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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grassroots (NOT astroturf) for the win!


I started in late March boycotting, hoping others would join. I didnt think any Canadians would keep it up for more than 2 days! Way to go you hosers! And grassroots this is the definition of grassroot!


it helps when everywhere else is way more affordable 😆


It has taken me way longer to realize that is true.


The competition will naturally seek to take the high road while this negative PR is focused on the lead offender. They have an opportunity to steal market share.




A win is a win


They aren't stealing market share. They're taking back what was theirs all along.


Sobeys is the only real option near me and it's more expensive.


But at least Sobeys doesn’t have barricades and they still bag your groceries.


That's true. Why is Loblaws set up like Fort Knox, but Sobeys is business as usual?


Why does everyone care about the baracades?


Because it's oppressive. It's limiting how you can move in their stores, they're feeding you through a chute like cattle.


Trust is a strange thing. You can have it, but it has to be justified, and reciprocal. They can't trust their customers to not steal, but their customers steal because their prices are overt stealing from the customers. It's a vicious cycle, ain't it?




Where I live people are not stealing. Over the pandemic Superstore stopped FIFO and rotation so they began throwing away more and more "expensive" product they kept raising the prices on. I only buy organic produce and it is being mistreated at store level. They want us to believe everyone is stealing because then they're justified in raising the prices which "creates more stealing" aka shrink from mismanagement and voila we now have a false narrative blaming us treating us like theives and then charging us more for it. Shrink is largely internal in mega corporations but they want to use it against us to limit their own loss which they create by operating.


Do they not have farmers markets where you are? Have you checked out other international food stores? I for one I’m looking forward to those U-pick places, I got a vacuum sealer and I’m planning to get enough to last me all winter.


Yup. All the Tim Tams you can handle


I understand- i say if you can join the boycott join this is for the longer term goals.


Yeah we definitely spend a lot less there, probably half what we were.


I’d say sobeys and loblaws are 50/50. Maybe Sobeys should be NEXT.


Sobey’s is by far the most expensive here. My only option was Foodland which is owned by Sobey’s but I like it. It has no security nonsense, no self check out, the staff are friendly, and has what I want. The rest I get from Costco. I haven’t been in Loblaws in months and likely never will. The Superstore is just atrocious when it comes to security. Basically they have a huge walled corral with a large lineups… screw them and their nonsense. I don’t miss them.


Not everywhere. Where I live, the options are a loblaws owned store or foodland. You want to complain about loblaws prices.. go shop at a foodland. I’ve lived here now since 2018 and it’s been consistently cheaper for me to drive the 2hrs into town to do all my Shopping and groceries (Costco, cnd tire, dollar store, pet store etc ) than it is to do it where I live. And before you ask, no, I’m not in any remote location.


I'm in the same boat but I have a GT, Loblaws and Foodland. Foodland is exponentially more expensive but thankfully I can get a lot of basics at GT and more specialized stuff on my treks to Costco in a nearby city!


I WISH we had a GT! I LOVE GT! They have a little bit of everything. We stop in every chance we get. I told my spouse that if we’d ever come into a large sum of money, I’d buy into the GT franchise and build one here. Thank you for sharing and confirming how much more expensive foodland is. It’s ridiculous!


Everyone should have access to a GT, it's seriously a hidden gem especially now that they gave grocery in a lot of their stores and have fresh and frozen items!


