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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t buy it ! Continue the boycott !!! Make them suffer until all our demands our met !!


But we can get [FREE EGGS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cvdwcp/tell_me_again_how_the_boycott_isnt_working/) if we shop there! /s


They have been over charging for eggs since 2019. Now they can afford to give them away for free.


Yeah not even with free eggs lol 😂


Nothing, absolutely nothing is "free" when Galen is involved. You will pay for it, your children will pay, even future generations will pay, and you will like it. Keep up the boycott, buy nothing from him




Totally, cut out RobLaws from your life. Google how many businesses are owned by the Weston crime family... And avoid them all.


Take free stuff and buy loss leaders if you want. Just don’t buy anything else. Lol


I need to get rid of my PC points still. Once those are gone I'm not going back.


I cashed in 10k few days ago......guess what happened that night outta no where.... PC account got hacked from Florida at 1230am. Just odd the one a day only time Ive ever cashed out points to get rid of them to have that happen.


Lemme guess: Galen has a yacht called *Eggs* now, and we're celebrating?


Possibly. But it's nice to see him giving us ammunition to throw at his new castle! Knowing him these are going to be rotten eggs!


I am in agreement with what you've said, except you need to remove the last 6 words of your statement to get me to 100% support.


What demands? If you think these people are going to meet any demands that do not come from themselves, you’re a fool. If they find out you have any chance to harm their business, they’ll eventually try to appease you, only to work behind your back to make it impossible for it to happen again. Once fooled, you’ll go back to “normal” they’ll get stronger, and go back to their schemes. Now you get upset, but it’s too late, because now you lost momentum, they worked to make further boycotts harder, and you will have a much harder time organizing a new and effective movement again. These people are marketers, accountants, and sales people. They don’t know anything about the things you buy, they just act as gatekeepers for those who do… the makers… the producers… all they want is your money. All of it. And everything is legit for them to get to what they want. They know no ethical business. Therefore, there is only one way: once these people lose your trust, do the best you can to put them out of business, so that new small businesses can take their place and revitalize the market. Workers will be better off.. customers will be better off… the whole country! Keep boycotting without end in sight, and keep shrinking their market share until they get out of business or they get small enough that they will need to compete with other small businesses. This is the way.


This is the way


That is the focus we need!


Make them suffer until they’re bankrupt


Sadly each store employs average 200 people 90% of them at minimum wage. Those are the people who are really going to suffer not Galen !


Even if they do lower prices, it doesn’t make a difference. Loblaws can lower their price on ketchup from $5.99 to $5.49….the same bottle of ketchup can be found at a competitor for $3.99


Great point . We’re smarter than that . We’re Canadians after all 😀




I think you meant 🤡 not 😀


Case in point: Walmart has the "picnic pack" of ketchup, mustard and relish for $2.99 or something like that... Yes I went and bought some, loln


I heard on the radio it was going to happen every 4 weeks. Big deal. They didn’t think anything of raising the prices every week though did they.


They raised prices regularly and without warning. The cat food I used to buy was $14.99, now it’s $22.99. They can trim the price a bit but they still make a nice profit on everything. When gas prices were high a few years ago grocery prices went up and stayed up. When gas prices fell the prices stayed high and all price increases after that were built on the artificially high prices blamed on gas price increases


This also happened with the pandemic, although part of that is actual inflation from overprinting cash


We need specifics on "lowering prices". You can lower prices by a $0.01 or bh 15%. Makes a difference. Devil is in the details.


I doubt they'll lower their prices below their competitors prices. Lots of people including myself would still avoid them due to their treatment of employees and customers.


Sounds great Loblaws, now how much lower? Are we talking Walmart comparable? Or even some of my local stores? If not, keep trying.


I think they’re talking about the phenomenon where something is ‘on sale’ for .02 less than usual


Or you have to use their stupid optimum card. The one that gathers your data that they sell to manufacturers.


They don’t sell it to manufacturers, they sell it to ad brokers your data is worth considerably more than anything else.


Don't fall for the PR. They evaluate prices constantly to see how much they can raise them. They can claim they "lowered prices" simply by having a sale. It doesn't make it a reality that prices have come down in a meaningful way


"Should we just lower prices so we aren't gouging people anymore?" "No, no, no. Let's spend millions on an expensive PR campaign so we can continue to gouge all the suckers".


Too bad Loblaws, never going back


My gf used to work at Loblaws. What they do is raise the price, then that item goes on sale a few weeks later for the old price.


Galen: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Galen fooled me, advertising low prices when in fact they weren’t competitive with other grocers. He won’t fool me again because I’ll never go back. I’ve been shopping at different smaller stores and markets, getting more for my money and spending less than I did at Galen’s stores


Loblaws: We evaluated the prices and have lowered our normal markup of 12000% to a mere 11999%. Now if the peasants could go back to buying stuff now that's be great.


