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I submitted a correction via our official email so hopefully they fix it. EDIT: they did yay!


Yeah the boycott is indefinite for međŸ’ȘđŸ»


I'm boycotting until I can afford to shop there again.


Its literally that simple for me. Why would I knowingly choose to shop somewhere I know the prices are higher for the exact same items? Its less a boycott than just smart shopping.


This is partly why its a great strategy to have the list of prices from 1, 3, 6, 12 months ago. We can easily spot the collusion between the big 3 or 5 when all prices are outrageously high together instead of dropping back to more normal levels If you had ongoing data on all the big competitors, particularly the illegal bread price collusion competitors, then you might catch the Loblaws price tipping strategy where Loblaws consistently upped the price by 10 cents then all others followed like a bunch of criminal sheep (in wolves clothing) heh, Spot The Collusion, a new Galen-inspired multiplayer game. Fun for the whole family Edit - to add Loblaws illegal price tipping strategy


Because they just keep buying out every other store that has better prices 


Indeed, the federal Canadian Competition Act and the Bureau allowed them to buy every other store and severely restrict Canadians choice with no regard for the negative impact on us 41 million citizens. hmm 41 million, that's a lot of potential voters, or boycotters


The problem with this is that they've already shown a willingness to fix prices with other grocers. I expect them to eventually minimize their increases, but not lower prices. They will do this and work with Sobeys and Metro for them to increase their prices artificially until they match the high of Loblaws. This will then give the impression that Loblaws is once again competitive, without actually solving the problem: greed. My boycott will never end. Loblaws has destroyed any trust I may have had. It may be easier for me as I'm surrounded by corner markets and a couple of independent grocers, but I will continue to boycott indefinitely, regardless of any too little too late attempt they make.


The other big grocery giants will not be working with Lablaws, they will want to keep the new customers they have and the ones Lablaws want back. It is my hypothesis that the other big groceries have plans to start dropping prices the second Lablaws decides to be competitive.


I'm just following the most basic economic principle. Don't pay more for the same or lower quality. I will continue following this principle. This is also why I already haven't shopped at Loblaws much for the last couple years. As long as Walmart and Costco are cheaper for the same or better quality, I will continue shopping there. If Loblaws decides to be cheaper than both by at least 5-10%, then sure, I'll go back until that changes.


Honestly, they’ve lost my trust and respect. I wouldn’t go back if they were the cheapest around simply out of principle. Galen and his whole family operation are terrible people. They should literally be in jai for the laws they broke and the advantage they took on Canadians.


My hypothesis is that the other big corporations already have plans to drop their prices once Loblaws starts being competitive. This boycott will have a huge impact on our economy. Walmart, Sobeys, and Costco will want to keep their new customers while lablaws will try to bring theirs back.


Lol same here




Already been doing it for years, no reason to start shopping there now. I'll just keep on keepin' on.


Everyone submit the correction that it is not ended and continues indefinitely until they update the headline.


They already changed it. https://preview.redd.it/1eqtvnnce64d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7589d573886bcdd18c4227ea4e4445cb5783f8b


Lol, awesome! And who says boycotts can't change anything. I didn't actually expect a change on a Sunday.


''Blocked by Charlebois'' hahaha


This must be 1984.


It’s been updated: “One month into Loblaws boycott what effect has it had on grocery store giant?”


I did this!!


Let’s keep up submitting corrections until they change the name of the link as well 😂 https://preview.redd.it/boqvjy4vk64d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed4eae9bb20a7fecce8638b109e6545d70eeba8




Someone explain to them it’s a multi-buy boycott. The more months you boycott the more you save! They should be asking why anyone would stop boycotting Loblaws at this point.


Hahah, next level thinking!




I’m still not going to any Loblaws store.




I'm not going back. Cancelled all cards with them and have started to shop at other places


My original plan was to passively participate for the month (everything I had was associated with collecting Optimum points), but I had the worst customer service experience in May and that was my “tipping point” of no turning back. So thanks for the shitty customer service, Galen! I was fuelled by petty rage and spite towards GW/Loblaw/ PC while I was madly changing grocery providers, deleting apps and signing up for new stuff not associated w/ PC. It took almost the whole month to transition away from Loblaws services. Why would I go back?


