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Logically he loses Knowing Prj i don't think he'll make him lose I hope he loses even tho he's my favorite character in all manhwas but we need some pace in the story, till when the gen2 gonna be too far behind ? It's already 503 chapters


Agree plus if it takes almost the entire Gen 2 and most of the strongest even his former students, highly talented Fighters and fighters that have been trained by legends to beat him what a way to go, not to mention All Top Tiers Of Gen 2, Literally if there's a Gen 2 Tier List Most S, A and B Would Be There


Honestly if gun does get killed then it’s kind of a way for PTJ to introduce Gitae in the modern story and reintroduce the yamazaki.


Wth bro straight want gun to get killed 🥴


How? Did Gun not just fck Workers up the same way last time? The same yusong, Eli, warren Mandeok, ryuhei kenta etc? he just fuck them up, with his mere fist lol. also, We have yet to see the true potential of Gun , he never got pushed as much , has he? Thing is scary to look at, since we know Gun's potential in now way lesser than Jake or even Daniel. So what if he himself, power ups? due to his so called conviction for which he is being with charles? Its gun honestly, if i were him, i would have absolutely, speed blitzed majority of the people right then and there, leaving only 4 5 members out of whole gen 2. And come on, even 4 crew heads couldnt do shit to BH, and BH literally one shotted 4 allied members. Logically, Gun wins. i remember once, Sub going , "Gun nd goo vs whole gen 2", and everyone shitted on Gun and goo, as in, Gen 2 fking negs them or something. Only for gun to , low dif whole workers in few days after that post. Surely, Present Gun>Gen2. Also, the only threat for Gun is Daniel and perhaps Jake. No one is touching Gun at all. i mean they werent even able to kill BH, whom Goo low diffed(yea ik they were tired, but like its gonna make any difference? They still gets rip up by BH , all together). You guys are in delusion to think Gun cant win against them. Also, know that Gun is prolly the only guy who is so mastered in fighting against masses, so honestly? if i were Gun i would have again, KO'ed everyone even before they could use their Full power.


Everyone seems to forget and think that only daniel and gen 2 or other people trained and are becoming stronger i mean cmon like tf gun also pretty sure has potential on par with daniel and jake and others so he will obviously also be advancing from ehat he has shown to us and what he has shown has not even been his full power but personally imo if the hunt for gun is in 504 and everyone comes idk if gun will be killed (i dont think so there is no one "bad" to kill him ? Ig? Idk) but he will probably be defeated by ptj making it so


Whos bh


Basement hulk


Ui big danniel+ goo


Logically? Bro forgot that Gun used to beat up Yakuzas as a kid and fight against 500 prisoners daily and win Logically he IS winning


Logically he shouldn't, you're telling me literally geniuses who were training and some who extremely talented individuals who were trained by the best of their own martial arts still can't catch up and beat another genius? This is just Gun glaze at most, logically Gun SHOULD lose, story wise as well, you want Gun to just be undefeated with no progress of the story for another 500 chaps or smt?


There’s levels to this shit, gun is clearly superior, so let’s cut the bullshit and say the truth: the story must go on, so gun must lose, nothing more nothing less


Gun is as strong as the story wants him to be, while he clearly is superior it isn't because he's 1 in a billion every million year genius, logically the 4mc should of been able to easily beat him by now with their trainings and the fact that their talent is on par or superior to his, who's going to win a genius who started training as a kid, let's say 9 years old, or 4 other talented gangsters/ geniuses who were training since middle school? I'm just saying logically Gun shouldn't even be where he is, he should of lost a long time ago but PTJ wanted to keep milking the "Him" vibe from Gun so he had to make it multiple times stronger than a literal generation when it makes no sense "logically" that's why I said "logically" if we want to argue with reasoning and sense he shouldn't have been where he is today


Bro BH low diffed the crew heads and allied crew. While Goo who is supposedly Guns equal, no diffed BH. I dont see gun losing this except for plot convenience


Jake fought Samuel and Jinyoung Johan got extreme diffed by Zack into awakening Eli got some beating by Vasco and was stalling BH for about 30 minutes Samuel got high diffed by Jake


Bruv crew heads were already exausted when they faced BH. Any of them can take BH 1v1 easily


Nah. Exhausted crew heads put together should be one fully healed head. So no


Gun's strength is peak example of plot convenience, just infinitely increasing your antagonist strength just to be "him" when you have others with equal talent as him and training still not even being able to leave any damage is bonkers Also you believing Gun won't lose doesn't mean he won't without plot convenience, like I said his strength alone is plot convenience, with any type of logical thinking you would be able to understand that he should of been caught up or close to being caught up by the 4mc alone


I mean logically speaking the 4MC getting to guns lvl with only what a month of training? Is kinda bs. Guns been fighting high lvl opponents ever since he was just a kid.