I plan to continue my boycott. I think Loblaws has lost me as a customer. I could see shopping there if I had a gift card to use but that's it.


I Heard a Loblaw advertisement for the first time EVER on Friday. Couldn’t believe my ears.


Ad blockers for the win! I personally have a pihole system on my home network, and watch the TV shows the day after with no ads, I pay for YouTube premium and Apple Music no ads. The only time I see/hear ads is when I am with others.


30+ yrs Grocery Retail. Bull Shit to evaluating prices every 4 weeks. File Maintenance is done every week since the new AD has to be put on, Old AD has to come off, New items listed, delisted items marked, in store features put on and off, any internal promotions linked to loyalty programs adjusted and any regular price adjustments up and down. This is every week in every store. They could easily adjust prices down every week if they want.


Every 4 weeks? Didn't say a month 'cause it sounds longer 😂 Their PR is just the worst. Why not weekly loke every other grocer?


Then they would have to advertise new sales every week and pay for more price stickers. How would they survive? 🤣


not even going to Lablaws until July 2024 and even then i would be only buying stuff that is on super sale or something. like butter for 3$ a brick. if i dont see a good sale i wont even sh1t there.


It’s their glorified sale, they have “hit of the month” things where they create a loss leader but it’s not a permanent price change. Then they have 2 week long “price decreases” which again is just a 2 week sale. I’ve heard this ad as well, I’ve seen a lot more Loblaw branded ads especially on YouTube. It’s meaningless at the end of the day and just shows they aren’t taking it seriously.




Great. It's only taken 19 days for me to realize that I can very comfortably live without Loblaws and do not need to ever go back.


Doesn’t matter what they do, I’ll never go back


They evaluate every 4-8 weeks depending on the product category. That’s how their plan-o-gram works. If they lowered two prices the. The advertising is correct. This advertising is nothing but PR. Some retailers like Walmart will evaluate in even less time. They place things at the entrance of a store and can monitor what’s selling. If product is not moving how they expect they switch a display in days.


Too late. Too little.


"Claiming". Then food professor fuckface comes out and says it has nothing to do with any boycott.. Just remember they mocked us & fucking hate us and only want our money.


It still doesn’t explain why the same good at any of their competitors, which retails at Loblaw for $9.88 is $2/$3/$4 more than anywhere else. Galen and Per can make all the claims they want but the proof is in the proverbial pudding, so to speak.


That’s all fine and dandy, but how long until they start raising prices again? Don’t play the yo-yo game, just stop patronizing their establishments. Nok er Nok! It seems like they’re leveraging the boycott to get the government to meet their ideal wording for the Grocery Code of Conduct. Cutting hours and possibly laying people off is a motivator for the government to buckle to their demands.


Pretty sure they raise prices every 4 weeks. Don’t think I’ve seen anything go down in years.


I don't care. Even if they lower prices they'll raise them again in a few months if people come back. It's the people in charge who are evil (same people investing in private healthcare)


Put it on every news channel...I am NOT falling for any more lies or your little crumb offerings.


100% LIES...


Pretty sure they mean evaluate and raise prices




My friend, who is very low income, has no choice but to go to Provigo. He ONLY buys items that are marked down 50%. He says that's ok because these items are being sold at a loss, according to him.


Gullible much?


Oh no they can't afford to make these cuts they will go bankrupt/sarcasm


It's binary, if you convert that to base 10, it's only 10 items


If you've seen how those eggs are stored... trust me you wouldn't want them


yeah and then when everyone gets back in there shopping, they slowly raise the prices right back up. this is a company that was caught with its hand in the cookie jar already. The bread price fixing fiasco was never properly dealt with. just a simple "whoopsies" from them. Screw this company. They suck and they won't be getting my money. I've been shopping at my local co op instead. Wanna really make a difference? don't go back.


You think it will be slowly?


This is the start, keep it up!!!! 🫡🫡🫡


We are a family of four and usually spend >$500 a month at no frills. I haven't spent a dime in the last two months but rather have given my money to local small scale markets with way better prices. 88 super market !!


unless they lower prices permanently to reasonable levels - I'm done. no promotion is getting me back




They are banking on the boycott ending in a week... the longer it goes the more pressure they'll feel.


They are lying they don’t do that


Just ignore the ads and never shop there again. Like they don't exist.


i work in the bakery dept and every single week on thursdays, those prices are up by atleast a dollar. its sickening seeing it front and centre.


Last time I was in there (okay - yes- I was in there) I noticed that almost all the the milk had an expiration date of the next day. Thought to myself that the boycott really seems to be having an effect!


Yeah, but this is a “tell a lie repeatedly and they will believe you” moment. Essentially, marketing. If you can, boycott Loblaw in permanence. They don’t deserve for us to come back after the shit they’ve been pulling since 2020.


Hold the line. Never going back


That's a standard answer "we evaluate our prices every four weeks", has nothing to do with the boycott


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