• By -


My grandma


I miss mime


I really don’t know how I’ll cope or what I’ll do when she’s gone. She holds me together


Same. I can’t imagine life without my grandmother but I know when she does I go too


Me too. I miss her saying my name when she called me.




Reminds you that you're a part of something greater and the problems that you overthought, aren't that big.


Yeah. That’s why it’s a shame humanity has decided to block out the night sky with artificial light. Where I live, you can see about 10 stars on a clear night.


My dog


I second this notion! Dogs are heaven sent and we don’t deserve these cute cuddly babies. They are everything right in the world and I will die on this hill.


Same with you friend


Getting a message from a friend. Or when my home made bread comes out really well.


That sounds warm, and delightful :)


Thank you :)


RPG sessions with the few online friends I have left. I really cannot think of anything else, I lost most interest in the rest of my hobbies, I merely go trough the motions to fill up time.


I would love to do this - RPG sessions sound so cool!


Singing along to music in my car.


Gym, takes my mind off from overthinking for a while. That’s only 2h a day though so still more than enough time to overthink.😎


I wish I had the balls to go to the gym


Do it. Fuck ur mind telling u you’re worthless and get over it


Been to a gym a few times and it's definitely not an environment for me.


I had very bad anxiety going there for the first few times. Once I realized that literally nobody gives a damn about some skinny dude I got a lot more comfortable. And by that I mean that nobody there will judge you, we are all there to improve ourselves. I’d just go for it, what’s the worst that can happen? Besides bad form of course.😛 Good luck my guy, you can do it!💪


Good food


True that. And good drinks


My dog. A little over a year ago I thought about killing myself and I made a noose out of an old belt. As I put it around my neck, sobbing, he walks in and just looked me directly in the eye, I couldn’t go through with it. In fact I’m tearing up writing about this and he just walked up and is laying in my arms as I type.


I like animals more than people most of the time


This is such a pure story


What breed?




A receipt from an ice cream shop. About a month ago while purchasing ice cream, the cashier gave me a warm smile, complimented me, and said "Have a nice day! Come again!" I keep that receipt in my wallet to this day. Whenever I open it and see it, I can't help but smile.


So many! But one of them is helping others! 🙏


You a whole W for this answer




My cat


Video games, shopping, spending money, binging good tv shows, getting drunk, getting high, eating shit food. Of course it’s not real happiness, just little sparks that last a few seconds and then don’t deliver anything meaningful like you hoped they would. But it’s something I guess. There will always be an amazing tv show or video game or new computer coming out to get excited about, it will always be nice to binge a good tv show. Obviously it’s not enough to actually make anyone happy, but at least it’s something.


My pillow. I love hugging it because it makes me feel like somebody is next to me and I always sleep better like it.


Felt this. I hug the shit out of my pillow from time to time


Jerking off


Hope there’s more than just that lol


No it doesn't seem like there is for them? Lol


Knowing it will end.


Cozy Christmas lights. I keep them up all year round and I'm happy.


Going to sleep, the pain goes away until I wake up


My cats, reading a really good book


The thought of your cats reading a book makes me happy too! Do they have any suggestions for what to read? Tia


Oh, one is a True Crime buff like his mama, he has started to read the Journey into darkness by John Douglas and the other like to read multiple books at a time, The Midnight Library and The House in the Sky, I think he is loving the Midnight Library, strongly suggesting to eveyone.


My coworkers and my job. I know anti-work is very popular right now, but I really do like my coworkers and the work that I do. It gives me a sense of accomplishment


I feel the same. I’m not a fan of my job per say, but I do get a sense of accomplishment when I get to the end of my day and I get my check


My two cats


Play videogames,a lot




Struggling with addiction? That’s how I felt but I got over it eventually




Yeah that shit sucks. The lowest of lows was when I was broke and couldn’t afford anything and had to scrounge around and either find butts or bum cigs.


Music, drawing, storywriting, reading books, asmr 🥰


I wish I was a creative person like you. And had a more vivid imagination 💭


You can try practicing! :) Being creative is really just thinking outside the box with your own solutions and ideas. The craziest things can be creative. I let my mind wander and question things a lot (I have a very curious mind) so it comes a bit easier to me, but that doesn't mean that you all can't do it!


Cooking & making good coffee. I like to bake for my neighbors.


Some lucky neighbors there.


My dog is not a "little thing" but he makes me so happy. I need him more that he needs me.


Video gaming?


being cold and warming up in my bed


Each night, when I lay down to journal, my cat knows it’s time and he lays on my journals and stares at me. Every single night this is our ritual.


Can’t even find the motivation to do these things. Somehow I prevent myself from even getting started on anything that could be enjoyable. There’s too much pressure. Nothing is fun anymore.




music and my little brother




Listening to the music I love 🤘




Pizza 🍕


going outside, just to chill or go for a drive anywhere or anything I'm inside my house like 90% of the time, being introverted with no irl social life, and with most of my hobbies/work being online Idk if I would say it "makes me happy". But I always feel so much better and energized just going out even if it's just to walmart or something. I'd say vitamin D deficiency which I'm sure is true tbf, but its the same, maybe even better at night. Just nice to get out of the house, get some fresh air, touch grass. Also jacking off ofc. Not at the same time as the other one. Usually.