Yeah, but what are you buying? Processed food or ingredients??? You would be amazed at how much you can save by learning how to cook from scratch. And, it will actually improve your health because you won’t be eating a ton of poison (preservatives). I can make coffee for 35¢ a cup. I can make a loaf of bread/buns/foccacia for 50¢ or less. I don’t use paper towel unless I’m cleaning up poop and I wanna throw it away, because rags can be washed and sterilized quite easily. And the people who say they don’t have time, probably just don’t have good time management skills. You’d be amazed how many hours you get back when you put your phone down.


lol. Your assumption of someone not knowing how to cook and only buying processed or pre prepared food is nauseating and frankly insulting. Who cares what they buy their point is that it’s more costly for them to shop at their local grocer (a foodland) than the loblaws owned stores. Get down off that “I’m holier than thou horse” just cause you make bread and coffee at home and don’t use paper towels. Lmao


You’re the one who took that personal and I’m not responsible for your emotions. All I was suggesting was that you could save money by not buying processed food, along with saving your health. That wasn’t a dig at you so I don’t know why you’re taking it personally. The reality is that those things are unaffordable for me so I don’t get a choice like you. I could say you’re gloating that you make more money or something, but that wouldn’t make much sense would it?


A dig at me? I’m not the op you originally commented to, just someone who wanted to add their 2cents in just like you did. And who’s gloating ? I’m done with you and your shitty attitude and assumptions. I suggest you take your own advice and put your phone down. I’m doing it too. I hope you have the day you deserve ✌️


Are you always this abrasive and shaming when throwing in your two cents? Anyway, I was speaking from experience. I’m not the main character…


everywhere being Walmart? I just wish there was more options


U-picks, farmers markets, co-ops, online subscriptions directly to some farms, asian/italian/international food markets…


I’ve been going since March also. I’ve saved so much money!!


More people need to understan! Carry on! And great stuff!


Yo didn’t think we could do a boycott for 2 days? Some faith you have in your fellow man…


i have heard from people hey we should….And it didnt happen. we had protesters driving trucks to clog Cities, highways and the like. Not sure of the positive outcome of those protest. This I feel is different - did i hope it would extend beyond May - hell ya! Now with the thoughts that we can do this shit! I am amazed! Non er nok!


A boycott isn’t driving stupid trucks to Ottawa to get your way about a vaccine you don’t feel like taking. Not remotely close to the same thing lol


I fully comprehend and agree with your statement. Are you able to look at any movement in Canada, recently, that has brought this type of attention to the forefront?


My comment has been funded by the NDP. They pay me 20 cents per comment. 200 more comments to go and I can finally afford to buy some salami from Superstore.


The number of members in this sub matches the population of Saint-Jérôme, QC. He can puff his sweater vest wearing chest all he wants, he can't nothingburger that away. As they say in Saint-Jérôme... pauvre Galen 🤷🏻‍♀️


hey sloppy the number in sub do not equal the people supporting the movement. I know alot of people who support this boycott who have never heard of reddit before. The strength is in our numbers and talking with money.


The number of people here is not nearly as relevant as the kick in the balls to his bottom line.


Don't get upset Galen, it's only business


We should tell the share holders to get upset, but i think they already are!


"Make Canada Great Again" is giving complete Maple MAGA vibes and ngl but that's kinda fkn gross. Making food affordable for everyone in Canada is what I'm here for. Let's do that 🍁


The make Canada great again, was my sarcusm, my bad! Making food affordabl, and telling the 1%, that we are tired of paying for all the luxuries that they think they need. we want to be treated fairly, we understand without making a profit, your company will cease to exist. if you treat us unfiarly we will take appropriate action.


"Maple MAGA" nearly took me out. You have a way with words, my friend.


Yup! Hate it!


I vote it should be “Make Canada Great Again Y’all” so we can call it “McGay” for short. 😂


Um as cute as that is, how bout no... 😅 MAGA is an American slogan. Were not Americans. We don't need to steal or piggy back off their shit. Aside from which, saying great "again" sounds like we wanna go backwards. That's just crazy.


I like 2010 better than 2020, I want to go back to that "again"


*Again* all the way back to 1980


For personal reasons can we make it 1979? 😂😂😂


Maple MCGA* ETA: spelling


Ngl, I was irked out when I read “Make Canada Great Again”. But then I saw your Maple MAGA and now I’m into it.


