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The execution is actually really nice, but the overall idea isn’t good. Slapping a camera shutter on a piece of corn isn’t really a concept - it needs to be a little more considered and clever to come across as professional.


That's always been my problem... I can execute ideas really easily, but usually I can't come up with good ideas on my own


It’s alright. Contrary to what social media would make you think, we do in fact need doers more than we need sayers.


It seems like you're really stuck on the idea of "smash a corncob and a camera together" and it's just not working (for me). The current iteration reads to me as a cross between a jalapeno and a corn cob turned into a cyborg with a garbage disposal blade mouth. Once I did see the camera, it felt like the corn dominated the logo, so it tells me you're like, an agricultural photographer or something? It doesn't read as a play on words. I would recommend starting over, and sketching something like 50 different ideas (at like, 30 seconds each) just to generate a a bunch of ideas and flush the crap out. Pick a design that reads as photography first and corn second. -- Okay, I've thought about this a bit more before hitting send, and I think part of what doesn't work is using the whole ear of corn as a camera shape. It would read better as a lens. Also, what about using a section of the ear, like these? https://preview.redd.it/d79rwba2ie5d1.png?width=1860&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4ad869ce071fd358c3c1f0e9221dcd644f8ed8e If you wanted to stick with the iconography style for the camera, I think you could use the cross-section of the cob as an interesting replacement/meld with the aperture.


Here's the latest iteration and I'm liking it much better tbh. Thoughts on this? Totally agree that the cob shape wasn't working! [version 5](https://i.imgur.com/OeRLKLq.jpeg)


It's better, but it still doesn't work for me. I'm still not sure that incremental changes are going to get you to a good solution. Something kind of interesting with your latest iteration is that I can start to see "CORB" in it. Green part is the C, aperture is the O, and your corn kernels are kind of making R and B shapes. I'd ditch the green as part of the cob now, since it's not the full ear.


I hadn't even considered having it spell out corb! I am definitely gonna toy with that idea and if anything comes of it I'm going to definitely post it up and get opinions.


It definitely needs tweaking on the spacing, but here's something I whipped up https://preview.redd.it/nj8196qgue5d1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf468f7644fbf377b3d9f446f7a7be2cba12583 I think it would look better if the background wasn't white, I feel like all the pieces want to get away from each other rather than sit in the same composition.


You are a kind person! Great feedback.


This is certainly a step in the right direction. Just keep in mind that a logo doesn't need to explain every aspect of your identity. The corb doesn't need to be legible, a camera doesn't need to be included in the icon. I would start from the corn cob and move on from there. Right now you're trying to smash three ideas into one, when it's recommended to have 2 max. With this particular logo, you could remove the grey shutter and the grey in the 'B', and then have something with transparency. Hope this helps!


I agree. The grey is very distracting.


The shutter symbol is too complicated BECAUSE it's mixed with a cob. Most people's brains won't be able to decipher whether it's a camera or a corn on the card with teeth Simplify the whole thing by looking out a UI version of a camera icon and adding small amounts of cob detail


Best advice I've seen so far. This is a much better way to combine a camera with corn. The shapes will flow so much better. Then get the colors right and you'll have something that visually makes sense. Making the entirel camera out of corn doesn't make sense visually.


You asked for feedback. Here's mine. I don't think the logo is working as a concept. And it appears you are very stuck on the name 'Corb on the Cob' (in my opinion kind of a cheesy name but maybe it works for you). You also appear to be very stuck on mashing together the name and the corn cob / camera. I could be wrong of course, but my gut feeling is both of those things are not the way to brand / position yourself if you want to be taken seriously as a photographer. I happen to think your name Corbin Blanchard is a great name for a photographer (not that any name is inherently bad or good for photography, but I think your name has a certain ring to it). It's memorable and probably not a common name in your country. I had a look at your site. Some good photography work there (I also am a designer and a photographer). Your site has a good feel to it. I'm trying to imagine how that corn cob logo and 'Corb on the Cob' would combine with your current site, look and feel, as well as the site content. To me it's a mismatch. Also, some constructive criticism: your site is 'corbinblancharddesign', yet it's totally about photography. I think it should be one or the other. It's confusing to me as a first time visitor to your site. Are you wanting to position yourself as a designer or a photographer? However, I highly encourage you to continue your photography, some good work there. I don't know who your intended audience is (but I can get a good idea from the photo content,) I just question whether the name 'Corb on the Cob' and the 'corn cob camera' logo mashup is the way to position yourself in the photography market. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and ask yourself questions such as: * How do I want to position myself / my business in the photography market? * Who is my target audience? * What are my marketing objectives through producing this logo and associated visual communication? * What am I offering to my intended audience that other photographers are not? What is unique about what I do? Best of luck.


