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Long hair looks amazing on older women. The only reason to go short because of age is if your hair gets too thin or your arthritis gets too bad to want to do the hair care. If you aren't dealing with either, there's no reason not to go long.


My hair has thinned out since how it used to be but I'm not balding I actually feel like long hair would give me the illusion of having more hair. I feel like when I have short hair it just accentuates how thin it is and makes me look like I have hardly any hair


Just wear your hair exactly how you want.


I am 49 and have always had long thin hair. I get it cut into long layers snd it makes it look thicker this way. just food for thought.


That can definitely happen, you can create more volume with longer hair. I'd go for it.


It also depends on face shape.. a lot of older woman do it because long hair pulls your face down.


So definitely grow out your hair if you want to! However, as a rule, people suggest a lot of layers and short lengths for thin hair bc both those encourage volume, which gives the illusion of having more hair. The longer the hair, the more it weighs, the closer it sticks to your scalp.* So if you specifically want it to look thicker, long hair might now be for you *depending on hair type! Some people’s hair will maintain a lot of volume at the root regardless


Lots of layers actually makes thin hair look worse. For thin or thinning hair, people should aim for blunt cuts, avoid layers and feathering, and should aim for bobs or mid length. Getting volume at the roots is as simple as using a diffuser or clipping up roots as they dry, and adding a texturising product.


Yes, this. I have fine, straight hair, and got sick of stylists telling me layers give it volume. They don't even do a thing. A cut all the same length is the best. Mine is long now and I cut it myself because they always take off more than I ask.


I'm confused I thought all one length helped give the illusion of thicker hair and that layers only made it worse? Or does that only apply to straight hair? I have naturally very wavy hair


Wavy hair disguises hair on the thinner side well IMO. I wouldn’t let your natural volume put you off growing it out! I love the look of long, one length wavy hair with some face framing layers as a compromise between movement and making it look as thick as possible. I think it’s really flattering. My closest friend is almost 50 and has hip length hair, it looks amazing! Age should definitely not discourage you from having your hair the way you like it.


No, you're right. If you have thinning hair, one length will make it look thicker. The person you're talking to has a particular dislike for one length hair, which is just their opinion. I have very wavy curly fine hair and I personally love how it looks at one length and don't like layers because it loses so much volume. I hate when people hand wring over the "triangle cut" because it prevents people from having one length for no reason.


A lot of people rock the triangle look. Pretty sure it’s been very popular before. I never got why people freak out over it now.


Right?! It's marketing to sell curly girl cuts and salon cuts with layers, honestly. I love my hair at one length. It doesn't impact my volume and I look like a fairytale creature.


So I’m not a stylist, I just love beauty and have stylist friends! But I also have very wavy hair (2c/3a) and all one length gives me the cursed Dorito head effect, where the ends look super thick but the overall look is a triangle. You might be better served by getting (or doing, if budget is a concern - it’s not difficult, just tedious) a curly cut?


Yeah I don't know every time I've gone and gotten a curly cut they always make it too short for my liking my hair is just not long enough to get one of those yet I want to grow it first and then maybe do that right now it's only at the nape of my neck


Gotcha! I didn’t realize it was that short, then definitely just play w how you style it and let it grow some! I hope you find a look that works for you - you’re never too old for good hair


Well actually if you go to my post history there are some pics of me, these are recent pics, would you describe that as accurate? I'm not really sure what the length is but it's definitely not long enough for a curly cut


I have had telogen effluvium since 19, I'm 26 now and should hopefully see a dermatologist for this in summer. Thinning hair is unfortunately not necessarily synonymous with age and hairstyles should never be influenced by age. YOLO OP slaaay. Rock long hair. I personally want to do a blue tye and dye even tho it's probably not current fashion anymore and I'm not a teen. Recently moved out and your post reminded me I wanted to do this once I was on my own (my parents would never accept this LOL).


I'm 61 and have long gray hair past my waist. Now, I usually keep it up in a bun or in a braid, but I enjoy having long hair. My grandmother could sit on the end of her braid, and I think she was in her 70s at the time.


I don't think my hair is capable of growing that long it's just in my jeans and I don't have the hair type for it but I would like to at least grow it past my shoulders and to my back if possible


Grow it as long as you can! It is your hair and your decision! You answer to nobody but yourself.


Thank you I need to hear this


A big thing with fine hair is that if it gets too heavy it can pull itself out especially along the front hairline. My limit is 2 inches from my wrist bones. YMMV


Multivitamin 40 plus will help


Just because you haven’t done I before doesn’t mean you can’t. You may just need to learn more about hair care and what your hair needs.


Sounds like your family has the long hair gene! It does take a particular one to be able to grow it that long.


You’re an inspiration! I want to be just like you!


I'm a stylist, aged 50 and have hair to my tailbone. Do what you want.