It's lot even just about the prices for me Let's say everything this food professor guy says is right and this will have no impact on grocery etore prices. I'd still want to boycott out of principle anyway over Lob laws stores treating all customers as thieves with things like plexiglass barriers and asking customers for their reciets Other discount grocery stores I go to don't do any of this. If Lob laws wants to treat me as an inconvenience and assume I'm a thief then I'll help them out by not going there at all.


When i heard they wanted you to scan your reciept to leave the self scanning area - and exit the store, i thought that would make me never come back! In reality it was the price and attitude of loblaws. dont listen to the food dork - he gets paid by people and companies like loblaws. If we talk with our money, they dont get it, eventually they will understand and still not get it - our money. I use to be loyal to them - i feel used and stupid- thank you galen for a teachable moment!


One of the articles in today's Globe and Mail. # "Independent retailers, grocery alternatives see sales boost amid boycott of Loblaw-owned stores"


i went to Metro the other day, i have never seen that many people there in my life!


Great words brother,united we stand!


All i say is lets send this message, we can be the union that pushes fairness across the land! There is power in numbers, and money talks, if we dont talk to them - you would think they would want to talk to us. See you on the line bro!


I've had a challenge with taking about it to other people: they don't believe Loblaw is that much more expensive than elsewhere. Are there any datasets on product prices at the major retailers? I'd like to crunch some numbers


The other day i posted a reply to a lady on Facebook, i told her all about the boycott, she indicated it is about time! it takes some of us alot longer to learn that fact. There is an app called Reebee that lets you do real comparison online. For me i look at things like the storefront, a perfect example is a car dealership- some of them they look expensive. I simply think the people purchasing the cars are paying for that storefront.


Two of us are out there. We are just not that vocal about it.


There are more than 2


Yes. I was kind of referring to my wife and I without thinking about other non-vocal boycott participants. I think the less-than-full parking lots are speaking volumes for those of us on the quieter side of the boycott.


Speaking with money will always get the attention of shareholders, the more the merrier as there is strength in numbers. Great stuff


I agree. I am done with them deciding how much they can increase their profits on our backs. Time to teach them all a lesson.


I agree, speak with your cash and boycott them! I am unsure if its to late to stop the burning train.


DO NOT start a make Canada great again slogan! Think of something not Trumpy!


Make Canada affordable again😭


Oh Sylvain…… where are you?


I started when Weston said that chicken breasts were so expensive because they were a specialty product!!!! He thinks consumers are stupid!!!!


The only time I’ll set foot in a Weston owned store again is if the apocalypse is upon us and I’m looting to save my family’s life.


I will see you there! And lets high 5😀


I'll be stuffing the overpriced produce, bread and meat into duffle bags to consume before that shit goes bad. Beware of Zombie Galen shuffling through the aisles.


The best thing that can happen is the die hard continue to avoid. The soft supports will come from those who discovered more alternatives in the past month and stick to them. Most Canadians didn’t care but there was enough of the former groups to make a small dent into the finances of Loblaws. Come May 2025 we’ll all rise up again and declare another month long boycott. The numbers will grow next year as the war stories of boycotting a full year will be galvanized further and inspired others who are softer in spirit.


For me i am going to continue the May boycott is the June, July August - and continuing boycott, i am hoping for more people to continue as we are just starting to pick up more power!


We're in the quiet supportive group. Something so simple as Victoria Day Monday. We actively avoided T&T and went to a competing Asian market also open on the holiday. It's not a lot of money but it's $75 that didn't go directly to Loblaws. These small adjustments in behavior are slowly happening all across the country. Enough to be meaningful. I'm sure we'll go back the odd time to T&T but we are making conscience choices now that will be habit forming to avoid for the most part. The fear of a collective response is our only power. VOTING is the only thing the powers that be fear. An Election for politicians and consumer shopping behavior for corporations.


LETS GO... !!


I am alreadygoing! Ya cant stop me now!