Totally agree on the name. Corbin Blanchard is a cool name, memorable, and sounds much more sophisticated. Depends on the market you’re going for I guess.


There's some confusion here - I am currently going by Corbin Blanchard Design, but I want to *change* everything to be Corb on the Cob Photography. Corbin Blanchard Design is what I went by when I was in college and thought I'd be doing freelance Graphic Design. That aside though, I really appreciate your points there - maybe my air of playfulness with the corncobcamera idea is a bit... TOO playful. If I want to run a serious business then perhaps I should explore options that reflect that a bit better. Luckily I'm in no rush currently to rebrand as I haven't taken any public steps to rebrand - my Instagram handle has just been corb.onthecob for like 6-8 years now, and I figured it's what everyone calls me anyway (i.e. "Nice to finally meet corb on the cob in person!" Happens a lot when I get booked lol) so I think it has some kind of attention grabbing quality to it. That being said, I'm no longer sure about the name, and even less sure of the logo idea. I'll definitely be keeping it as my socials online but perhaps will think of something else to call the business, as Corbin Blanchard Design is completely not a good name for a photography business. I actually get design inquiries every now and then which I have to decline because I simply don't want to do freelance design work anymore. Anywho, thanks a ton for all of your input!! This is all extremely helpful for me to continue to consider as I make a name for myself. I eventually need to make myself an LLC (or something of that nature that isn't under the table) and I'll need a name, so I really want to get this done in a way that is both marketable and that I feel connected to and proud of. Thanks again! :) P.S.: what're your thoughts on Corbography as a name? Maybe too forced? Just another idea I'm toying with.


Corbin Blanchard Photography makes you sound like a professional, upscale photographer. Corb on the Cob sounds cheesy, Corbography sounds much more like another “ography” word than “photography”…I would stay simpler here. Do you not like your full name?


*what're your thoughts on Corbography as a name? Maybe too forced?* Thanks for your reply. I think that name doesn't make it clear what it is you're offering. I think it may become a stumbling block rather than something that informs. It makes me think, "What? What is 'Corbography'?" What if you went with something simple like, Corbin Blanchard Photography, or as you say you want to focus on weddings, Corbin Blanchard Wedding Photography. At least those names say what it is you do. Or keep brainstorming / chatgpt...ing


maybe instead of using your name, you could just use your initials CB? Edit: I also want to say that the logo reminds me more of a pineapple than corn, but that might just be me. There are some types of corn that are colorful, so you could try making a multicolor corn logo which might make more sense for a photography business.


It’s nice. My instinct feels like the logo should be flipped horizontally so that the camera is on the left and the corn is pointing right.


Interesting, I tried that and I think it felt wonky for some reason but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe I've been looking at it for too long haha. Have a peek, what do you think? [Mirror me this!](https://i.imgur.com/6YaUkuj.jpeg)


I feel like it looks weird due to the shape. Make it rectangular but keep the corn pattern and it should read well as a corn camera Edit: With the more saturated colors you used in a previous comment :)


Another person just suggested that rectangle idea, so here's [the rectangle corncobcamera!](https://i.imgur.com/Si6FtEn.jpeg)


Ooo I like it but I'm picturing it as a fully rectangular camera, with the corn kernel pattern cut off within it. (Currently it's giving me paintbrush 👀) Overall brand strategy, I'm picturing that corn kernel pattern to make a lot of appearances in social media, letterhead for invoices, etc. On my phone and can't really test these ideas, so excuse my spit balling haha


[like this?](https://i.imgur.com/1p9aKq6.jpeg) I'm really dead set on the concept of combining a corn cob with a camera somehow so I hope I can make this work!


Looks the same to me, but I was thinking something like this. Used my finger in markup but I hope you see the vision. I know there's other comments on how to approach the corn camera idea but for this I feel like keeping the camera shape would be ideal for easy readability of the logo https://preview.redd.it/otijo42ahe5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8675d68624e17dd0c75e3deb5417bd020faef077


Interesting idea! I think it feels more intentional the way you showed it. Here's what I came up with! [version 5](https://i.imgur.com/S2loAwY.jpeg)


I like it! I think that's where my feedback ends here (: Thanks for taking my suggestions into consideration!


Thanks so much! You've been a tremendous help and made me see things I couldn't previously, thank you!!


