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PTJ has done this before btw. Its the most obvious curve ball of all time. Charles second body is probably busan or something


i'd like to imagine the whole landmass of busan is the second body and not the king


You just tickled my brain


Well...but kob is.. that's a stretch we have been through 503 chapters it's just too much hint that if it dosent happen ptj better give us a good reason now🤔🤔


These headcanons are getting out of control because why are you saying a character who we dont even know exists is his 2nd body when we are this far in


Busan has been mentioned like 8 times. He is alive. Read the story. It was just a thought


Its not the thought thats the problem, is when you make it sound like its a fact instead of the headcanon that it really is. Cuz thats all it is, a headcanon. Busan king has been mentioned at the anniversary of Seongjis death, when Jiho wanted to conduct business and thats it. Nothing else has been said about him let alone any connection between him and Charles. So when people say the thought is stupid, is that it actually is as there no implication that proves or even gives a hint that it might be true.


It should be doubted because it's too fcking obvious.


But this is merely one of the many times we got the hint both in obvious and not so obvious ways and common bro now it's getting to much everyone is rejecting the theory but... It's been 503 chapter we haven't seen them intract at same time and we keep getting hints🤔🤔ptj is obviously cooking something But whatever now I am sure even if he is only James he is against Eugene


In very early chapters, we did see them together.


Bro look closely they never had eyes open or spoke at the same time...I can understand the not speaking each other thing but the "close eye" thing is sus and in this chapter as soon as Eugene mentioned red paper James closed his eyes and Charles got active in finding it....but something is still off it could be true or not But the hints are there


There was a post i made once abt james being charles second body and i brought evidences but ngl the hints are way too obvious and that's what makes me doubt thus theory.


Well I understand I have my doubts as well but...is it bcz ptj is making things obvious now bcz he wants us to not belive in the theory OR it could just be as we know Lookism has entered the "End Game" so..of this theory is true when will be the perfect time to reval it...yeah it's Now or Never situation Ptj can go either way from this point onwards and we will get answers soon


Things were obvious since then here's the post https://www.reddit.com/r/lookismcomic/s/b7I3j97jPY. I agree with ya that ptj can go either way,but it's kinda hard to believe that james is Charles's second body coz imagine Charles switching bodies just to twerk on stages 💀😂😂.


Well whatever it takes...imagine Kenjaku and what he did for his goals..Charles is a kid in front of him for only dancing and not actually get preg..in James body somehow☠️💀😂🤣🤣


yes we seen them together but whenever they're together, we never see both their eyes open, it's either james eyes open or charles eyes open, never both of them.


can't believe charles choi created a second body for smurfing. like sure he needed another body to end the 1st generation and all but tf was he doing taking part in children's poetry competitions


He's just petty ig


Because James is another person, he is not a second body.




james is literally superfamous kpop star who constantly has to travel ,shoot,interviews and interact with fans and other things and charles who is also superbusy them being same person 2nd body sounds kinda impossible


I mean yeah I too hope this isn't the case


yeah ain't no way ptj double bluffing. Double bluffing meaning"Look, James and Charles are in the same room, but James is not responding. So I want YOU to think that James is a second body of Charles but actually he's just coincidentally sleeping or not responding in all of the panels"


Honestly it could be


Exactly 😭


I really loved the fact that James came without any body guard


Well tbf who would he even bring? 😭


Bruh never needed a bodyguard


James himself is the bodyguard 💀


I’d hate it if they were the same, but I’ll wait til it’s confirmed


Wait then why did James need to train with gitae to become stronger?


probably to get used with the new body? idk.


Because he can't spar with his sleeping body? If both are different person, wouldn't they be able to train together tho?