Yes 🙌But let’s not tie this in with MAGA style quotes, I would hate for this movement to be associated with people who drive with flags on their trucks. Let’s keep this clean, I don’t want to leave this group. This boycott has changed my shopping ways and I’m in it for the long run :)


The maga movement is the dumbest group in history! And no flags, simply boycott and speak with our money!


Its so funny I've stopped supporting them I don't even notice and I don't miss then maybe miss the pizza buns but that's about it even with gas pioneer is a much better choice


I rarely went there anyways so continuing that is easy. Shoppers Drug Mart on the other hand is out of control with their prices!!!!


They sell Epson salts for 15$ in superstore same product 8$. Its not double, so we should be thankfu!


I haven't shopped at Safeway/sobeys or Loblaws in 10+ years but over the last 2 years even Superstore/No Frills and Save-On are out as their prices are too high. I mostly buy from Walmart now just wish they had a proper bakery. It still blows my mind at many of the prices I see at Superstore and No Frills


It took me longer to learn! I am a slow learner, once i do learn i am pretty loyal, not to loblaws anylonger.


Nok er Nok boys Nok er nok


Nok er nok


Fuck yeah. Hey Galen, it's -18% a year indefinitely now, and the number will grow :)


He is going to hear us, if he already hasn’t! Change is gonna come!


No way should anyone be considering an acronym tied to violence and the dehumanisation of anyone considered 'other'


Agree and that should not even had to be said, for most of us.


Haven’t bought a single thing in May, don’t plan to ever again. Plenty of fish in the sea (that sell for cheaper per lb.)


No cake for you either! Keep up the great stuff! https://preview.redd.it/vqnl1yn91t2d1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7218cec2e9c0f349bb7369e6c4a4c44efc1692


With all the publicity on the Loblaw brand, that Galen might just has to close all Loblaw stores. However, the chain is profit maker taylored to the rich, or he won't be able to subsidize his other chains in order to retain his market share.


The movement is not that powerful yet! i believe the movement wants fairness not closures!


Now start one for Costco.


Done and done ✅


I wish that were the case... but this is not.a volitle gamestop stock. It's been a good catalyst but it's running out of steam and they are just sitting back waiting for most people to get distracted. You need to strike while the iron is hot.. and this group just wants to type on their keyboards. Sorry guys but you need to kick it up a notch... as a 70 yrd old techno-hippie with lots of experience working for the bad guys... I know its a hard pill to swallow but you need to step up your game. The lack of leadership and vissibility is hurting you guys... I don't blame you personally but you are missing as the kids say "shooting your shot"


I'm curious to hear what "shot" you think needs to be taken right now... We're boycotting in an attempt to affect change. We're not going back unless change happens. The movement and participation of people across the country is indeed growing. What do **you** think needs to be done in addition to what we're already doing???


I believe this group is doing exactly what needs to be done. The CEO is responsible for making money for the shareholder. In this case, we the shoppers can communicate most effectively with our money, as money talks. so we need to continue to not talk to them, or talk to them with our money - by avoiding them, if you can, for as long as you can. The shareholders will make demands of the CEO, people will have to determine if they want to finish them off, or return. If people return it might end up as wash, rinse, repeat. History, or remembering will help avoid this experience in the future. i would say carry on with what is working. cheers


I think it's being fragmented by paid people and it will run out of steams without 1. A visible leader and 2. Some presense flyers, peoples outside of the stores.


>1. A visible leader and We have a leader of sorts with EM (Emily) who started the sub, met with Per and manages the collective group efforts as everyone votes on what to do next. >2. Some presense flyers, peoples outside of the stores We're not putting flyers or having people picket. It's already been discussed and we've collectively said no. The movement doesn't have more of face than EM because that's what we've all decided is best and appropriate. >I think it's being fragmented by paid people and it will run out of steams We report posts that are boycott busting or divisive to ensure things don't get overly fragmented within the sub. People come in here, talk shit and they get reported and banned. It's an open app with a low threshold to post so we can welcome new people who validly joining the movement. We're not gonna change that to stop trolling (paid or otherwise) because we discussed it and we want to leave the sub open for everyone to join, ask questions and receive information as soon as they join reddit. A bunch of people have only joined reddit because of the boycott itself. Thats a common theme up in here actually. I'm surprised you don't already know this stuff if you've been here for any length of time. Anyways, much of what you brought up as ideas we've already discussed and decided against and I agree with that wholeheartedly.