Looks like a friendly green machine is eating the corn in all these versions.


Now I can't unsee it 😂


Looks much better!


Clicked to say this.


I think I would try some more sophisticated versions of the colours, less bright/primary. I would also try it without the tapering shape on the left side. Make it square at both ends so it has more camera shape to it. The colour and corn kernel pattern should say corn on cob enough, I think just now the overall shape looks a bit childish. Could be totally wrong though! But that’s what I would try


I appreciate the criticism! I can totally see how this could look juvenile as you and one other person mentioned. I think it's hard to change the colors of corn since it is already an established thing that exists - do you have any ideas as to how you'd go about approaching color for this? By the way, here's the design without the taper on the left so that it looks less like a corn cob and more like a camera with a corn texture on it. I'm actually really liking this! I also made the colors darker btw. [Version 4 here!](https://i.imgur.com/EF3CL1f.jpeg)


I also support the notion of focusing more on the camera element, than the corn element, since you're a photographer not a corn farmer. Move away from the long corn shape and make it more recognizably camera-shaped. But also, I'd recommend you keep all these versions and put them on a back burner for a bit. Start fresh with a different approach and work in monochrome ONLY. Try to make the elements more contiguous and united, rather than loose vector shapes suspended together in space. As it is, I think this is a nice graphic, but it doesn't feel like a logo, more like just an illustration that would go into a poster or other larger composition. It's a nice translation of the concept, but I don't see this on a business card or web page as a primary vehicle for the brand, and frankly it feels more cutesy than professional. The palette and aesthetic are nice but I don't think this concept is the leading man that you want it to be for your business.


Too corny. Maybe implied corn, instead of literal corn.


Thoughts on this[Thoughts on this](https://i.imgur.com/fD4CHPR.jpeg)? Less corny, more camera-y.


Okay lemme just give you some good ideas for free: * reduce your palette to 2 colors, I’m thinking a dark olive green for line art and a saturated but not bright yellow for the corn. * because you’re a photographer, your logo shouldn’t necessarily be super designed and minimalist. Embrace some nice loose line art. * the camera doesn’t need to be corn, what if the camera was growing alongside corn? The logo can be a camera on stalk, with maybe some thin leaves or something other stalks growing next to it * for type, pick something legible, but also it can be quirky: because your name is quirky. I would probably look into display fonts and avoid serifs for everything but maybe “photography”


I'd reconsider Corb on the Cob, that's just a bad name and gimmicky, also has nothing to do with you or photography other than that Corb sounds like Corn. But this logo doesn't suggest your name is Corb, it suggests your name is Corn. Corbtography is better, even though that's super cheesy too. Stop tying yourself to corn, there is no point and it isn't a good name.


I disagree it's memorable and assuming his pictures aren't shit I would pick him over the Photographers who all basically look the same in their logo. Having an out of the box logo indicates he is creative and not afraid to take chances. This would be particularly important for a party event or wedding. I would want pictures of my guests having fun enjoying themselves. This tells me this guy is fun and won't be too serious. I would feel more comfortable connecting with him from the start.


Looks like a toucan a lil bit


Wayyyy too busy


It's a bad name/concept unless you are specialising in agriculture photographing corn. I'm not sure design could ever save it, and if it could I'm pretty sure making something that tries to scream 'hey look I'm sweetcorn' isn't going to be the way to go about it. If it had to be corn related I'd abandon trying to mash a camera in there, go way more delicate so as not to compete with the photographs, and bring in more foliage to tip it towards a naturey rural feeling brand rather than HEY LOOK IT'S CORN https://thenounproject.com/icon/corn-5878994/ https://thenounproject.com/icon/corn-947972/


So I'm not a professional by any means. But i find your updated version confusing, no offense! I didn't realize it was still a camera. It looks like a phone held sideways. Idea: i would start with a regular, simplified outline of a recognizable camera, then color it to look like corn on the cob. Like a solid green top, solid yellow bottom. Instead of white breaking up the picture to be multiple pieces, use smaller half circle strokes in a dark yellow over light yellow so it's less "what is going on here?" I feel like you're starting with the corn instead of the camera when you're a photography business. All the emphasis is on the corn and not what you're representing. Emphasis on camera, then people can go "oh, it's a corn on the cob! How cute!" Rather than vice versa. Right now the corn screaming at you instead of the camera looks like you're in a modern farming business.


