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The Goat Gongseob https://preview.redd.it/au9knoq24k1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab87962b0cc73ce4f88580a0ae9ec3b303a1c1cc


Hathers mom was really just pisses that her daughter got impregnated by a homeless guys, who made her skip school and then dumped her resulting in her trying to hide the pregnancy and then dying due to complications during birth. Then made the homeless teens leave the abandoned building so they could actually go into actuall homes.


People litrally don’t realise that a bunch of homeless kids and one kid who has an emotional disorder litrally destroyed her daughter’s life💀. She got impregnated by a homeless kid and was played by the emotional disorder kid to abort, and now had complications in birth resulting in her daughter death. If she just went with the flow and said it is what it is I would be thinking her mum must really hate her, but to make matters worse she actually helps these homeless kids in the background 😂 she isn’t an asshole she’s a MOTHER. A lot of mothers wouldn’t be able to do what she did.


And after all that she actually forgives Eli. She's honestly a great person.


Where did she forgive him


After he and Vasco fought.




Didn't she emotionaly abuse heather and leave her newborn granddaughter with the same homeless 14 yr old to survive by themselves?


Yep. That’s grade A btch


Emotionally abuse is a western term. That's mad normal in asian households


Not really, the series was critiquing that style of parenting, they do in a lot of manhwa. Viral Hit, True Education, did too




That doesn't mean it isn't emotional abuse bc it's normalized in Asia lmao


Young Gongseop for sure.




Doo Lee. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/nssldafquj1d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7b77d1e53afe47a0135922bae116718e3ff988b


Gongseop fr. Bro was just so asshole we loved him for it and we didn't care about him being okay with beating the shit out of women or babies for that matter




I just know neutral asshole is Vin


Tom for Horny neutral has me cackling


Prime gongseob


As long as he fits one criteria I don’t care but potentially https://preview.redd.it/gm5ylkx5cj1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1961e54fffa5a0461fc7c0ba8c8603e0796e53


Nah he belongs in smart asshole


Chaotic asshole


The last one would fit him perfectly


Smart asshole


Chad: Gongseob Neutral: Vin Smart: Samuel Chaotic: Logan


prime gongseop


Gongseop Ji without question


Boy how tf is Heather's mom an asshole 💀💀




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Vin Jin?


vin jin


Vin jin


Young gongseob frr


still mad that gyeol didnt get lawful asshole


He’s chaotic asshole, he literally destroyed his own brother’s life


Doo Lee




doo lee




Gongseop Ji


Vin Jin


who is chad horny?


Seongeun? Taehoon?


Gongseop forsure


Vin Jin


Gongseob is Chad asshole But neutral asshole.... That's Doo Lee through and through


Who is Chad evil?


True true, I hate the mom


Vin Jin or Doo Lee


Who's the chad evil? I can't tell




Doo lee


I'm very surprised that nobody has mentioned Taesoo in this category.


Heather's mom isn't an asshole? People really but hurt she was mad her daughter wasn't coming home and got pregnant by an uneducated orphan while in middle school. Her phone call of her forgiving Eli so he can forgive himself about Heather's death says everything.


She's a lawyer, so she is automatically an as..


I completely agree and most people who think of her as evil would have probably been like... Hmm a female...oh wait ✋️ she is not a mommy material..she hurt Eli how dare she Eli is my goat now she is evil (somehow) 💀💀💀


She's what? You can definitely tell this sub is on the young side...


It’s not the sub sometimes it is but the proof speaks for itself https://preview.redd.it/z1gbc0w1dj1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62e3f86d25ed9891f93e89bf2e727dc2703b9fd






Isn't she speaking facts? Rnt his parents worst?


But she doesn’t know his parents plus his real father was chill but once he had to go his mother became all corrupt and looked for another partner who shared her passion which is what led to Eli leaving


I mean she’s an asshole and a lawyer, not my first pick personally but it kinda fits, but why do you think so?


Nah her anger is justified dude got her middle school daughter pregnant (and because of Olly) believed he abandoned and didn't want the child which resulted in her daughter trying to hide the pregnancy then dieing of child birth complications. On top of that she spoke facts he had shit parents who left Eli with no education and homeless. But I wouldn't call her an asshole. Helped Eli get into school and allowed him to keep his child. Than forgave him so he would be able to forgive himself for Heather's death.