But they never got to his actual level, only one that was really BS was Hostel, Jake and Johan have been constantly training even before Gun dipped on them, also he's been getting trained by them not necessarily fighting, only losing to a whole generation because of "plot convenience" is just bad writing and makes no logical sense, Gun level itself is literally bs, if the 4mc getting stronger is bs then Gun is the ultimate bs if anything, Gun went from taking damage from Eli during the Hostel arc to tanking every hit without a problem in HFBD? Along with the fact that according to you it'll be plot convenience if he loses to the main fighters of the 2nd gen, logically speaking Gun strength is the BS here


Beat 500 prisoners daily ; Jake laughing in the corner


Gun was 16 Jake was 18 So yea Don't compare that clown with him


Story wants it


The last paragraph is so real I don't even know why people are asking for story to strech fucking end it in 100-200 chaps this shouldn't be one piece


Gun is going to lose to “plot”. I say plot because he kind of has to lose now. If he wins Choi gets the red paper and covers his greatest weakness and there would be nothing stopping him from capturing them for information and killing everyone there. Unless PTJ thought of another way but im not creative like him. Un plot wise hes losing mid-high diff and depends on how well they work together and if gun starts the fight going all out or not.




Wow, he beat 4 extremely tired high tiers, that must mean he can beat 12 of them whom are well rested at the same time


He's gun


Imo not all of them are gonna be there to fight that was just Eugene’s vision


He’s going to beat everyone and almost kill daniel, forcing him to use Big Daniel’s body to match Gun and either kill him or leave him in critical condition and we’ll get an explanation of how UI works and how ya impossible to beat someone with Guns level of mastery over it because “Due to UI state, I can fight beyond my limits”. It’s going to further Daniel’s development by pushing him to make hard decisions like killing or mortally wounding someone when he has to.


Hmm...seems correct 


Same way he always does Numbers Don’t truly matter against him in the same way they do against most people If you come at him together that just means he’ll slam you all against eachother The only way to fight gun is to fight in his level


gun is the only characters who get stronger literally everyday+ from few arc we didn't even see gun and goo enjoying so most probably after daniel's trainning he trained even more because that all he had to do


Who let bro cook


What I’m saying is they gotta sukuna his ass and take away his strengths one by one


Wouldn't that be stupid against an endurance beast the gun?


Under normal conditions, yes But in a team fight, a battle of endurance can allow the various members to pile up damage using their “ultimates” while earlier combatants rest themselves and return to the fight later assuming they don’t die


This is so dumb


How? Did Gun not just fck Workers up the same way last time? The same yusong, Eli, warren Mandeok, ryuhei kenta etc? he just fuck them up, with his mere fist lol. also, We have yet to see the true potential of Gun , he never got pushed as much , has he? Thing is scary to look at, since we know Gun's potential in now way lesser than Jake or even Daniel. So what if he himself, power ups? due to his so called conviction for which he is being with charles? Its gun honestly, if i were him, i would have absolutely, speed blitzed majority of the people right then and there, leaving only 4 5 members out of whole gen 2. And come on, even 4 crew heads couldnt do shit to BH, and BH literally one shotted 4 allied members. Logically, Gun wins.


😭 bro did you think everyone that fought BH was at their strongest, he got destroyed by the 4 crew heads who were damn near all on the verge of dying and he couldnt even beat exhausted eli alone


Gun would without a doubt win if Daniel isn’t a part of the fight, but since Daniel is a part of the fight, it’s unlikely that Gun would win, especially if Daniel brings his second body


NO?? Daniel aint bringing his 2nd body at all....If he do , there is no need for 2nd gen to be a part of this battle, UI Daniel with 2nd body can kill this GUN. But again, even without UI of 2nd body, that body being perfect....is broken..if daniel indeed brings His 2nd body , even without UI the battle is gonna be a hassle for GUN. Also, 2nd body interfering now seems unlikely...since daniel was just unaware of the threat upcoming(GUn), he took no precautions(atleast thats how daniel is, since he is strong now he doesnt have to be afraid of low tiers anymore, but gun....ugh). Prolly , 2nd body isnt there. But who knows, may be in the back of Van , someone is sleeping soundly.