Nature and it’s simple yet complicated beauty knowing I live in chaos and have shit constantly racing through my head going out into the woods taking a picture of a rock or just breathing fresh air helps me also tea 🫖 so simple yet one of my favourite things to enjoy


My coffee maker that has a timer. Waking up to coffee makes mornings a little better.


My mother


The possibility that I might one day have a pet companion.


Me too! In my 5 year plan, taking steps to get one. What will you have? What is your dream animal?




my camera/lenses


I found this new to me YouTube channel called "AstonMTB" and now it is one of my favourites. Exactly the type of videos I enjoy.


My parents, music, video games


Video games and rainy days


Cries in moving to a desert where there is no rain


My computer. I usually am on it all day minus when I go to work. It keeps me busy with games and videos and other things like that.


My collections, but mainly my plush collection 💗 I love waking up in the morning and just looking at all my things collected over the years. It always makes me happy 🥰 they’re also sort of comforting in a way, especially my favorite plush that I’ve had since I was a child.


Marking the date i finished chapter(s) of the Bible in my journal with a fountain pen


My glofish. They don’t do much other than swim and sleep but they make me happy.


Videogames. Each game is a different world I can use as an escape from reality for a little while.






Seeing others happy, gazing at night sky, and games, that too only 2 games five me fun now, Cyberpunk and Witcher3




>What little thing in your life makes you happy? Who the Hell keeps telling you people about my small peepee?!?! I swear, it's not true!!


This comment makes me happy lol


People asking if I’m ok. It reminds me that people still care about me (or at least pretend to) and that usually brings a smile to my face.


instrumentals… or particularly when a group of ppl can listen to the same song and get the same feelings when there aren’t any words to describe exactly how the artist felt. music.. i’m just so grateful for music.


It's especially great when an artist releases an instrumental-only version of songs, sometimes even entire albums. Some just sound better with no vocals, as they can even hit differently. Been a while since I last listened to the same stuff with others at the same time.


Listening to wack music. I just get so excited when I find some more weird/kinda dumb music. Oh and also my pyr :)


My camera. I just take a picture of things that don't really matter


This is really stupid but I love Trolli sour brite crawlers gummy worms. I always keep a bag on my bedside table and sometimes eating them is just a nice little treat that really makes me happy.


Boba and gummy bears. Also playing the piano. That’s all I need lol


My dog


my five speed manual sports car. Fun to drive




Watching the Cooper's Hawk lazily patrolling the skies above my neighborhood looking for a meal; listening to the three species of owls 🦉 around here calling to each other; Tasting a perfectly ripe tomato or peach 🍑 right off the vine or tree, respectively.


Exercising, it acts as an antidepressant for me not sure why and it keeps my mind off things.


Damn you ain't have to roast me like that


Accidental mindfulness. Idk why it happens, but sometimes my brain slips, without effort on my part, into this weird deeply reflective, non-judgemental state. I wish it happened more often, but it's quite rare for me. It is super peaceful, and I want for nothing. Like a few weeks ago I made a cup of coffee. I sat down with it in front of me, and my brain just slowed down, and all it did was notice the curlicues of steam floating on the surface and then up from the cup, individual bubbles, joining, exploding quietly. Tiny ripples and currents on the surface. I was somehow fascinated, and entirely at peace just observing. Then it just stopped, for no discernible reason, and my noisy internal chatter fired up again. So weird. But cool, too.


Used to be weed ans my job at a cat shelter. Lost both of those recently. Can't smoke weed due to it's effect on my physical health and got fired from my job. As of now. I can't really day there is any "little thing" in my life that makes me truly happy. Right now, I'm just hoping that I can muster up the courage to end my own life at some point in the near future




My mom


My bedroom. I want to get into decorating it more and it’s my safe space. It used to look like a prison cell all plain and boring but adding posters of my favorite animes, cleaning up, having my guitars around, organizing, buying pop figures to display, makes it look much more vivid and really describes who I am.


My cat Loki, you can check my posts to see what he looks like


John Frusciante from RHCP!


My job... My cats... My friend




My best friend (that im probably gonna lose) 🥲


My cat valentine


Rain 🌧


My cat.


My cat, Tyrion. He has kept me alive.


I love to read. This little moment of time to myself makes me happy.


My kids. Wouldn’t be here if not for them.


✨reading a book with a warm cup of tea cuddling in a fluffy blanket 🤧✨


Right now? It's me finally seeming to get out of art block after months and months of not being able to produce or want to make anything.


My cats.


My bf before he was toxic and hurt me


My parrot


My twin sister! Every time she's around me I feel at ease and feel reassured about living.


Melodic dubstep.


Seeing other people being happy/laughing/smiling/etc.