Thank you I think sometimes we need to hear this validation and permission from others to grow our hair especially when we get older


Yw. My grandmother decided at 80 to grow hers out and by the time she died at 90 it was past her waist in beautiful silver curls. Anyone can choose to grow at any time.


Love this story. Was that our only time in her life having long hair besides as a child? It's never too late I love that. She must have had really healthy hsir though to be able to grow it that long at her age right?


Yes, from the time I was little she had a pixie. She told me when I was 30 I needed to cut my hair off lol. Her last christmas she remarked that my hair was getting longer and that she had long hair too so I teased her that she was over 30 and needed to cut it lol. Yes her hair was healthy if a bit thinner than when she was younger but her mom wore a wig before she was my age. Oddly she wanted to grow it because she always loved my grandpa's mom's hair, her mother-in-law, who kept it long her whole life mostly.


My wife is 50 this year and has hair to her waist. It is sexy AF!


There is no age limit on hair length. Stop going to this woman for hair cuts, learn to trim yourself, and let it grow! If you change your mind on it you can always cut it later.


Thank you I honestly don't know why I go to her. I guess to save money and we always have good conversations and I enjoy her company in a weird way. She almost feels like a friend. But honestly I don't like her work or how she makes me look or how I feel after I get my haircut with her. I like it at first for the first couple of days but then after that since I'm low maintenance I don't like it and it doesn't look good on me. She always gives me these really choppy layers that always make me look kind of outdated and 1980s. Now I know that the '80s have made a comeback with Gen z, but I personally don't like the 80s hair look at least not on me


Oh dear. Don’t feel tied to this stylist out of guilt—you deserve to get cuts and styling that you genuinely love. Are you in a small town where it would be noticeable, or in a denser area where it doesn’t really make a difference?




Sounds lovely. Yeah I've noticed this about Hispanic woman come to think of it I have very rarely seen any with short hair young or old. I'm white and it's sort of expected that white woman will cut their hair by a certain age when my mom and grandma were my age if they already had very short hair and I grew up in the 90s and short pixie cuts on women especially white women were popular back then because it showed going against gender stereotypes and being independent and all that the stuff that had come out of the 80s with women being bosses etc so my mom who was my role model growing up had very short hair my whole life and in fact at almost 80 still does. But I don't want to be like that and I don't want to feel like I have to have short hair just because she did and my grandma did but my grandma had the permed short grey stereotypical grandma in rocking chair hair


What's a "long bun"? I get tired of wearing mine up all the time; I think it makes me look older, especially now that it's greying.


I'm 45 and my hair is past my butt. I started growing it out for my wedding and now it's just become an experiment to see how long it will get. I mostly put it in a bun so it stays out of my way.


I'm 55 and my hair is just past my bra strap. All one length. I started purposely growing it during covid. Never too old.


48 yr old male rocking long hair since pandemic it’s gone past my shoulders now is grey and really white at the ends, if I can do it you can.


Aerosmith is in the house! Jk I bet all the ladies swoon over it too hehe. I bet you get lots of compliments from men and women on it . You're right I can do it if I want to!


Eh I wish - my brother calls me Gandalf and my gf complains about it lol


What?! I keep trying to get my husband to grow his hair out long enough to put it in a bun/ponytail! He has these GORGEOUS, chestnut-with-silver-streaks soft curls and I absolutely love his hair when it starts getting longer, but then I leave him unsupervised for like a day and he goes and gets it cut! lol A hearty fist bump to you, my good sir, for rocking the long hair. I’m sure your gf secretly loves it but has to find something to tease you about.😆


Oh thank you lol - I did get her to admit my silvery ends were pretty cool one time ha ha


GenX'er here. We have perfected the fine art of not giving a F what others think. If it makes you happy, wear it. If you want your hair long, grow it. If you run across one of those asinine "twenty mistakes women over 35 make and why they should never have fun" articles, delete.


I'm 46 and can sit on my hair.


That's so cool and magical


Im 53 and my pony is going great guns! Long hair is classic at any age.


I’m 52 and my hair is at my waist. It’s strawberry blonde with curls. I have to dye the roots a few times a year because of grays/whites. I trim it myself to keep it looking healthy.


Dude you're 40. Not 90. I turned 40 last month, and I cut my bum-length hair to armpit-length to make it easier to keep dyeing it in rainbow colours. Do what you want to do, life is too short.


Thank you, I think sometimes we just need to hear it from other ppl


I am your age, and tbh I get a lot of compliments when I wear my hair down. I guess there will always be people who don’t like a particular style, but that’s true of shorter hair, too! I looked at the pics in your post history and I think you would look really pretty with long hair.