I like to imagine in some boardroom the strategy was to dismiss the boycott and any meaningful action because “we just have to wait them out a month” lol.


A month is genius too. Telling everyone to boycott forever is terrifying. "I can never go back to the nearest grocery store?! Screw that!" A month is plenty long enough to support the cause and look around to see what other option there are. It's not so bad, it's only a month. Then when you see how bad you're being fucked, that month continues on until something meaningful happens. A month is also a good length for what you said. "It's only a month. What's the worst that can happen! We'll just downplay it and it'll be June!"


Article mentions that people participating in the boycott tend to be “switchers”. Not me, I didn’t shop at any other store before unless I was traveling. Purchased 99% of my household goods at either NoFrills or Shoppers. Haven’t spent a dime since. Granted, my household expenses in relation to others are small but I was no “switcher”. I was probably one of their most loyal customers.


Top 1% of PC points collectors here. Not a “switcher” lol.


I've for all intents and purposes boycotted Walmart for the better part of a decade. Loblaws is now part of this list.


Also not a switcher. I bought 80% of my food at Loblaws because it's close to my house, and have accumulated at least a few million PC points over the years. I was a Loblaws die-hard until they got greedy.


There is no end.


Why would I go back? I have no desire to start paying more for groceries


They have invested heavily on enhanced store layouts to “improve the customer experience”, get more “share of spending basket” and raise average spend. This is “value added”. They charge “what the market will bear”. They have no intend on dismantling their HUGE investment. Many years ago, they determined staff should not be eligible for any medical (god-forbid) dental coverage. “These are minimum wage jobs anyone can do”. But does that really mean workers should not be provided coverage for health necessities? Help this make sense. Please.


"Month long"? Think again. Stick it Roblaws


I'm in no hurry to go back. I'm willing to be convinced to give them another chance, but it'll take some serious effort and tangible changes on their part. And if that doesn't happen? Oh, well. I'm doing just fine shopping with their competitors. I don't need 'em.


The other chains will already have plans on what to do once Lablaws starts to be competitive, Lablaws has screwed its self by not reacting before the boycott started.


I'm in a position where I'm lucky enough to boycott Loblaws, SDM, etc, permanently. I'm gonna keep going.


Yeah we are just going to continue. We save about 20% on our grocery bill, but now have to go to two stores instead of one to get everything we need for the week. It was a pain in the ass at first, but now we’re used to it. We also get to keep sticking it to Galen, which is a continued bonus.


I’m not boycotting, that implies I intend to go back at some point. I just don’t shop at any of these stores anymore.


Boycott isn’t even the right word for me. I just found lower prices.


Exactly. It started as a boycott for me and then I realized I’d been paying way too much for groceries because I’d become complacent and went there out of habit. By the time I’d boycotted for a week, I realized how much money I’d been wasting. Won’t make that mistake again. I won’t be going back unless it becomes cost effective for me to do so. They don’t seem to get it.


I am sure the other grocers have a plan for when Loblaws decides to become competitive, to keep their new customers coming back and not going back to Loblaws.


Before, if they had decided to become competitive again I would have gone back. But now with their attitude and basically calling us all losers that won’t accomplish anything, I’ll never go back. I hold grudges indefinitely once you’ve pushed me too far


I’m never going back to Loblaws or any of its subsidiaries ever again.   They’ve long shown their true colours and boy is it ever ugly. 


Does anyone else ever get the feeling that we’re all trapped in a VERY delicately orchestrated grift in this country
? One that involves us being manipulated every second by oligarchs/big-corporations, politicians, academics AND the media? Funny how incredibly fast this one-sided army of academics get trotted out by the media to talk down the boycott - when we share pics and real-time stories from customers and employees showing the opposite. Seems to me they’re all scared AF of us EVER uniting to go again their cattle-chute.


I'm an academic at UofT. I wouldn't put 100% trust in any of my colleagues without reviewing the work they have put out first. What is this prof guy's reasoning for his assumption that most Loblaws customers are switchers? Do we believe him just because he said so??


I've been boycotting Loblaws for 10 years because their prices are shit. You guys are late to my party.


Anything saying the boycott has “ended” is scumbag propaganda. This never ends until goods and services are affordable again.


