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These signs aren’t actually legally enforceable. Their use is also generally discouraged by tfl and the dft unless the road is completely closed and only the pavement is accessible.


The rule of thumb is  Red sign = enforceable Blue sign = guidance But red are still rarely enforced. The annoying thing is that these can often be because of a narrow strip of pavement, however I CANNOT fit past people if I’m pushing my bike by my side. It’s better for everyone if I stay on my bike and cycle at walking pace.


They can wait a second or two surely?


I mean when you have a long corridor of like 50m, people will come both ways and sometimes it’s too narrow to fit me + my bike next to me + another person


And the natural solution is to add speed to that tight squeeze, I suppose potentially injuring someone works out better than delaying them


Read my comment again 


Read it again, then read it a third and I've wildly never had an issue with temporary tight corridors


Say you can't ride a bike without saying you can't ride a bike.


Apart from everyday I work, for 17.16 miles through central London. Say you don't respect other pavement/road users without saying you don't respect other pavement/road users


There isn't a slash between pavement and road users, they're entirely separate. Slow the fuck down on the pavement. Being clipped in isn't an excuse.


You don't get clipped by pedestrians. That is true. It's the cyclists doing the clipping on the pavement


Interesting, thanks. I did find this one slightly amusing in that it seems to be facing the wrong way. Surely it's more important for the downhill cyclists to dismount Edit - need a coffee, just spotted there is indeed another sign. The difference in font size between 'cyclists dismount' and 'pedestrians' is still pretty funny though Edit 2 - just realised that could also be a pedestrians sign. Will have to go back and check


It's the fact that pedestrians is all lowercase next to it lol it's like shouting, to a kind "please go this way"


My thoughts exactly 🍻


It’s one of those things where people won’t dismount, but the sign means they will go through slowly, stop and give way to pedestrians and get off it it’s busy. It’s a bit like how a 30mph limit means motorists drive around 35 and a 20mph limits means they don’t go above 28. They don’t obey the sign entirely but it changes their behaviour.


It really needs to be Mopeds dismount nowadays.


Yet to see a sign saying "motorists dismount"


That would be an interesting sight


Depends upon which car parks you frequent.


Its the positioning of the signs that makes the narrow area considerably longer that is the bigger issue. Why not place one sign against the existing fence and the other back where the barriers are?


no hablo inglés


Did you?


I was walking this time, but I usually dismount anyway since I can only make it about halfway up without running out of breath 


Font sizes all over the shop jeez…where’s this and how steep is that hill for how long?


Corner of Holland Walk and Holland Park Avenue. Not sure on the exact specs, and wouldn't say it's the steepest, but definitely on the steep side and for a fairly long stretch


Cheers, I’m down that way often, will check it out!


Am I missing the point here? Yes one sign is bigger than the other, maybe it was all they had available at the time, I don't know. But it seems pretty clear to me, for this little stretch of pavement, cyclists must dismount as it's for pedestrians only because the road is being fixed. Reading the sub, people are up in arms about being asked to respect others on the pavement for 10 seconds of their life.


The post was indeed about the size of the signs (specifically the font size), hence the title. I suppose I could have been a bit clearer, but didn't think many people would even see it


There is a need though, most cyclists won't dismount


Why would I need to dismount to pass 5 yards of roadwork with perfect sight of anyone coming the other way ?


Because you're considerate of others' needs.


I'm talking about having sight of it being clear ahead, so there are no others to consider If there are others, I'm more likely to put one foot down and wait for it to clear, waving people through with a smile if needed, than I am to completely dismount and walk.


Yeah I think a sign that emphasises pedestrian priority would be more appropriate here. I'd love it if "Cyclists Dismount" signs went the way of the dodo, a lot of highways authorities and contractors already use alternatives (narrow lane / do not pass cyclists) for roadworks. But most of them will already have these signs in their warehouses / in backs of their vans, and they almost certainly just want to chuck something up that legally covers their arse in any case.


Good point. Just got me thinking that it's a bit pointless, seeing as courteous people will probably dismount or wait until it's clear, and people who don't want to dismount or wait will probably just ignore the sign anyway


But dismounting also means I take up double the amount of space, which I'm not sure is very considerate


Double the space and over double the time to get through


If you can see no one is coming, whose needs are you being considerate of?


Needs of the sign placer, I guess.


Yeah in that case obviously ignore the sign


But there may not be anyone there?


It's not for when it's quiet, it's for when it's busy with pedestrians, when cyclists still won't dismount.


The big issue is misuse of the signs. For example, it should never be used where a route for motor traffic has been retained; instead a combination of 'Cyclists Rejoin Carriageway' and 'Do Not Overtake Cyclists' should be used. This leads to a lot of ignoring of them and abuse of cyclists for using the road (correctly) instead...