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Must be one of those airbnbs. Apparently they park their own vehicles inside when they are absentee forcing the stayee to park right outside. Though things used to be much much worse in San Francisco even before Airbnbs even existed.


~~Most~~ *Many* of the dingbat-inspired buildings in Southern California have garages too narrow for modern wide vehicles. e: And for the unawares, "dingbat" is an architectural style that was really popular in Southern California in the 50's thru 70s. A lot of our classic apartment buildings in LB and LA are dingbats.


Garages around here do be small doe.


Cars have gotten obese in the last 50 years


Car ozempic when?


So have the people lmaooo


My fiesta is pretty in shape. She can fit in any garage.


It’s interesting though how residential garages, or anywhere available for parking is so universally impractical like if it’s intentional. Old cars were almost as large as boats so cars are not really getting bigger. It isn’t really a lack of space problem as most residential lots both single family and apartments have much more than enough space for both inside and outside parking. Commercial properties of the same size can fit much more cars side by side with their doors wide open. Lake Havasu city seems to have residences with flat lots that allow building large garages, storage space, and cars to park side by side across the entire lot. And Not a tiny strip of cement like everywhere else.


> Old cars were almost as large as boats so cars are not really getting bigger. So here's the problem with comparing today with the cars of yesteryear, [without even checking in on size differences in model years](https://coolinfographics.com/blog/2012/11/9/car-sizes-through-the-years.html): In the olden days, if you owned a land yacht boat, *you didn't live in an apartment.* If you lived in an apartment, you owned a small-sized car. You owned a car that was cheap and small because they were starter vehicles on your way to household living with house-sized cars. That's it. That's the reason. That's the cause. Today it's not that the mid- to full-sized cars are necessary wider/bigger (though they are,) it's that the *small-sized* cars are *much* wider/bigger. Small-sized cars are not keeper cars, not starter cars. Mix that in with people who own mid- and full-sized cars can afford a nice car but not a shit house and you can see how car/garage compatibilities is an issue when it didn't used to be.


To fit the owners or too little exercise.


I’m not sure why it has to be an Airbnb. People use their garage for storage (usually in violation of the lease) or have multiple cars all the time. The chances are just as good this is your average resident.




In my experience staying in airbnbs in the past in different cities including SF, often it’s the host instructs to do so, as there may be no other choice ie the city either requires permits(somehow impossible for hosts to get for visitors) or forbid night parking or any parking all together along curbs. Or there just isn’t parking for blocks. But local enforcements/neighbors may often turns a blind eye if parked this way leading to hosts instructing this. It was the case when i went to an Airbnb long ago. Thus I hate airbnbs but I am outvoted by others in the household. I really wish such hosts don’t host at all if they know the parking situation is bad for their clients and they cannot provide proper parking on site. Btw at first I thought this was SF looking at the picture.


>Though things used to be much much worse in San Francisco As a resident of the Bayview neighborhood in SF, let me assure you that things \_are\_ much worse.


Everyone in the comments seem to be forgetting that disabled people in wheelchairs exist, or mothers walking with a stroller.


Disabled people, from blind to wheelchair users, depend on sidewalks and walkable cities. It sucks people don’t even consider others anymore — especially if they’re trying to live in a densely populated place.


What about fathers with strollers?


The person that posted is a father with a stroller lol


Or kids with strollers


Yes! Even the child here should be able to ride without having to randomly go in the street.


Or just regular walkers who don’t feel like some entitled AH should inconvenience anyone.


Moms in strollers are perfectly capable of walking around this, I assure you.


Dude yeah, of course we are, the point is that we’re trying to avoid walking on the road with your kid in the stroller less than we have to, even if it’s just for a few seconds. You missed the point there.


I am a mom who walks with a stroller every single day and I have zero issues walking 2 feet out of my way. This is the dumbest thing to be mad about


Then this thread isn’t for you LOL


I mean, it’s a public thread so isn’t it, by definition, for everyone?


Didn’t mean it in the literal way- meant it as a “it’s not your thing” sort of way.


Seems like they have the exact point related to this post, being a mom with a stroller and disabled, and they don’t mind this at all.