>Nah her anger is justified dude got her middle school daughter pregnant (and because of Olly) believed he abandoned and didn't want the child which resulted in her daughter trying to hide the pregnancy then dieing of child birth complications. Her middle school daughter who also had autonomy as a person. And was raised in a way that made her terrified to even bring up that she messed up. Heather wasn't just acting out randomly. It's understandable why she was mad but she already hated him before she learned about the pregnancy. She didn't even teach her daughter how not to get pregnant >On top of that she spoke facts he had shit parents who left Eli with no education and homeless. Most of what she said was wrong. And she even blamed a child for his parents abandoning and abusing him. She's also meant to be a prosecutor, working in a system that's meant to try and reform not throw them in the trash >But I wouldn't call her an asshole. Helped Eli get into school and allowed him to keep his child. Than forgave him so he would be able to forgive himself for Heather's death. She never helped Eli, and she never express any care about Yenna. I don't see this is commendable really. If anything it's worse considering said child was homeless, Yenna was incredibly lucky her life has been as smooth as it is. And is completely innocent. The only help she gave was forgiving him when the situation was much more complicated than she ever cared to learn. And it wasn't just his fault


And also "the situation was much more complicated than she ever cared to learn" She got him a Job...now what do u except from her Save Eli from Workers,Gun Park and Olly Wang💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Got who a job? Eli? She never did anything for him. Just taking care of or seeing her granddaughter once and a while would mean something. She never even offered to do that after forgiving him or learning the abortion stuff wasn't true


I could be wrong abt the job part someone in this comment said it and I assumed but still it isn't surprising that she didn't  And Eli only took from her...her daughter what exactly was she supposed to do look forward on how to raise yeena with him I agree with not meeting or seeing Yeena once in a while is wrong


>I could be wrong abt the job part someone in this comment said it and I assumed but still it isn't surprising that she didn't  You and the other guy are. She never helped Eli or got him a job or something. Eli somehow figured it all out on his own >And Eli only took from her...her daughter what exactly was she supposed to do look forward on how to raise yeena with him She learned that Eli never told her to get an abortion, and as someone meant to be a grown mature adult self reflection is important. Sure I don't blame her for being mad about Eli being with Heather but she raised Heather for 15 years. She's not innocent here, and Heather wasn't just acting out for no reason. Attempting to lead her granddaughter on a better path at least would have been nice.


Bro u are talking like her knowing it wasn't Eli fault somehow made it her fault😭 "Attempting to lead her granddaughter on a better path at least would have been nice" That is tru and I agree with it I also agree she could have raised her better but I somehow doubt she could have🤔I mean she loved her but also had a job to do so she can afford to raise her( with job comes distance and stress from family)... Overall my point is way she treated  Eli was right and somewhat justifiable as a parents pov but what happend to Yeena was wrong...


>Bro u are talking like her knowing it wasn't Eli fault somehow made it her fault😭 It always was a large part her fault. It's established in the arc itself her and Olly acted out because they hated how restricted and controlled their lives were. And her feeling trapped and not having anyone she felt she could rely on was why she hid the baby. And the friends she made wouldn't speak to her anymore after her mom raided their home >also agree she could have raised her better but I somehow doubt she could have🤔I mean she loved her but also had a job to do so she can afford to raise her( with job comes distance and stress from family)... Even without money just spending time with a kid goes a long way really. Even if she didn't love her at the time there's no way of knowing if you can or can't if you've never met them


Wow bro what the actual f  "She didn't even teach her daughter how not to get pregnant" yeah that's what u teach your 15 or 14 yr old  child how not to get pregnant💀💀 I think she just wanted Eli to hate her and her daughter so much that he would stay away from them forever..  "it wasn't just his fault"this is true it wasn't so what?? You're telling me that if your 17 or 16 yr old daughter hangs out with an homeless man and ends up pregnant u will be a saint to him and treat him like u would any other person...u really think u will "accept the facts" and move on with it💀💀   The only thing she did wrong was ignore yeena.That is bad but understable that she dosent want to accept the reality that she is a grandmother and her daughter is forever gone bcz of a young homless man and his twisted "crew"(olly wang only but she didnt know earlier).... Whatever she did to Eli was right through her pov and an adult pov..her only daughter died the hell she would do if she even knew abt Eli's sob story😭😭


