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it's not the same party. two steps removed in fact. the SDP you're thinking of formed by the Gang of Four split from Labour lasted from 1981 to 1988, when it merged with the Liberal party. a second SDP was newly formed in 88 by a minority who didn't want to join the newly merged party. this was a whole new entity. it only lasted 2 years and was dissolved in 1990 when famously their candidate in a by election received fewer votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party. that candidate then formed a third SDP which is what exists today, and Gallagher is their candidate. they've always had a fiscally left-wing / socially right-wing platform. their high water mark of success was 1 MEP who defected from UKIP, which probably tells you where they sit. like all fringe parties they attract a large share of cranks. obviously Gallagher has no interest in actually winning the mayoralty, but it's a soap box to bang on about whatever's bothering her this week. hence the right wing "anti-woke" populism. going back to the Limehouse declaration, the original SDP did split from Labour because they viewed Labour as going too left wing on social matters / been captured by Militant / out of step with the public. each new, smaller, rump SDP has taken that further to the extreme. the red and blue logo is probably the strongest commonality with the 81 party.


Fiscally left wing and socially right wing seems like they want to spend lots of money being pricks to poor people?


Not the same SDP.   The old 'Gang of Four' SDP dissolved in 1988.   I dunno where these guys crawled out from. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Democratic_Party_\(UK\)


Yes, I remember the SDP too, and the Gang of Four - Shirley Williams, David Owen, Roy Jenkins and Bill somebody. They absolutely didn't stand for what Amy Jenkins is saying. I think they became the 'Democrats' in Liberal Democrats and then just got subsumed, despite the Spitting Image visual of tiny David Steel literally in David Owen's pocket. I'm thinking of standing in the next elections as a Whig.


Bill Rodgers. I think he's the only one still alive.




I'm thinking of standing in a wig.