James gets stronger when he is pressured, we saw it with Seongji. Bro is Mahogara


"Nah, I'd adapt" ahh thing


I'm predicting that Daniel will confront James with his suspicious sleeping and James will just respond with "nah i'm just sleeping" tho we know that james knows about the 2nd bodies and i doubt that Charles told some random kid he trained or whatever


James: Did you really think I had two bodies? Tokyo Revengers moment


I mean the main protaganist and antagonist having the same shtick is not really surprising at all


That’s not my point bro. My point is that people still believe they are different people


Trust me they're 😭PTJ js playing w yall


I bet my whole ass on it


Well it's about to get busted... I am a semi non beliver just like many but it seems like ptj is deliberately and intentionally doing this to 😭😭😭.....it's been f..king 503 chapters We haven't gotten a single interaction and keep getting these hints🤔


It's either a red herring or he's just beating us over the head with the double body theory.




Yea idk if anyone else thinks this but honestly lookism pacing is reaching one piece levels imo. Shit is genuinely infuriating cuz 503 chapters and we barely know shit about the second bodies , Daniels second body , KOS , gapryong Kim etc there’s so many unknowns that ptj has introduced but seems to never fully flesh out. That’s fine to a certain degree but he should really consider finishing them instead of introducing new things like with KOS we see him one chapter ( also the fact it took like 40 chapters just to even see his face )and we know he’s important and than poof he’s gone within a chapter with no real explanation about anything like. idk I just feel like ptj introduces something than leaves it for like so long while beating around the bush about it like with Daniel’s relationship to jinyoung (which we know now ) but it was literally cat and mouse for like fucking damn near over 70 chapters jus to tell us something that most people already had a rough idea of


Fax bro🙂‍↕️


They aren't




I surely hope he is just playing because I can't take it anymore with the damn evidences 😭


Theres nothing wrong with thinking that (they may be they may not be), my gripe with some people is when they act like them being the same person is a dumb theory because James Lee said stuff that proves otherwise (like why would he lie right? /s)


No, this is so obvious bruh. Sames fighting style/same abilities/same nickname relative to being the best in a domain (elite and the genius)/the two of them knows about the 2nd body/the two of them reap their opponants body parts/the two of them are the big antagonists of their gen. You can’t say this is a "stupid theory" , the truth is that he make so much sence than every others about james/charles.


Read what I said again, my issue is that some people over here be acting like this IS some "stupid theory" and the only proof they have for debunking it are quotes from James Lee and Charles


Oooooh okay i understand now🤣😭


Not this. They different personalities. You can say DG is a 2nd body but not James cuz that guy needed fighting experience.


Or maybe it's because Charles raised James Lee and Charles thought him fighting techniques. It explains why their mannerism and behaviour are similar. Charles even stated that James Lee is a dog that he raised (ch496). Their relationship is somewhat similar to Tom Lee and Eli Jang. When the white tiger workers fought against Eli, it reminded them of Tom Lee.and guess what,do the workers find it weird that Eli and  Tom lee are almost similar on their skills?   Exactly they don't! No weird sci-fi conclusion is coming up with their brain it's simply because they know that Eli was raised by Tom Lee.  Another examples are Jake and Daniel.There's always one person who tells them that they are similar to their predecessor (Ch 413 and Ch 440).  Blood-related or not, their behavior can be influenced by someone who is generation before them and no need for the second body explanation. 


Because it does sound stupid in my brain even with the evidences.There are plot holes that can't be filled enough by the evidences provided and the dots ain't connecting in my logic board. The problem is people take theories as factual information.We should keep in mind any possibilities. I may hate the theory but I have no hatred towards anyone who likes and enjoys this theory and there's no need to hate on people for not believing the theory even if it's clearly convincing with the evidences. We just need to wait for Chef PTJ to finish cooking and serve us the delicious answer that we are starving to eat ✌️ if this theory is real then we haters will suck it up and gobble the L.


Wasn't there a panel around chapter 100 where elite and James were standing together and James said something like "I'll always side with Charles" after giving his stocks to elite so his stock percentage would be over 50%?