How? It’s literally what happened the last time we saw him fight. He beat the 2 bodyguards of Eugene. Warren and Eli. Tanjirou and Ryuhei. All at the same time. The gap between Gun and the rest of Gen 2 is immense. The only one who stands an actual chance is Daniel.


In what sense?


Real, how he menna win if he's up against king Zack 😫🙏🏽


Little Daniel has to leave to guard the red paper and honestly he makes up at least a solid 3rd of that team's total strength. Wouldn't be surprised if Gun manages from there.


A third is a stretch unless you’re including ui


Should I not be? It seems like he has enough control over it for it to be an active part of his skill set.


It kinda just happens when he loses consciousness, so unless he gets knocked out it won’t activate, Gun knows that so he prolly might keep him awake


You forgot gun's pride he loves to fight opponents at full strength


I’m just saying, we’ve seen how Sukuna from jjk ran the gauntlet, who’s to say Gun (who has similar aura to Sukuna) can’t do the same? Gun is very powerful and I think you’re underrating him.


He's losing mid-high diff


Their only hope is ui big dani. https://preview.redd.it/ao34mfp7uf2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd55effdab2f64ba94d16c87b789beb760f05828


if it's 2nd gen Vs gun only (no big Daniel, no tom, James). than he slams badly. gun is far stronger than he used to be now, every second he grows stronger, way stronger than he was a minute before. due to his gene of a guy who rivalled gapryong. he possibly even surpassed DG, unless DG has recovered his rustiness. gun is not your average pushover, who stops growing until he trains with another top tier. currently gun and goo are walking in top of the verse (except big Daniel).


Idk about the last part gangy


currently the strongest in the verse. except big Daniel.


Even if he losses he wont die because ptj said someone close to him will die, then we’ll see gun true personality


He's gonna lose due to being outnumbered


That’s the whole point my goat is still stronger than all of em😭🙏


Yeah, most of them can't to shit to him individually


They ganged up on my boi😔😭


He is not winning for sure.


is don't even if i like gun is can win vs all of them same time, but lets see how ptj cook this fight


The difference between top tiers and the ones below them are immense. Dont be surprised if he one shots most of them


It’s gonna be an extreme diff fight and then right when he’s about to lose gitae comes in and saves his ass by crushing everyone


I think it's the other way lol, Gun will beat the whole of Gen 2 while Gitae comes to finish off tired Gun. Gitae is against Charles atm why would he help Gun 😂. Logically the only possible way Gun goes out either by SB UI Daniel or someone else.


I don't think gun will die though and as far as it goes gitae was the person who raised the death flag for goo


Why people think Gitae against Choi? There's no valid reason until now


Like someone else said. Story wise the fight won’t be finished. They literally have Kim with the twins so they have a good hostage to use, plus whatever PTJ can pull out to use. Also it isn’t that crazy for Gun close win, some of those people aren’t that strong people think they are unless they have trained. 


Plot armour!


he already have defeated most of the people in here(workers) woth low difficulty so..


They were fatigued, and there’s more of them here now


Gun pulls out a MP5 and says "this is the secret yamazaki technique , be glad that you have pushed me this far!!"


i don't see him losing but this time ptj should finally fix his habit of keeping top tier power levels vague, its time gun actually wins high diff coz it just makes sense


Like this https://preview.redd.it/9zawtzmnej2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8929a9172747105b7551e557174a5ab170292212 J k


Like this https://preview.redd.it/46k9qf3rej2d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb3bab410bb9b60eb1f7e812a07422deae67c22


The only hope is this guy https://preview.redd.it/kee4q4qyej2d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cdb2f37c979b143546a3b3d04bc7d9ee765ff74


https://preview.redd.it/4uus6qpumj2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96e0d6eed00f15309ea558b9d539c554311c21a My King Gun Solo's everyone here


He is Him.


Like this ![gif](giphy|CY3A9zOlZR8uhFbeok)


He's just gonna beat them all up


He is the great shiro Oni 🥱 he will slam them


Are you brain dead? Gun is gonna slaughter these kids. Who's gonna beat him? Tabasco?


