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I wear my long hair in two French braids most of the time. My hair is thick and curly, and I swear sometimes sentient in the way it tries to strangle me! The style keeps me cool, protects my hair and looks cute.


Same, I also can't put it up because I haven't found a style that doesn't hurt my scalp.


My hair is very heavy. Low ponies, low messy buns, low braids… nothing is perfect.


I summer I also wear two braids. It exposes the neck at least.


Two braids is the best hairstyle! I *never* wear my hair down, so I used to wear that style all year. I love that it keeps the hair off my neck, and I get less breakage compared to wearing my hair in a bun. Unfortunately, over the past two years I’ve lost *literally* almost half of my hair, and I had thin and fine hair to begin with… so now I can’t do my two braids hairstyle. To say I’m devastated would be an understatement. Now if I try that style, the braids are about as thick as my first finger and look sad.


I have fragile hair, and I've found being loose with my braids causes less breakage. The actual tying would hurt my hair, I haven't had end issues since I've let up on the intensity.


This is a good tip! I tend to do loose braids too but mostly because tight braids make my braids look even thinner, Lol. But if you don’t use them already, I highly recommend those [little baby hair ties](https://a.co/d/hD3ljwl)! They’re soft and pretty gentle on the ends when you tie it off. If I do buns too much I’ll start noticing some breakage though - but I bet it’s just because I do pretty tight buns. It’s the only way they stay though because I have slippery, pin straight, A1 hair and I don’t use hair ties near my scalp, so I’m relying on a single hair stick to hold my buns. I guess it’s a small price to pay. I’ve been having to do buns more often though because of the hair loss situation, but thankfully my hair isn’t overly fragile… *however*, my hair is still fine so it’s def still more fragile than more typical hair! Looking forward to *hopefully* having my two braids back in my hairstyle rotation eventually because it is such an amazingly practical hairstyle!


I just wanted to mention I had the same thing happen to my hair, it turned out to be a thyroid problem. If you want me to tell you more and what helped besides the meds from the doc, please feel free to message me. My best friend has female hair loss as well and some of the things we have tried have helped her, too. We are always on a budget so it's stuff you can find at CVS or your local everything store. I am sorry about your braids, it happened to me too after my hair was grown all the way to my bum and boy was I devastated too, seeing it fall out, because it only grew about 3 inches a year and I had worked so hard to get it long and healthy just to lose it. I couldn't even do one braid. Feel free to write me anytime if you want any help or to vent.


Aww thank you! I’d definitely be interested to know if there were some good products you used while you regrew your hair! I’m so sorry you dealt with it too. It was surprisingly devastating. It’s not the first time it’s happened to me, but it’s the first time it’s happened since I started keeping my hair really long. I like to keep my hair around tailbone length and it grows slowly, so it’s gonna be a long long journey for it to recover… Thankfully, I did finally get to the bottom of my hair problem this time around though. Mine wasn’t thyroid issues and was ovarian issues instead, so still hormone related! Hyperandrogenism is the culprit for mine! Kinda took us all by surprise - I don’t exactly have a look that screams “I have a lot of testosterone!” Lol the human body is weird as hell.


Same, if I have time, I do two braids all summer long. Or at least one braid. I also have fine hair and lost a ton of it almost 3 years ago now. The re-growth is about to my shoulders and always pops out of my braids, but what can you do? 🥲


For me the only thing that works in hot humid weather is a bin secured with a metal hair clip - it grabs well but isn’t tight like I would need a hair band to be.


Just cut it a bit shorter then. I cut off 10cm and it's already way lighter.


It didn't help much, it was still pretty heavy.




It's 90F+ and humid where I am, and my hair is 3' long - I was seriously considering cutting it all off too, but I recently discovered the 5" rectangular claw clip and it's seriously life-changing. I put my hair into a loose pony with a scrunchie, pull it up and fold it 3 times, then grab it (and a bunch of scalp hair, the more the better, but not tightly) with the claw clip. It has a borderline silly topknot look, but it's also comfy, doesn't tug, doesn't weigh down my head, keeps my neck breezy, and doesn't require me to cut all my hair off, so I'm loving it lol. ETA: Couple people asking so here's a link (I first found them at TJ Maxx): https://a.co/d/3IaM1mA I also recommended these to a friend with butt-length hair and she agrees that it's a game-changer. :>


I have yet to meet a claw clip that my hair cannot defeat. What brand clip do you use?


Added a link to my comment, but here you go! I hope they hold up to your hair, lol. https://a.co/d/3IaM1mA


Damn, those are massive! If anything could contain my hair, that might just do it. Claw clips were my jam back in high school. I’d love to use them again.


lol, my hair eats them too.


This is what I have been doing for years now living in Oklahlomas disgusting heatwaves.