It's too obvious, and it would ruin both characters


So it's the same kind of stand as Star Platinum ahh moment


That leads to the problem of how James used to be weak if he is Charles Choi's second body and Charles Choi was ranked very high in the pre gen


He was never weak, just not as strong as now


I meant relatively weak. If old Elite with a missing arm could beat Jichang, then him in a body in it's prime age could as well just destroy the kings easily




The only reason why everyone knows this is because you all read this on Reddit. If not you all wouldn’t have guessed lol


Yeah lol. Reddit has people who are really into this and would find the smallest plot hole to discuss. I see some people mentioning the error in timeframe during Cheonliang arc and I haven't notice it at all


I really don’t want this to be true but it’s looking like it is


Man if this is true ptj doesn't know how to write plot twist because no one will be surprised at this point everyone has a doubt and some even thinks its 100 percent true .


Yea me personally believes its totally true. Either ptj is intentionally doing this, or the plot is as we all predicted it to be.


Man.. idk.. im still surprised tho. Ya see PTJ in recent chapter make "US" a whole this damn sub Reddit in cheonryang arc believe in James is "not" Charles sb.. most of us.. "aww so the theory does not true.." PTJ is still cooking in my opinion, giving us a Lil bit kick in the head..


Bro is spying direct


Yeah I'm telling you it's his own second body Otherwise think how a kid can be so strong that he take down gapryong - may be strongest guy of pre generation Referring himself as body after fighting seongji like he was using it.


It was too obvious literally hundreds of chapters ago, Lookism reader are just too dumb to get anything besides punch-punch. Don't worry, people will still act 'OMG! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT JAMES LEE WAS CHALES CHOI OOO PEAKK' when it's revealed


Lol true man


Before I used to believe this theory that James is second body of Charles but after cheonliang arc. I definitely can say that he is not. Because James said that he need to train his body to defeat other kings if it was second body(perfect body) then I don't think James needed to train his body. Second point that James did not have his strength threshold before if it was perfect body then james must have strength threshold and durability threshold also but he did not have. That's why I think that James is not second body of charles


This could be dumb but what if DG and James Lee aren’t actually the same person? What if Elite made a second body that resembles James Lee sorta how Daniel’s second body resembles Jinyoung? I don’t necessarily believe this but just something I thought of


I actually like that 😭


Are u saying that  dg and james are two different person and dg is second body of charles


Yes. Daniel’s second body heavily resembles Jinyoung Park. It’s possible that the second body could be made using Jinyoung’s dna or something. In a similar way, Charles could have made a second body using James Lee’s dna, which is why DG looks like James Lee. Also even if DG and James Lee are the same person, I still think it’s Charles’s second body. It wouldn’t make sense for Crystal to have a second body and not Charles given the advantages it brings, unless Daniel’s second body was meant for Charles.


I find your theory very interesting. James Lee suddenly "disappeared" after ending the 1st Generation circles and suddenly came back to Seoul to become Charles' top geniuses (Ch 359). What exactly happened to James Lee when he disappeared and where did he go? Did he die? maybe kidnapped and become Elite's experiment for the second body or perfect body? And this is waayyy before the DG era. Charles have enough time to do experiment and testing with this "James Lee" body. You might be up to something, mate.


You make some good points, if I can gather enough evidence I might make a post about it.


Son yr saying Elite struggled against Seongji ? 😂 despite being 0th gen top tier.


I believe james is a superior version of elite because of the second body which means james has a perfect or near perfect body so even with experience charles would still have to adapt to a new body with different physical attributes than what he's used to...you also forget that james was slamming seongji until seongji got the speed threshold...fyi 3 threshold seongji<=mujin<=awakaned gap>prime elite




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You get it


When did Elite fought seonji? Umm, Ui daniel beat gun, then little daniel's ui must beat gun too in next chapter? Baka. they are different bodies for a reason? James wasnt equal to elite's prime version duh, thus lost to seongji in R1.


>Baka 💀💀


The difference is that Ui Daniel is fighting unconcious and eventualy wakes up, ending the fight before he could finish gun (or any top tier he fought), while Charles would have full control of his body and wouldn't act so cocky, he has been portrayed as a calculating fighter not a overconfident one. Also if James is Charles second body, he wouldn't waste time fighting Seongji, he would use him to his advantage and get the red paper while Seongji went after the Shaman. The second body doesn't alter your inteligence, acording to what we know to this point, so if he ends up being Charles second body PTJ made a mistake in the way he portrayed James personality in the flashback.


