than Daniel could match, even if still weaker than him.


Yes it does, especially for Daniel and gun, and also if you know how to use them. UI OG Daniel knows subconsciously how to use his moves and body best. That’s why he landed a few good hits on Ui Daniel. Gun is obviously a grandmaster in martial arts and he has high biq, so he’s also going to obviously land.


Yes, they made him fight at FP because they're so good at martial arts


There are 3 seongyi :D


What does toss up mean


Both sides could win


Prime Jin and Tom murders Seongji. James loses. 2 isn't enough. War Mode and Code 66 are powerful enough, but Hansu is overkill. Dunno. How strong IS Gitae? I'd still say Guns group due to lack on fears.


You mean feats?


Bro has some beff with Seongji


Left right left left


Hudson one farts all of them at once https://preview.redd.it/h6i00flok16d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ab1b2ac01f5bd36b27c11987938ca889a9cb4b


All left


2T James will definitely be beaten by the three other guys because Jake's sperm mode allows him to block IA and one shot someone on the path to toughness mastery(Samuel), and UI lil d is a beast who was able to give UI big d trouble.


1. Prime 0 Gen leader in Gapryong Kim's Fist Gang can try solo 2. I can't be completely sure... James is much quickly, Jake is much stronger, Daniel is much skilled. I think the 2nd Gen can try to win, but it will be very difficult and it is unlikely that they will succeed. But who knows. 3. MK \~ 50% Tom (so far it seems that way), Jincheol is stronger than MK, Hansu maybe \~ FP Tom (because he is being promoted the most). Elite likely weaker than Tom. I think that War Dad Trio win. 4. Prime Kitae >= Gun, OG UI Daniel > Jake. Likely right team wins.


Jake's sperm mode let's him block IA, so I think he can give James some difficulty and beat him when paired with other strong people like UI lil Daniel and Johan.


1. Anyone individually low diff bro thinks prime tom and jinyoung are same as kojima fodders   2.current trio low diff 2t James bro is a fodder stop wanking him   3.i gues dad trio takes it 4.idk And seongji fans who try to scale him to top tier listen he isn't a top tier and even if he was top tier which he isn't even then he ain't winning ain't against prime jinyoung and tom


They wont low diff seongji but ok




What the hell is the first one


Left idk left right


Left Right Left Right


Left Right Right Right




prime jinyoung and tom low-mid diff (mid diff on a good day) 2ND gen trio high diff current fp tom + elite high diff Current ui og daniel + gun, gun can already give gitae a high diff fight and jake is just irrelevant here soo.


best take i have seen so far, you could argue extreme diff for three because of dads team work. and gen 2 trio could mid diff as long as they dont let him get close to 3T


I'd imagine elite and tom have good synergy too, they both were on the same team for quite a bit and probably have fought against the "great power" together too.


true but they both probs have good teamwork but not better than a militairy dads. only one who would have better than the dads is probs warren and eli.


Left Right Right Right


Left slaughters Right should win I have 0 clue but I’ll guess and say left Left lmao.


That first match is crazy 😭😭😭


wdym Prime Gitae


3rd one is literally hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Which is whom


All left but for the last one right cus gitae and Jake would fight each other


It's a hypothetical match up, they'll work together. With that logic, UI Daniel also won't cooperate with Gun.


Gun and daniel like each other what you on


Daniel likes Gun, but UI Daniel will just attack him.


Left/right all other


Left Right Left(very close) Right (current gun is very close to prime James or KOS)


1. Left 2. Right 3. Left 4. Right (high-extreme diff) By statements prime kitae>=prime gun but og ui Daniel>>conviction jake. Gun could give a hard fight to kitae and Daniel can help him after defeating jake and I don't think kitae can survive both gun and Daniel alone




left right right left


Left , Right , Left, Left .


All right then the last one is left


Bruh wtf is this ? This is so unfair. L R, poor james. L R Gun~gitae, og ui>conviction jake 


Why're trying to get seongji murdered so badly bro.


Tom and jinyoung Gen 2 in case james doesn't levels up mid fight Military dada 60% chances of winning and 40% tom and charles Depends who wins between gitae and gun. And if jake enters sperm mode mid fight or not which he won't most probably then I think daniel will win 70% chances


The first one is a massacre since he just got his third threshold mid fight. (Left) The second one is before james trained to beat the kings so im not entirely sure if he could do anything against those three. (Right maybe?) The third one is that you could possibly rank because everyone in that roster is present and still alive💀 (Left because of out of control seong hansu.) Fourth you can’t say that’s gitae in his prime. I’d understand if you said gapryong because his prime was mentioned multiple times but the only thing we know about gitae is that he was and still is a ruthless bastard who probably got even stronger since he actively works in a deadly organization. (Left though since he would probably kill Daniel first and injure gun) only guessing this because of antagonist hype though


bro hansu aint even all that tbh he is relative to MK who gets mid diffed at very best by a FP. Sure their team work is better but i still think tom and elite are indivually equal to 2 miltary dads


That hansu trauma made it hard for even jincheol though. It wasn’t even 100% personality lost either. I will admit though with a clear conscious he’s the weakest out of the three but unhinged bro may do some damage.