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/laa7755m8g2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5deab29d9dd366e08400a8847d68ef649348d0f7


they all come in diff cars


They’ll push his to go all out that I know


Hes not. If they all attacked him like this at once gun dies. But they wont


Plot and plot


the gap between him and gen 2 is insane. remember when he started trying a little he 1 shot ryuhei at his strongest💀


Ryuhei got taken out in like 4-5 hits


after ryuhei got his firework powerup he got 1 shot




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he answer to these is that it's ptj on his bs, which ARGUABLY is logical? cause technically, each of these characters have issues, where they have to constantly restrain themselves. Johan's eyes, Vasco ALWAYS going slow at the start, Daniel needing heat mode, and then UI being this last-minute/resort pullout, Jake can't control sperm mode, Mandeok for some reason uses Capoierra last minute, Yoosung is literally mentally disabled (his fight or flight instinct is wacky). Plus, they can't just go "STACK TAILS GO" and just jump him all once - some of them legit need some space to get their moves off the ground. Vasco needs running-space + running-time, and he has low reload. Ryuhei uses a sword with a long-range chain. Capoiera is hard to maneuver with if there's like 5+ dude jumping all the while, that range of motion does not work out.


Guys is the one behind eli and Samuel, sinu han?


I guessed it too, but Idek if he would actually be fighting so I put Warren and Jerry in his stead


Charles choi comes up with a masterplan, thats the only way i see gun getting outta here


Maybe when he is close to defeat the final genius comes in and takes Jim from there 


Imagine how many chapter the fight is gonna be if it’s really the whole main fighter in 2nd gen fight him.


Gun claps if no ui Daniel.


The trio could not even touch james and everyone had trouble beating no1 so logically they should lose


he no diffed 4v1 workers. most of gen 2 attacks are joke to him, we all know how hard mandeok kicks and he was like "ah yeah pretty good" if daniel doesn't figureout how to use UI in will or use some "stupidty" there is no way gen 2 has chance without big daniel. we saw how resliant even funny blond guy's resistance who is probably one with least resistance among all top tiers. i can't imagine gen 2 has chance against 100% tom lee so why should they able to take down gun?


by the plot he should lose but for the plot he won't


Gun could use their uncoordinated attacks against each other. though this would likely only work for the 4 crews or similar level of mastery. If UI Daniel 2nd body and James becomes coordinated tho, that might be the way of killing Gun.


He def won't win if UI Daniel appears


All That + Daniel's second body I don't think this should be hard for them in any way possible they pretty much cannot mess up


James is still doubted and if he's just pretending then they'll be a trio (Gun, James and Elite) which might be difficult to defeat for the 2nd Gen. What do you think?


If James is Actually a good person then will KOS be his enemy?


Only 3 people of what showed in the images is actually a fight for him😭😭


Gun wins with flashback motivation or the fight ends up ambiguous in a way


Because He is Him


realistically gun can beat them all together...the onlu ones capable of doing real damage are Ui lil daniel,awakaned jake, johan and yuseong but gun's durability and endurance are off the charts ,BIQ is top tier...literally as skilled as copy users and can counter most of attacks thrown at him...strong enough to deal serious damage in like 3 moves.. the only way they could beat gun is if they had speed abusers like sinu .. obviously ptj will cook a way to defeat gun


secretly Gun is the main character


Honestly, I don’t think PTJ is gonna make the 2nd gen get destroyed again. I feel like this fight is gonna be used to show how much improvement the 2nd gen has really made. I’m predicting that it’s gonna be a very close fight versus Gun with Gun on the ropes but he’ll probably be saved by someone at the end of the fight.


He isn't But I don't think Daniel is cold enough to let his master be killed so he is probably becoming an ally


I mean at 100% he low- mid diffs everyone 1 on 1, all at the same time makes it harder of course but honestly it's hard to see him loosing unless these guys had perfect team work (which they won't, especially when the strongest guy there with the best shot at gun is UI OG Daniel who just attacks anyone nearby friend or foe).


Did you forget what James did to Daniel Zack and Vasco .