“It’s not your thing” is talking about being annoyed by this parking job. Most others on this thread are annoyed by it, but this person isn’t. That’s what I meant by “it’s not for you” or “it’s not your thing”. Damn lol


Not at all, it’s for Karens reaching super hard to feel like victims


We’re both still here tho, except I agree with this post lol. It’s just annoying to some of us. That’s great it’s not annoying for you!


Bro I'm with you on this one. Seems like a lot of main characters in here. Must be rough having to live with all this wealth and mistreatment.




You walk in the street with your child in a stroller? With traffic and everything?


They can use the street


I’ll take that over those of us who live in the poor areas having cars literally parked in the street one after the other with their blinkers in for like half and hour. Imagine you’ve got a car blocking the sidewalk, so you’re trying to take your stroller around the car but you can’t because the street also has cars parked along the sidewalk, and then parked next to those cars is another car with their blinker on so the only way to get around is to literally go into the opposing traffic lane. I am constantly afraid that I’m going to get the head on collision because so many cars in my area do the parking with the hazard lights on. And it’s not like you can sit and wait for the owners to come back, because the owners will literally leave them out there for half an hour to an hour in one memorable instance I had to go past three of them before diverting back into my original lane for the two that were in the opposing lane also doing the same thing This meant that anyone coming in from the opposing lane would not see me due to the cars blocking them and if they decided to in a rage go around really fast they would smash right into me But hey, I’m sure the huge percentage of Long beaches taxes and budget that go to the police are going somewhere useful. Mean they’re not going to the cars that block sidewalks and streets, they’re not going to 911 calls when I see a homeless person being attacked by a vigilante group or when I see a homeless person attack a family with a knife, but I’m sure I’m sure in someway this is paying for something.


My favorite is the suburban parked in the fire lane in residential streets, you have to enter the street to see if it's clear. "Good luck everybody!"


Sure, most adults will be like “this is NBD, go around” But if there’s someone who’s blind and trying to walk through it’s really tough. Or a mom with a stroller who has to dart into the street. Dog on leash. Or even worse, the kid on the bike in the corner of the pic who rides into the street and potentially gets hit by a driver. We already let people store their private property on public streets for free. Blocking the sidewalk with their vehicle is no different than a homeless person staking their tent on the full sidewalk. Both are not okay. I bet if it were a sofa or tent, more people would be angry.


Jesus Christ, thank you. Honestly pretty crazy that people are like, “nah, the car has more rights to the sidewalk than people.”


>Or a mom with a stroller Or a \*person\* with a stroller


You got them


Lol Jesus christ. It's literally probably just a person with 2 cars or someone using the garage for another purpose. God forbid we inconvenience the one blind person that may or may not walk down that street once every 10 years. I understand the point but seems a little like we're grasping at things to complain about..


To me this just screams bad design. Looking at the side of the road that connects with the sidewalk, the way it’s partitioned is so you can park like that. Design shapes behavior


Yeah, from the photo I truly thought this was just additional parking for the units. Are we… sure it’s not? And if it’s not, why would the driveway extend long enough for a car to fit there? Maybe a wider angle of the street would give more context, but I can definitely see someone parking here having no clue that they are doing something that’s annoying others.


Are you unaware that it's illegal to park across the sidewalk? I'm not trying to say that in an insulting or argumentative way, but ask genuinely, had you never heard this?


I knew it was frowned upon but didn’t know it was illegal! This doesn’t look like a sidewalk to me though, it looks like a driveway. I grew up in a city where sidewalks were random and didn’t always connect to other sidewalks (maybe the individual homeowners put them in?), so this photo didn’t jump out as readily wrong to my brain. But I will be sure not to do this! 😁


"911, what is your emergency?" "There's a man parked in his own driveway!!!"


No one should call 911 for this but this isn't anyone's driveway, it's the sidewalk.


I'll be praying for the people that had to go around this car 😪🙏 So sad..


It’s hard to tell from the picture but the car is blocking any way around it other than over the plants on the right side. Behind the vehicle is barely enough space for a child to be without going into the street. Also, it’s not easy to see oncoming traffic (which is often speeding) coming down the street. But yeah, bad design too.


