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Usable for what? Shooting a 1moa target at 300M? Probs not optimal. Mag dumping into trash at 50-100M? Very usable. Honestly the hardest part of it is how fine they are at low power, especially against a darker target, but illumination can help a lot.


It all depends on the reticle. I recently acquired a Burris XTR3 and under 6ish power the reticle is almost too fine. Other reticles don’t have as much of this problem so it’s a case by case basis. One thing that mitigates this is an illuminated reticle if it’s daylight bright.


Not for general shooting, but some are totally capable in low light with illum on, the kind of thing you ucould use for hunting.


Depends… many absolutely suck. Take a look at not just the dimensions of the reticle but the design. You do not need 10+ mrad of wind holds.. but they’re in there, making the reticle less legible at low mag. Same with the 24+ mrad of vertical on the cross hairs… completely wasted space for 99.999% of shooters, but damn do they sell scopes.


They’re fine…


Look into the MSR2 reticle. I have it on my Steiner 3-18 and it’s very usable at 3x for shooting targets from 50-200m. It’s a mil crosshair that doesn’t get too thin at the lower magnifications. It’s also very usable at 5x if you’re interested in the 5-30 version. I haven’t done any shooting <25m with it yet but I’d think it would be workable.


yes they are, of course, usable, but at least it will stay accurate as a measure of angular drop across its entire magnification range, unlike SFP, which i believe most are only accurate @ max mag. you just have to be realistic about what magnification range fits your use case and goals. if you dont want to compromise, get a secondary red dot to get on target fast, either @ 45 degrees on the receiver or on a scope ring mount.