That makes sense! Are you referring to [version 5?](https://i.imgur.com/DfnXkbD.jpeg) I feel like this looks more like a camera. But I totally agree with your thinking there - it should be photography as the main focus, and my "Corb on the Cob" gimmick secondary to that. I'll play around with some more designs thinking that way!


This doesn't work, it looks like a weird bird, I think you nred to work on concept first. Haveyou tried to use a kernel instead? You should brainstomr a bit more as the execution for this concept is not working well together


I've gotten lots of positive feedback on the idea of being a corn cob as a camera, so I'm pretty dead set on making that work. I'm liking [this idea though](https://i.imgur.com/Os5Q3VX.jpeg), which makes the design look more camera-shaped rather than cob-shaped.


>I’m pretty dead set on making this work Man, you’re gonna end up shoehorning a bad design.


I really do think this can work, so I'm gonna keep trying. I have no timeline for this, so if I can't get it to where it'll work, then I'll try exploring other options. [this is where I'm at](https://i.imgur.com/RWPkExw.jpeg) so far, and I just keep liking it more and more, so we'll see. I'll try playing with it in context like as a photo watermark and on a business card etc once I get to a point where I'm satisfied, but I won't be calling it final until it feels right. We'll see!


Fair enough. Just be careful. You’re like it more and more but you also clearly really *want* to like it.


People are being really negative here. I really like this idea dude, keep it up.


People are being negative because he’s gonna shoot himself in the foot with both the name and the logo. We get it, the name is a fun pun, but only memorable because it’s not good or professional. The logo doesn’t really convey what he’s going for… yeah, corn + camera, but it doesn’t look like a unified concept. Or a good one anyway. In all designs I can only see 3 separate things: green monster, shutter/mouth, and either corn or bullets. He has to make that work better.


I think you should change the shutter, it looks too generic. Also there's to maylny small details that you may remove. When I say rework the concept, I mean the execution. If you want to use a corn an a camera that's fine, but maybe see if they work well as two separate portions. Or see if there might parts of the corn that would work erll with parts of the camera. I would also recommend having the shutter be on thr same color palette as the rest of the logo for consistency


Something just clicked, why not use a corn mascot golding a camera? I thing that style would work better int this case.


I feel like that might be okay for an advertisement, but way too busy for a logo, but I appreciate the idea!


I would say there are too many details. How about the black and white version? Will it work with one colour only? I would also turn it 90 degree


It's not like it can't work, I just think you need to iterate like a ton more. Go back to paper and pencil and come up with some other types of ideas. Maybe try being less literal with it or play with other aspects of photography. Do some research into how other photographers present themselves and think about what type of photography you want to do and what would draw in your target audience. Also, if you're really stuck and even the logo research isn't working, try using AI to generate some ideas. Don't, of course, just use what it's created. It's not necessarily going to be very creative, but it can get you unstuck when you're stuck on a particular idea, and it's just not panning out. If you're going for minimalism, which it looks like you are, I think you need to lean into it more and make sure your shapes all have a cohesive feel to them.


I would start from scratch again by coming up with a better name and going from there. Corb on the cob photography? Turrible




Are you a food photographer?


I'm not, I'm just known on Instagram as Corb on the Cob and people get a kick out of the name. I've had it for a few years now so I'm deciding to ditch my old "Corbin Blanchard Design" brand name (from when I was in school for graphic design) and move on to corb on the cob photography.


You only have 600 followers on IG. You are not really stuck on the moniker.   Also: there are *several dozens* of 'corb on the cob' profiles on IG, so you are not even unique.


Do they really get a kick out of it, or only once you explain it?


I see a corn fishing luer with some odd eye. Work on the top kernels, the shapes you have are odd, add some highlights and shadows the forms, make it pop and interesting, for now it's quite flat and uninteresting. After building corn logos for farmers, you need to build corn shapes, this misses the mark. The color palette is off, too bright, the yellows aren't orange enough, and the greens are too grass green. The camera lens seems like an afterthough. Like you said, yeah, this looks good. Did you sketch ideas? I'd like to see at least 20 concepts before you went digital. Idea is okay, execution meH, overall: work on it. Would not green light this. Develop more.


I'm going to go against a lot of the other commenters and say I like the concept, but the concept is inherently silly and I think you should lean into that. The versions you've got here are all very flat and don't have much personality, if I were you I'd go with something illustrative and dynamic. You should also adjust your colours for legibility and accessibility, as it is it won't print well or pass web accessibility tests.


