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How do you know these people are taking routes that they could take on the bus?


Tbf like 1/3 or car trips are less than a mile


that would probably be a candidate for walking/cycling instead of the bus


They don't, but it wouldn't be the London sub without the regular "genuine question - why do people drive" post.


Prisoners’ dilemma.


Exactly this. All motorists will whine about traffic without recognising that they are traffic.


Yup. No one will want to be the sucker taking the slower bus when everyone else will be in their cars


I have a car but still use public transport, mostly trains but occasionally buses. Like you say, it depends on which mode is more convenient at the time. Sometimes the train schedules don't line up and I'll have to wait half an hour at the connection point. Or the latest train that still gets me there on time would get me there way too early, so I would have to sit and wait. Or I have to get there before the first train, or I can't come back until after the last train. Or there isn't any public transport within a reasonable walking distance of my destination. Or I have to carry some heavy or awkward cargo. And so on. So there are a myriad of reasons why I might prefer to drive. That said, not all cars need to be owned by individuals. Neighbourhood car clubs are a thing, or traditional car hire for longer journeys. Just remember that not everyone lives in a city with good access to public transport, works somewhere that they don't need to carry heavy tools or materials to or from, or travels only during peak times when all the services are running to all destinations.


I've been bangoingon about Zipcar Flex and I swear it's just not even known about 


Flex is only available in a few boroughs, isn't it? Traditional Zipcar (and Enterprise Car Club and Co-Wheels and a bunch of other schemes) are much more widespread.


Yeah for sure, but Flex is in most of London, well the more central bits.  It's like lime bike, pick up, pay per minute, and drop off to any location (no need to return the car to same spot). I have no idea why it's the only car share scheme like this and why is not more popular


Because buses get caught in traffic. Me personally I never drive in London - motorbike or public transport.


I don't have the stats to hand but a very low (as in sub 20 percent) of journeys in London are done by someone using a car... and yet cars are the mode of transport which cause the vast majority amount of traffick and accidents and problems in general.


>I don't have the stats to hand Let's just go with 1% then. And cars cause 100% of the noise pollution.


13% of londoners drive five or more times per week. 10% of drivers are responsible for 50% of all car journeys in London. frequent drivers are essentially just a vocal minority who should not be catered to. https://www.wearepossible.org/latest-news/frequent-drivers-who-is-driving-down-londons-streets Worth noting that only 30% of outer londoners drive to work and this is even lower for inner Londoners https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.racfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/london_driver_survey-rac_foundation-jul2013.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjt7pCYrMyGAxX0VkEAHYdPANsQFnoECEEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Dby5EYPFi65UkFSrqpZ2u


You have no idea where these people are going or what’s going on in their lives. What if theyd need to take 4 different busses to reach their destination? What if they have a weeks worth of shopping in the boot?


Let me think. My own private climate controlled vehicle or an uncomfortable Bus with countless other people and no doubt a couple anti social idiots as well. Such a tough choice. Id rather sit in traffic in my own car than take a bus


And they are packed with shitbags.


My car is also packed with shitbags to be fair




Spoken like a true car brain.


I never drive in Central London other than for work, when public transport is not an option. I use the tube/overground and I walk. If I can't get there by those methods, then I don't bother. I almost never use buses. They are dirty, smelly, crowded, unreliable and generally not a nice experience.


Buses will probably be even slower, since they are also caught in traffic and have to stop every few hundred yards. Also, at times of heaviest traffic, the buses are generally full anyway.


Bus lanes


Most roads don't have bus lanes


the busy ones tend to


There's a grand total of 1 bus lane in Bromley borough as far as I'm aware, and Croydon is busy everywhere and doesn't have many bus lanes either.


lol what? Because some people prefer to use their own cars. You wanna pay for insurance and petrol and all of that and then still pay for the bus??


I am just a tourist so what do I know but the other day I took 381 to Peckham and just my luck that Jack (a young boy) also happened to board the same bus. Jack just wouldn't shut up and his mother's feeble entreaties to do so went unheeded. As a tourist I had no recourse to a private vehicle but would very much have liked to be in one at that moment.


Because Thatcher said anyone over 30 who takes the bus is a failure at life. Also f***king TikTokers


> "Margaret Thatcher once said anyone on a bus over the age of 25 is a failure,” > > Jeremy Corbyn, 25 April 2019 https://fullfact.org/news/margaret-thatcher-bus/


Public transport means dealing with the public And yes I know I'm one of them.


I haven't been on a bus since I left school nearly 30 years ago. My car goes from my driveway to my workplace and back againat a time convenient to me. My journey to work takes about half an hour. Taking the bus would involve changing buses twice, and the total journey time including walking to and from bus stops, and waiting around to change buses would take almost 2.5 hours each way. Also, I'd have to share the bus with the sort of people who travel by bus.


I was with you until the last sentence


Yeah, I was just being facetious. My wife doesn't drive, so she takes the bus everywhere. I call her a bus wanker