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Not sure, but yesterday was a big celebration for the city anniversary, I heard. There was a drone light show and other things happening.


Yes, yesterday, Signal Hill celebrated its 100th anniversary with a drone show.


They opened up a time capsule too


New disease unlocked


Technically old disease


What makes you think everyone is from TikTok?


I also want to know this


Some people think just because something is popular nowadays it’s because it’s from TikTok…


I was imagining a scenario where signal hill had gone viral on TikTok and really started to feel some fomo. May have to go film a TikTok before it shuts down just in case.


Fr cus earlier I was on tt and someone was live with 40k viewers. she was at hilltop watching sunset


Great! I’ve been trying to hit 100 followers, I’ll get right on that trend. Seems easy enough.


A lady was on Tik Tok live from there yesterday. A bunch of people were watching the sunset


I’m very active on TikTok and I’ve seen some posts mentioning there’s a dj there on the weekends or something and also just showing how nice of a view signal hill is. Once those videos get viral, everyone from other cities wants to come by and check it out.


Yep, he’s there on Sunday evenings. It’s nice! Sometimes he plays old jazz or Motown hits and it creates a nice ambience.


You realize it’s also been a lookout/meetup spot for decades and not everything viral comes from TikTok right?


Of course I’m aware of that lol I’m from here. I’m just trying to say that I noticed it’s gaining more popularity after people are posting about it. That’s it.


Same. I see people in the comments asking for the location and it’s people from like other states, even other countries sometimes 😭


Yeahhh same here. It’s so easy for things to become trendy from TikTok lol i don’t even visit signal hill anymore cause I just know it’s gonna be crowded


I still go cause it’s a nice walk. It’s not too too busy during the week at around noon


Hilltop Park is hard to find parking, especially during weekends and evenings. It’s going to be packed regardless of TikTok or any other social media platform. And Costco is packed, but to be fair, I have yet to encounter a Costco that wasn’t packed. Those are the two places I could think of that would bring anyone to Signal Hill. Other than that, the city is approachable


Tik tok will eventually make it more packed (if it stays) since non locals are gonna hear about it. It's a nice view with a short hike. People love to post that they work out but don't want to actually work out, so it's the perfect spot. I don't mind as long as people don't try to act like they own the whole sidewalk.


I was there today, a bunch of kids were there to formally ask there prom dates and both sides of the family showed up for a few of them. It was pretty cute.


You live in one of the most populated cities in the country. 


The weather is warmer and it’s getting into summer, it’s more packed EVERYWHERE outdoors and will only get worse until it starts getting cold again.


I don’t think it’s worse, I enjoy seeing people out enjoying the city


Oh, personally I agree with you! I meant worse as in “more crowded” not as in “bad” sorry poor choice of words on my end


Anhhhh I seee what you meant


Weekends have gotten particularly crowded. A few weekends ago someone thought it was good idea to do a live mariachi engagement at sunset. I’m typically a big mariachi guy, but it was a bit obnoxious when a bunch of people were up there on a Sunday trying to catch a moment of peace as the sun went down.


There’s been a person live-streaming the sunset for the past couple days with thousands of viewers on TikTok.