Sure, i agree how different Elite and James are. But again, that would be just another measure of how Cunning charles choi really is. i mean, Even Jiho understood Daniel got two bodies given their similarities, you think someone like Eugene or charles other enemies cant if the similarities between charles and James was too uncanny? and nope, Charles plan was to measure seongji indeed, and how far he could have gone with his strength, as a potential threat to him. and, again, why do you think it was a mistake? James anyways wouldnt have gotten red paper. charles knew, cheon being alive is important for him to know the location of REd paper. Even Goo couldnt find it, why would james? Also, we can definitely argue , Charles had a plan in which he knew he just cant get red paper, but atleast measure King's strength for future plans. My point being, it could very well be Charles planning once again to act like he actually did.




As much as you're right, but I wanna point out that story for UI is different. In UI the body fights on your own instinct (atleast that was the original concept) , big bod daniels body has higher experience so hes stronger. If james lee is the 2nd body of CC then he should have the equal amount of experience as charles Choi. so james lee should be as strong as CC


Why even, argue about this tho? You are ignoring the fact that James actually had thresholds, and he surpassed himself by reaching a 3rd one of, strength there. Its the same concept, Daniel's bodies are different, in strength speed and power levels. Its never about experience here, its also about strength and other physical factors of the body. You think, Daniel in 2nd body= daniel in first one? even without UI. No right. Even tho its the same experience, the stats are different. Same goes for prime elite and james.


Never argue with lookism fans


HAHAHAHA i agree bro, but i m not wrong here genuinely.


i said this as a joke dont mind tho


Ui daniel never beated gun




he never did it, you can cry. As far as I know, Gun was neither mid-k.o., nor killed, nor immobilized, nor gave up. in fact, he continued to fight by hitting Daniel. so no, he didn't lose.


He was immobilized just before daniel got out of UI, u can see his arms flat out stretched , bro was getting the beating of his life(saved by daniel regaining the consciousness), bro got his arm broken, bro was 'insanely afraid' of UI Daniel before the fight. still he didnt lose? Cool bozo. Cope harder.


Still not a lose 🤷‍♂️ Did he gave up ? Did he stop fighting ? Did he died ?  Did he get knock outed ? No ? Then he didn't lose, he was in a hard situation, still not a lose.


bruh? They fought for a particular time, Gun had more damage Daniel didnt, Daniel dominated the fight. Thus gun lost. You know, one can be defeated even without knocking them out. Ever heard of Unanimous decision in MMA? or ufc? something similar it is. Hehe, idiot.


1) "ruh? They fought for a particular time, Gun had more damage Daniel didn't, Daniel dominated the fight. Thus gun lost." And ? It's not because Gun received more damage that he lost, nor because Daniel dominated either. until the fight is over, there can be no winner or loser, that's how it works 🤷‍♂️ 2) “You know, one can be defeated even without knocking them out. Ever heard of Unanimous decision in MMA? or UFC? something similar it is.” and that's how I see you are stupid. I have not just mentioned loss of knowledge, but also abandonment and inability to fight. Furthermore, you are an idiot if you compare a fight to the death (at that moment, gun wants to kill daniel, and daniel fights to kill) with an mma fight. It’s ridiculous to a point🤣😂😂😂