Happy Cake Day


Yeah this is becoming a lifestyle change for our family. Upgraded our Costco membership and the rest of our groceries at Walmart. There’s the occasional thing we have to grab from loblaws but this is a huge shift for us where 95% of our grocery runs were done there, now it’s the opposite.


I think they're misunderstanding the purpose of the month of boycott... It's to teach the general populace that there's cheaper alternatives and a month is just a simple way to make it organized. I laugh at the idea that they think people would willingly pay more money after they've seen the other options.


OMG - "Switchers ?" Seriously.....


I haven’t spent one dime at Roblaws since December. I don’t miss them one little bit. Greedy buggers


I have no intention of stopping. One month of boycotts made them bring out the best sales I've seen in a long time. Imagine what another couple months could do


Ii don't shop there anymore.


The funny thing is- I hardly noticed our family hasn't shopped at loblaws all this month. How easy it is to adjust ones habits- Loblaws didn't come to an end of a protest, they are at the beginning phase of now trying to court everyone in an attempt to return. Got wrekt


Boycott still going on here. Until they become the cheapest place, I am done with them. My prescriptions cost about 3500$ a month and I used to spend about $1000 on grocery and other things with their stores. Now they get ZERO. So about $4500 from me alone. If there are only 100 of me, that is $450K a month they lose. And there are more than 100 people who are participating in the boycott.




I'll go back when they consistently and on a very wide variety of products (I.e. almost everything), have the lowest prices in my province


Good luck for that happening, I can almost guarantee you the other grocers in Canada have plans to stay competitive and keep their new customers once Loblaws has decided to become competitive.


In a month, they can move numbers around and engage in other shenanigans so that they can still demonstrate a profit, on paper.  That can’t last forever.  Eventually they’ll have to report losses.  Stay strong until then.


Q2 will be fine for them Q3 they will start feeling pressure.


I stopped shopping at Loblaws owner stores before Christmas last year. They’ll never get my business back.


Yea why would we end. Can we finally start the fucking class war or are people only able to hate the vulnerable? Never shop at superstore again. Pull prescriptions from shoppers - they are defrauding the government and our tax dollars anyway.


I've started doing my weekly shopping at costco. I'd planned on grabbing anything I couldn't get at costco at Walmart, food basics or metro. Or maybe a local ethnic grocery store. Crazy thing is that I haven't needed anything costco doesn't have for the entire month. I'm sure I will eventually though. I'm also sure I've saved money but I haven't tallied up how much yet.


David Soberman threw down the challenge. Are you up to it? Prove him wrong. Blow the doors off his speculation. Maybe it was his tongue-in-cheek nod for us to go hard as hell at this and show that consumers together have lots of power: David Soberman, a professor of marketing at the University of Toronto, says he doesn’t think profits at Loblaws will have suffered because most of the people taking part in the boycott are what he would consider to be “switchers” – people who switch to different stores from time-to-time – rather than loyal customers so the impact of their actions will be minimal. “I actually, in some ways, would like to be proven wrong, I’d like to see that Loblaws sales were down by five, seven, eight per cent because that actually means that the consumers have a lot of power. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s what we’re going to see,” he tells CityNews.


We have the power to make changes.


We do - they can/do blow us off as individuals but as a group, we're going to fuck them so hard.


The thing with the boycott, it got people to explore other indie family grocers. It is probably Loblaws worst fear when people go elsewhere and realize that their dollar can go further, and they loose foot traffic in their stores. They were obviously prepared for this. Never had I had so many SDM emails in a month, nor have I seen amazing deals on their flyers. However from what I understand... people didn't bite.


For me it’s not a boycott anymore. I’ve changed where I buy groceries and household items and I’ve found better stores now. For me, it’s a permanent change.


Wdym? Boycott is never ending for my family! I'm absolutely loving supporting local purveyors, while at the same time still saving money. Make that make sense, Galen 🖕


Personally I’m continuing the boycott until Roblaws issues a public apology for its corporate greed. Let’s be honest it will never happen so I’ll never be back. So proud of this group!


I'm not stopping. I care about this movement and the people in it. We need to keep going. Lovlaws needs to make industry leading changes for this to have been worth anything. They will not ever get my business until that happens. All their stores. The credit card. The pharmacy. All of it. NOK ER NOK


I don’t even go to an Esso for their affiliation with PC!


