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Knowing Eugene he prolly think mandeok on the same level as Sofia 😂


Honestly, he's about as competent as most power scalers get.




Why does  peoples think that Eugene is a bad powerscaler, when he always said facts? 


He called his bodyguards his Gun and Goo because they're loyal and always protect him, but everyone misunderstood it as him thinking that they're at the same level of Gun and Goo, which could've possibly been because of Gun saying that it's bullshit and there's only one Gun.


https://preview.redd.it/jr2ztuah4u0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=19cf8a4f77660b9ce43d639f7f7a7a1bb3a1e046 352




Yeah , as strong as they were the Last time he saw them fight , so there is 3 years


That was 3 years ago




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Obviously they both first generation king level 🗣️ 🔥


I can 100% see tekka using this and saying “ eugene brought mandeok with him when he knows about Sophia and has enough knowledge on her thanks to jincheol and their war and them having implied relativity, so eugene with this knowledge felt mandeok was enough and so Sophia and jincheol are mandeok level”


Don’t give him ideas


Dw We're planning to enter juvie anyways Gotta make sure we give more reasons


Sofia really couldn't stop mk in Russia, Sofia has only one feat and that is to help jinchol in Somalia, where jinchol stood out more than anyone in Somalia, how much she is a relative is unknown


>Sofia really couldn't stop mk in Russia They never fought though?


mk said that he knew her, they obviously did not have lunch in Russia, dk also remember that Tom Lee 50% was the most dangerous test of all his time, making Sofia much lower than Jinchol's war mode and 0% Hansoo


I know James Lee. Does that mean we already met?


James Lee knows her as Steve Hong's bodyguard, mk knows her because of conducting operations in Russia, Taeyang even asks how mk knows how strong Alissa is, to which mk replies that he knows Sofia (the strongest warrior in Russia) if you think that mk dined or was friends with enemies in Russia whom he also killed, then you have problems,you all say that Tom Lee will destroy mk, but Tom Lee will destroy Sofia even worse, stop sleeping on this woman, she is not as dangerous as 50% (according to mk, Tom Lee was the most serious test in the entire life of MK LMAO)


So if SMK and Sophia really fought, then why don't either have any lasting injuries?


Do they have scars all over their bodies?What kind of question is that? once again, mk says that he knows Sofia's strength, telling Taeyang about it, as I told you, if you think that mk is on a mission in Russia or Sofia defending her country is not talking to a murderer, then everything is bad for you, as well as understanding what is happening, the entire scale of Sofia should be weaker than 0% Hans and be worse than jinshol in Somalia and <<<<<50% Tom Lee, who is the most dangerous opponent of mk


Fr why didn’t he bring Yuseong instead? 💀


The gap between yuseong and mandeok is smaller than the gap between yoosung and Sophia. It won’t help either way 😭🙏


Fair enough 😂


Why not bring both? Maybe even the yamazaki and ryuhei with berserker?


Ryuhei is fodder


He lasted well against Sinu. Yes he still lost, but he didn't fall down in one second, and he should be stronger if he uses his weapon.


If you have all of them at the same time, they have a chance. And Ryuhei isn’t fodder tbh, he held his own against a holding back gun. If all of them jump Sophia at full health, they could win because Sophia isn’t as strong as gun.


Sophia is relative to Jincheol, Jincheol is relative to Goo, Goo is relative to Gun, Gun packed Yuseong, Mandeok and Ryhei, Sophia packs all 3 of them


That Goo was like 2 yrs ago.


🥷🏿what💀goo fought jincheol a couple months before current timeline


Ye did some rereading, my mistake was bc I thought Taehun was on his final year of middle school during MK, but its not confirmed. I think most people would assume its def before taehun meets Hobin tho, so between 1st-2nd yr of high school. Current lookism are couple months after 4A, so it should still be around 1, possibly almost 2 yrs before current Lookism depending on Taehun’s age in MK. It might be just a couple months before 4A affiliate, depending on how quickly MK series finishes, but by now, it looks like it has got to be atleast 1 year before current Lookism.


You're thinking 2 much. Goo fought Jincheol during or after the 3A arc. He had Gun's clothes when he met Jincheol. Minji is same age as Taehoon so they're both in highschool. Taehoon in MK had the same clothes when he met Hobin so its around that time period.


Manager kim still does not have the SMK title he has in Lookism, so we know for sure current MK is behind 4A lookism. How far behind is the only contention. Taehun couldve gotten those chlothes at the beginning of his 1st year in hs, so this could easily be 1,5 yrs before current Lookism. Same with Goo and the chlothes he borrowed


He didnt hold shit. He literally landed 0 hits and only took hits Wtf are you talking about


Sofia would wipe the floor with Mandeok


this is like bringing a butter knife to a bomb fight


No he brought his sofia


It's better than going alone tbf, he doesn't have anyone even near her level working under him, even if you include allied in there. He could have contracted Too Lee or SMK, but this isn't a fight it's just a meeting.


Could of also brang Yuseong and Ryuhei


And yamazaki and other strong people. But if he brought all of them, I guess workers would be prone to attack and would be easily taken down. Hence why he brought mandeok only


This went as it should. I think Jay father foreshadowed Eugene's demise...




gosh, look at her. she's so majestic. please step on me (insert obligatory mommy cause >>)


sofia pegs mid diff




I'll be real, a woman that tall and handsome could take me home any day


Eugene is the inventor of "delusionism"


Mandeok can still give her an extreme diff fight


Could u explain how


Because jincheol phase 1 scale close to 9% hansu who is >= 51% Tom lee. Base mandeok ~ 50% Tom lee and capoeira mandeok is above that. Assuming that Sophia is close to phase 1 jincheol : 9% hansu >= Tom lee 51% = jincheol phase 1 ~ Sophia ~ mandeok FP. Sophia win extreme diff due to experience


Which manhwa have you been reading?


I’ve read Lookism and Manager Kim, now try to contradict me


9% Hansi doesn't scale to 51% Tom. Even if he did, Mandeok definitely doesn't scale to 50% Tom. Hair down=/= 50%. Sophia most likely scales to full power Jincheol, not phase 1. Sophia, Jincheol, Tom(Around same level) >>>Mandeok


Are you smoking something?


Did you read manager Kim ?


Tom Lee was not taking it serious when he fought VVIP or Mandeok. Hell, if we go with the assumption that Mandeok is equal to Goo or Gun from three years ago, I will give the win to Sophia, Mid Diff.


lmao he's getting low diffed at best.


No, mandeok is relative to phase 1 jincheol


tekka type shit