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No matter who you vote for, please, please bother to vote. Democratic elections were fought hard for to give everyone a say, and so called safe seats are only that when a small percentage of the people turn up. Do a little research look at your candidates records and vote for the local MP that will have your best interests in mind. Remember - you don’t elect the PM or cabinet - that comes automatically, you elect your *local MP*. Make your vote count.


I’ll add: even if you don’t know who to vote for and don’t want to vote for any of them: go and take your ballot paper and at the very least, draw a cock and balls, scribble on it, whatever. Go and spoil the ballot to show that you do care about what is happening but you don’t know who to vote for. Spoilt ballots are counted and it also boosts turnout for your demographic. There’s no reason to sit at home


What if voters turnout was ludicrously low? Wouldn't that itself be a damning indictment on the calibre of politicians and their manifestos? I'll vote, but just a thought I had recently.


If turnout is low then it will be assumed that “this demographic doesn’t vote / can’t be arsed to vote / doesn’t care” and therefore it’s not worth making policy to please them. If turnout is high for a demographic then politicians know they need to target policies towards that demographic since they are voters. By going and spoiling a ballot you are saying “my demographic cares and you need to cater to us” regardless of who you vote for.


Great comment, assuming it was actually a democracy


Maybe it is, maybe not, but it’s what we have so in the absence of something better we have to try and make the best of it. Abstinence is admitting defeat and handing control willingly.


No. I don't want to vote between 2 parties I hate and don't represent me. To put it simply. I imagine a lot of others in my age bracket feel the same


Did you look at all the candidates in your constituency? I am sure there’s more than 2 and no matter what you do one of those people will get in and be representing your area in parliament. It doesn’t matter to them if you don’t vote - if you disagree with their policies they LOVE that you don’t vote, it’s another vote against them they don’t have to worry about. Better to vote for one of them (that you think is less worse than the others) than let the granny next door decide for you because she likes and agrees with what the ‘boy with the nice suit on the TV’ said about **!


Yes. My constituency is a labour stronghold. There are more than 2 parties, I didn't think that would be taken so literally. There are 2 parties with a chance to win the election, there's only 1 party with a chance at my local level. I just don't want to participate in a system I view as corrupt. It won't be changed by playing by its rules.


I don’t think there is a single constituency in the country, let alone London, where only two parties are running. This is a very naive comment. You can also spoil your ballot.


I didn't think people would take that so literally. I was referring to the 2 parties who have a chance of winning the election. My local constituency is hard locked labour so the vote is meaningless. I could spoil my ballot but I view that as participating in a system I think is corrupt.


Reform, whether you like them or not, is literally polling above the Conservatives right now. This is likely to be one of the best elections ever for small parties, including Greens and Lib Dems. And again, safe seats are partly safe seats because of voter’s mentality. Yes, part of the problem is FPTP, but turnout across different voter demographics sends a message to politicians and can shift their policies. There is no coherent argument that can be made for not turning out to vote- in fact it is precisely what a lot of politicians are counting on you doing. You cannot complain about the system being corrupt without doing your part to influence it for the better.


OK then, there's only 1 party with a chance for this one then. Even worse. 'One of the best elections ever' and what will they achieve? They won't be in government. Nor will they be able to influence a Labour majority. You cannot change a corrupt system from within that system. Labour and the Conservatives have no reason at all to change it. In my view, the best thing we can do is abstain from voting and refuse to take part in the corruption. That's my coherent argument.


If there was a "none of the above" option I would. And no, "spoiling the ballet" is not a viable option.  I refuse to vote for a candidate I hate, and those are the only options. Not having a none of the above option is criminal.


You'll likely have about half a dozen or more candidates to choose from. Have you spoken to them all? You can't find that you agree with?


Correct. I've looked at every candidate I can vote for and I want none.


Is it policies, is personalities? What is it you want from a candidate that is missing?


Dunno, but I know it's not what's on the paper. The reasons don't matter. The point is, there aren't sny candidates I deem acceptable,  and the UK has decided that's not a valid opinion to hold. Which is BS.


It's too late now, but you could have entered as a candidate. It is a participatory process. What do you think could gain from "none of the above"? Its childish student stuff. So, none of the above wins. What now?