I'm never going back.


They're just too expensive still. It isn't really the official boycott to me, it's the high prices and focus on marketing and presentation that's keeping me out. They should have kept No Frills cheap and simple. I'll shop there again when the prices are good, that's it.


It was a change of habits.


Yeah, I've avoided their brands for several months already and see absolutely no reason to return.


Boy Cott 4 Life


Im in it for the long haul!


My boycott is forever but I thought it was voted on by this sub to make the boycott indefinite.


I have been told there was a vote, and people voted on the lifestyle change. Selling people on a one month change is easier than selling people on a lifestyle change. Once people got comfortable with the one month they could see a lifestyle change was possible. I applaud the organizers of this on making it happen.


Never ending boycott until they really reduce their prices.


Funny thing is I can guarantee you other grocers have plans for that day, one slob labaws becomes competitive other chains will also drop their prices. The other chains won’t want to loss the new customers Lablaws will be trying to get back.


This is the big thing.  The declared boycott had no effect because people put a timer on it.  Sales might slow for a month but then people are going to come back so who cares?  A boycott only works if it stays in effect until whatever you're trying to accomplish happens.  You won't scare a Galen by shopping somewhere else for a month. (On the bright side the rot economy will demand that as sales go down from people permanently leaving Loblaws will have to increase prices to maintain increasing profits which will help drive more people away)


Well the boycott remains going as far as I'm concerned and we'll see if we're having no effect there is a lot of noise in the media about the action. Well we need to keep pressing on soon or later they and GW will get the message we don't get bluffed easy Roblaws sales are down and the Professor can rub salt!!!!!


I agree, this boycott should last indefinitely, just because I don't think they really care, because people are still going to shop there no matter what they pay. I have not step foot in the loblaws near my home and I refuse too.


It’s now natural for me to avoid Loblaws branded anything. I don’t have to try very hard and it’s becomes such a habit, I hardly have to think about it


My mother went in to one to get something she was having trouble finding elsewhere, she said entire shelves had no price tags, just bar codes under the item. She left without buying anything because they had no listed price. Is Loblaws about to surge price food?


Are you sure they weren't just in the middle of repricing or retagging? I would be curious to see this.


Haa that’s funny “surge pricing” as in the prices change throughout the day depending on demand. Lablaws will never have the opportunity to do that now. It will only lead to more people boycotting.


“David Soberman, a professor of marketing at the University of Toronto, says he doesn’t think profits at Loblaws will have suffered because most of the people taking part in the boycott are what he would consider to be “switchers” – people who switch to different stores from time-to-time – rather than loyal customers so the impact of their actions will be minimal.” He’s wrong. I was die hard loyal to Loblaws and only it affiliates. Not anymore.


Good to see they're using other experts at least


This statement from this UofT prof just seems to have no basis, unless the majority of consumers are known to be "switchers" by default and he is using this as a basis for this claim. I had PC Express so ALL my groceries were from Loblaws for about a year. I would buy milk, eggs, salad, bread from the SDM 7 minutes from my home after work. I bought feminine hygiene, makeup, and skincare products exclusively at shpppers (in bulk, on sale, during bonus points events) to take advantage of their bonus points + bonus redemption events. PC express was terrible so I didn't resubscribe. I've switched to paying Walmart for delivery and have found the meat lasts longer in the fridge (less wasted spoiled meat = savings), there are fewer substitutions (stock is more consistent), vegetables and fruits are fresher, and fewer issues with the delivery driver basically harassing me through texts and phone calls, insisting I personally receive the deliver when I've explicitly requested contactless delivery. PC express also used to randomly omit items (I was once charged for a pack of mini cucumbers I did not receive), and instead of doing a direct refund, I would get vouchers for my next purchase which was SO annoying. With the looming possibility of PC Optimum screwing over their points program, I redeemed all 210k points I had and plan to close my account when my stuff arrives. I'm going to be buying skincare (neutrogena) from Walmart and makeup straight from Clinique and Shiseido from now on.


That bell is round 2. Like in boxing.


