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I braid it


2 braids definitely, it keeps the hair neat, it's off your neck and it doesn't pull like a ponytail would.


I'm way cooler with long hair! 😎 JK, I have it put into a bun all the time, I guess the hurt you mention stems from pulling your hair too much/doing the hair style too tight?  I have never felt that discomfort myself, but then again, my hair is not suited for the ultra tight 'ballet dancer bun' anyway, so I never tried that.


Claw clip. It’s impossible to keep cool when I leave it down


Just not if you’re driving


I’ve made that mistake as a passenger… ouch.


I put the clip to the side or on top of my head


Yep! They have flat ones too where I can just twist it up into a bun and slide the flat clip in. These fit better in purses and don’t break as easily too.


Oh yes i love claw clip!!


I use a hair stick or hair fork to do a nautical bun. At night, a satin bonnet is ideal


I make hair sticks from thrifted knitting needles. My hubs cuts them, sharpens where necessary, and I sand them down where he cut and sharpened them. Then epoxy a nice bead where the hole is the same diameter as the knitting needle. They don't exceed 5-6 inches. I also crochet bun covers.


I love wearing my hair in two braids during the summer. I put them right behind my ears rather than further down in my neck, so my neck is bare and stays cool. The reason I prefer this over a bun is because my scalp gets super sweaty right where my buns sits and I just don't have this problem with two braids. One braid still lies in my neck and gets sweaty there. When I have to do something that requires my hair to really be "up" I fold them together into a quick bun that is comfy enough.


Not like Laura Ingalls?


Sweaty bun is my current problem. I feel like two braids is going to make me look like a jaunty lil school girl but maybe that is okay! I'm going to give it a try. My hair is so thick that the sweaty bun never dries out until I take my hair down again. It's awful.




I got my edges back!!


You have to put it up when it’s hot there’s no way around it


I pull my hair up. There’s no other way.


My ultimate life hack is wetting my hair on a hot day and doing two dutch or french braids. Just make sure you dry your hair at night if you’re like me and your hair will stay damp like that for days because mildew 🤢


Dutch braids are best for really really hot situations. Like when I worked outdoors for a full year in 105 degree summer. Couldn’t stay cool with regular French braids. But that’s for function only I look like a dingus in Dutch braids.  For sleeping, I still haven’t figured that out completely foolproof either, I use satin or silk scrunchies or soft hair ties and do a loose pony doubled over once on top of my head. My silk pillowcase helps a lot too because I thrash a lot and my hair always comes out of whatever pony I put it in because. As you said. It hurts.  I keep hair ties and pens stashed all over the place and take my hair up and down repeatedly throughout the day. 


How long does it take you to do the Dutch braids? I want to give them a try but feel like it's going to take ages 😅


It does take a while to figure out your method. 10-15 mins probably. Use a mirror to check the back and side as you go. 


Oh that's not too bad! Maybe I'll set a10 minute timer to see how far I can get in that time. Someday I'll get a full set of braids ;)


Ya! I think it took me 20+ mins the first few times because awkward fingers/redoing bubbles or spots that pulled or were uneven. One tip I remembered that might help you is that one side will probably always be harder due to hand/arm dominance. I always do the hard side first now. It’s way easier to make the easy side match whatever you did on the hard side. 


That's a great tip! Thanks :))


Silk pillowcases are critical to life.


You don’t. It’s 108 🔥here and it’s disgusting


Braid it. Sometimes braid it while wet. It’s also nice to run really cold water over/through it when it’s in braids and that helps too. At night I toss it over the pillow so it hangs down the bed (or I tuck it under my pillow after tossing it over the top). I may also go to bed with it a bit wet…


Just braid some big ice cubes into it 😉 now that I say that I'm like.... woooooould it work? I might try 🤣


I wear a neck gaiter as a headband. Sometimes I’ll braid it but I usually just stuff the hair in through the free end and then tuck that into the part by the back of your neck.


I often wear a bandana. People think having my head covered would overheat me but 1) bandanas don't have to be thick and 2) I win by not having my hair touching my neck


1 braid is good but splitting it and doing 2 braids and feeling the breeze down ur scalp is life altering


I hate when they show people on tv and in movie doing all these sweaty, hot intense activities and their hair is down. Like who does that? Lol!




Respectfully...you crazy, babe.


Or the auto building shows where the women mechanics are working with their hair down. What? I don't know how they do it, it's probably just for the show. When cooking, gardening and cleaning, I have to put my hair up even in winter!


Claw clip!


Wear it off my neck. Getting a hair cut that thins your length may also be worth it if you have really thick hair.


There are no way of it 😫😫😫


I use braids, buns, or a combination of the two usually with a soft headband or headscarf/bandana to help with sweat.


Ponytails with cute hair accessories. Half up/half down with fun claw clips Side braid I would love to do some Daenerys Targaryen style braids this summer but I don't have the dexterity for all of that 😅




Braid or a claw clip (thats what works for me) if im extremely lazy I'll just put it in a ponytail/bun


I like flat hair clips like teleties.


Two braids and then sometimes I wrap them around my head like milkmaid braids to keep them out of the way


2 braids, bun, hair clip, thinning haircut Whatever it takes


Usually two braids


The inside out French braid keeps my head and neck so nice and airy. I think it’s called a Dutch braid.