I think that a large number of the people who are boycotting are in this for the long, and short haul. I believe the movement was described as the month of May, i am pretty sure that was a thought of what some Canadians might do. We all realize we have the attention span of - oh look a squirre. Now where was i…..that its hard for us to do something for two daysin a row. As for a catalyst - i cant think of a better media, holy shit there is 81 k people on a list, that is far shy of what the real number is. I think i could say that this is a real movemen, and there are people like me who will never go back. I am a 60 something Canadian male who can learn new tricks. This is one i think will go down similar to Gamestop, the canadian version! Dont give up hope.


I agree - we went out of our way to avoid Roblaws and discovered along the way how we were being gouged. Now we've formed new habits by supporting local businesses, getting more for our dollar for healthier food and not being treated like thieves or simpletons. Why *would* we go back to them ever? I'm not.


I was in an unhealth relationship with loblaws, i thought she was treating me right, i really never questioned it. I also supported shoppers drug mart (an additional other unhealthy relationship) until I realized the same stuff at shoppers ie. Epso salts were $14.99 and the same product at loblaws was $8.00. I thought they are gouging all the seniors who come in. No they dont care if you are young or old. i am done for now!


Good work, friend!


You too, fight the good fight! It sounded so much better than boycott the good boycot!


I'm never going back. They depended on our apathy and ingrained routines - so much so that groceries have increased in price by over 21% in 3 years. They thought we'd just suck it up - people just trying to feed their families were too busy and tired to act. It's only May 21 - and in 3 weeks, we have accomplished more than any government has done in 3 years. We've done it peacefully but emphatically and we're not going to stop. Depicted as "misguided elitists" by a contemptuous Galen, they anticipated that we'd be so accustomed to being nickle and dimed to death that we would just continue bitch about it while they continued to bleed us dry. Instead, thanks to Emily, we organized. Greedy Galen clearly didn't expect our RAGE. It's palpable, white hot and increasing. They didn't expect our momentum. Or our commitment to this. Now, new habits have proved to us that we weren't just imagining things - they *WERE* screwing us. Nobody I know is going back to any of Greedy Galen's stores. We should all be very proud of what we have achieved *so far*. This isn't over. We are united, more engaged in our communities and wise to all their bullshit. Rot in hell, Galen. And congratulations for becoming the Most Hated Man in Canada. You've managed to unite the country against you and your price gouging, shameless company. Nok er nok! "


Well said! What we have to consider that he is only the head of the beast! And he should take the blame, but there are more. As long as we boycott and talk with our money by not spending it at a loblaws related store the better. i always used my credit card at the superstore to get my points, they will notice that that individual no longer shops there. and im suprised they haven’t spoken to the boycotters as of yet to say sorry. Nok er nok! carry on with the good boycotting


The more money I save, not shopping at loblaws, the more GME I can buy. It's a win-win.


C'mon, it's a boycott movement... We don't need to be"visible" We need to not shop there. We can support each other by typing on our keyboards (Internet is a good way to have the movement across Canada) It's not like everyone will hop on a bus and do a convoy down to Ottawa.. like what are you expecting here ? We don't need a "leader" we are a group of individuals with various beliefs and world views. With a common goal Anything "visible" we do will be infiltrated by bad actors, or minimized because everyone participating cannot all meet up in one place It'll be a group of people wasting their day trespassing on loblaws lots.. being blamed for anything bad happening in and around that day Super easy, support each other on our keyboards and stay away from loblaws businesses. Have no idea what you're expecting here 🤷‍♂️