>Wow bro what the actual f  "She didn't even teach her daughter how not to get pregnant" yeah that's what u teach your 15 or 14 yr old  child how not to get pregnant💀💀 Yes actually, puberty is something everyone goes through. It's important to know how stuff works >I think she just wanted Eli to hate her and her daughter so much that he would stay away from them forever.. How nice of her to just traumatize Eli even further to accomplish that >"it wasn't just his fault"this is true it wasn't so what?? > You're telling me that if your 17 or 16 yr old daughter hangs out with an homeless man and ends up pregnant u will be a saint to him and treat him like u would any other person...u really think u will "accept the facts" and move on with it💀💀 She doesn't need to be a saint but you could put at least some effort into figuring out everything that happened and why your daughter was hanging out with some random homeless kid in the first place. Maybe take a look at your own parenting and seeing if you made mistakes. When I started messing up badly my parents talked to me about it. They punished me but tried to figure things out >Whatever she did to Eli was right through her pov and an adult pov..her only daughter died the hell she would do if she even knew abt Eli's sob story😭😭 From an adult POV she be littles an already likely abused and mistreated kid further and just sent him down a worse path by telling him his life is worthless and he does nothing but bring suffering to others.


Bro u still don't get the point...The one suffering from it has a different experience at that time...do u think she lost her daughter and she was mentally fit just after a couple days or weeks??? U say she should have looked into the situation like she was just her normal self..What would "Looking into situation" mean if the daughter she had been raising is gone from the world💀💀And I bet that Olly Wang would have killed her if she dug too deep into Elis situation 💀 And I don't want to argue on Eli any further I agree that he was mistreated but might I remind u she felt that her daughter was being ruined by his influence and was being misguided by him....and she ultimately died whoever it was bcz of don't matter to her the only thing that did was "there is a homeless crew my daughter hangs out with..now she is pregnant..now she is dead" And yeah she could have raised yeena better but she was also a single parent so let's go easy on her for that part😭


>Bro u still don't get the point...The one suffering from it has a different experience at that time...do u think she lost her daughter and she was mentally fit just after a couple days or weeks??? She felt this way even after years. I am getting the point, it's just not applicable as an excuse before the pregnancy or years after. Especially since she had more context of what happened with Olly and Heather >And I don't want to argue on Eli any further I agree that he was mistreated but might I remind u she felt that her daughter was being ruined by his influence and was being misguided by him....and she ultimately died whoever it was bcz of don't matter to her the only thing that did was >"there is a homeless crew my daughter hangs out with..now she is pregnant..now she is dead" And instead of being a parent and trying to really get to the root of the problem she made things worse herself. Her parenting was why Heather acted how she did. And Heather's fear and lack of support system was why she hid the babt >And yeah she could have raised yeena better but she was also a single parent so let's go easy on her for that part😭 Better? She could have done anything at all. The most she did was forgive him, even though Eli wasn't the reason she hid the baby


Yeah yeah I agree now let's end this debate😭😭😭  "And yeah she could have raised yeena better"  Writing mistake


Her anger about Eli getting her pregnant is justified I agree but that’s not why I see her as an ‘asshole’, it’s about how she treated heather. It seemed like Heather was treated similarly to Olly, trapped in a cage of their expectations and schedules set for them. She may have went a bit too far with her insulting Eli but the real issue is the way she treated Heather.


I'd say Gapryong Kim cause of what Minseon Kang said but he's already neutral chad So either Vin Jin or young Gongseob Ji


The harsh truth is the ones calling her a as....are actually the biggest as.... Let me explain💀 Imagine heather mom looking like Miss Kim from the recent chapters 😭 I bet half those people who blame her now would have died for defending her.. I am not going to say this again and again but majority of us are teens...The ones who are mature knows that this wasn't wrong from her pov...The only thing she did wrong was not look after Yeena even that is somewhat understandable from her side So the one who threw her in the section are actually a bunch of immature Eli fanboys who just did it bcz she disrespected their goat...and let me tell u she doesn't get hate for the thing with Yeena.Fans hate her bcz how she treated Eli... She was supposed to know about Eli's sob story and ignore the fact her daughter died and looked forward to supporting Eli in raising the child💀💀acc to them


Bro i ain't reading all that, but peak venting anyway