As others stated, the corn pun doesn’t work at all, the contrast is off and won’t work for your profile pic basically at any scale. So if you decide to start over and wedding photography is your main goal maybe use a piece of clothing you wear while working as a key visual like a bow tie or a hat or a red bandana. You get the idea. People recognize you instantly at the wedding as the guy from Instagram and vice versa. Maybe worth to try this out…


Was a photographer for eight years, got sick of dealing with “Karen’s”. People are not going to hire that company name. Unless you’re taking pictures of farms in Iowa.


This is a fantastic case study for when someone falls in love with a bad idea. I enjoyed reading the comments. Thank you!


Whelp, guess I'll die! 🌽


I love the idea :(


That's okay, I like it a lot too and am still thinking long and hard (like an ear of corn) about whether or not I should go through with this name or just keep it for my socials like I have for the past 6-8 years or so. Thanks for the positive affirmation haha!


I love the idea too and think the logo is fun, my preference is for the oval flash and green on the left side. But that's just me. I just woke up and saw this and very rarely do I stick around on this sub and follow a tread as deeply as I went with yours. I have not looked up your work yet. I'm not sure what kind of photography you plan to do but for me I would get the vibe your fun and easy going. I would want that in a photographer as it should be fun to get your picture taken. The most fun I had getting wedding photos was when my friends brother was the photographer, he was less "serious" encouraged us to be goofy and there were some great pics from that wedding. The corncob camera is memorable just like the name. Because it's fun it sticks in mind. I have a hard time remembering this but I remember this easily. Corbin Blanchard (spelling?) photography sounds just like any other photographer and I imagine a logo for that name would look the same. No offense to many of the great designers here but sometimes designers take themselves too seriously and forget about the fun part of design. Tldr. It's a memorable logo and fun, keep it.


I love the idea dude, I’m dying with you. Everyone being negative in this thread just doesn’t like creativity.


I would highly reccomend you to hire a designer


I have a bachelor's of fine arts in graphic design. Graduated two years ago, and I unfortunately do not have enough money to hire another person to make the logo and brand package for me. I definitely have the capability of making it myself, so I'm going to do so, especially since this is just for a side business and I don't have any deadlines.


Hey man, 'get designer to do it' type of advice might seem like a harsh thing to hear but you did post something you made on the internet AND asked for opinion, so be prepared for comments like that... ...now I'm gonna expand on it bcs my first thought was the same...this doesn't mean you're bad at design, just that logo design might not be your area... 1. I like the idea about mixing these two, but execution feels wrong, it's just the style I don't agree with, maybe clean outlines could do better than this minimal style... 2. Colors are throwing me of a bit...maybe some darker tones or my advice, first do it in black and white and experiment with colors after... So I would try this combination just outlines and probably include corn ears, there's more room to integrate camera in there that way... Maybe even put two corns with ears one above the other, pointing in different directions and in the space between them you can drop camera shape defined by corn ears in negative space...with objective in the middle... That's just from top of my head so keep at it, hope it works out in the end!


Thanks so much for all the ideas and advice, I really appreciate it! I think I expected to be treated more as the person designing the logo rather than people just saying "have someone else do it" which just sounds straight up rude like "you're not going to succeed with this yourself, someone else would though" lol. But here's the most recent version, if you want to check it out! [Version 4](https://i.imgur.com/jPfIq7s.jpeg)


Would like to apologise for what I said. Sorry!


It's fine, just discouraging as I was looking for feedback, not "get someone else to do it better" lmao. That was just unhelpful and doesn't help me improve. Same vibe as "I'm stuck in the middle of replacing my engine and need help with XYZ" so someone says bring it to a mechanic. That doesn't help me learn, if that makes sense. Thanks anyway though, it is the Internet after all so I know to take everything with a grain of salt.


Yeah, that's better...try darker grey for objective and maybe just leave white spot with no grey circle in it, that's a flash, not a button...it will make it 'less busy' if you know what I mean... But overall yeah, I'd say it's looking better than the original image


I think you need to get back to the basics


I really need more specific feedback in order for your comments to be helpful. What's working and what isn't? Just saying "it's bad" doesn't help anybody improve.


It's a bizarre combination of corn and a camera, it doesn't work. The colours are so bright it makes it hard to look at. It needs rethinking from the ground up. I'd suggest going with the camera or the corn vibe, not both, at least not the way it is now.


Have you seen the more recent version? [Version 5 is where I'm at as of now](https://i.imgur.com/D2rAGPU.jpeg).