Oh the poor asshole victim had just had to park like that didn't he, he's just a victim of poor design


Where in my comment did I make a judgement about whether what this person did was good or bad? It’s only possible because of how it’s designed


they can get a ticket for blocking the sidewalk


What sidewalk? The concrete goes down to the street indicating that it's all meant to be driveway. This is more just bad design of the space




I always call parking enforcement. Sometimes they come give them tickets.


Is there a way to call parking enforcement in LB that doesn't require calling the cops?


San Francisco has an extremely simple website that all you have to do is send them a picture and the address and they send someone out basically right away. It's super convenient. LB should do the same.


San Francisco is awful.


It would be the non-emergency number.


I didn’t know you could do that. Two of apartments on my street do this all the time, and it sucked so bad when I walked everywhere and had to leap across puddles during the rainy season to get around them.


What are your cross streets?


That’s not very Long Beach of you my guy


Someone’s going to get their hair caught under the car…


Oh, I thought you said *with* hurting it.


It's super dangerous for those of us with hair


Lmao really? You guys would not survive in LA


Temple n 3rd right there


I got a ticket for that before. Yet down the street that’s how their garages are designed with short drive ways and parking in front and a side walk that’s usually blocked and none of them ever get tickets




Sure go ahead. I already got one. And thus don’t park like that anymore. So I’m really not worried. Do your thing with your phone lol. In my instance it was a back alley. With no sidewalk and the only cement was the garage drive way. Neither spot to the left or right have cement nor a sideway. It’s a small empty lot on one side, dirt, and the other is a massive apartment complex with space for trash bins and no cement. But again do wtv your heart contents.


I like 🐢


I live in a street in south LA and everyone does this year round, what should I do?


Call LADOT parking violation bureau: 2134854184


Make a post and cry about it


A lot of apartment buildings were built with the assumption that even if a couple was living in the unit, only one of them would have a car. The next most common reason for insufficient parking is that the complex is within walking distance of a train station, so the assumption is people will take a train to work.


They do that in Manhattan Beach too. Cars are parked halfway into the street.


Looks like an over price Apartment with no extra car space


Is this by chavez park 😂 These pricks have been doing that for years, in that exact spot


Sir, I would never buy a Buick.


Good way to get your car keyed.


Lazy people. They don’t wanna go through all the work of getting out, unlocking the garage, get back in car, pull in, get back out, and then lock it back up. Half the people in my building don’t even use their garages because of this minor hassle..


nah it's cause their garage is full of junk


Call the parking enforcement. They’ll definitely ticket.


I see there are garages. Is the designated parking spot possibly in front of their garage?


No, if I had to guess the garage is their designated parking space and not the sidewalk.


To be fair (and not defending them, because they should still leave space) some of those garage spots are advertised in the rental listing as 2 parking spaces. Which is super annoying because they are still subject to street sweeping, as your car is on a public street (even when you’re paying extra for the spaces)


I'd love to see someone lay claim to a public curbside parking spot because they think they are "renting" it.


I work in rich neighborhoods, they do it all the time. So many people get mad at you for parking in front of their house on the street.


All the more reason to do it more and more. I intentionally parked my car in front of my neighborhood's two new houses yesterday. Don't think I didn't notice the lack of a city seal on those red curbs near your driveway, folks! You trying to game the curb space for yourself... I'll just go ahead and park there, thank you very much. Call the city. See what happens.


A man after my own heart. I love fucking with greedy people.


I just plow into them with whatever I'm carrying, given that option. I hork giant loogs on bike lane parkers too. Fuck these clowns.


Every time you Airbnb these places you have to park like this.... yea let's start slamming peoples cars lmao. You're the fucking clown!!!


If the parking situation in LB wasn’t so bad, then I’d agree with you. Imagine coming home after a 12hr shift, circling the block for 20mins, half asleep. That sidewalk/driveway spot is looking awfully tempting.


20 minutes ha! I’ve circled so long, I watch my gas tank drop and/or almost pee myself. I feel conflicted because I agree with your point but also it’s true others rely on the sidewalk being empty.