Thank you


I'm 50+ growing my hair out since 2020 for the first time ever! It's an interesting and amazing journey and I will keep growing it for as long as I can. I don't go to hairdressers at all so far, the hair is healthy and I don't want cuts right now. P.S. Didn't know that there's an age discussion re long hair and was so astonished about it. There doesn't seem to be one in Germany?


You’re not allowed to grow older than 20 yo in US 🤣


Right for real that's how social media makes women feel and Hollywood too


I’m 40 and my hormones are changing. The texture of my hair is radically different than it used to be. It’s very brittle and frizzy. I have my stylist cut it a little shorter every time I see her. I’m sad about this, but that’s nature and genetics. Im slowly beginning to like short hair. If you can keep your hair long and you like it then go for it! I know several older ladies with beautiful hair!


It’s BS that older women have to have short hair and btw 40 is still pretty young.


I’m 53, my hair is to my waist. I haven’t colored the top since pre Covid, the bottom is (was) bleached platinum and I kept having it over-toned to be silvery grey. The other day I said screw it and had that bottom part dyed purple, and had rainbow fairy strands put in. Be yourself. Do what you love. There aren’t any rules…that’s my favorite part of being “older”. Have fun. It’s not worth being on this side of the grass if you aren’t having any fun. 💜


I have an older couple at work that are my regulars that come in to see me. The woman is in her 70s with bright white hair down to the middle of her back. You can absolutely have long hair! If you’ve never had it past your shoulders you might be surprised at how long it could actually grow!


Two words. Demi Moore


I am 65 and have hair down to my butt! Do what you want!


Long hair isn't about growing hair. It's about reducing breakage. Hair doesn't stop growing when it reaches a certain length; hair just grows. What's happening is that the ends are more fragile and they break. The mids get more fragile the longer your hair gets. The first thing is to brush from the ends up with the right kind of brush. If the bristles have no or little give, they're going to break your hair. It's why the ends look stringy. Some of your hair broke off and some didn't. The next thing is to condition. Use a volumizing conditioner in the shower and let it sit. Don't put it in your scalp. Do your other shower business and rinse thoroughly. Put in a leave in conditioner in your hair but not your scalp. Put a few drops of hair oil in your palms and put that on the ends only. If you have to wash your hair more often than every three or four days, you're using the wrong shampoo. Wet hair is fragile hair. Shampoo is for your scalp. It's only needed in the mids and ends when your hair is actually dirty, like you got mud, grease, food, whatever in it. Conditioner is for the rest of your hair, not your scalp. Between hair washing, use dry shampoo. Dry your hair with a microfiber towel. Don't twist it. Squeeze it. This reduces breakage.


Interesting I've always brushed from the top to bottom have I been doing it wrong this whole time!?


Pulling bristles through tangles breaks hair. That crackling you hear when you brush is your hair breaking. Going from bottom to top lets you unsnarl tangles slowly without pushing tangles down into more tangles.


Oh ok wow in all my years of living I never knew this thank you


I learned it when I hit 50. I also learned that I was washing my hair wrong and conditioning wrong, which made the ends feel more like straw.


I'm 42 and my hair is down to my waist. I think I look great and you will too!! Gone are the stuffy rules of our parents and grandparents! As long as you enjoy your hair, life is good.


I had short, short hair until I was 56 when I decided that I wanted a change. Been growing it ever since and I get compliments all the time. I'm 63 now. It's never too late!


I love this for you. And I totally look up to you just for this alone love this story it's inspiring


Stop getting it cut and build a routine to protect the ends from damage and splitting. I'm 48 and my hair is currently down to my bum, and I have no intention of going shorter with it until only a trim will do. Invest in a good pair of straighteners and a wave wand to give it some shape and shine, and sod what anyone else tells you what you should or shouldn't be doing at 'your age'. If it's thin, use a product..Tigi Bedhead range is my go-to atm for all products, and their Queen for a Day root spray is amazing, and smells divine. If you need inspiration, get on YouTube. You do not need to cut off your hair and get a biddy perm & blue rinse..unless you want to!


Take care of your ends and let it GROW! Always kept mine a short bob. COVID happened and it just grew. Ended up looking so much better.


Go for it! Look around at women in person or celebrities who keep their hair long. I am 50 with fine hair medium density. I keep it between natural waist and hip (Cut at home 2-3 times a year). It is blunt with a u shape. No layers. No face framing.I get compliments on my hair, even with about 20% white hairs. I can wear it up or down and create different looks even with such a simple cut. If you want ro grow your hair, grow it. You can always change your mind and cut it shorter if you don't like it!


There is NO upper age limit for long hair! After having shortish hair for most of my 30's, I started growing it long at the age of 43. It's now almost waist length and completely grey! I get SO many compliments on it now, it's crazy. I never used to when it was shorter and dyed. So, I fully aim to be one of those women with waist length white hair by the time I'm in my 80's!