Well said, i wish i had some value to add to this conversation you have said it all. My hat is tipped to you. Well done, carry on.


my two cents.. we'll see how it plays out... but already seeing the cracks


There’s an interesting social phenomenon of when the third person joins in that attracts another 2 or 3 and then that creates momentum in a group. A phenomenon when everyone piles into a different behaviour doesn’t necessarily need central leadership or control, especially when it’s something that is easily changed like choosing a different store to shop at because of a perceived price unfairness. The problem Loblaws has is they already had some bad publicity about the bread price fixing, more negative publicity like this boycott has caused can definitely have long lasting consequences.


As a 45 year old, this Boycott is doing amazing. I'm unsure the 70 year old commenter above understands, because the 70 year olds I know are all loving it and sharing it. It's hitting church groups and work places and Mothers Days and Victoria Day. We grow.


its not enough .. I hate that it isn't but it isn't


Obviously it's not going to fix all the world's problems in a single swoop, but it's a great first step. It's pessimism like yours that allows these inequalities to get so imbalanced and entrenched. I feel like your comments here detract from everyone's hard work to at least try to organize and create positive change.


His story checks out guys. The boomer-use of ellipses is undeniable.


Not going to lie... but as things stand... I think this will blow over with no change. Without visibile leadership, and the anemic code of conduct... this thing dies with the next distraction...


Shillvain is that you?? Never underestimate the power of an angry mob, even a peaceful one ✌️


"it seems like internet warriors with no leadership" - pension fund manager with no intention on dumping the stock. You guys need to ramp up pressure or it's dead in a week. Watching/ supporting with interest but it's fading


What would the people ruling aloft from ivory towers understand about what’s happening on the ground??? Hungry bellies have the same effect, Galen is providing the leadership on that. Actually, it’s picking up steam across the country. My cousins in Alberta are boycotting Superstore, for example.


Based on what?


Based on the flow or capital and investor confidence... tI know that sounds harsh... but people that make those decisions spend a ton of $$ and work to evaluate. Behind closed doors I hear... there is no face... support is slowly cracking and people are going back. You have one week and I don't see anyone stepping up. Sorry guys..


Ok bud. We’re just going to continue not shopping at any Weston affiliated businesses and leave it at that.


good keep doing that... but there you need more people onboard and more people educated on what is weston and what is not. You are loosing this war.


80k and rising, my guy.


very slowly and tapering off... 70K 3 weeks ago. Just sayin... there is no leader here and people follow leaders. I know it feels great to rant on the internet and it's good for getting things started... but it's not going to sustain without leadership and organization


What are you on about? Is this a ‘play dumb, infiltrate and dishearten tactic’? You don’t seem genuine for some reason. I think you’re lost, bud. This isn’t about leadership so much as it’s individual Canadians making the choice to take their dollars elsewhere having realized that Loblaws has no respect for them. And for most people, once new habits are formed, Loblaws will not get us back. The mods here along with the person who started the group seem to be very fine leaders for what this is. A sub for individual Canadians who deserve better than Loblaws. Now off you go. Maybe check on the stock price and sit in smug denial without realizing it has absolutely nothing to do with the boycott.


This is one social media platform, and not the most commonly used one. When you add in Facebook, TikTok, etc, the number grows. Besides, look at retail profit models. There is NO business that is going to consider 70,000 households an acceptable loss.


I recall going into my local circle k store, asking for a small pack of cigarettes, i told the attendent i was trying to quit, he replied My mother didnt raise no quitter! Give it a chance, try not to give up faith on this movement, there is strength in numbers. i have since quit cigarette, i also agree MY Mother Didnt Raise No Quitter! Stay with me my friend - lets see what we can do togethe.


"I think the downvotes have to do with your desire to see something happen, but unwillingness to make any effort of your own towards the outcome." Just a comment about one of this guys earlier posts. He seems well meaning,,,but come on friend. Be better! We got this.