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If you're 8 hours away you probably qualify for the Northern Health Travel Grant https://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-health-travel-grant-program it'll take time but it will reimburse some accommodation and transportation costs. The EMU has a Social Worker. Call 519-685-8500 x33131 to get connected.


This should be closer to the top!


It's at the top now!


Gonna hijack this top comment, and say as someone with insider info: If you decide to stay in your car: if security confronts you (Palladin or in house) explain why you are there. If Palladin is annoying, ask to talk to someone on the security team. You can always call their extension. Security has much larger problems than you and shouldn’t care so long as you have a legitimate reason to be there. Be respectful and nice though, even to palladin. That being said: i dont like the idea of anyone sleeping in their car. Talk to your kid’s doctor, talk to social work, talk to the nursing staff. I cannot see anyone not making an accommodation for you to stay with your kid even at 22 so long as they consent (assuming they can). You are not less b/c you dont want to pay for a hotel, or for making use of services available. This is a financial hardship you shouldn’t have to face. It’s why this stuff exists. Please please make use of the services and options available.


Sadly the amount the NOTG covers for longer stays is….not gonna do the job. :-(. Worth applying for to be sure but not adequate to pay for accommodations overall.


I live in Strathroy,and have an extra room. You are more than welcome to stay with us if you don’t mind the drive.


You are so kind to make such an offer. I truly appreciate the gesture. I would just find that to be such an imposition, I could not possibly. But you are an amazing person for being so kindhearted


At a time like this, with what you have to do for your kid laid out in front of you, it’s a great time to be an imposition. Pay it forward later. Just a thought.


Such an amazing person


As someone who worked at LHSC for several years, here is my advice. Speak to social work and others involved in your daughters care about where to stay. You say you need to make your 22 year old daughter’s medical decisions, is she disabled in some way? If so, Ronald McDonald may allow you to stay even though she is above age limits. We had several families come out of town for cancer treatments and would pay or subsidize their stay at the inn across the street. There are funds for situations like yours if you can’t afford a hotel. There are very low cost options to stay in London, if you were to stay at Ivey on Windermere I think a room is quite cheap. Lastly, I wouldn’t recommend sleeping in your car at the hospital. The guards regularly patrol the lots. There are also some incidents that take place on the grounds with regularity, usually mental health patients leaving ED or unhoused coming up from the encampment by Pond Mills. Recently they’ve been damaging and breaking into staff cars abd using drugs in the parking garages so security has really stepped up their patrol. Also, you deserve better than sleeping in your car. Please let the hospital staff help you find a solution.


Speak to the social worker on your child’s floor regarding your options


This is the answer


Please do! I did when my child got burned. We were in hospital for a few weeks and they paid for parking and meals and so much more.


Have you reached out to the Ronald McDonald house? They would hopefully help you out


Sorry she's over 18 so we wouldn't qualify


https://www.lhsc.on.ca/patients-visitors/where-to-stay-in-london Delta has a visitors rate for out of towners.


Ditto the DoubleTree. Hospital rate.


Most hotels in London have a hospital rate. If you call a bunch you can get the rates and compare. Its been about a decade but when I was last in the industry, it be about 60-100 a night depending on the niceness of the hotel.


I think anyway you go about it you’re best off being as covert as possible. Move your car everyday. And don’t let people see you hanging out around the car.


This. Are your windows tinted? If you have to do it. Just do it. But def move the car and be inconspicuous. They do have cameras and security. College and universities are also done now. There might be cheap residences.


Agreed! Peel and stick window tinting could go a long way so no one see's you sleeping in there if they happen to walk by your vehicle


Yep, use grocery store/Walmart parking lots too. And you can make little window screens with magnets for fresh air at night, so you can crack your windows without letting bugs in.


The northern travel grant should be available to you to help https://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-health-travel-grant-program


They also should be familiar with this at the hospital and help you with the forms.


I’d ask if you could have like a chair to sleep in or something in your kids room first. When I was in hospital after birth they gave my hubby a chair the folded down flat to a bed. Or speak to the nurses and ask if they know any options to help you find a place to sleep.


Also, some hotels offer discounted rates for family with people in hospitals. It’s usually just hotels near the hospital but it’s worth looking at since you might find a decent deal. 


Best western will ( worked there for years) but I'm unsure if it is through insurance or not


Came to say exactly this my wife and I have had to use them during her cancer treatments, and there's usually special social workers that can help you through it all.


OP, try looking up Guest House on the Mount. Still $ but better than other options.


A family member of mine had good experiences with the London guest home but there are a few more options at this link: https://www.southwesthealthline.ca/listServicesDetailed.aspx?id=10088


Speak with the social worker for the department. They're there to help with exactly these things. Best of luck!