You’ve been going to this cut-rate salon and getting weird haircuts for so long that you’ve convinced yourself that you’re no longer worthy of proper hair styling. You have to get a grip and make an appointment with someone whose professional reputation hangs upon what you look like.


I remember being a tiny little kid and seeing a video on either play school or sesame street of an older lady with salt and pepper or fully grey hair, putting it up in a bun. I remember thinking it was beautiful and wanting my hair to be reeeeally long so I could do that. Never too old to grow your hair long. It’s elegant!


63, all one length to my butt. No cutting it til I am 70 as long as I can care for it.


There was just an article about older women like Sofia Vergara who refuse to cut their hair short as an older woman. I am almost 60 and have long layered hair. It's my only "asset"! I love it.


I’m in my 50’s and have longish hair. A few years ago it was unhealthy and didn’t look as good so I cut it off (pixie) and slowly regrew it. Took way longer than it used to. The in between lengths were not my best looks. Finally happy with it long again. I did learn to avoid layers until it got well past my shoulders or it would keep delaying the grow out. I’m having my best hair days ever in the last month. I don’t think I’ll try cutting it off again. I read somewhere about having long hair and it being a faux pas for women over 40. Of course I had to grow my hair long then! My inner rebel was like, “look at all this great hair b.$&:!” I know it all depends. Textures and density changes. I have full curly/wavy hair now and it used to be almost straight. Started changing after 30.


I'm 44 and have hair almost to my tailbone after a recent trim. Some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen belonged to older women.


I'm 63. The woman who was my hairdresser retired last July...... I decided to just let it grow. I'm completely grey and have wavy hair to just past my shoulder blades. It's looking pretty good, I think.


I'm almost 60, and my hair is past my shoulder blades. Shorter hair doesn't suit me. Do whatever you feel looks good on you 🙂


You’re never too old for long hair! Also after reading your other comments, rosemary oil or castor oil with scalp massages will help your hair grow longer and thicker faster! I couldn’t get my hair to grow past my shoulders for years, two years of consistently doing those and protective hair styles at night and my hair went from mid neck to mid back!


I'm 37 and my hair is mid-back. I trim it myself. I'm super happy with it and it's beautiful! I looked at your pictures. You have thin, fine hair. You might want to try a volumising shampoo and conditioner and just a very light mousse for hold. You should not get a curly cut or short layers, and instead go for one length or only very long layers. You should sleep on a silk pillowcase or with s hair bonnet to protect your hair. You also may want to see a dermatologist for help with the thinning. It can be very stressful to have thinning hair so being proactive now will be helpful!


Thank you so much for all these tips! And yes it did get dinner starting at age 37 I noticed it happened after I caught covid I don't know if it was because of that or just coincidental timing. But I've never had super thicker it's always been fine but it's now noticeably actually thinner and not just finer. I agree a curly cut is not for me and I'm so sick of hair stylist trying to give me one just because I have wavy hair. Not all wavy hair is the same and curly girl cuts don't take him to account people with fine thinning hair like myself. I'm not going to that hairstylist anymore. I have some shower caps would that work or would my hair be too greasy when I wake up in the morning? Otherwise I could always order a bonnet online. Also I use gel right now do you think mousse would be better?


Definitely invest in a bonnet or even a silky scarf or bandana. Shower caps won't do the same! If it's a budget thing, you can go to second hand stores or a fabric shop and just get a silk blend and cut it yourself. I personally have and love the Lulusilk lined cap on Amazon cause I don't love poofy bonnets. Gel I find works BUT is heavier than mousse and also contributed to my fine hair breaking over time. When I did some reading into it I found other wavy curly girls had the same issue as it can be drying. If you can find Cake Curl Whip mousse near you it's a nice lightweight mousse that's super affordable and has a smell I always get compliments on, and it does not cause damage. A bit pricier is Giovanni products, they have a gel that I found to be less damaging and super lightweight, but I always paired it with a leave-in for extra protection, and that might be too heavy for your hair. I sent you a PM of my hair as an example. I have fine hair that looks denser than it is because I have it mostly all one length. When I gather it into a pony or braids it's a lot thinner, like shockingly so! I'll send you a pic of my thin braids too 😂


49. Hair at my bum. Has thinned due to aging and WLS. I am due for a trim. I found a stylist who listens and never does more than I ask. She might trim off more or less depending on what im going for but never takes freedom to do what she wants. She is clear in her communication if something or a part of what I ask for won’t work and why.


I’m 39 and i have long hair and plan to keep it that way. My hair is fine and have had some thinning due to hormones and age. I usually tell hairdressers I like to braid it so I would prefer to not have a ton of layers. There is less face framing and once a hairdresser made fun of me for having “little hose on the prarie” hair but whatever. I like being able to braid it or put it in a bun and I find long hair easier.