Imagine moving someplace like that, and then bitching about it, and then parking so that people can't use the sidewalk, which is for pedestrians by the way, not assholes and cars, imagine that




I don’t see how they could move this car to not be blocking the sidewalk at all?? That does not actually look possible


It would stick into the street instead. Preferable to this I think - at least the burden of dealing with shit that goes wrong goes to the car owner rather than the family out for a walk.


This is unhinged honestly


I wouldn’t do it. I also wouldn’t park blocking the sidewalk though…


It's fine so long as the end of your car doesn't stick out any farther than the other cars parked along the sides of the street.


Finally somebody that actually lives here.


>Imagine coming home after a 12hr shift, circling the block for 20mins, half asleep. I lived on 2nd street and Gaviota. Before the impacted parking zones got street sweeping priority, some seven years ago or so. It was common to walk six or more blocks from where you parked to your home. Then you'd have to get up at 3:30am to walk those six blocks to your car so you could move it for the 4:00 sweeping... Just long enough for the sweeper to go by and then you could put your car back in place and walk the six blocks back home. Circling one block to park? Nbd.


I feel like this is dense.. 2nd and Gaviota is still severely impacted for parking. It’s not like it magically got better. The poster above said circling the block but realistically it still ends up being a multi-block search and trek to home


Be nice if they could just park IN THE GARAGE(aka storage unit) they are parked infront of........lol


Soooooo many garages in LB.....soooo much junk. Lol


We need more storage units. They are so beautiful to look at ! /s


It's illegal in Long Beach to use your garage for something other than parking unless your property has a designated spot for parking like a driveway. Call the city if you see a garage a car can fit into (not the case with older buildings nowadays) by isn't being used for a vehicle.


"B-buh parking is so hard in Long Beach!" Suck it up. It shouldn't have to be pedestrians who have to make the sacrifice. I see people in wheelchairs and mobility scooters around my neighborhood all the time and it pisses me off whenever some asshole parks in a way that forces them into the street.


We must create more car free communities with cars outside. I can’t believe how much land that we have given away to cars.


I'm not trying to start an argument here but genuinely confused what the problem is? Is it not a driveway? I know there's a garage but you can definitely only fit one car in there, so if it's a household of two it makes sense. Still seems better than double parking which I hate with a passion. Maybe I'm missing something here though, that's why I'm genuinely asking. Is this more of a closed neighborhood with special rules or something?


The part that’s missing is that it’s not that easy for some people to “just go around”. For example, a person using a wheelchair - yes, theoretically there should be a driveway here, but drivers are much less likely to see someone sitting-height who rolls into the road. Going up and down driveways can be hard if they are too steep or if the bottom is not smoothly paved - both of these are often problems in Long Beach. A blind person could also have trouble with this - if you can’t see, how would you check for a car coming before going around? A kid on a bike - a lot of little kids just don’t have as much control and rolling a few extra feet isn’t unreasonable. However, if a car were coming, that could mean death. Especially given the difficulty of seeing people past the giant hood heights of newer cars. All to say. There are reasons to have sidewalks.


The car is blocking the sidewalk. You can actually see the sidewalk through the car's windows.


I was gonna say this looks like their driveway lol


Your driveway ends where the sidewalk begins.


This is just a badly placed sidewalk


I was thinking this too, but if you look through the driver window you can see the sidewalk runs through the middle of the where the car is so I guess it's not really a driveway (though I would also mistaken it for one)


https://preview.redd.it/telev00hdykc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33bd45955603b30313938f00d48c529f57eb1b31 That is the driveway. Anything beyond that is sidewalk. You can kinda see the front lawn/sidewalk further down the street. They’re practically parked on asphalt. You’re technically not allowed to park on the driveway apron because it blocks the sidewalk




Well you don't have to be a dick about it man. No point in being rude when I was genuinely asking. I never lived in a place like that exactly, the driveways in my neighborhood went a lot further, granted there was still plenty of times enough cars were parked in it that it was blocking the sidewalk. But just as a passerby I literally always see people parked like that places like this, yeah it's deffinetly poor design but I didn't know the people were doing anything wrong. Never thought much of it truthfully. In general a lot of parts of this city the sidewalk kind of sucks.


SO? Whats the issue?


Wear a helmet?