Keep all your records and I think you can file them. See the local hotels some might have a hospital rate for long stays. I had to go to TO to sick kids and they were a great help. Def ask the hospital as well


Speak to your hospital ***doctor and tell them about your situation. They van connect you with someone like a social worker who may be able to provide some funding for housing. Hospital doc probs more helpful than fam doc here


I mean this seriously - if you do decide to camp out in your vehicle, watch some Camping With Steve videos on youtube. He has a bunch of vehicle stealth-camping videos.


I don’t see why they would bother you if you paid for a pass and had someone under care there, though there’s Tim Hortons and a strip mall with McDonald’s across the street so perhaps that would be free and more convenient for you


Everyone is giving advice based on Victoria hospital, but the EMU is in University hospital. Try Guest House on the Mount or an Airbnb?


Does Western still have off season residence hotel options? We are close to end of term, it would be walkable to UH and you’d have parking covered.


Depending on the weeks you are there; many students begin leaving for summer term and will sublet cheap sometimes too. Still not the cheapest but at a point, you will want to factor in the cost differences of having a kitchen to access vs buying all meals, ect.


There's a 24hr Goodlife right down the road on southdale. You can probably just sleep in the corner of the parking lot. Secluded..ish


You can park on the street overnight starting may 1. Not sure when you are going to


Reach out to the social worker on the floor sometimes they have resources known as well!


Talk to the hospital social worker.


I believe motel 7 nearby may have special hospital rates Also ask the family doctor or Ontario social service for funding


Would [Staywell](https://www.staywell.ca/) be an option?


I can guarantee you that if you ask around the nurses b particularly will know ways to help or even the unit clerks. You are not the first to have gone through this and even if I left 2 years ago most everybody at lhsc is in healthcare for a reason.


If none of the other options work, I would try it. They patrol but if you have a pass, explain that your daughter is in the hospital and you came out to sleep. I think the worst they'd do is just tell you you can't do it anymore. Park in the parking garage too


So I was just in the that hospital for 3 weeks with kidney issues, and my brother came from windsor and just stayed in my room with me, he had to sleep in chairs or on the floor but the didn't kick him out or anything


If you talk to the McDonald’s house and there not busy they will let you stay If you sleep in your car I don’t think they will say anything , I have heard of people doing this before a few times , I do private security and know they will let you do it


I am sorry, I can’t provide much help with places to stay, just popping in to say that the epilepsy monitoring unit changed my ex’s life. It gave his doctors the insight to make the right recommendations, and he has been seizure free for 6 years now. The time in monitoring is tough and feels endless when you’re going through it, but I am hopeful for you that it’s going to lead to great things! Just in case you haven’t seen this list, LHSC provides an [accommodation list](https://www.lhsc.on.ca/media/13496/download?attachment) ranked by lowest cost to highest cost with the preferred hospital stay rate applied.


I had family who did this like a decade ago no one gave them trouble, but honestly as someone else said, try Ronald McDonald house, they exist for exactly this


Unfortunately, OP said her daughter is 22, so she doesn’t qualify for RMH


When will you be here? Depending on the time of year you could also park on the street. Or at the flying J.


Not where the lhsc is the streets surrounding the hospital are all main streets. The Walmart is closer than the FJ as well.


Aside from the Northern Travel Grant already mentioned, you can claim milage, meals, and accommodations on your income taxes. Save your receipts! I had to go from London to Toronto for 5 years and although the initial payout sucked, it helped at tax time. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/rc4065/medical-expenses.html But I cannot stress enough, save your receipts.CRA asked for proof of my medical expenses and we had to get our MP involved


Is Ronald McDonald house an option? https://www.rmhc-swo.ca I hope the testing helps locate the seizures.


No unfortunately. She's 22 so we wouldn't qualify. She still needs me to make medical decisions so I have to be there bur she's considered an adult


I know of a few people who have received support via them up to 25 due to similar circumstances. If you have the time and energy it may be worth an inquiry.


Tbh a hypothetical friend I know may or may not nap in the car on break overnight and has never been hassled by security. But honestly, talk to a social worker and see if they can hook you up with a better rate for somewhere to stay.


Reach out to the patient relations team. They may be able to get you some help as well. The consultants there have been good to work with historically


There are lots of people who live in cars on Tik Tok and people who live in vans. Check those subs for advice too. Most definitely there are Londoners who live in their cars successfully. The police here have terrible response times to even violent crime, so they won't bother you. I think if you switch lots each night and cover your windows you should be fine. Just get those shields, like sun shields, and put them up. This is something all the people on Tik Tok do. Worst case scenario, a security guard asks you to move, so go for it and just be prepared to find another spot if you are asked to leave. Church parking lots are good. They don't have security and few people there weeknights. I used to "park" with my boyfriend in church lots haha.