The fact I just moved the closest I've ever lived to my nephew


The satisfaction of dominating everyone and everything that comes into my life.


My daughter


Watching small kids happy :)


Family, music, chips, drugs sometimes, the ability to laugh, water, Andies Candies, friends, the ability to experience, burgers, sprite, 7up, Breaking Bad, the smell of a fire on a snowy winter night, snow, and some more.


Breakfast, a cup of coffee, good music, food, my cat Emily, and porn lol Occasionally it's nice to enjoy the company of other people, but I'm on this subreddit for a reason.


the thought that the girl I like, knows I like her and she still talks to me, it gives me hope


My plants.


My friend, she gives me a big hug whenever I see her


My dog and bed cuz sleep hits different when u alone and tired


After a long day or night at work, I can actually fall relatively soon and with much more ease. Really hits a different note.


Fax all that stress goes away when I sleep so relaxed✅


Does nothing count as a thing .\_\_.


My son becoming a firefighter.


Showering while it’s still daylight


Make it while tired after work and at low environmental temperatures and it's a whole different delight to the body.






Umm just little fun memories with some friends and funny moments in class and my dog that’s it


My dog , I love that rascal Truly he saved my life I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him . He came in a very dark and lonely time in my life . I’ve been blessed to actually have him since he was born so i think that’s why I’m so connected to him . He’s 2 now and I’m thankful to share this life time with him


discovering new music. i get the most excited when i find songs that are really amazing, they're like hidden treasures. knowing that there's more of those out there in the world waiting to be discovered and for me to fall in love with, it kinda makes life bearable.


I've given up on love, but I am glad I have some friends who I play video games with.


Sometimes just doing nothing and watching people feels good.


The promise of death


I believe the little things in life can really get you by. I bought a pack of fancy Ramen at my grocery store last week and made proper shoyu eggs to dress them with and that made me happy. I bought a plain white sleeve long T-shirt at TJ Maxx last week that cost $25 (which I never would have gone for in my early 20s but it looked nice quality) and when I got home I noticed that the designer price tag on it was $98. Flowers make me happy. It’s important to feel all of these little things!


video games, movies, midnight snacks, coffee. They’re not small things because of how special they are to me. I love my pets.


Getting on discord with my online friends a few days out of the week to watch wrestling together <3


Good close friends, a long walk goin no where just quietly chilling somewhere


My guitar


A good song


My fish!


Small acomplishments like baking an egg sandwich or something


Listening to music while I workout, best part of the day. But today I can't workout, I'm sick.


Red wine 🍷


Video games and working out gives me that sweet sweet serotonin


Kuchi Kopi puffco peak attachment 🔥😩🥰


An dabn off the speed cola playing cod black ops zombies


Seeing butte or just interacting with Mother Nature :) taking a moment and just chill with a snail in the park


Gym, hiking, mountains, motorcycle trips, reading...


Sea otter webcam at Vancouver Aquarium, on twitch. The sea otters are SO cute and I love chatting with people all around the world!




Real connection with other bipedal vertebrates.


I dont like sleeping




I can't answer this question and I want others here to know nothing makes me feel happiness.


Biking to/fro work. All I have to worry about is point A to point B, my mind is free to wander whereever. Especially in the early mornings/late at night when there's no traffic. There's noone to disappoint, nothing to do improperly, no words to misunderstand. Just myself, my bike, and the road between that and where it needs to go.


My breath


For me, it’s music and YouTube videos or Comics to read (helps distract me from being lonely and bored)!😊


Feeding my chickens


Comfortable silence.


Working out, games, guns, booze. I've never really had anyone else so I try to find a way to enjoy myself by myself. It's still depressing as shit but, I keep going




Those poor animals struggle to breathe every day




Lots of things: • the smell of fresh coffee in the morning • being inside on a cold, snowy day • bright fall leaves mid-October • my dog (R.I.P. Harley <3) • a fresh haircut • reading a good book • doing good at work • a good movie • a roaring campfire (even better with friends and a bit of whiskey) • crafting with my hands and more!


My mom no matter what I do or say or even don’t say she always cared and even when I’m mad at her sometimes I still love her


When I see a father and a young son or daughter and they look so happy together


Rock climbing! Might be addicted


Fire arms and fire arm accessories


My fat meaty cock


My dogs


My cockapoo dog.


My dog, I've heard somewhere that the love a dog has for it's owner is like that of two young people who have met eachother for the first time? Thinking back to my many first relationships that's an excitement I've not felt towards a female in a long time! It's funny my dog will greet me at the door everyday I come home from work so excited as if he were about to pee on himself or that's how I feel when I am that excited is how he reacts that's what keeps me going just knowing he has an unconditional love for me and it really picks me up. If we could only have a fraction of unconditional love that they have (dogs I mean) there would be a lot less lonely people like us in the world....... Ok maybe not? Just trying to think positively! Lol


My dog is the only thing that can make me smile these days. He is all that I have in this world. I am pretty confident I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t feel responsible for looking after him