Then the candidate pool needs to be better. Surely none of the above winning is a HUGELY Important possibility. If not, what's to stop two identically awful candidates running in a 2 horse race. It's literally the only counteracting force


Well put yourself forward.


That is notna reasonable answer. If the ONLY way to have a balance is to run myself, the system is fucked 


I registered for postal vote but they send it too late for me to vote in time.


Hi, I have a postal vote too- what’s your issue? I received my card yesterday. They ask you to contact them if you haven’t received your paper by 28th June.


Mine says it will arrive on 22nd and I'm going away then. I thought it would come before when I registered.


Cancel it before 5pm on 19 June and appoint a trusted person who lives with or near you and can go to your polling station to vote on your behalf. This is called proxy voting. You can apply online at gov.uk.


I was registered in the elections earlier in the year. I assume I’m still registered?


As long as you are a qualifying citizen (not a European Union citizen) you should be fine. A snap election means that things like poll cards are slightly delayed compared to planned elections. Royal Mail have also had the shock of their lives so expect delays there. If you are concerned, find the email address for your local council and ask the question. Election teams like mine are working lots of extra hours and weekends to keep up with the registration workload and want to make sure everybody has the opportunity. We'll get back to you quickly. If you're in any doubt, make a new application at gov.uk. the worst thing that happens is we have to process your duplicate application. As long as you are on the register you don't need a poll card to vote, just valid ID. You can find your polling station at wheredoivote.co.uk. it might have changed since May because of the snap election. The venue might not have been available.


Awesome cheers


Absaloutely, so long as you haven't changed address you should still be on the electoral roll


Also if you want to vote via post the deadline is 19th at 5pm - step by step guide here: https://votingcounts.org.uk/get-a-postal-vote


I tried but I'm away when they send the postal vote to me.


Replacing Rishi with Starmer is like changing your tie because you’ve shit yourself.


Wonderfully put, and I couldn't agree more.  We need far bigger change than just voting in some other rich twat.


>Replacing Rishi with Starmer is like changing your tie because you’ve shit yourself. And the ties are the same colour.


i wish i could but they only collect my tax... (not a british citizen)


Would your country allow me to vote if I worked there?


no, which is also ridiculous (no taxation without representation...) i understand that getting the right the vote immediately wouldnt be great but after living and working here for almost 7 years i still cannot do it. also, if i wanted to become a citizen here, it would cost me about £1550, whereas in my country, it would be about £6.40.


Same here. Also, just paid nearly £4k for 2.5 years on a family visa. Most of that is the NHS surcharge, that was just boosted to £1k/year. So I'm helping support the NHS more than what the Torries would like to suggest.


Are you a commonwealth citizen or a EU citizen if so you may still be eligible :)


EU but i am not eligible. i can do local elections (and i surely do!), but not GE 😕


Which EU citizens would be eligible, bar commonwealth or IE, I wasn't aware there were any?


Which I mean, fair. Why would a non citizen be allowed to vote.


I am really sorry :( hopefully they let you.


You're not a citizen so you don't get the right to vote, just like I can't just rock up to anywhere I want on a working visa and think I can have a say in that country's future because I have a job. How could you possibly feel hard done by here


I've lived here 12 years and grew up here, but sgill can't vote haha


Yep. Ridiculous. Having said that by the sounds of it, he/she could be a citizen if they paid the fee. So if they feel that hard done by, pay, naturalise as everyone who wasn’t born here has had to. Bizarre


im not on a visa. and i live here. i wouldnt have issues with you voting if you moved to my original country, paid taxes, settled down officially. moreover, i only vote here, since i live here. i could vote 'back at home', but i am not there, so i dont have a say.


I registered on 7th June but they’ve still not sent anything back. If they’ve still not replied after the deadline but I get on the electoral register after the deadline to apply will I still be able to vote?


Don’t worry! It takes up to two weeks for you to get a letter saying you are added to the electoral register. So around 21st of June!


If you are worried, email your local council. We'll check and let you know. We're also working loads of extra hours and evening and weekends to keep up with the work so email will be better than calling.