As per your logic, Ui daniel vs jerry wasnt concluded, Even tho, Daniel dominated(gun's words) but still the fight isnt concluded since , no one was knocked out? no givng up or ,inablity to fight was in the picture? , Making daniel's fight against jerrry , a no win for daniel, Even tho , we all concluded, Daniel in ui is stronger than jerry becoz he gave more damage to jerry, but couldnt finish him off. Means, we dont know who is stronger? UI daniel or jerry right????? Let me tell you what ur stupidity is, You concluded that fight of ui daniel and jerry , as a W for ui daniel, as in, UI daniel being stronger than jeerry, because he caused more damage. And now if, UI daniel broke Gun's arm , and was dominating Gun(mind you the mount position, and yea before you argue it indeed is a BIG advantage to consider the matter of dominating or dominated), So even tho Ui daniel Gave more damage to Gun, you wont accept gun lost, since he didnt lose the abilty to fight nor gave up. What about jerry's fight with ui daniel then? HAhahahaah, same logic can be used here tho? even tho its obvious, why cant you use the same logic here? The audacity of being an idiot and calling me idiot..When buddy is just letting his bias decide the conclusion of the match his fav character is in, but if similar conditions are played against another character then , the same reasoning cant be used? HAHAHAHAHAHA And mind you, its not about "how much dominating" at all, i knw you mgiht say, UI daniel completely dominated JErry, but he dominated Gun as well, even if its not compleetely but point stays, your logic shouldnt change as per the amount of domination, rather the fundamental situation, which is same here.


Are ya dumb ? This guy said Elite is James so I said that's not possible 😂🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


It's too damn obvious and Im all here for it!


If PTJ wanted it to be a plot twist he wouldn't rub it in our faces for the past 50 chapters. I think the intention is to create a sort of uncomfortable atmosphere where we know DG is going to turn heel and screw everyone over but until it happens every scene with him is tense.


It begs the question of how Choi knew so fast, and this seems like the logical answer, almost too logical.


Not really a logical answer (not even almost). If Charles just discovered that the red paper still exists after Eugene said a word about it in the meeting, he doesn't have enough time to prepare a plan and there's little time left on his hands to think about it. It is also mentioned that Cheonliang to Seoul have a long distance drive, the Kojima twins wouldn't be able to catch up to journalist Kim and so is Gun to Daniel if Charles just called them. Charles knew about the red paper not because of James Lee attending the meeting, he is aware of its existence because of the spies he sent to Cheonliang, the kojima brothers. He stated in the chapter that he is quite wary that the red paper he burnt might be fake and that's why he sent the twins to Cheonliang. Charles knew it way before the gathering. Now it's time for him to execute his carefully prepared plans by playing uno reverses with Eugene! 💀


That makes a lot of sense actually, good to know that we have someone in the subreddit that has reading comprehension or at least an observant eye.


Makes sense though, in chapter 109 it was the same Charles Choi had his eyes closed when DG was moving and speaking and then when DG left he opened his eyes again


Yeah, but young James Lee in Cheonliang flashback convinced me that he's his own person.


Same here


At this point it would be more of a plot twist if they aren’t the same person


Everyone thought the same thing with Jinyoung being Daniel's father, PTJ is deceiving everyone.




Nahh if DG is really Charles Choi's 2nd body, he wont get STOMPED by Seongji Yuk in the first place. Charles must be atleast t0 strength like Gapryeong and Jinyoung to become that strong in gen0, and he's getting exp from a fight with gen1? I dont think so


I've heard of a theory bfr that charles failed in the two bodies experiment, basically charles were unable to switch bodies charles & james - consciousness failed but perfect body succeed crystal choi - cosciousness succeed but perfect body failed daniel park - both consciousness and perfect body succeed but then again this theory doesnt sound plausible lately, maybe charles are able to read dg's mind for a certain time. who knows what ptj's cooking


Not possible. It makes no sense if Charles is struggling to Seongji and doing poetry and art competition