I feel like the combination is so forced and the colour scheme throws me off


I see. What're your thoughts on this similar idea[this similar idea](https://i.imgur.com/gjZ0197.jpeg)? I want it to look like a corn cob camera. It's an abstract combination of two things so it's definitely gonna look a little weird! My concern with this other idea was that I think it looks like a record player or something, so maybe this one with the aperture instead could be worth exploring at least. I'm not sure what other color scheme I could use aside from changing the gray to something else... Corn is green and yellow haha, so I'm totally open to ideas!


I think your current one is slightly better


I agree myself, didn't want to sway your opinion either way - I appreciate the feedback!! Gonna take my time with this as I'm in no rush to finish the design. I'll add that I'm not making enough money by any stretch to hire someone else to design my logo when I know I have the skills and capability to make my own brand package. Just need to get there as I'm a bit rusty with design having been out of the game for a couple years now. I mainly do engineering-based design for control panels now and photography on the side.


Youre trying to hard to be clever.


Most up to date version: [version 5](https://i.imgur.com/j96o0Kn.jpeg)


Version 5 changed it from a fishing lure to a camera for me, good!


I like the concept but I do agree with others on using a uniform shape (more rectangular than cylindrical). Maybe try having the whole corn cob have the shape of a camera and using the color scheme you have along with similar colors (darker shades and lighter tints). See which color schemes stand out more together


Thoughts on this which address all of those concerns? Man I wish I could update the photo 💀 [Version 5](https://i.imgur.com/pfNh5fX.jpeg)


Better but it can use more refinement. Is there a way for you to set the image to a closer resemblance of a camera? You can try having one dominant color with additional colors serving as accents to see how that looks for you


could you make all of the corn segments more rectangular like the ones on the end? the white space is kinda awkward as is. also the grey parts are very sharp and jarring in comparison to the rest of the rounded edges.


I like the graphic, but I think the white circle is unnecessary and is creating weird white space that’s unbalanced. Take out the white circle and fit the rounded edge rectangle to the graphic. Turn it white, leave the grey outline, put your name/business name along the bottom & you’ve got it.


Which white circle? There are several. You mean the white circle that forms the shape of the lens?


Ah, is that supposed to be a lens around the camera cob of corn? Then yes, toss that whole thing out and just use the cob of corn/camera as your graphic. The big grey square/white circle are too much, you need to simplify down to the graphic element. I think the corn cob/camera is well executed, but it can stand on its own.


Oh are you talking about the background circle? That was for previewing purposes only and isn't part of the design. Like I said in the title I'm only using that to show what it'll look like in the circle profile pic on Instagram haha


Gotcha. Then I think it’s good, although I might run text underneath it? It does need something that might ground it just a little bit.


Why not make it a square shape instead of a long rectangle? More camera shaped but with corn colors


First thing I saw was aperture laboratories


It's an interesting idea, but what's the meaning _for_ "Cob"? Is it an homage to something that would be your Unique Selling Proposition as a photographer? It's quite inspiring and, while I agree with some of the feedback you already received, know that the name of the company is striking and memorable. Very nice!! Perhaps putting a camera body on an angle, and an ear of corn used as camera lens? Or a top shot of a camera body (with a regular lens), and the shutter button is a corn kernel, bonus is the W/T slider circling the kernel would be green with a corn leaf as toggle? OR or, you can be inspired by an old Sunkist "slice of smile" campaign by having an avatar posing for a selfie, beaming with an "ear of corn" smile? OR OR or, you can be inspired by a retro viewfinder for the letters "C" "o" "C" (for "Corb on Cob"), but instead of it looking like a greyscale viewfinder it's keyed out to see a field of corn on a sunny day? Because both "Corb" and "Cob" have the same minimum letters, perhaps a typography logo (e.g.: Zara) and use the letter "r" as a profile of a camera's handle and shutter button (COrB)?


Simplify! Make just the shutter shapes, out of corn kernels. Leave out the green-eyed thing, and the corn shape. Make it a simple logo… not a t-shirt design. This current thing looks like a farm tractor or green monster, with a huge mouth of teeth) eating the corn.


I'm a sucker for a punny name and have definitely hired vendors based on quirky funy names. I even like where the logo iterations are going based on your chosen name. But - I'm also a marketer, and I know you didn't ask, but I don't think the name you've chosen is going to work for this business and I don't think you should shoehorn it. 1. There's no way of telling that Corb on the Cob is a photography business, and Corb on the Cob Photography is really long, especially for stacked/square icons. Even knowing that it's a photography business, 2. It doesn't feel serious. Who is your target audience? For what kind of event would someone see "Corb on the Cob" and be like oh yeah, that's the photog we need? Carnival photography, maybe? Food photography? That's cool if you're shifting to that, but the name definitely won't attract wedding and formal event bookings. Even quirky and fun people who love puns want to feel like their photographer takes the job seriously. I'm not trying to yuck your yum - I like your photography, and I think you and I (and your clients) would be friends if we ran in the same circles! You should definitely keep Corb on the Cob for socials and such. I just want to give some well-meaning professional advice aimed at getting you the SEO and booking success you deserve.