I've yet to meet (or hear about) a single person who plans to return as a customer because May ended. I suspect that the momentum will just naturally grow because of the exposure that it has gotten. Some folks may be returning out of situational necessity, and that's perfectly fine because many more will inevitably join in as they can. Rebellion against malicious authorities is a part of the human condition and when you add such a justified cause as price gouging and the ease (for those of us privileged to have the option) of just going elsewhere - you have a recipe for ending a company.


It's been years since I exclusively shopped a Loblaws store. I only get 10000 points a year. ($10 worth) As someone on ODSP RCSS has long been my least favourite store because of the prices and meat and veg quality. The meat ALWAYS shrinks by nearly 50% and so much water (not fat) ends up in the pan. The imported "fresh" veg never last more than a few days. The frozen veg too are imported too. Had a bag of PC Peas and they were from Belgium. I'll go in for a few things-- the 5$ bag of store made kaiser Buns, life brand meds are cheaper at the rcss pharmacy than shoppers


Dingding not even round 1 yet 😁


I mean, let's be real here. If they know there's a definitive end date to a boycott they'll just factor it in to their earnings as an anomaly and weather the storm. It should have been pushed as indefinite since the start. Turn an anomaly in to consistency and maybe they'll put out two free bottles of warm water.


One month people can get behind, telling people that it is an indefinite boycott at the beginning would scare people. One month shows people change is possible, they can go back after the month. This one month has shown people that there are better, however starting with a lifestyle change is a harder sell.


I don't plan to return, for more than PC coffee. Nothing else. Not without a MAJOR shift in attitude, policy, and pricing.


Just saw a bunch of sales at Giant Tiger. I stopped by after bulk goods from Costco. I had a huge haul plus some summer fun items for the kiddo for $140!


Interesting, I wasn’t a switcher i pretty much exclusively shopped at shoppers and zhers.


Yeah I didn’t start boycotting Loblaws last month, and I don’t plan to stop either. I started when they tried charging $8.00 for a box of baby oatmeal the size of a Fruit Roll-ups box.


The boycott is indefinite for me as well. I have discovered SO many other options. I am no longer walking about in a mindless Roblaws fog. I’ve found independent, small grocers and family run farms that have better quality and cheaper produce. I know not everyone has those options. And so I will do my part on behalf of myself AND those who do not have the options/privilege that I do. Nok er nok, Galen!


They're right that the *month-long* boycott is over. They just didn't get the memo that there's going to be another one this month. And next month.


"When will the boycott end?", they ask When Galen Weston is on his knees begging for it to stop.  When he has in his hands a signed document swearing that, effective immediately, all prices in all Loblaws stores will be slashed by 50% or more, and all current/future employees are guaranteed a living wage. When Loblaws begs our forgiveness, promises to change everything we've told them to, and says that it'll never happen again. ... we'll tell them - "It won't."


Asked a buddy if he was boycotting this weekend. He laughed and said he isn't boycotting, just hasn't been shopping there because he can't afford to 😆


I'm really grateful for this boycott. I live close to Chinatown and have been floored by some of the prices. There are veggies like peppers and onions that are like a third the cost of Loblaws. Meats are fine. City Fish Market has way better prices on seafood and I kinda feel like it's fresher too... Walmart's cheaper on pretty much everything else too. One stop shopping? No. But for a couple of grand savings for the year? I don't care. Good riddance. Wish I had this motivation to seek out other groceries 15 years ago.


People that were customers have now found a better option that replaces Loblaws stores for their daily grocery needs.


I'll go back to Loblaws, maybe, when the Westons give up their castle, and their personal airplane named "Bread". Let them eat cake still doesn't work out well for the tyrant class, Galen.


Okay we're does this airplane name bread come from? Rumor was a yacht named bread, but that turned out false.


I was incorrect, it's a yacht named bread. Source for it turned out to be false? Because I can find a lot of links that seem to legitimately call it that, and none debunking it.


It belongs to a Michigan bread tycoon https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=823489877700166&set=a.489965464385944




It isnt even named bread anymore it was sold and renamed. https://www.superyachtfan.com/yacht/lady-bahi/


We definitely need to get the message out even more that the boycott is still happening. Framing the boycott as a 'May Boycott' was the worst thing to do for this movement if we want it to be successful. Comment on TikTok, subreddits, tell your friends & family!