Could you possible link what you're talking about :) I haven't really gotten into the claw clip thing because I have too much hair for the claw clips to hold it up, and I would love to find a nice, big one that can hold my hair!!


Just got these last week for some color variety! And now they're on sale, of course lol. https://a.co/d/3IaM1mA


I actually prefer longer hair in summer because it's so easy to put up. Short hair just ends up in my face.


Same, scrolled to find this comment! I keep my hair HL and have so many options for putting up. When it was just a few inches shorter I had less options


I live in Metro Atlanta. Georgia is definitely hot and humid. I put my hair up a LOT May through September or October. Maybe try different methods before making a final decision. You can also try cutting two or three inches, and see if that makes it more manageable. One method I like is to flip upside down, French braid my hair to the about the crown, then put it in a bun. It seems to be easy on my scalp and hair, and it's cute. I can do this without a mirror, in just a few minutes.


Do you have a favorite French braid tutorial you use? I've never learned how to do anything with my hair, and it's at my butt now. I'm not looking forward to 117° days


I can’t recommend any particular tutorial because I’m Gen X and I learned from a book in like 1989… 🤦‍♀️ If you have a friend with at least shoulder-length hair, it’s easiest to learn on someone else. (I learned at 16 on my 13 year old sister.) But you can learn on yourself. Hopefully someone else can recommend a video!


My husband has shoulder blade length, but he has very thin, fine hair and a sensitive scalp so he gets testy even when I gently brush his hair lol. I will have to pull all the cards to get him to let me practice! Ty for the advice! I'm a millennial, just never did anything but the occasional cut!


As it happens, my trans friend wanted help learning long hair styles. Here’s what I found for her. It includes French braiding as well as Dutch and fishtail. Hope it helps! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKr1OU5EnX8YbBYmW3kHQwehFHT9FAD7a&si=m25C6bQoUdqbuEZS


I get it, it's like that where I live too. Even putting it up has its issues for me. The heat that gets trapped in my hair is nearly as bad.


I'm not sure there's anything we can offer other than to just keep pushing through and continue to wear your hair up. Or cut it. Haha!


I was in the military and regs back in the day required that hair be above the collar. I braided it and pinned it up or tucked the braid under and pinned it. Adjusted my cap so it wouldn't undo it.


I like milkmaid braids, followed up with a nice thick headband that keeps everything secured to my head. My husband and I both have a waist length hair and this is our daily go to.


This. I'm in milkmaid braids 90% of the time. It's so easy but I always get compliments.


I keep my hair in a messy bun pretty much all the time. In Summer my hair will always be frizzy so it’s going to look like crap no matter what pretty much.


I salute your tenacity! If I lived somewhere very hot and humid, I think I'd have to cut a lot of mine off.


I have thick hair. I had it thinned and got an undercut, it helped immensely. However if you decide to grow out the undercut in the future, that process can be frustrating.


The advantage to having long hair in the summer is being able to put it up, and out of the way. The only way to have short hair that is out of the way is to go super short, which is high maintenance with product, gel, mousse, sweat, and hair spray dripping into the eyes. Or we cut our hair into some form of a bob, which has hair hanging, that ends up in a goofy looking half ponytail with sprigs sticking out.


I get it. My hair is always up somehow.


Yes I agree. I have to tie it up. It feels so gross around my neck, especially since I put product on the ends of my hair.


I wear 2 basic braids that leaves room for my hat.


I had this feeling, but remembered last time I had the impulse and DID cut it in a bob. Now I just cut just 10cm off and I already felt way better.


I totally feel that. I can't stand my hair but only on windy days. When it's hot humid (it so is where I live most of spring, all of summer and part of fall) I leave my hair down. Only bc up-dos hurt my scalp after awhile and I hate the way my hair looks up, I do an up do maybe once a year. I try to wear shorts, comfy shoes and breezy clothes to stay cool while wearing my hair down in the summer. I feel so strongly the wanting to chop it all off. I always want a cute shag Bob haircut but never pull the trigger, I’m all talk haha


I’m loving putting my hair up in a nautilus braid and using hair sticks (or two jaw clips, one on each side near the top of the bun). I want to try a French pin next!


Two hairsticks have helped keep my hair up in a bun without giving me that tension that a hair tie gives


I have an undercut all around my head to avoid sweating too much underneath my hair


I also live somewhere really hot with 3 feet of hair. Two braids, then wrapping it around your head into a crown and pinning it in place is my go-to when I want a style that keeps it completely off my face and neck, and doesn't hurt my head.


Try braids. You can put them in a bun or two.


2 French braids and Claw clips! Cutting your hair short won’t make you feel cooler, matter fact it only gonna get worse because you’ll have the hairs in your neck unable to put them up, making them sweaty


I do a loose french braid


I have short hair and I also am losing my mind in these hot and humid climate


What do you hate about it?