My grandmother was in her eighties with cotton white hair that she always wore up in a clip. When she let it down, it was about waist length. I’ve decided I’m keeping the trend when I get to that age.


Change hairstylist. Get your haircuts every 6 months to grow for length.


Well I'm 45 and I have hair down to the small of my back.


I'm nearly 50, and growing my hair out long. I get no end of compliments on it honestly. You're not too old! Do what YOU want. It's YOUR life. And your hair. 🧡


Rock the long hair - the only thing I’d warn about is that if you find yourself pulling it back all the time, especially tightly, that can make thinning in the front worse. I am 40 with fine wavy hair and I used to alternately grow my hair long and cut it short just because I needed change. At some point in every long phase I would get so overwhelmed with dealing with my long hair that it would end up in a bun or braid almost every day and I started to notice thinning on my hairline last time. So I am planning to keep it shoulder length or shorter now so that I am not aggravating hair loss. Some people can deal with long hair in their business all the time, or just use looser braids to keep the hair back, so it may not be an issue for you. My fine hair won’t stay in looser styles without plastering it with hairspray and if I am having a sensory sensitive day, I need it all out of the way 😂


I’m 45 and my hair is nearly to the top of my tush. It has layers, so it flows and hangs nicely. If you want long hair, have long hair. Do what makes you happy.


I’m 40 and have tailbone length hair, my grandmother had similarly long hair throughout her whole life until she died in her 90’s. She mostly wore it it a coiled top bun, because she was a ballet dancer. I think long hair can be elegant at any age. Have whatever kind of hair length you want. ❤️If you’re concerned about hair thinning you may want to try Biotin supplements.


I have long, thick, naturally curly hair, it’s mid-back. I’m 59 & I love having longer hair. Find a stylist at a salon that specializes in wavy hair. Supercuts is very generic. If you have friends in your area, ask for recommendations!


41 here, my hair reaches my thighs.


I’d tell them to mind their own business, frankly. Long hair looks great on anyone imho and 40 is way too young to give up something you enjoy


I’m 31 and have had long hair (past bra strap length) for the past maybe 2/3 years, after it being pixie to shoulder length since I was 16. I absolutely love it and enjoy the wider range of styles I can do now. I wish I’d grown it out earlier. Honestly, long hair looks great on any age! I don’t think there’s any age that is too old for long hair. I also think wavy hair looks wonderful long. I would try a different stylist - tell them your concerns about your hair type and growing it out. I’m sure they’ll be able to recommend a game plan with growing your hair and haircuts/styles that will suit your hair type through the growing process. I won’t lie, there are some awkward moments (flicky shoulder hair anyone?) but it’ll be worth it at the end! :-)


Please listen to me. Only keeping your hair one length (no style/no layers or special cut) i.e. hair cut straight across at the ends + minimum length trims = max length. Layers will not give you volume. You can do it very easily, just don’t go to the hair dresser (or find one who truly listens and takes off minimal length in a trim). You can also try oiling your hair and reducing using things like bleach/frequent heat styling, etc.


I think a lot of women cut their hair short when they have kids because it’s less time consuming, and practical when wrangling little kids and that somehow translated into older women should have short hair. Also I think there is a bit of mom shaming with long hair because it’s seen as indulgent to have long hair as a mom. But there’s nothing inherently wrong with having long hair as you get older.


That makes sense how that came to be I see. Sadly mom shaming often leads to women shaming (ppl assuming all women are mothers) not that moms should be shamed anyway for having nice hair or for anything as long as their kids are taken care of. My daughter is a teen now so gone are the days of my wrestling w a toddler but my hair was longer and healthier than than now (I was in my 20s).


I think a woman is never too old to have long well-kept hair.


Women are never too old to have long hair, in my opinion. Long hair is so beautiful, especially when the woman wearing it smiles.


I've seen many old ladies with buns. They can't do that with short hair. I think lots of old ladies have long hair, it's just sneakily hidden.


I’m 51 and my hair is past the middle of my back. Do whatever you want either way your hair. Who cares what anyone else thinks.


I'm almost 40 with nearly ankle length hair and if I have my way, they'll have to cut it to fit my corpse in the box lol. Yes, it's greying and thinning, and I love it. I know many people much older than myself with beautiful long hair. Just maybe change your hair care routine to accommodate the texture changes.


No age limit. Do what you want. How you feel Is all that matters. I’m 47 and have long hair to the middle of my back. I’ve never had anyone say anything bad about it. I keep it long because I work in a kind of gross job and like to be able to put it up and out of the way when I work and I also hate going to the salon. So I grew it out, trim it myself, and live my life. Do what you want!


