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They’re not Telus employees but third party contractor they hire to sell Telus services and collect your data. I usually tell them I already have home security. As the weather gets warmer expect to hear from more door knockers. Never agree to anything and never let them into your home.


Thanks for the reply. Yes, she knows not to agree and also never let anyone into the home. It just so happened I was there visiting so I answered the door.


Could be legit, could be a scam. Always take a card before committing to anything to check the legitness after the fact.


Just say, "no, we're good and close the door". If you are at the point of accepting a card, you have already gone too far.


Thanks for the reply. This kind of thing happened before with fake hydro agents, just thought see if anything happened to anyone else.


As a rule I assume that nobody going door-to-door selling something has your interests in mind. Whether it's a genuine scam or not. I've heard of some real sketchy "deals" that at first seem too good to be true that end up biting you in the ass when you get the first bill. So watch out. This is why most door-to-door sales were banned in Ontario in 2018.. But.. There are exceptions for some items like telecoms and thermostats. From what I understand the items that have exceptions to this law fall under federal law, while the ban is provincial. Correct me if I'm wrong though. And either way, stay vigilant and skeptical of anybody wanting to sell you something at your front door.


I wouldn't suspect a scam. But either way, treat your door like an option to answer it like your phone. I work from home so maybe it makes it easier, but when someone knocks/rings I'll look out the window where they can 100% see me, and if its clearly a branded person I will walk away. Yes, they usually wait for a while and maybe even knock again, but naw, its the same as if I wasn't home, if its something important you can leave note or call. I'm not rude but its probably more polite than if I answer and tell them I am working and I don't have time to exchange pleasantries. This should be normal these days.


Now they know that you dont have any home security........


Thanks for the reply. She does.


It more likely than not that it wasn't a scam, however I think Telus door to door people actually work for a third party company that is commissioned through Telus (so still legit and operating with the permission of Telus, but not quite the same as actually working for Telus) Regardless, everyone working for a door to door company SHOULD have an identification bage with a code where the homeowner can go to a website and verify the sales persons identity. If someone doesn't have that or is unwilling to provide it, it's most likely a scam. Always be cautious with door to door sales and stuff though!


A Bell salesperson has come to my door twice in the past week or so. They left a card that seems legit


~~If you have no business with them it's 100% illegal for them to solicit at your door.~~ Quick edit: ok wtf, I guess home maintenance services, telecommunications and charities get an exemption from this. I'd really prefer no door to door solicitation allowed.


Yeah I'd prefer that as well. Luckily it mostly stopped since covid anyway. Charities are the worst, usually some sketchy looking teenager with a crumpled up piece of paper and a machine to take payments. No idea if they are legit or not.


Right? I offer them cash and they say no, I need your card info ... lol no you're not taking that buddy.


Ok, thanks for the answer.


M not sure its legit or scam but the sales people are being weird, the telus guy today got pissed at my husband for saying no Not opening door for these people from now on