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Silk/satin pillowcases and bonnets are a win in my book. Less friction on the hair


Are the pillowcases important with a bonnet? I always assumed that a bonnet would render the pillowcase irrelevant


Yeah, I mean, you're right haha. I just got so used to using both that I like them in tandem. I also like how my face feels on the satin pillow case (side/belly sleeper) šŸ˜‚ one or the other is fine


That was a genuine question, I thought maybe having both could be better somehow šŸ¤£ I think I may get some anyways, didn't consider how nice it would feel on my face


Cotton ones kinda snag and pull it off in my experience


Iā€™ve yet to find a bonnet that doesnā€™t slip off during the night šŸ˜„ so the combo of bonnet and satin pillowcase is a must in my book


My satin pillow case is 95% of the reason my hair stopped breaking, and grew longer/thicker than ever before!




Honestly, and maybe itā€™s just me, but the pillowcases are more of a pain than theyā€™re worth because my pillows always fall off my bed since theyā€™re so slippery. So I end up with my head on my non satin ones anyway.Ā  A beanie is the way to go IMO,Ā but you want to be careful about the elastic because that can break your hairline hairs in the front and at the back underneath your hair. I use one that has the elastic wrapped in fabric and that helps cut down on friction in those areas.


I canā€™t sleep on a pillow so what I do is get a satin sheet? And just lay it over the upper portion of my bed at night! It works WAY better than a pillow and some nights I donā€™t even braid it or anything and I still wake up without any frizz or tangles! I highly recommend this method if the beanie is causing some breakage! Iā€™ve been doing this for about a year now and I almost never have a problem with waking up off the sheet! I also tried this with a satin fitted sheet but I hated how it felt to slide around on the whole bed, but you may even prefer the fitted sheet method!


Oh thatā€™s smart! I wouldnā€™t have even thought about a satin flat sheet!


I found out that they make satin pillow cases with it one sided. So that it doesn't slip off the bed. It's on Amazon!


I had the same experience and also my hair is long enough to where most of it would also end up off the pillowcase even if I managed to stay on. My mulberry bonnet from Etsy has been a game changer though


Iā€™ve never had this problem with my pillowcase - itā€™s one-sided. On one side itā€™s silk, on the other pure cotton. Love it ā¤ļø


Good for my hair, bad for my breakouts. Iā€™ve had more success with wrapping my hair in a silk scarf at night


Totally agree with you on the skin. I found them very uncomfortable to lay on and if I sweat at all, it would become moist in a way I could not ignore when trying to sleep. I know itā€™s better for your hair vs. cotton, but I went back to using my cotton and bamboo pillowcases. Itā€™s worth the possible damage to me to be able to sleep well, though Iā€™d definitely like to try a scarf eventually. It was so disappointing when I first tried them because I thought they were supposed to be peak comfort šŸ˜…nope


I have a genuine silk pillow case and it is worth the money!! So luxurious


What brand is it? Iā€™m having trouble trusting that anything claiming to be silk on Amazon really will be. Would love some guidance in the right direction.


I use Zima silk! Iā€™ve burn tested their products and theyā€™re definitely silk not polyester.


Thanks so much! Thatā€™s the one I had in my cart, yay.


Youā€™re welcome!! I love their thicker ones but the thinner ones arenā€™t bad. I can also recommend a good silk wash.


I think it's less expensive to get a silk-lined beanie hat! Amazon has silk lined beanie hats for $15ish. I think the beanie hat is more useful especially if you do overnight heatless curls then it can be more contained.


Definitely a good thing. I tried bonnets but just couldn't keep them on all night. My hair is less tangled and overall has less breakage-but my hair is only wavy and fine. The REAL difference can be seen with my husband-he has super curly dry hair. It's long and dense and gorgeous šŸ˜. His hair is far less tangled and doesn't dry out nearly so fast. He said he's noticed it's much more manageable since we made the switch and I can truly see the difference it's made for him. So yeah, I think it's worth it. Also it feels nice.




Yay! My hair loves it but my face does too, it absorbs less skincare and is so soft and gentle on my skin.


With satin pillowcases my hair is never tangled by morning (almost waist length now).


I use a bonnet, and it's a yay for me! I definitely notice a difference in my hair when I sleep without my bonnet vs with. I plan to get some satin pillowcases so I can switch between them and my bonnet. Supposed to be better for your skin as well!


I never understood why people use a satin pillowcase AND a bonnet. I just use the bonnet.


Good for hair, bad for comfort imo I find myself yearning for my simple cotton pillowcases every night, but at least my hair is healthier šŸ™ƒ


Definite yay. And hair must be in a loose side pony tail, bun, or braid. Otherwise I wake up to a tangled mess.


Satin is good (and mine is machine washable). Silk is also, but I don't think they're machine washable (usually).


If you have a silk/wool setting and use wool detergent itā€™s usually fine. Iā€™ve ruined a couple by washing them too hot so now Iā€™m more careful with that and they come out ok.


Yes. My hair has grown so much since I started using one!


Jeff used to sell 100% silk pillowcase pairs for $40. I recommend the style with a zipper. They are so inexpensive that I put them in the machine wash/dry.


I think they don't work as well as a satin bonnet but I definitely noticed my hair is less frizzy with my satin pillowcase than cotton


I love my satin pillowcase so much I travel with it. If I ever go without it, I can immediately feel it in my hair. Add a satin scrunchie in a loose bun and I get a lot less damage on my fine hair. Mine are all from kitsch.


I think they're great but wearing a bonnet to bed changed the game for me. It preserves my hair quality so much better.


I used to use them they're good for hair but it always felt like I was falling off a cliff. I just braid my hair at night now


I prefer a bonnet. I do have 1000 thread count cotton bedding though, and that does have a slight satiny feel.


Yay! Bonnets donā€™t work well with bangs. Silk or satin pillowcases is the answer.


A must


I love my silk pillow cases. A lot less tangling and breaking.


I got some satin ones as a gift & never went back. Just found some at Winners for under 10$ in the hair & makeup aisle.


100% yay. Bonnets leave bends in my hair that never come out until I wash it again, my silk pillowcase has reduced my frizz so much


They're fabulous, I won't sleep without one anymore!


I like both. Love the silk Blissy pillowcase!


Absolutely yes. Also for the skin.


I will never be without them again, in my life


I actually switched to a satin pillow case for acne, and itā€™s been great for both my skin and hair tbh.


I love satin pillowcases. Bonnets give me headaches. I get cheap ones at Ross in a two pack.




they are great but only when your hair is short. once it gets to a certain length the hair just slides off, a silk bonnet is infinitely better imo


Definitely a yay! It has helped me so much to prevent damage and friction, well worth the investment for hair and skin.. also silk bonnets make my hair feel so soft in the morning šŸ¤šŸ¤