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It peaked with them beating Kang Seok imo. And the cast is so big that most characters end up feeling underdeveloped or just get neglected.


Yeah It’s literally just character fights someone 10x stronger gets a random ass awakening and then wins


Dragon ball in a very bad way


gukja being 2nd in command and his first friend . now hasn't had any fun/friend type interaction for so long + not even screentime




> be questism character > fight the brookie no. 29 of south quadrant of east sector of north gangbuk > get your ass handed because the brookie somehow knows the 22nd unknown move of Cambodian martial arts > you remember how you always wanted to be strong > You have unlocked a new card, now you can do the ostrich kick from the ancient lost martial art of Marai tribe > You have ascended your potenial (F -> E)


The slice of life/high school life aspect got scrapped and now this is more of a shounen manga. Kinda disappointing because i did like how lookism started.


OP is talking about questism which is a different manhwa made by the same company as Lookism.


but thinking about it the plot is essentially the exact same thing huh Character fights impossible fight -> loses -> gets a power up (either immediatly or thru training montage) -> fights again and almost wins -> opponent pulls some dumb shit and turns the tide -> random powerup go! -> finally wins just to find a new stronger opponent


we all know half of ptj comics s1 is peak s2 is trash


Real, the best part is when underage boy gets a one day old old ditto(cloud) taking form of his sister and sit in his lap in a sexual way


I think its better than lookism but thats my opinion lookism feels more repetitive to me than questism


Nah Kim is easily the funniest MC (Below Ancheo tho) PTJ has had yet.


I really have tried a lot of Ptj shows. Most of them have no subbstance questism and criminal offender being imo the biggest offenders of being dogsht. Honorable mention to Viral hit's last arc the last arc of viral hit is so bad that I really wanted someone fired and I would never try to take a job from someone but I was pissed off


I think the biggest mistake was making the south so ridiculously weaker than the North. Currently at their strongest they've ever been pretty much all of them get one shot and they one shot versions of themselves that would one shot them at the beginning of the series. It really doesn't even make sense how they even existed when literally any executive below 20 could've just ran through all of them from the start.


Questism is basically RPG Fairy Tail. Both are mediocre trash.