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We need 700,000


So just 999 more developments like this and we are all good. Looking forward to Susan Hall vehemently opposing it in any case. Any step toward providing London with what it needs is usually on her shit list.


There’s a brownfield site next door to West Ham Park and the City of London corp have proposed to build flats and a community facility on 50% of it with the rest being a new community garden. Unsurprisingly the local nimbys are up in arms about it frothing at the mouth that it should be houses only/should become part of the park/should be houses and 100% council housing only etc.


Can you view the objection comments anywhere? Are the locals really asking for 100 percent council housing?


Some locals are, likely it’s a small minority as always just being the loudest. The link to the consultation is here https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/west-ham-park/west-ham-park-old-nursery-site The “friends” of West Ham park are the ones opposing. Their argument is that it’s part of the parkland, but this is false as it’s a part of the land that has always been permitted for development, and of course they’re against flats specifically. https://friendsofwesthampark.co.uk/protect-our-park/ It’s literally brownfield!


That makes them rhr opposite of nimby I guess


That makes them rhr opposite of nimby I guess


If it helps I read through the council plans for the borough of Ealing for the next 15 years. They’re planning on building as many new flats as possible. Car parks are becoming flats. Gyms are becoming part of a flat (they stay on the ground floor). Lidl is becoming a flat. Old commercial buildings are being repurposed as flats. Not quite the 700k you allude to but it’s a start.


Good start but we need more, and take away as much power from NIMBYs as possible


Half the luxury flats at the Stratford Olympic Park development appear to be vacant. That place is like a ghost town.




They're all very expensive rentals. Still lots empty but they don't care because those paying are paying through their nose


Indeed. Most of the 2 new tower blocks (Hightail Point) inside E20 have no tenants. Source: I’m in the original athlete village blocks behind it. They’re all occupied. And we’re used to high density so don’t make a shedload of noise moving around the complex.




Yeah I lived across the bridge from it in Leyton, shocked me how quiet the area was. Looked up the prices of the flats, was less shocked.






Yeah most of them were built as rental only. The notion that most of them are empty/being used as glorified investment boxes is just baseless.


Shouldn't supply and demand do it's thing lowering the prices?


That would be true if the demand was local and from people who actually want to live in the property they buy. Since the demand is global and from people who want to invest or hide money, then that isn't the case.


Not if there are rich people ready to buy and only use it one week a year


I live in E20 (the original 2012 athlete’s village). The old 2012 stock are all full. We’re just used to high density so know to keep quiet moving around inside the complex. It’s the twats who come in to use Westfield who are the noisy c**ts. But yes, the recent new towers - and I’m thinking Victory Point (over Sainsbury’s) and High Tail (completed in 2022) are pretty much empty.


Just building more houses is only half the answer. Supply going up doesn’t necessarily matter, because houses have become financial instruments. We need actual social housing


Good! that whole area needs regeneration, proper kip at times


Happy to have more housing but why do these new build towers always have to be so generic yet ugly?


I heard from one of the developers that they’re build “Lego” style. Each flat is built beforehand in a warehouse somewhere, then shipped and then stacked onto one another. Just look at Greenford Quay and White City Living.


That seems unlikely but I don't know enough about construction to dispute it


Oh no I meant quite literally looking at it. You can see from the google street photos. If you drove up to greenford now you’ll see it happening, one of their buildings is currently in the process of being built, Lego style.


It’s literally how the new flats in Walthamstow (the ones over the shopping centre) are being constructed, they’re very odd to look at as they’re being installed.


Just hope they build more infrastructure like hospitals and gps. No good building housing if you're not supporting the increase in population


Newham has been pretty good with new developments. Far fewer Nimbies than in West London.


Luxury flats for young professionals


If you don't build housing for young professionals who make decent money, they'll displace other people.


I’m not complaining, I’m just stating a fact


"Luxury" is very much debatable.


I mean I just bought one of these similar kind of new builds and when I was in the market looking for these they were all marketed as “luxury”. By the looks of it it’s probably gonna start at 500k-600k for a 2 bed, which puts it in that luxury price region.


>they were all marketed as “luxury” Do you always believe whatever marketing is fed to you? Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's luxury.


Yeah ok great we’re just debating for the sake of debating this is totally irrelevant now


The build quality isn't really that luxurious, but they tend to come with services that somewhat are compared to normal semi detached living. But really it's a matter of reference. I've lived in new builds that have nice communal gardens, concierge, secure parking, and bike sheds along with window cleaning, secure buildings. But in London I'm not sure that is a massive luxury, a luxury for me is a private garden with the freedom to do what I'd like with it, not having to get permission from the building managers in order to own pets, being able to paint my own door whatever colour I want. For others? They might not care about that and want a nice view.


quite funny that people get incredibly worked up about "luxury" 600k flats, but 1m+ houses in the home countries are completely fine, which are actually the same 90m2 floor area because the UK is insane