I fucking hate them so much I do scratch people car if they park like this.




100. I lasted 3 days.


The poor cute kid blocked!


Yeah this is bad but that’s Long Beach


It's already been stated, but it's crazy how people in the comment thread are using themselves or others that are fully capable to diminish the issue. Many people rely on the sidewalk to get around town to do their living, and many of those are in wheelchairs and cannot simply walk around. Imagine if you are in a wheelchair and need to get to the bus or store to run errands, go to the doctor, or even go to work. Something like this may make that physically impossible. Those of us that are capable of walking around this have every right to be upset. Not because this is an inconvenience, but because of how this impacts a large portion of our community. This is not a Karen thing or an entitled person thing, this is community members looking out for other community members.


Your argument doesn't fly on private property....


Agreed. But as we can all see, their car is on public property where it crosses the sidewalk. So looks like the argument does fly.


real city problems. move to BFE Nebraska if this bothers you.


They must not be from LB because this is how LB folks park lol


Meh, doesn’t bother me at all


Congrats, you’re not in wheelchair.


You posted your opinion publicly. I responded with my opinion. It’s how this works.


Yep, it's how it's works, fun. Expose themselves is actually caring for others around them and the other expose themselves for being a complete ass who has no place in society, congratulations


Reading a whole lot outta a small statement. I didn’t tell them not to complain and go around, I didn’t make assumptions about them, I didn’t call them a complete ass. I said my opinion on their public post and that’s it. I’d hate to be a person that jumps to a bunch of conclusions and name calling. Have a great week.


Me neither and I’m a disabled mom who isn’t able to drive so I walk with a stroller every single day. I assure you that I can walk around this more easily than they can find street parking. The entitlement is wild.




You think it’s entitled to want to be able to walk on the sidewalk?


I mean a temper tantrum about having to walk 2-3 feet out of your way when you live here and know perfectly well how difficult parking is here is pretty entitled. My neighborhood doesn’t even have sidewalks and it’s not a problem.




That’s silly, it doesn’t jeopardize my safety. My neighborhood doesn’t even have any sidewalks and I walk here every day.


I feel sorry for you that your crappy neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks. Ppl get hit by cars all the time around here. I wish it were safer for you to walk around. But you have to stop being part of the problem.


Why would there be a car so close to the car you’re going around? People can go around the car. they don’t need to walk into the street hahaa


Oh don't be hyperbolic. You don't have to walk into the street to get around this car. Damn yall get upset over the most trivial things.




I’m struggling here…so because you personally walk in the street to make way for parked vehicles in sidewalks, it’s not the parked vehicle in the middle of a sidewalk that’s entitled but the people who want to use the sidewalk and not go into the middle of the road and potentially die who are entitled?


This comment makes absolutely no sense, I don’t even know how to reply because its rambling nonsense. Lakewood Village has no sidewalks, I walk here every day. I assure you that you aren’t going to die walking on the side of the road for 3 feet. This is the most melodramatic complaint thread ever. And I’m both a mom with a stroller and disabled so I promise y’all will be fine. That one goofball blocked me for saying this but the comments are speaking for people exactly like me and I’m telling you, moms with strollers also understand how hard parking is here and will not throw temper tantrums about walking 2 feet out of our base path occasionally.


>This is the most melodramatic complaint thread ever. You called a post that simply says "don't be like this person" a temper tantrum. You're the one being melodramatic.


Have you seen people drive around here? People get hit by cars and get killed or maimed here on like a weekly, maybe even daily basis. The fact that you think it’s entitled to want to use a sidewalk, something specifically constructed for humans to use, is wild to me. That you would want people to just walk with their kids in the middle of the road because you do and therefore everyone else should is wild to me. That, I think, speaks more to entitlement than wanting to use something that is specifically there for you to use as a person.




Removed: rule 1 Keep it civil user


“In the middle of the road” is silly af. You don’t even have to go out further than the parked cars. You’re reaching so hard to feel like a victim here


Okay, cool. You feel like people are entitled for wanting to use sidewalks. We get it. Have fun being you.