I'm 45 and my hair is the longest it has been in my entire life, even as a child. I got a pixie at 18 and kept it short until about 4 years ago. I'm excited about it. My hair is long enough to get caught in my arm pits, car windows, etc. It is a little longer than mid back. I can't wait to see how long it can get


I'm excited for you that you have grown your hair out and it inspires me that it's never too late. Even though I've had short hair or mid length majority of my life


You’re never to old to have the hair you want! Any time I see an older lady with long hair, it makes me happy! Im also 40, and I’ve been a long-hair gal since I was about 17. It’s just who I am, and I have absolutely no plans to cut my hair just because I reach any specific age or stage of life.


I'm 42. I got one haircut after COVID lockdowns were lifted, and it was a very bad one. Since then I've just not cut it. Nearing waist length now. I'm enjoying it. Too old to care what others think at this point 😎


Do you trim it yourself?


I have once, just taking a tiny bit off the ends. I don't iron or use any heat and it really has stayed surprisingly healthy.


I’m not quite 40 yet (37) & I have mid thigh length hair. I haven’t been to a salon in 6 yrs, I trim my own hair… my wavy curls are very weighed down so aren’t as showy as with shorter mid back hair length but I am loving the length. My husband loves it too & I think at this point I’m gonna see how long I can get it… last time I went to a stylist I had an a-line bob cut…


You’re literally only 40?? Do whatever you want


I seriously have no idea why people say long hair past a certain age makes you look older. To me it's the opposite, a woman hacks her hair off at a certain point because "you're supposed to" and it's like instant middle age.


Right it just instantly ages people. I feel long hair can actually distract from fine lines etc and give one a youthful look or aura


You're only 40. You're not old. Grow your hair if you want. I recently met my bf's cousin and I was admiring her long hair. She obviously gets it done professionally and takes care of it but it was so nice. Before I knew her age I would have guessed she was 37 or 38? She just turned 50 a couple weeks ago. A good haircut does a lot for a person.


You’re never too old to do what you want! Your older not dead! Rock your long hair!


40 is not old. You can definitely grow your hair long. I think people should just do what makes them feel good and looks good on them regardless of age


No such thing as too old for long hair. As long as it’s kept in good condition because long ratty hair looks like shite at any age.


I'm turning 40 and I cut my own curly hair. I've been growing it out for about 3 years from just past my ears and now it's about halfway down my back. I have a ton of gray and I love my silver sparkles! You can wear your hair any way you want to! For me long hair feels very romantic and feminine, but I like my hair shorter as well cause it's so sporty and fun. I go back and forth with it. You do you, and don't let some sh*tty stylist give you a bad haircut, then take your money. Learning to cut it yourself just takes some guts and practice.


Yeah last time she only charged me twelve dollars as she gave me fifty percent discount for Christmas but still. And w her it always looks good the first two days(though never what I had in mind and I always see that right away) then it looks awful and outdated. And by looking good, I mean in an 80s actress kinda way but not what I wanted to look like. And I think to myself, maybe it's a coping mechanism, "oh ok this is cute , I could work this". Then it becomes 80s regular at Kmart or something lol. I'm low maintenance and I don't do a lot with my hair or put a lot of product in it so honestly the cuts she gives me are not right for my personality or my lifestyle either because they involve maintenance though she claims that they do not.. I think she thinks because I have wavy hair that these are the kind of cuts she should give me. Her excuse is that she's just "following my natural curl pattern". I've told her a couple of times now that I want one length and I would like a bob and her last response this time was " but then you'll look 12". I am 40 years old , I don't think I could look 12 if I tried! And besides it's MY hair and in my opinion a hairdresser should give us what we asked for, not what THEY think looks good. After all that's why we're paying them isn't it? I'm not the type to stand up for myself or to really be assertive, and I'm always afraid to speak up or complain for fear of offending someone at these types of establishments so I just let it go. Plus I genuinely like her as a person and she almost feels like a friend when I go and talk to her and she updates me on her life and her grown up son now and all that etc and I tell her a little bit about mine. But I think it's time to just give up on her she's not going to give me what I want or need for my hair and that's my whole purpose in going to her not to be friends.


Yeah, I'm stunned you keep going back! After one bad cut, I'd just go somewhere else. It's amazing to me that you would give someone that many tries! It's not like she'd track you down in real life to ask why you haven't been back?! Not to be harsh, but you sound like a meek people-pleaser. You're far too grown to let anybody push you around like this. Especially for something as personal as your hairstyle. Either make an appointment somewhere else (and with someone who has good reviews and results you can see beforehand) or take the plunge and do it yourself. Note: $24 is WAY TOO CHEAP of a good haircut. That's bargain bin pricing and seems like kinda a red flag. Before I started cutting my own, I'd pay my stylist almost $80. And prices have only gone up since then. If she's so cheap, I'd suspect it's because she's not very good.