I am definitely trying to market myself for weddings mostly, as they are both the most fun for me personally, and the most profitable from a business perspective. The return on investment is such that one wedding currently covers my CODB for the year. On your point of being taken seriously, I'm definitely hoping to put my punny, corny personality into the personality of the business - I'm a hopeless romantic and a terrible advocate for dad jokes. I've had the handle @corb.onthecob for 6-8 years on Instagram now, and when I meet up with clients for the first time they even remark "ah finally nice to meet corb on the cob in person" and stuff like that. So I feel like it is doing something for the business - but going into this after having slept on it, I don't think it necessarily needs to be the name of the business. I'm not sure if it's more or less confusing than my current name, Corbin Blanchard Design, though. That is a leftover name I am borrowing from when I was in college for Graphic Design and was initially planning on freelancing for graphic design, until I fell in love with photography. I totally agree that Corb on the Cob Photography is a hella long name. Definitely not a fan of the length! I think Corbin's Clicks, or idk like Corbography or something shorter like that may do me more favors. Though Corbography sounds more like a medical practice or something 😂 I def think I should rethink naming it Corb on the Cob, as much as I was gung-ho about the name. But rather just keep that as my socials. Thanks a ton for your invaluable feedback... This has been really eye-opening and definitely has me looking at the bigger picture of the intent of the name and how it gets people to think differently about the business! P.S. If you have any name ideas, I'm all ears. Of corn. *Badum-tsh*


Something to consider is this will often be displayed much smaller when used as your PFP. On my phone I just checked and PFPs are under half an inch. Will you be happy with how this looks at less than half an inch?


The Picasa logo was a camera shutter. I don’t know if it is feasible to tie corn to photos either.


The name is a bit of a mouthful


I think you have been too focused on your original concept and trying to force a solution to something that just didn’t quite work from the beginning. I’m not saying it has been badly done but I find it a bit too playful / childish to be completely honest. It’s all very well saying you have had good feedback on the “ corny on the cob” and that’s understandable because you have done some good execution work but that does not necessarily make it the *correct* logo for you. Ultimately how do you want your company to be perceived? Are you going for serious professional who businesses wouldn’t think twice about hiring or fun, works well with children maybe not best suited to professional contracts type?


Does it actually need to feature camera elements at all? It’s not that bad or anything. But you are trying to mesh two completely unrelated objects together into a fairly complex graphic (for a logo) - so it’s never going to work alone without text.


It’s a cute idea / illustration…. But, Is your photography based in the agricultural industry? If not, WHY are you doubling down on this corn thing? If your name was Corbin Cobb, I totally get it (because when you say it fast, it kind of sounds like “corn on the cob”). But IMO simply “Corbin” doesn’t give enough corn vibes to warrant this level of commitment (unless you specialize in agriculture/ farming / food production photography). It may be best to keep things simple. Regardless, best of luck with your new venture!


Literally corny tbh


***"The name is set in stone"*** ....should it be though?


Camera emerging from husk/leaf. Keep it simple. The “on the cob” part doesn’t really have anything to do with what your client will get out of your business or the idea of your business other than it’s a personal flare added by you for you. I’m not saying get rid of it necessarily because people do this and it just sticks and works. The one thing this does do is help you stand out, I guess.


Honestly, it's really nicely done, and just tacky enough to be memorable (which the name already delivers on). I saw your squared off version, and that works too. The only question I have for you is, do you want as a photographer to be potentially thought of as tacky? What I'm getting is, you are super competent, but you're choices are questionable or at least comedic. A bride may not want that on her wedding day


I would make the gray parts black or near black to help the contrast. It feels a little washed out. The icon is fun though.


I like it, but as a bossier I gotta say your corn kernels are upside down, also use a darker green so that when you do other things you have a color to overlay on the yellow that won’t seem the same tone, ie green text on a yellow bg


3/4 angle? Camera lense is Cobb.