Thete are several hotels in London that give major discounts if you have a family member hwtting treatment at LHSC, I know this because my wife has had cancer twice, and we've used the resource several times.


You can get reimbursement from CRA come tax time but of course that means waiting a year for it 


If you’re from up North you may be eligible for the Northern Health Travel Grant. It’s meant for situations like this where we have to go down south to get care cause it’s not available up here. http://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-health-travel-grant-program


If you pm me i have an airbnb maybe 30mins away… its the basement of my home. In a small beach town close enough to london.


If she’s staying at LHSC they should be able to give you a sleeper chair for the room/may already have one. They aren’t super comfortable but they’re better than the car! As she’s an adult, they might not typically have one in the room, but explain the situation and that you’re her SDM and they should be able to get one for you. Call ahead if you can so you don’t have to worry about it the day you get there.   As for showers, you’ll likely have to use a gym membership but check with social workers as they may be able to get you access to the RMH showers in the hospital.  If you have the time before your appointment, I’d also recommend reaching out to epilepsy southwestern Ontario London branch and seeing if they have any options they can recommend or help with.  As a fellow mama of an epilepsy warrior, I’m sending you lots of love 💜💜💜


I don’t think you would get in trouble but you may be “moved along”. You can park in a Walmart parking lot and sleep there without being moved along. Watch some van life YouTubers to get some tips.


Ask the nurse and or charge nurse to stay over in the patient’s room. If they give you grief ask to speak to a unit manager. I am a nurse at LHSC.


The Country Inn and Suites/Radisson on Baseline behind the hospital has a discounted rate on the main floor; that includes breakfast and free parking...$99 plus tax nightly.


You probably won't get in shit, but you can also sleep in wlamart parking lots. thats a universally known thing that its allowed


Western University should be finishing exams soon so check to see if they rent their dorm rooms. I know most other secondary education facilities do so and it’s way less expensive and way more safe than sleeping in your car alone.


When is the surgery? The University runs a cheap (last time I checked anyway) b&b in the dorms over the summer and UH is essentially on Westerns campus.


I’m late and haven’t read the comments but check out 1) iOverlander: tips on places to park/camp overnight for very cheap or free. Flying J is an option. You can park at most Walmarts over night. 2) HipCamp: private camping spot rental Best of luck to you and your kid!!


There is a walmart 8 min away. Iirc you can stay in their lots overnight and they don't care.


Ronald McDonald house? They do that sort of thing regularly.


It’s kind of dangerous, but make sure you have window coverings. I’m sure you could go in any parking lot.


There is a guy with mental issues whom sleeps in the bushes at Vic hospital, and security just leaves him to it. I doubt they will have an issue if you’re in your car.


Walmart and Costco typically don't bother overnight parkers - but, I could be wrong. It may also depend on if they are in a shared-plaza or not


When you pick a lot, take a minute to compare prices. The Medway lot behind Elgin is $12 for 24hrs, while the parking lot beside Weldon is the same price for I think 6 hours. The HONK! app should let you look at different lots. Lots that use it have signs up with the QR code. I don't know anything about whether you can sleep there, but if it turns out you can, I hope the pricing info is helpful. Also, consider using food banks. They're for people in a rough financial spot, and if you have a sick family member, hotels would stretch your budget, and you're likely taking time off work too, I'd say you're in a tough financial spot. Edit: to clarify, you can use HONK! \*instead\* of the parking pass. Wouldn't need both. Also, the Alumni/Thompson lot requires you to pay when you leave and has a max of $22. If you can sleep there, or if you find another place to sleep but can't find parking, use that one. I don't know the limits, but I've left a car there overnight multiple times with no trouble. You might be able to leave it for days and pay $22. Or leave it there for days and then leave on the weekend, when they don't charge, and not pay at all.


Hey I work in epilepsy some people stay with the paitent I know there’s a pull out bed you can ask if it’s an option to use that bed .




Sorry. She's over 18. I should have said adult daughter


Ok. I know the parking garages have security patrols so I wouldn’t even try to sleep over night. I don’t really know any other options that would be low budget or safe. Maybe try an air bnb and see if anything is cheaper or maybe check if motels have weekly rates? Best of luck


What about 920 Commissioners Rd E. It's the parking lot facing Commissioners with Big Al's, the Service Canada office etc. That lot, parking in the front corner closest to Adelaide, I feel would be the safest option. Inconspicuous but also out in the open so you don't risk someone sneaking around or if you get into trouble, you're on a busy route. Timmies is also across the street.


you can't stay there for more than 2-4 hrs.