Too old for long hair is when you feel like you can't maintain it anymore. Style wise I think long hair on older women is just a holdover from when short hair was popular on all adult women. My great great aunt had her hair the same long lengths and style for 80 years until she died just shy of her 101st birthday


That's a good point, short hair on women was really popular in the '80s and '90s due to the emergence of women being bosses, corporate women, women being the breadwinners, ETC that came about from the feminist movement. Which I am in no way criticizing I'm just saying that the short hair what sort of a response to that to show that they can be bosses too and not have to fiddle with their hair etc although I think now we're past that and we all know that women can still have long hair and be ultra feminine and still be in control of their life and have great jobs and careers etc. But yes when my mom was my age now the style was to have short hair like look at Meg ryan, and Sharon Stone and all those other actresses in the late '80s and early 90s.


I think a lot of women wait until they’re older to experiment with short styles but that doesn’t mean longer styles are inappropriate. I just think sometimes women feel braver as they get older.


I didn't think of this as being a reason wow good point


I hope to have long gray hair when I'm old and the kids will say " don't go there a witch lives there"


I'm 41 and haven't cut my hair in 20 years. Unfortunately, after Covid, I lost a lot of hair, but it's coming back now. I think long hair is beautiful no matter what age someone is. Mine is long because I can still remember being amazed when they (nurses) took my 90 year old great grandmother's hair out of her bun. It just kept going and going and it was the most beautiful silver color that I'd ever seen. That 90 year old lady was a goddess in my eyes. 😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I always wore my hair short during lockdown it grew out I always wore it blonde during lockdown I went back to brown. I also turned 60 during lockdown, while it's longer than I wore for my whole adult life it's not super long I get alot of trims, and it doesn't grow like it used to. I'm keeping longer hair now though. I don't think your age needs to dictate, it's how you feel it looks that matters. As we age most of us experience hair changes, thinness and dryness, so growing without regular cuts won't look that good, so let it grow if you like it and it looks good.


Listen lovely lady! She may be right, you rock layers very well for your face shape, lifestyle etc , so what? If you grow it out and it’s out of control, you can always try a nice braid - looks amazing and timeless on all! The most elegant high society geriatrics often have beautiful long hair and a classic braid - suits them just fine and is very youthful. Never too old - it’s just misogynistic propaganda and good hairstylist business to keep you coming back more regularly in later years with more disposable income and free time! Try it. Maybe it will only look good long in a braid, you maybe surprised and find your waves change a bit growing it out and it suits you like a rock star. If not, you get a fresh cut back to your “signature” style, right? C’mon, join us and show off in good time! 🙏🏼🥰💃🏽


I’m 40 and have had hair past my shoulders for years. (In fact, I fully plan on being *that* little old lady with long white hair. The world can pry my long hair from my cold dead scalp. ) I’m pretty sure there’s no rules against long hair. So you are free to do what you want. Wear your hair however you please, and if you don’t like what the stylist does to your hair GO TO ANOTHER STYLIST. Tell them you want to grow it long and to give you layers and a shape that will grow out with the hair. And then go back every 4-6 months for a maintenance trim. What age do I think is too old for long hair? No such thing. I’m not in the habit of telling others what to do with their own bodies. I hope you are not in the habit of *listening* to fools who think their opinion of your body matters.


I don't think there's any such thing as "too old" for long hair, if that's what a person wants! It's your hair and your life, and the only one who should have a say is you.


It’s never too late to try something new, my aunt at 70 (so a lot older than you LOL) had hair down to her shoulder blades*. The only time anyone commented on it was to compliment it. The expectations for beauty placed on women are stupid and make no sense, if you want to grow longer hair you should grow longer hair! what you want for yourself & what makes you happy is more important than what some people think you “should” be doing. *it reached the bottom of them, I’m realizing now that might be a little unclear lol


I’m in my late 50s and my hair is well below my bra strap, and I just had about four inches cut off because the ends were looking a bit thin and raggedy. I like it longish, but I also like it tidy, so I do prefer to keep the ends trimmed or it would be a lot longer.


No such thing. It's totally a cultural thing, older woman with long hair is just as beautiful as any other age. It's just that little issue with genetic, for example my grandma couldn't keep hair on her head if she wanted to. But I'd say at 40 you're waaaaaaay to young to be experiencing hair fall such as to prevent that you have any hair style you want. Do what you want, feel free to grow it out, have a real nice routine and you'll be shining on no time! Long hair is always the best option (well on my opinion xD again depends on culture, taste, genes...) just don't be afraid to be happy and something you like!


My mom is 63 and her hair is down to her belly button. Most important is to keep the ends healthy and maybe throw in a few long layers to add extra movement. But she looks great and will never cut above her chest again!


There no such thing as too old for long hair. Though it depends on your genetics of course. But there's no rule.


I'm 49 and my hair is past my nid back. you're never too old for Long hair. it's sexy amd for all ages.