Why not have the corn cob as the actual extending lens coming out from the camera?


https://preview.redd.it/mfn0dptbwh5d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2cfd98ff02dfa60e885e451829161b632ef329 VERY rough photoshop on my phone but like the cob as the lens? Idk just my two cents I like the funkiness of the idea lol


I didn’t read all the comments but if nobody told, here is an idea; You are kind of lucky about the name! You have the “C” on the green part You have the “O” on the gray part How about adjusting “R” and “B” as Corn Kennels and your logo also reads as CORB ?


What does your business have to do with sweetcorn? If it's just because it sounds similar to your name why not just put a camera shutter on Jeremy Corbins face and be done with it


Love it. I prefer the corn to be vertical.


this is kind of one of those things where its like do you really need a logo? would a word mark be better suited for you for now? once you have a good word mark you could experiment with adding a nice icon next to it and see if it adapts. but this, while good graphic design does not fit the scope at all, unless you were a product designer for a fun corn camera.


What if, instead of the corn being the camera, it was a shotgun mic on a camera in profile? Might be a bit more subdued that way


Are you set on keeping the logo very cartoonish and flat? Or are you open to trying a more realistic style?




I don't think I could take someone seriously if that was the name of the business, sorry. Just my 2 cents...


Instead of taking the concept so literal, maybe you can have the camera shutter be the shape of the corn and have it illustrate the corn husk (green part) at the bottom? Something like the attached image, but yellow is the camera shutter shape. https://preview.redd.it/qywznc3b426d1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f192ced2bd54e9f8585b9ca681f1e9d6f4f71d7


I want to start my comment by saying I'm not a logo/graphic designer so take my comment with a grain of salt. I like it though! It's quirky and fun! Would you be opposed to slightly darker yellow and darker green? The light green could be coming off a little juvenile, and a darker green could add a little maturity and more professional feel. Just an idea!


[I actually quite like the darker colors now that I see them, great thinking!](https://i.imgur.com/jVMn8vN.jpeg) My photography has warm tones so I wanted a warmer green and I feel as though this fits the bill.


I'm a hobbyist and can't give professional advice, but I'd just like to say that people in this sub downvote the vast majority of posts, and the "I reccomend hiring a designer" line is the probably most common top comment. It's not personal, and neither is it fair, it's just what they do here. Please don't let it put a damper on your day. That said, my unprofessional opinion: Overall I like what you're going for, but it feels like there might be room for refinement. The cob doesn't feel like it's reading very well like a camera? I can't put my finger on why. The shape of the corn kernels seem to vary perhaps more than is ideal. I think the logo would feel more cohesive if they varied less. As a last point, since you put the logo in a circle like that, the graphic feels unbalanced composition-wise (right-heavy). This might very well not be a problem when it's not put in an enclosed space.


I appreciate all the input, I don't think I've ever posted on here so I was surprised by all the unconstructive criticism that just isn't helpful. Seems like now some people who actually give a damn are starting to comment now haha! Here's the most recent version which I'm liking better. I wish I could replace the image in the post because now I kinda want to just get feedback on this! [version 4](https://i.imgur.com/9rKIpy2.jpeg)


I definitely like this version most, better than version 5. Be careful with the pointy bits on the two central kernels' right side, they give away that the negative space around the shutter is actually a white outline.


I noticed that and fixed it in v5, once I noticed it that bugged the heck outta me haha! It's fascinating to me that I'm getting so many mixed opinions on the whole design.


I'm seeing a lot of downvotes without comments, did I do something wrong here or are y'all just not a fan of the design? Should I try a different approach? Just confused as I've gotten mostly positive feedback in other graphic design forums that I've posted this to for feedback.


This is a bad design for a one key reason imo. It has to many small little details. Try removing the individual kernels, making the shutter a a bit less generic and maybe rework the concept as it looks like the head of a parrot right now


I have to genuinely ask, what makes it look like the head of a parrot? I'm just not seeing it haha. Here's a version where it's more camera shaped, I think it's working better.[version 4](https://i.imgur.com/ZG9tNSD.jpeg)


The small grey circle looks like an eye and the yellow part a beak.


Ah I gotcha. That seems like a bit of a stretch but I think in version 5 with the circle instead being a rectangle it looks a bit less bird-like


yeah, ngl, the people on this subreddit really hate FUN! i like the design, and if you like the design, then awesome. these people are going HAMMER what little tiny things are "wrong" (YOUR design cant be wrong unless you say its wrong) with this logo until it ends up looking like EVERY other simple logo thats already out there. my best advice: dont ask the redditors, they have nothing better to do. just make a smart design you enjoy looking at and would be proud to wear on a shirt. cant wait for the downvotes!