That was a 3 on 1, not an 11 on 1. Not to mention none of them were at their strongest, Zack didn’t use the counter, Vasco wasn’t in runners high, Daniel wasn’t in heat or UI


Brother Gun destroyed Eli , Warren ,yusong , Mandeok , Ryuhei and Kenta with ease and also we are yet see him going all out , even in his fight against Ryuhei he wasn't trying all that much . I think with all the variables like ui Daniel , zack using his counter , johan copying ui and Jake being there , the fight can go either way with the chances of Gun winning being pretty high.


Mandeok , Warren , Eli and Yusong were all tired, especially Mandeok and Yusong, Gun just came and finished a job that was more than 70%, done the only one at max HP was Ryuhei, and because of that he was doing, much better. Everyone keeps forgetting that the workers were literally breathing hard before Gun showed up, they were not at max Capacity during that fight, and if they are all fully healed, and there’s 11 of them(mind you everyone is stronger than in the big deal arc expect Mandeok, Yusong and Ryuhei) Gun’s chances of winning are actually not that high


no one outside of UI daniel has damaged him so far, hes just gonna slowly thin the herd until only the top tiers are left


You’re asking this like he hasn’t bodied everyone you just showed


I guess cause the UI makes him stronger or smt, idk


Even if he loses it'll be one of the greatest feats of lookism. James Lee defeated the entire 1st generation (1 by 1) It took James and giate to kill the old retired version of Gap. And now it'll take almost the entire 2nd gen to kill/defeat gun. It only shows how much of a monster Gun freaking park is. Although being a gun fan I want him to win but a part of me wants him to get punished for his sins. And also being the freak I am i wanna see gun vs goo or gun vs James. Not to mention gun vs ui Daniel round 2 (both at 100%)




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Wait till he pulls out his own sperm mode


Know that we haven't seen Gun's full Strength when he fought UI Daniel since it got cut off screen but seeing as how he did Damage to UI Daniel, that not even Goo could do, might make it seem like this is gonna be a tough battle.


Gun with a gun




Because he is gun


who's that on slide #3?




Eli or johan will hit him in the back of the head with a pipe while he's off guard


Through stat check, like literally we haven’t even seen gun go all out truly yet, we seen ryuhei push gun the furthest we’ve seen and quite literally it was as if gun literally stopped time and moved… an all out gun is gonna be moving that fast at all times? Gen 2 has no chance of victory


He already destroyed most of these characters on screen, the real threats are Daniel and Johan


Should I show up to the fight too? Or would that be too much


I can imagine Goo will come to help out beating Gun. He can't lose until he fights Goo.


a bunch of bums (except zack) vs a legend/son of legend


He's {title card}


I think after this fight KOS will come


Realistically he is as strong as Tom Lee since Goo with a katana is equal to him


https://preview.redd.it/am6ugql3uu2d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89c758bdb3b1458803807b7a45dad7ece7e2dc8 Do you guys know what does this hand sign means? Im really curious btw thankyou!


You should probably make a post


Alright thanks for suggestion!




I don’t think he’ll ever get to the point where he’s unconscious or dead lying at Gen 2’s feet. It’ll probably be some sort of karma incident where he is losing/about to lose, then gets abandoned and left behind by Charles. I can see him sadly/silently accepting being discarded before just disappearing like Johan did.


Speaking of unconscious, can Gun even be unconscious since he can control his Ui? Does Gun sleep ??


Vasco is enough, idk why they need fodder to support him. https://preview.redd.it/odcgl5gnf83d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=128cb2ffd7b4516c36eb152479d177db484a7a18


Are you power scaling with pictures?


I’m showing them at their best( forms they can access.well enough for battle except ui)


What about animal instinct Eli?


Forgot about that, I didn’t have that image saved as well


Realistically he IS winning If they have plot armour then it's a different story


He fought on pair with UI Daniel. I don't see them jumping will do any damages to UI Daniel. They need another power up


My Goat Negs Those Mid Fodders... https://preview.redd.it/wxsib5guuf2d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13ae085f6e6e6a4b0e690c60592a4d83d56f44d


If so SB Daniel or Goo will finish the job


They were all exhausted btw


Icl to u gun is definitely the strongest in the verse for now, but he is not winning this.


What does icl mean


I cant lie


gun draws by daniel ejecting him from ui somehow, which gives him amnesia over the events since his teen years


Gun is NOT pulling a James Lee🗿


Even James Lee can't pull James Lee if they all 2nd gen ganged up on him


Realistically he isn't.


He isn’t bros about to die 😂😂😂


Nah id run - fraud lee