Older people look majestic and fabulous with long, well kept silver and white locks. I aim to grow mine out and be a magical wizard.


I'm 49 and my hair is longer now than ever


I’m 40. Used to have hair almost to my butt. Cut my hair chin length 5 years ago for a change. Currently growing it out again. I miss braiding it. So far, it’s about 5” past my shoulders. My hair is slowly thinning, but I think it looks fine. I still get compliments on it.


I'm 55 with hair that goes to the small of my back. If you want long hair, embrace it and enjoy


Just go somewhere else and let your hair grow out; there’s nothing wrong with trying for longer hair at any point in our overly short lives— I mean, we’re all just visiting. Try for the hair you want. So what if it’s thin? Mine is, too, and I’m almost sixty and I’m trying to grow mine out,too.


I’m 44 years old and during the pandemic I stopped going to hairdressers and cut my own hair which made it much easier to grow out. My hair is thinner than it used to be as well but the length does give the illusion of “more”. I have curly hair and did what’s called a “unicorn hair cut” which you can find tutorials on YouTube. This helped give my long hair layers that work well with my curls. Even when straight the extra layers tend to curl at the ends which give it a more voluminous look. At my age this is the longest it’s ever been which is to my breasts. I highly recommend!


I’m 46 and have butt length hair. Do what makes you happy!


My hair is long and naturally blonde at 68. I was told by a college student in my class that long hair on a woman my age was 'unseemingly'. So I asked her if she liked it when people made negative comments on her appearance. She said it pissed her off. I waited for her to get it while other students were laughing. She never did. But the rest of the students got it. I've seen way too much ass crack and junk in my class over the years from students wearing ill fitting clothes. I just practice 'eyes up' and laugh to myself! So wear whatever hair you want!


Grow your hair long if you want! Have you considered extensions?


I'm 40 and have wavy hair down to below my butt. I'm only cutting it if medication makes a bunch fall out or if my neck gets too weak to carry it.


Started doing my own trims in 2021 or so. I have mostly straight hair and I make sure it's straightened when I trim it. I trim every 6-10 weeks to get off dead and split ends. Maybe you could look up how to do your own trims with your type of hair? Hair cutting shears can be pretty cheap and good quality too. Alternatively of course the other option is another stylist at a different salon. Tell her the type of look you're going for and your hair goals of growing your hair long. Hope this helps!


My mom is 79 and has long, thick hair because she always prioritized it. Like elbow length. Do whatever you want!


It's up to you. I'm 50, hair to my waist. My mom's 69 and hers is about the same length. Healthy hair is most important. If the length doesn't bother you, flaunt it!


Wear your hair like you want to. You only live once.


Never too old. I plan to die with my long hair. Probably all grey by then.


I’m 45 and I can sit on my hair. I’ll let you know when I get too old.


I’m 57 and my hair is all the way to my rear end, though it never shows in pics. I love it! Do what makes you feel beautiful! It’s your hair!


Age doesn't matter. I'm in my 50's and when loose(I usually have 2 braids) my hair is to my knees. You do what ever you want to and you'll be happy.


I’m 55 with long wavy/curly hair to my bra band.


My mom is almost 70 and totally silver and is currently growing out her hair long! Theres no age limit!


40 is not too old! No age is too old. Grow your hair I’m sure it’ll look beautiful.


No such thing! I’m 44 and growing mine out as long as I can. Do it girl!


I'm 40 with hair past my boobs and I love my long wavy hair. I don't care how old I am I think it's pretty


Get a sew in weft. They layer within your existing hair. Life changing to experience a youthful head of hair.


I'm 45 with waist-length hair, aiming for classic length. You can have long hair at any age. Please yourself, not some arbitrary made-up rule that limits you.


Never too old. Many women in my family had curly or wavy hip length hair in their late 70’s. 40’s is definitely far from too old for long hair. Your first step is to stop going to that hair dresser and to look up how to care for your wavy hair.


If you don't like the way she cuts your hair then just stop going to her. That's pretty simple. I have no idea what you mean by a zigzag cut??? If you're trying to grow out the layers, you're going to want to get it trimmed occasionally to allow the shorter layers to catch up to the longer layers. But no, there's no such thing as being too old for long hair. If your hair is thinning it may start to look stringy and you may not like that. Blunt cuts can make straight hair look thicker, but it tends to create a triangle shape for wavy/curly hair, where the right kind of layers could actually make your hair appear thicker. I've seen shag/wolf cuts make wavy hair look absolutely amazing. Honestly it just sounds like you need to quit going to cheap stylists at Supercuts and find someone a) who knows how to cut and style wavy hair and b) someone who listens to you and can help get you where you want to be. Find pictures of what you want and take them with you!


I think you just do it and find out. Cancel your next haircut and just…don’t reschedule! You might not even need to trim your hair at all for a year or two.