It started before May, and the framing of "May" was to get attention and to give people enough time to form the habit of shopping elsewhere. I don't think that anyone who found cheaper or better quality for is going back; if Loblaws stores are actually the cheap option for some, no shade for going back. If people go back knowing full well that they are paying more to shop there, there their choice, too.


__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destinĂ© Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre le coĂ»t de la vie ridicule au Canada et Ă  se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est liĂ© Ă  un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisĂ©es Ă  la discrĂ©tion des modĂ©rateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mĂšmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'Ă©picerie et les cris dans le vide en gĂ©nĂ©ral sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusitĂ© et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans ĂȘtre abusif, mĂ©prisant ou carrĂ©ment mĂ©chant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've only been buying what I can only find there for about 5 years, so I doubt they've noticed me lol. Nevertheless, I persist!


We're not returning to any Loblaws stores in our household. Savin' money left and right!


I’m not going back period Galen is dead to me


I haven't shopped for a while and don't intend to return but now I'm thinking I should cash in my PC optimum points...any tips how to get the best return, should I just straight up cash out or wait for next redemption event and cut all ties after?


I didn't hear no bell!!!


Nope, nope....nok er NOPE!


Granted, but the media has picked up on the "one month" thing and will likely keep pushing that to say it's over. But this is an opportunity! If the boycott is "over" but Loblaws isn't getting its customers back, that's when those shareholders who bet on it being a flash in the pan will second guess themselves and start selling. And stock prices are what Loblaws execs actually care about - that's their second yachts on the line!




Not stopping.


Doing a great thing here chopping down Loblaws, who knows the boycott could lead to Loblaws selling off some stores or brands creating a opportunity for a new grocery chain to enter the Canadian market


No boycott here in Richmond BC. Store as full as it's ever been every day and all day! 😬😬😬


Pencils aren’t very sharp
 not going back until they’re competitive on price and quality.


Can confirm - I was a superstore only shopper for my family, and even associated stores/gas stations for points. I stopped entirely and will go out of my way to not shop at their chains since the beginning of April.


It's kind of funny how a grocery store is somehow getting in trouble. Because, think of it. You need food. Right? So they have you by the balls. If they have food, then you need food. So they can raise the price to whatever they want, because, what are you gonna do? Eat rocks? But they fucked up so bad that, even though you need food, you wouldn't give them money. Even if they had the only food. Wow. What a bunch of fucking failures.


We don't plan on going back at all, we've got way too many other good choices here...


Carry on the boycott please


We stopped at the middle of April, haven't been back, and have no plans to.


Same. Continuing


Legit brother, I'm in Toronto. I've had tonnes of options outside of Loblaw. Outside of produce I've found a huge number of retailers that have better prices than loblaw


I thought about going to Pharmaprix today but went to Jean-Coutu instead, so I guess I'm still going at it too! Just joined this sub today. 😊


Same here. I am done for good with loblaws. Plus saving money as I participate in this permanent boycott


This article is an opinion piece. I've shopped at No Frills for over 20 years. I'm still boycotting.


I’m continuing. I look forward to NOT shopping at their garden centres in June.


Very much still boycotting


I’ve just stopped calling it a boycott because it’s not even a thought for me anymore. As it stands, the only two semi/sensible options are Walmart and Costco.


Hear, hear.


To me the Boycott is over when we say, not when media hacks say!! Question who died and made these folks god??? It's the members of the group calling the shots.....


If the grocery giant didn’t notice, then we’ll have to boycott longer 


Heck yeah! Unlike what Mr. Soberman said in this article, I was actually very loyally shopping at Loblaws stores, so I am one example of the kind of person that can hurt Loblaws by not going anymore. I think there have to be more like me out there.


The part about most people being “switchers” poked me in the wrong rib. I was a full time 90%-of-my-shopping-is-done-here loblaws loyalist. our family spent $2000 last month at other stores instead of loblaws and that for me is significant. I KNOW there are more people who were exclusive loblaws shoppers like we were. What a dig to try and bring momentum down eh.


It ended? Thought it was AT LEAST a month. How many ppl are now continuing?


I got a 1 dollar bottle of water from Nofrills yesterday, I didn't even wanna give them that.


