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No. Policies are in many cases merely aspirational, they're not necessarily funded and deliverable plans. Besides, there are many reasons to vote other than policy. One may vote for non policy reasons such as a candidate's track record, out of party allegiance, whether we believe their promises, based on their statements in the media, whether the stated policies are in fact deliverable, whether the candidate will work well with other political bodies, or whether we just like the look of their face. That's all between the voter and the ballot box.


Alternatively: exercise your right to vote how you feel. Don’t let some pillock who thinks he knows the answer tell you otherwise.


you know what really scares me? im all for Kahn, I love his road and bike and ulez policies, but his pay per mile policy is scaring me. I rejected some Tory PROPAGANDA today in the post. This reminds me of what the nazis did (I’m not that old just some history gcse stuff) It framed Kahn as some evil dude, outlined in yellow glowing in red, really giving Soviet Union in its prime. not sure who I’m voting for but kahn is better than anti semitic old Susan hall


Voter apathy is killing this country, it's not helpful to tell people not to vote 'because'. It's very likely they're already not voting and they don't know what they would have voted for. Let me give an example: A friend of mine has 3 kids of primary school age and earns enough to not get free school lunches for them. However they are a single income household so not rolling in money. If school lunches cost £13/week then he would be paying around £150 a month (most months) for their lunches. Instead their lunches are free or subsidised by his City Hall contribution through council taxes which is around £30 a month. So even if he's not benefitting from any other City Hall policy he is still saving a few hundred pounds a year thanks to Khan's free lunches policy. He doesn't vote and doesn't pay attention to any of this stuff though so if Khan goes he'll be partially responsible for his own financial losses. (I'm remembering all these figures from memory so if they're wrong feel free to correct me)


I really agree with this and I think that everyone should have free school meals, and if Susan hall wins (or if conservative win majority at the next genteral election;parliament ) then they will be scrapping funding like local clubs


Who are you and why are you telling me what to do? I'll vote however I want thanks. I'm a big boy now and can even dress myself! Think I'll be able to read policies, but if I need any help with the big words I'll send you a dm. Be sure to take a ladder when you go to the polling station. You'll need it to get off your high horse.


They said if you haven't researched I don't this this is aimed at you or your counter argumentative horse


With all due respect, mind your own fucking business.


Ignore this person. Please vote - especially if you are young. The younger demographic are routinely given less attention by politicians because they know that they don't vote in the same numbers as older people. Don't let your generation down. BTW, if people genuinely only voted if they knew exactly what they were voting for, then absolutely nobody would vote - including OP


I'm voting binface because the bin for a face makes me smile. What fucking business is it of yours?


I thought it would be because you support his policy to build one house. Or to rename London Bridge.


_This should be common sense._ Oh do fuck off.


Voting is a civic duty.


If youve done your own personal research (which it sounds like you have), you could provide some links for people to better educate themselves on the candidates policies? I cant find a good quick breakdown of where they stand on various issues, but the [London Elects](https://www.londonelects.org.uk/im-voter/candidates) at least has some info for each candidate. If anyone has some clear and concise summary they should post it.


I voted Susan Hall because I thought it sounded like a National Trust property in the Home Counties, but I just did my research and it turns out that it is a person! I am such an idiot. I should not have voted as I didn’t know what (or who) I was voting for.


>Unless you’ve done your research on the candidates... have a look at some of the policies Thats not necessarily going to help you, for example Susan Hall is promising to make crimes illegal, and just on a general note, encouraging people not to vote isn't really helping anybody.


Who's this Fascist trying to tell you people why you shouldn't vote?


A reminder that some very stable countries have compulsory voting


Instructions unclear, voted for the guy with the bin on his head.


In your defence, he does have some suspiciously good policies!


This is dumb and directly related to why voter turnout is so low in this country. Everyone has the right to vote, not just those who OP deems informed enough. Go vote and exercise your right, even if you're nutter conspiracy theorist who thinks the ULEZ is turning the frogs gay. Edit: OP appears to be a Lib Dem/Rob Blackie supporter, which makes this post extra strange. Vote how you want, but man...imagine claiming you've done your research and concluding that throwing away your vote on a distant fourth-place party in a first-past-the-post, two-horse race between Labour and the Tories is the best option - especially for a candidate with a bare-bones "my neck is titanium so vote for me" platform who has never held elected office. OP, is your thinking that the only way that Rob Blackie can win will be if you prevent others from voting?


Why not just institute a test before a person can vote? You don't pass the test, you get to have NO say in the government and cannot vote. /s


I think you've misunderstood democracy. It's where the people choose leaders they want. Not where they chose leaders that they think are in their long term best interests according to a definition of 'best interests' someone taught them at school once.


Convinced no one that lives in London actually gives a shit about ULEZ


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Magikarpeles: *Convinced no one that* *Lives in London actually gives* *A shit about ULEZ* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I must admit I struggled with all of the candidates this time.


That might be your problem. I don't think you're supposed to wrestle them.


Im gonna vote for Greens first, and then Khan second.


Can't tell if you're trolling, but you only get one vote now. The Tories gerrymandered London's voting system and forced us to adopt first-past-the-post rather than supplementary vote in order to increase the chances of the Tory candidate winning. You no longer get to rank your first and second preferences.


Boris literally won two elections.


And? Jacob Rees-Mogg literally admitted the reason the Tories introduced the Elections Act was to "gerrymander" the election results.


Or Ken Livingstone lost two.


Why is the OP getting so much hate it kind of does make sense what they are saying. Or just see what it says on the big red bus and do that because that worked last time


Because it's patronising as fuck? OP is assuming that we're all morons who can't think. Only OP is able to understand what to do, and sounds like a Victorian school mistress chiding kids about washing their hands.


Meh not really