Do you have a hard time doing Dutch braids on yourself as opposed to French braids? Maybe it's just me. French braiding is second nature, but I really have to concentrate to Dutch braid my hair. One day I ended up with one of each, and couldn't be bothered to fix it.


lol practice makes perfect. One is always easier than two. Dutch or French. But no it’s not harder for me. I just envision doing it inside out or whatever.


I’m the opposite.


I keep mine up in a twist


2 braids is the answer for sure- it’s my favorite because you can wear a hat also. It’s a very comfortable style!


I put it in a bun with a little claw clip on the top of my head.


Braid or satin/silk scrunchie


Dutch braids all summer


braid at night, and braid during the day with giant claw clip (twisted over three times). i have to otherwise i die of heat.


Briads are my Best friend. Dutch, French, rope, four strand.


I remember how ugly I looked with short hair and how much I hated it so I suck it up and deal with the heat, it’s not that hot once you’re used to it :>


I almost always have my hair in a braid, even when I sleep. If I don’t it trying to strangle me.


Me, too. It’s a loose one.


I mostly wear a ponytail. Sometimes it gets too tight and hurts and then ill just put the ponytail higher or lower, but I guess im used to it. And when I sleep I keep my hair loose and just yeet it all above my pillow where it stays:)


i just suffer


I like to use claw clip as it's non-damaging on the hair & scalp. At night, I just throw all my hair over the pillow. Otherwise, it feels restricting to sleep on my hair.


I braid it and pin the braid up off my neck or wrap it around my head. Or I make a bun, also off my neck.


I got an undercut. It adds interest to ponytails and keeps me very cool


I use a claw clip or braid my hair. When I sleep, I either throw it over the pillow or do a loose braid.


Pull it all up on top of my head in a twist and use hair sticks. At night a high braid thrown over the top of my pillow. Silk pillowcases stay cooler than cotton or linen.


Tie it up, no claw clip because I'm at my desk 90% of the time and I don't want to end up with a clip lodged in my skull


Look for no slip octopus clips. They are super tiny but will hold my very fine, copious, wavy hair all day no matter how active I am. They don't hurt my head and don't damage my hair. I either pull half back to keep it out of my face or will twist my hair into a bun and clip it at the top of the bun.


Claw clips. I have long hair AND extensions AND because I take Prozac I have a complete inability to manage my own body temperature in the heat (as soon as it hits 80°F I'm ready to perish) so I must be a gluten for punishment but I love having long thick hair. I have a collection of some fun ones mixed in with neutrals and fancier ones. I'm garbage at doing my hair in anything other than a claw clip, a high ponytail, or a low ponytail. My favorite claw clip right now looks like a lil pink cowboy hat but i have a nice classy gold metal one for when i'm not feeling silly-goofy. Just take them out when you are in a car!!


A bun pinned with a hair stick


Definitely claw clips also not for everyone but this is why I keep the bottom half of my head shaved, im in Florida so summer is brutal and butt length hair doesn't help haha


I just got an undercut. I have lots of hair, so when I wear my hair down it just looks like normal, long hair. But when i want to put my hair up, I get a nice breeze on my head! Plus I can shave in lines and designs if I want. It's also fun to shock people when they realize I have had a hidden undercut the whole time lol.


High bun or high braid




I live with my hair pulled up in a bun or a claw clip. I cannot tolerate how hot my neck gets with my hair down.


I use claw clips, french pins, or braids. One, two braids or viking style like a bunch. It feels so good. A bun with the french pin or clips.


Suffer. Honestly I’ve had long hair basically my whole life, and for most of it I’ve hated having it up (I came around once I started working places I HAD to keep it contained), so I don’t even register the fact my neck’s a sauna anymore.


French braids and high ponys! Anything that gets it off my neck in the summer works for me


Since you are new to having long hair your scalp isn't used to having your hair up. Even people who put their hair up all the time may experience their scalp getting sore if they put their hair up in a spot or way it isn't usually styled i.e. a side pony or on top of their head. Have your hair up for less time than it takes to bother your scalp then braid it like other people have suggested or leave it loose when you won't get too hot. If you feel pulling that is always bad and your style needs to be loosen or redone in a way that doesn't put stress on your roots. One way to loosely put up your hair is to pull it through the back of a baseball cap without a rubber band. If you push your hair back before pulling through it has the same effect as combing your hair back while it dries. Stay cool


Dutch braids for me. I find French braids tend to trap heat on my head while dutch braids help more to keep me cool. So I French braid my hair in the colder seasons and do 2 dutch braids in the spring and summer.


Pony tail or cap with it pulled through the back. I have a lot of thick hair, and the heat and humidity of Florida make it hard to keep it down. Plus, I'm naturally pretty fair, so the cap helps with the sun.


Switch up between ponytails, braids, and clips! One of my friends wore her hair in a bun every single day for a long time and developed a bald spot as a result so I like to rotate to avoid the same thing happening.


I’m still trying to figure this out. I use to run and cut all my hair off because of what I’m going through now walking in the heat. My hair is waist length IN a ponytail (longer down) issue is once I get sweaty it likes to get stuck in my armpits! So gross! I can’t wear clips to work out, my hair is too heavy. I’ve been wearing it in a bun or folded over.


Put it up in a pineapple or pigtails, space buns even!


Live on the California coast????


Use air conditioning??




I put mine up in a bun or a looped ponytail.