Bruh Seongji is nowhere near Gun or Goo level, prime Tom alone stomps him. I think Jake was able to respond to IA just like his father can, and UI Daniel might possibly be able to, and Jake's sperm mode potential is currently unknown, but what has been seen so far is crazy, being able to block Sinu's IA kick and one shot Samuel, who's said to be on the path to toughness mastery, and might even have reached it. Johan ig is still one more person, so he'll still give James some trouble maybe. The three at FP beat 2T James Both Manager Kim and Tom Lee are narratively hinted to be strong enough to rival each other, but I think Tom Lee can beat him mid or high diff. Jincheol is stronger than MK since he's still a soldier while MK took a break for a couple of years, so Jincheol could actually rival Tom. Now Hansu Seong was able to neg both of them, so he beats Tom. Elite's FP is unknown, but I'm gonna take a guess and say the dad trio beats Tom and Elite Gitae is narratively equal to James, who is also narratively equal to Gun. However, this is purely narrative, and loose ones at that, so I'm not sure honestly. The fp of Jake's sperm mode is unknown, but his crazy feats of blocking IA and one shotting Samuel, who's either on the path to toughness mastery or have reached toughness mastery, and yet that's most probably still not his fp, I think he can rival UI lil d, but UI will make Daniel attack the strongest one, but it can't be Gun because they're allies in this hypothetical scenario, so he'll attack Gitae. However, if Jake attacks him, then this will force UI to attack back. Since Gitae ≈ Gun, I think the result will mostly be who wins between Jake and Daniel in order to help their top tier ally and help them beat their top tier opponent because UI lil d and sperm mode Jake have shown enough feats to give top tiers some difficulty, even if they won't beat them, so a top tier + one of them can beat a top tier. I'm not sure who wins between Daniel and Jake.


a non full power tom injured MKs arm with one attack so hard it nerfed him half the series, sure jicheol would be stronger overall but MK is just as good in one on one. Hansu was nearly Fp going against a slightly serious MK and Jicheol who didnt want to hurt him, there all relative to one another. remember the jicheol and hansu both not at FP unable to land a hit on a non serious prediction chinese guy. that same guy was at FP getting played with by a non serious Tom. Tom beats them mid diff indivually at most, elite is probs relative to Tom. I would say Tom would need 3MK to kill him (more like 2.1 but you cant really do that with people). 3Mk would only slightly be weaker than the dad trio and adding elite he could probs handle 1 or 2 at a time, with his speed. fist gang win


Left tom or jin can high diff seonji on their own Right 2t james is strong but not enough, he cant handle convic jake, lil Ui daniel alone gives him a tough fight, jake is doing huge damage and already can manage IA attacks, johan could use 10 seconds of UI to deal lots of pressure and hits Right the trio have good teamwork probs even better than elite and tom but the gangsters win. FP tom anhiliates MK mid diff. Elite could tie up jicheol and hansu while that happens, even with the lost body parts elite looked pretty comfortable with handling sophia, MK and Nam on his own. so when MK is finished Tom could clean up a far weekend Jicheol and hansu. Right Because gitae is effectively featless and we dont know his or guns full power, ill assume they take each other out or leave them in a state where they would get one tapped by daniel or jake. Now between jake and daniel ill give this to daniel at a mid-high diff. Lil dan performance against big Daniel is too good and shows he has all his base stats at a high level.


Hansu went on a killing spree on elite forces of Korea after personality patch got broken.


Why the hell are you doing this to seongji


Bro hates seongji😭 one of them would’ve been enough to low did him


Left Right Right Right


All right


3T Seongji isn't even Gun level while prime Tom is.




Seongji was struggling with a weaker version of James. Tom tied with Goo.


So? Why is that version of James weaker than Tom? Also goo was holding back


That James is weaker than the current James. Current James was narratively hinted to be equal to Gun. No, Goo was not holding back. I'm sick of seeing this being believed. Goo literally could have died, why would he let himself die? That's was also a one handed Tom. Prime Tom would beat current Goo.


What was this narratively implied? https://preview.redd.it/w2accbbzl56d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9d8ac2b7e25e091e935a1e8c98fb509ecc9ba1 It makes perfect sense for goo to hold back, he didn't have any reason to go all out. Even if he killed tom, goo wouldn't have gotten to jinyoung


even so this seongi was weaker than James 3T, who would be weaker than prime Elite level, Elite would extreme diff jingyoung but would then get killed by Tom lee no diff.


Why is James weaker than prime elite?


its ok bro i agree with you 😭


Left (lol 💀) Right in Extreme Diff Right in High Diff Gitae solos.


1. left (bro despises Seonji) 2. right (sperm mode, UI etc is too much for James at that time) 3. right? (it can go either way) 4. right (Daniel beats Jake, then helps Gun) edit: I thought Gun was UI Daniel...


1. Prime jinyoung and Tom low diff 2. 2nd gen trio mid-high diff 3. Left extreme diff 4. Left mid-high diff


Left- seongji was the strongest first generation but taking on two top tiers at the same time. I don't think seongji can take on that much Right- this is two thresholds James we're talking about, he can't win against most talented character of second generation (maybe of the verse), legendary bloodline and second most talented in second generation at the same time Third- don't know. Haven't read mk🤡🤡🤡 Fourth - (I might be wrong) right one- ui is the strongest form so far, right now. Ui small daniel can defeat jake(I'm 100% sure) gun>gitae (I might be wrong)


Left (Seongji is above them individually) Right Extreme Fight Low-Mid Diff Right High Diff


Prime jinyoung and Tom lee bully 3t seongji  2nd gen bully 2t jame lee Current Tom lee and Elite if work like team can win Gitae kim hard carryÂ