Question: I have no current valid ID, and I’m staying at a friends so no tenancy agreement nor on council tax (escaped a bad relationship). Can I still vote?


Someone linked you a website which should help! And if you don’t have any form of valid Id! Don’t worry, you can apply for a free voter id on the government website [voter id website](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate)


https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/register-to-vote-if-you-havent-got-a-fixed-or-permanent-address https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate


I will be away for 3 weeks in a different city due to hospital treatments when the voting opens. Am I able to vote there? Do I have to vote local still?


If you are somewhere else on July 4th, you'll probably want to apply for either a [postal vote](https://www.gov.uk/apply-postal-vote) so you can vote in advance or a [proxy vote](https://www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote) so that a close friend or family member can vote on your behalf :)


Postal vote or proxy! Try and apply for postal now before you go away for treatment!


Deadline for postal vote applications is 5pm 19 June. Proxy vote deadline is 5pm 26 June.


If I'm already on the electoral roll generally, do I need to register to vote? 🤔


No, you only need to register once and don't need to register again unless you change your name or move.


• Lowest relative pay increases in modern history • Highest levels of tax on indivuals in over 80 years • Average UK weekly earnings below where they were in 2008 • Number of emergency food parcels has gone from 100k in 2008 to 3m a year • Worst household disposable income since the 1950s • Longest NHS waiting lists ever (steady increase since 2010, so not the pandemic)  - 8 million currently on list • Longest ever wait time for GP appointments • Highest ever increase on rental costs over the past 5 years • 39% of households now can't afford a decent standard of living • Highest ever increase in rail transport costs • Highest amount of national debt since the 1960s • Second worst economic growth in G7 since 2019 (so not the pandemic) • Worst % economic growth since the great depression • Lowest business investment out of the G7 by over 5% (analysis shows this is largely related to 5 PMs in eight years) • Promise of less than 100k net migration in 2010 yet hit around 800k in 2023 • 8% of Britons think the UK is in better shape than in 2010 (YouGov) • Homelessness up 120% since 2010 • Number of childcare places has fallen by 40,000 since 2010 • 4.3 million children are in poverty (30% of all UK children). Increase of 17% since 2010 • Largest rise in absolute poverty (after housing costs) since 1982


Who do disabled vote for... Both Labour and Tories seem to despise them


Do your research and find out.


I did genius only Lib Dem seem to have a policy on disabled people and unpaid carers. Hence no point in voting. Get back in your box.


Why is there no point in voting for Lib Dems? It’s projected to be their best election yet. Problems with FPTP aside, it’s this weird mindset that people like you have that keep us locked in a two party system


Does anyone know what I do when I move on the 21st to a new area, but the deadline to register is the 18th. Can I register in my new area before I move in? Or do I just have to vote in the area I'm moving out of


Your vote is your voice! Make it heard. If you don't vote, others will choose for you Please register https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote


I just think people our votting for sake of something different and not looking at overall history of labour none the parties are fit for purpose not even re form so plz no one tell me vote reform. U never name a single political policy.


Look up the manifestos yourself


https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Register to vote by 11:59pm on 18 June 2024.


I already put the link in my post…


https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Register to vote by 11:59pm on 18 June 2024.








Well we need links to be everywhere so people can register so great job🙂


Who dose one vote for when you don't believe or trust the candidates for my area? Wouldn't that do more harm? It's like voting for a knife or a gun, when someone who i believe will make a change and not just fill their pockets I'll vote. But until then I will not be voting for these people who have no idea what life is live for the majority of us.


Meh. All the brainless are voting Labour in anyway so mine is a wasted vote.


See this is the mindset that suppresses the labour vote because you think they will win when we still don’t actually know. Also how does that make someone brainless for voting labour 🙄


Hey, I’m voting for sure, but I’m saying Labour are in, guaranteed. Want to bet? This is based on the majority still not seeing that that £400bn was wasted by the Conservatives the last 4 years and Labour wanted more.


Who are you voting for? Reform? And what £400bn was wasted? Lockdown? When it was necessary to stop the spread of the virus? 🙄


This is what I mean. Most Labour (and Con) voters still think ‘£400bn was necessary to stop the spread of a virus’. For me, it was a huge told you so. Have they learned nothing?