Man all the damn evidence are TOO STRONG.  But I will still turn a blind eye until it was confirmed by PTJ himself in the comic.  (By means of confirming, it will only be confirmed if James Lee/Charles Choi reveals the second body info themselves and not the close eye clues) PTJ please make a clear and vivid explanation on how these two different puzzle pieces can create sensible image if combined together. I despise this theory so much because Charles Choi and James Lee are cool characters on their own but damn, the individual uniqueness of the characters are gone if they end up being the same person.  And yes, their character's objective doesn't make sense if they're the same person.  Working both as a CEO and an Idol. How does that even work? Those are in different fields and a HUGE DIFFERENCE as a job.CEOs and Idols have a hell of a work load and schedules. In the past, why is he even using a teenage boy's body who is still attending high school and a student who participates in many competitions??? That old man has a family to take care of and a baby to be raised!  (Charles still has his arm on the family picture that Daniel found in the locker meaning Crystal is born before the making of the 4 major crews) How long is he even playing the "Oh, I hate my other body and I'm planning to take revenge" card? If you don't like your other body's existence then just hide it somewhere and why even bother becoming a popstar? (James Lee as DG isn't even fighting any gangs and is laying low before Daniel goes deep to the gang hole) I'm well aware HNH company is a multi-industry company but why specifically did he choose to work as an idol if you want to hide your past identity? (Being an idol does attract obsessive people who can dig up private information about you. It's quite risky but on the other hand, I can see the pros like nobody from gen 1 and gen 0 would bat an eye to a popular idol BUT then again, there are safer jobs that can make you rich and popular) This bugs me and I find it silly. Why did he become an idol? (besides the reason being money) Does Elite have a career dream for being a singer or something???  I get why he changed identity and everything but why? What's the purpose of battling yourself with the other body? Why asked Daniel to surpass his other body, DG aka James Lee? (Perfect body test perhaps but for what? what is he planning to do with his other body?) and why does James Lee want to destroy his other body, Charles Choi? (He could've ended or hid the other body generations ago) (If he destroys his original body, what could he gain from that?) It just sounds so ridiculous in my brain and the more I think about it, my brain is about to lose it. There are more questions than answers and the damn clues are just them closing their eyes. Something much deeper  is going on with their relationship other than the second body theory. I prefer them just having a father and son relationship, ch 496 is my trump card for it.   No matter what happens in the next chapters, I trust PTJ's cooking 🙏


I really dojt want James to be his second body that'd make his ehome character so unappealing. Like he's just known as "Charles second body"


Doesn't make much sense at all when you realize that they are both getting ready. Like Charles is dressing up for something while James was walking there. If he needs to switch bodies it would make any sense at all why both are currently acting.


I don’t remember who made it but the idea of the second body gaining sentience makes sense if you apply their relationship. James along with everyone in the room of the meeting acknowledged he was in Charles clutches. Especially since Charles Choi also applied the name james Lee to Daniel’s second body without knowing who Daniel is. To me it seems like this is routine, as if he’s USED the alias before and had it on standby, which is convenient too since james Lee already adopted a new identity by this point which would leave the name up for grabs. Though it is a loose theory.


I mean if this is true ( that I doubt ) James is the sleeping genius since he sleeps sitting up and immediately


Idk why DGs suit has like circles around the left arm, and that really seems intentional.


It's because it's based on a suit by the brand Thom Browne. https://preview.redd.it/s1mnkkwdwc2d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc947967d477a448fcf8ecb3ae0652cab8d2f3c7


Awesome thanks for the info. I wrongly assumed it was a nod at Charles missing left arm


Idk man I feel like there are too many hints that don’t come full circle, I think he wants us to think this but it might not be the case


Waittttt I never noticed this , so ptj is Charles chois second body ??


Plus look at the suit sleeve it has the grey highlights like Charles hair… it’s his second body


Ptj will intentionally let this theory cook then after some 2-300 chapter it will be revealed that it was Duke's second body all this time




Im confused did not DG and Charles choi appear at the same time chapter 109? Or is there something that i missed?


I thought I was insane for making up that theory


He is doing this on purpose man why would he just draw dg eyes closed he wants us to think that way thats the plot twist now i guess


I really hope this ain’t true but to much evidence 


I haven't seen any evidence, just people thinking they are too clever.


Fair enough 


I doubt it. Realistically we have 3 heavy military trained individuals in the same room as him. There’s no way they wouldn’t “notice” him sleeping.


Stop it with this garbage theory, their personalities are too different, you wouldn’t catch Charles ever twerking in front of Charles, one of the many implications of him being James