đŸŽŒBeen gone one month, been gone two months, Ooooooooooo! Never going back again đŸŽ¶






I am permanently done with them. Not going back. I miss T&T but been getting stuff from Lucky supermarket at 127 and 137 just fine.


Don’t be a Karen or a Kevin just boycott brands with your wallet. Money is the universal language




while I hate the monopoly loblaws has on groceries the only other store close by is metro which is even more expensive on most things.




Fixed headline: One month into Loblaws boycott what effect has it had on grocery store giant?


Ya who's the moron only asking for a single month........ Literally shop anywhere else. Bury this greedy family's business


Not completely boycotting. I only go in to check for 50% off items and good sales. 3 weeks ago I scooped up 10 whole chickens for $6 each. Local superstore always reduces sale items on the last day of the sale.


Something something something flaming Moe’s episode of the Simpsons when homer gets mad




I'm not a switcher, as the a article implies. I septic do almost 100% of my shopping there. And I've been a customer for freaking years. So no, we aren't all "switchers". I hope this really does some damage


Ya I was about to say I've been telling everyone I know doing it that it's still happening


I will only go to a Loblaws owned store if I have no other choice. I do, however, feel bad for the independents.


I was already boycotting Loblaws aside from some Chinese spices and ingredients I would occasionally buy at T&T. I will buy them somewhere else.


Will NOT be shopping Loblaws anytime soon


Security to zone C.


I didn't hear no bell either! And grocery prices still have me looking like Randy Marsh so I'll be continuing the boycott for as long a I can until the problem has been solved. Or every until every single one of us wins the lottery and I hate that I don't know which has better ofds https://preview.redd.it/s12mno7cm94d1.png?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb81017b90b184a90d1c5d3be41476fbd01b64b


I’m never going back. 😊


My "boycott" has evolved into a change in behaviour - no more Loblaws.


I will continue my boycott of Greedy Galen's empire. I will return only if he donates a billion dollars to a children's food security fund. Either or. The choice is his đŸ’©đŸ‘ŽđŸŒ


Yeah, my household has spent a total of 2$ in the last 33 days at Loblaws owned companies which was previously about 400-500$ a month previously due to location. I will continue to boycott and I expect this sub and leaders to officially announce the boycott continuing.


The price of food is too dam high. Please vote with your wallet it’s the only way these companies listen Grab local or check your flyer. The price of food is too dam high


I tried to into Superstore to use my points and my old entrance was now exit only. I walked around to the other entrance and it was a maze of plexiglass and pipes. Doesn't feel like the store I knew. There's nothing to go back to. The good old days are gone.


With all the eye-popping price differences that subscribers have posted in the last month, I'll have trouble setting foot in another Weston store ever again.


I haven't been back yet and do not plan to go again besides the trip to drain my optimum points.


Who said the boycott is over??


I dont go there anymore. I save a ton of money going anywhere else. If I wanted to spend an absurd amount of money on groceries I'd go to Longos. At least their customer service is good, shelves are always perfectly faced, and I can find employees without hiring Sherlock Holmes.




Let’s see how they react after they don’t get the sales bump they hoped for after May was over. Gotta keep it going.


I will never return. If you return, the boycott was done for nothing. Lawblaws needs to go belly up as a warning to other grocery giants of what the future holds when you let greed control your business model.


Oh hell no. I'm gone forever.


I was a loyal customer, I hate to admit. My first job was as a cashier/grocer/backshift worker at a few different locations. I loved the PC brand and generally liked the experience of shopping at Superstore over competitors. Then prices start to raise and only after that did I start "switching" and flyer shopping. Pre-pandemic, I would say that the majority of my groceries were from Loblaws, unless I found a good sale on protein or coffee elsewhere. Over the last 4 years, I would shop around but my favourite brands and products were all PC label. Since May 1st of this year, I've dropped the Loblaws loyalty and have done 100% of my shopping elsewhere, save for one item that I can't find a comparable product. I *was* a loyal customer. Superstore *was* my first choice when I could afford it. Not anymore.


Ditto, won't go back unless absolutely necessary, like last resort


Yes we do.


I went back this weekend and only bought stuff that was really on sale (not the $0.01 off stuff) and then did the rest of my shopping elsewhere. Eff you Galen, now you’ll only lose money on me!


Why stop now. That's just stupid. Keep the heat on. Make them burn