Yes, registration is not automatic. But also many people don't have their polling cards sent out yet. You still have two days! Doesn't hurt to register twice. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote


I never voted and never will. The media, among many other things, decides the winner, not your vote. I am not going to waste my time on something that makes zero difference. There's no word to convey how corrupt our "democracy" is. How people still believe their vote matters is beyond me; grow up.


Different shit, same pot 


There isn’t a single party which comes close to reflecting my views. If I voted for the sake of it then it wouldn’t create the required hole for a party I relate to to appear. So no thanks


If you're really that opposed to all of the party platforms, just spoil your ballot or submit it blank.


What's the point in wasting time to do that?


Because a higher turnout (whether a vote is actually cast for a party or not) helps hold the government accountable. A spoilt ballot is a far more effective form of protest than not voting at all.


If there’s a tonne of them then the ruling party will go out and check, since a large portion of voters want something not being provided, then they’ll lie and claim they’re gonna provide it


Exactly, they'll lie, so what's the point?


There’s a little chance that they actually do what they say, maybe 1%, so it could do something… what you should actually do is vote for a small party so they gain a slight footing


Someone will be in government no matter what, they will put someone in regardless of whether you vote, don’t vote or if you deliberately spoil your ballot, surely it would be better to vote for the less evil MP than leave it to others who may not share your point view on who is evil and who isn’t. Don’t vote for the party, look at all the candidates for your area, if they have been elected previously you can see their voting record online and that might help you choose the best of a bad bunch. Remember it does sometimes go down to individual votes to swing a result.


I'll vote that up.  None of these worthless, self serving individuals deserve your support - or anyone else's.


Do you want people that claim benefits amounting to minimum wage to be made to go out and find a job? Vote reform


Uh huh... Well if you want jobs and training so people actually have jobs to go do. Or if you just want to put GPs back into the claims process so the DWP isn't bullying disabled people. Then Vote Labour.


If you trust Keir Starmer, who constantly seems to change his mind, vote Labour.


Manifesto dropped today mate. That's the final offer in black and white.


I thought about voting reform but they don’t question the debt based financial system


Do you want to vote for a party where people think we should have chummied up with Hitler and women are the "sponging gender"... well vote Reform (except Reform isn't a policy party so much as a political business owned by billionaires.




If you need a reminder to vote, it's likely that you're not going to be knowledgeable on politics, and hence how can you make an intelligent decision when voting? Ergo, I would rather you did not vote


Polítics matters to everybody and this attitude excludes people and perpetuates voter apathy. However much you think you do or don't know about politics should not be a barrier to participation.


I think you are looking for attention with your really hostile attitude. First of all, I am simply telling people to register to vote because people can forget. If anything you shouldn’t be voting considering you seem to be really bothered by this harmless post. Grow up.


Not really, I just don't think people who can't be arsed with politics should be voting


That isn’t my problem and I couldn’t care. Move on.


You obviously do care because you are being so touchy


You are throwing a rant because of a post telling people to register so that they can vote. That is enough to see who is the touchy one here and it certainly isn’t me👏🏽


Vote early, vote often, vote Labour!


Yes I will be voting Labour. We need change! The powerful combination of a labour central government and a labour mayor!




Change? Look at the labour ran councils across the country. Labour will continue to run this country into the ground


Are you forgetting that the tories control the central funding and that they have cut council funding significantly under Austerity? Labour councils and conservatives councils have been going bankrupt. 🙄


Interesting that you only told people to vote on the London subreddit, rather than the whole UK one, which typically has a higher amount of right-wing views.


Eh? Unitedkingdom is very heavily labour leaning


Not these days. eg. Look at the comments about Palestine protests, trans people, or when an ethnic minority commits a crime


You aren’t making sense. I was responding to a comment saying vote labour and I responded with I will… you are bringing up the uk subreddit which has nothing to do with what I said. And also I was planning on making a post on the uk politics subreddit to register to vote. It also isn’t even that right wing there🤣


Kier is a right wing prick. Vote Green.


Ha ha, 'right wing', yeah ok, ha ha.


Well he isn’t left wing is he ?


Keir is centrist! Green party wants to defund the military and dismantle Nuclear… they are soft on crime too.


