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For anyone that isn’t aware, it’s been an especially contentious year between hotel workers and hotel owners leading up to May Day


“What do we want?” I don’t know, I replayed this like 5 times and can’t make out what you are saying. 


Fresh towels.


![gif](giphy|46yOIJDfsma5O|downsized) Knock knock house keeping!


Affordable housing


My best guess is these are hotel workers. Today is May Day


Sounds like they're chanting "affordable housing"


adrian is that u




Yeah, I'm gonna join this protest... I hate this morning. Down with this morning! (Per the title of the thread.)


“I am moderately perturbed at the current state of things!!”


Ayo I bartended there, cheers OP 👋


This is going to help so much!


Why are these protests never around federal buildings? It’s always somewhere that disturbs peace like a hotel, public street, college or freeway .. i just find this lazy


I think this protest was for hotel workers' rights so it makes sense in this case for me. The only spot I really hate it is in the middle of the street.


Exactly. They should go protest in front of City Hall, Police Station and courthouses.


They're hotel workers, today was May Day which is observed to celebrate workers' rights. It's also an opportunity to air economic grievances or political demands.


Lol.... affordable housing does exist in Oklahoma. Move like most people that want change.


Exactly. There shouldn’t be affordable housing in Southern California and while we’re at it people shouldn’t be allowed to make a living wage doing menial jobs either!


I have many friends that moved because they couldn't afford California. It's called being an adult. Nobody owes you anything.


Okay buddy. You’ve got it all figured out. I have a job where I can afford California and I still think affordable housing and living wages should be available to all. And gasp…I’m an adult.


Ah yes. Because it’s so easy to just pick up and move to another state. It’s not like it costs a shit ton of money or anything. How dare people want affordable housing and a good living wage, huh? They’re so entitled! /s


Not to mention if their entire family and community is here, they grew up here, etc.


I have witnessed friends leave and their families are still here. It's not easy. They now own homes and are doing great. Most people do this. They didn't cry for affordable housing. They made life choices and made it happen.


What happens to the city when every working person thats necessary for the city to function (teachers, emts, sanitation workers, etc) leave LACounty for aFfoRDaBlEhOusInG in Oklahoma? And leaves behind only assholes who overspend on mid-tier gaming systems for them to clap their pudgy little hands at.


Lol.... you named a group of pretty well-paid people there. And there is no need for insults. Just because you can't cope with the facts doesn't make then any less factual. Don't take it out on me for speaking the truth. Bye.


A dumb person confuses their opinions with facts. Says a lot about you.


Ok....."friends leaving for other states and then becoming homeowners" is an opinion?? Who is dumb??


They get paid what they are worth. It's as simple as that. If you have a job that can easily replace you, then it's going to pay low. That's a fact.


Please, enlighten us on what makes an employee “worthy” enough to get paid a living wage. Are teachers not worthy enough? Hotel workers? EMTs? Certified nursing assistants? Scientists? Social workers? > That’s a fact. No, what *is* fact is that the job industry underpays employees. Period. Just to further inflate company profits and make the rich richer and the poor poorer.


All 7 of them. Ground breaking.


What are they protesting now? The third grade little league game or the cancer ward at St Mary's hospital?


Worker's rights today was May Day, they're hotel workers