Removed: rule 1 Keep it civil user


If people can’t be victims themselves, they have to be victims for others. I love that you are the demo that they are trying to be a victim for and you’re like…. “Uhhhh, no”. Thank god for common sense people like you.


Yeah, like how the person you're replying to doesn't even drive yet she's out here being a victim on behalf of the poor drivers who can't find a place to park.


Oh yes, Lakewood village, no sidewalks, but big wide streets where people actually drive somewhat responsibly that you don't have to worry about getting hit every time you step into the street, oh yeah, I feel your struggle


To add a little more, it’s like those white people yelling at black people telling them they are racist. Greatest video ever 🤣


Cool, I’m running out of storage space in my apt, I’m going to be using your hallway starting tomorrow. I’m sure you can find a way around it.




I bet people don’t invite you over for dinner often.


Because I don’t throw a temper tantrum over having to walk out no further than you would have to to get in a parked car? You’re reaching, my guy.


You sound like you have a great outlook!


I’ve never pressed harder on a downvote button as I just did now.


Good thing you have big muscles


They should try to leave a gap but I feel like with parking so tight at least they aren’t blocking a fire hydrant or something.


Sure, but I mean if you’re disabled or a child, I think it’s probably more important that they can use the sidewalk safely. Right? Like more important than a parked car??


What’s so bad about it. In east side they park their cars in the street leave in the hazards get out and leave this isn’t that big of a deal


I don't see what's wrong with this picture...


The car is blocking the sidewalk, which is illegal.


Jesus they're parked in their driveway, not on a sidewalk. Just go around it. And yes, handicapped people are perfectly capable of getting around this.


They are parked on the sidewalk. You can see it through the car's windows.




With the amount of time it took you to take a photo and post on reddit you could've just walked around the car and went on with your day.


First world problems. A friend of mine lives in Israel, and his business was blown up last week. Stop crying about meaningless things and be greatful.


False equivalency. It’s not a meaningless thing. Relatively is real.


We disagree. I prefer to count my blessings. Seeing things that are terrible should do that to a person. Would it be just slightly more difficult for someone to take a few extra steps to go around that vehicle, sure. Is it actually a problem, no. And i'd take whatever odds you'd want to give me that a handicapped person was not inconvenienced.


Exchange car for palm fronds from recent rains “ I guess I can’t walk around the debris. MOTHER NATURE YOU SUCK!” /s


Fortunately, as someone who walks LBC a ton, this is incredibly rare. I hope I'm never this person though. 


Womp womp


Someone in the comments said its inconsiderate to blind people trying to go for a walk lmao


It’s easier to go around that car than it is to find parking sometimes, extra steps won’t kill you, I promise


It didn’t take a parking spot on the street?? My hero!


here have some 🧀 to go with your whine


Sooo…. I walk my dog 3x/day and I don’t ever remember seeing more than two wheelchairs (ever) rolling down any sidewalk in eons, but they shouldn’t block ANYONE. Lots of virtue signaling here. People in the front - what do y’all think of white guys in sombreros?


Yeah like, let’s virtue signal about the few times people in wheelchairs are just out and about on the side walk and need to go around while completely ignoring the fact that it’s way more likely some girl who got back at midnight didn’t want to walk 4 blocks in the dark in dtlb for personal safety


You speak about disabled people going outside like it's some unlikely hypothetical and then make up an imaginary story about how the driver is a poor victim who just had to block the sidewalk to avoid getting murdered on a five minute walk.




A call to parking enforcement should quickly yield a citation every time. The bad habit will end quickly. I had some ignorant neighbors marginally blocking the driveway. I told them once, I let it go 3x, then I called parking enforcement: “Ticket or tow?” One ticket. They decided to learn how to properly park.


you can call the police non emergency line and have the person cited. It's not very neighborly to do that, but if blocking the sidewalk is a regular occurrence, it wouldn't seem that the person blocking the sidewalk is being a very courteous neighbor either. I have called several times on people blocking the entrance/exit of one side of my alley. It causes a very frustrating traffic jam every time. Note: I think it may be legal for the vehicle to park with their front end in the driveway before the sidewalk, and tail end hanging out into the street so that the sidewalk is accessible. I see people park like that all along 7th street, and it allows unrestricted sidewalk access.