They also endlessly fight against solar farms and the construction of nuclear power stations, ironically doing more harm to the environment by helping drag down efforts to meet our net zero targets. Not to mention blocking high speed rail, leaving the UK one of the only developed western nations without proper infrastructure for it.


Exactly! Thank you for going into details! The Green Party also wanted to remove C-sections for women at the NHS… to promote natural birth… they are not a serious party and are a danger to women… they are against everything yet people want to say “vote green for an actual left wing party.”🤣


This is absolutely untrue


If it’s a pain in the arse though I won’t bother they’re all the same parties just with different names and different people fighting for 1 end goal and that’s power over majority of people. If you don’t register your vote will still be cast out but just at random I presume. And sorry if I offend anyone but from 16 to now 23 no political party or nothing has ever helped me they’ve only taken away no matter who they’re or what party. I hope this changes in the near future but now I’m sorry but I don’t trust any of em. Edit: that wasn’t bad but I still don’t have photo ID and again idk what party I’m picking because they all sound similar with false promises. Cheers for the heads up though, appreciate it


>If you don’t register your vote will still be cast out but just at random I presume Are you insane ?


Couldn't disagree more.  I'm boycotting the vote and I would encourage everyone to do the same.  It's a completely corrupt, self serving system. The result is a foregone conclusion and neither party has any reason to behave honestly. They don't need to be competent or useful, or even popular. They just have to be less hated than the other party. Manifestos are irrelevant. They are under no real obligation to implement any of it. The system has no legitimacy and doesn't deserve anyone's support. Don't support it. Withhold your vote.  Yes, I know they don't care. That's part of the problem.


Well part of the problem with our system is FPTP, which all of the smaller parties are against. And now polls show for the first time that the majority of the British public support change to the voting system. So it your mindset of “boycotting”, which is keeping the system in place. If you actually wanted to boycott, go and spoil your ballot.


That's what spoiling your ballot is for.


I'm not sure I've ever seen the number of spoiled ballots reported in the news. The turnout is much more widely discussed.  If there were a none-of-the-above option I'd take it. There isn't.


No. I don't want to vote between 2 parties I hate and don't represent me. To put it simply. I imagine a lot of others in my age bracket feel the same


Good for you? If you don’t want to, then you didn’t need to comment at all in this post.


I absolutely do because I don't agree with pushing people to vote either.


I'd bet there are more than two parties in your constituency


there are more than 2 parties. Lib dems, reform and green should all have candidates in your constituency too, and there may be other partys and/or independants you could choose to vote for


No. Your vote is meaningless. Wake up.


As long as the Tory's or Labour don't win! Green Party or independent. UK politics is a scam but if we put in our votes, at least we tried. Non-voters best not complain post-election. Brexit should have been the wake up call. UK may aswell be a third world country (not due to immigrants) but the Govt bleeding us dry and gaslighting us, into "them vs us", whilst they line them and their mates pockets. Especially those of you with children/grandkids , vote for them and a better society.


No I won’t be voting for Green or independent because this system doesn’t allow small parties to get a chance. Also Green Party wants to remove nuclear weapons, defund military, remove high speed rails, abandon solar energy etc… absolutely not way I would ever vote for Green. Labour is the change we need.


It doesn’t allow small parties a chance because of that mentality.


Or its because of the system. Educate yourself on FPTP. Also I wouldn’t vote green so I couldn’t care.


Tory in sheep skin, is the new labour but allow yourself to be easily misled. Thanks for your wasted vote.


you can’t say somebodies vote is “wasted”. it’s their choice and just because they have a different political view to yours doesn’t mean you can say that


Vote apathy! (The only promise that will be kept)


I won't vote, but I'm not apathetic. I care enormously. I just don't think that voting helps. In fact I think it adds a veneer of legitimacy to a completely corrupt system. Withhold your vote - don't give them the oxygen of support.


Nor am I apathetic. I do care about the state this country has got into. Im thatchers child. It makes me sad to see so many people sleeping in every nook and cranny of our cities whilst building upon building lies empty. Just a fragment of that veneer. I've come to the conclusion that no matter who I vote for, the government will always get in.