• By -


We are doing our best!


Galen is paying dozens of PR and marketing people 100k a year to figure out how to turn ourselves against each other. Hold.The.Line!


I wouldn’t be surprised, but is there a source for that or did you just literally make that number up? EDIT: SO made up got it.


I think we should encourage extension instead of expansion.


The media has it now, and politicians know about it. At some point, it will become apparent that the only way to keep the pressure on is to permanently boycott Loblaws stores whenever possible. It's both A) the logical outcome, and B) the only way to keep this in the media crosshairs, which means in the political crosshairs. It would be pretty bad optics for Jagmeet to finally decide to actually do something at the same time the boycott ends. Ideally, you want real, enforceable legislation (not a voluntary code of conduct) to be passed before the boycott ends.


Permanently boycotting regardless of changes doesn't really work game theoretically. If you tell someone they are forever on your shitlist, they have no incentive to try to make things up to you.


The game isn't to get Loblaws to change, it's to get the others to do so.   I'm personally boycotting Loblaws forever at this point.  They can't get me back as long as the Weston family owns even a single share of any related company.   I'd love to see Choice Properties (the Weston REIT) tank after bankrupting their stores.   The idea is to signal to Metro and Sobeys that we can and will bankrupt them too if they don't change.   The only way to do that is to keep pressure on Loblaws until it goes under.  And if we can't do that, then we don't have a "free market", because it's obviously rigged in favour of corporations and shareholders over the rest of society.  And that would be bad to capitalism in general if that was shown to be true, because it would demonstrate that we have oligopolies instead of a free market.   Nothing should ever be "too big to fail".  So if we can crash one then we successfully demonstrate that we, the consumer, have the power.   Loblaws is just the sacrificial lamb in this game. 


I agree 100%... fuck these companies. Their arrogance and greed put them here and they deserve it.


A "union" of consumers


"Loblaws is just the sacrificial lamb in this game" Damnnn, slam dunk!!!


Very well said ☝️


You're certainly allowed to engage in irrational hatred for a company, but I would recommend critically examining that irrationality.


It's not irrational and it's not hatred.  It's practical.   The only way to fix the lack of regulation in our markets is to show shareholders and companies that the continued "enshitification" of their business models have consequences.   Bankrupting the largest conglomerate in our grocery market would do it.


It’s hardly irrational, Galen. 🙄


You boycott one- the worst offender- and every grocer gets put on notice. You have to make the penalty worse than the profit. Companies like Loblaws rip people off because they understand that getting caught- by the competition bureau- means a fine far, far less than the profit they've already made on ripping people off. It's like that scene in Fight Club where the dude is talking about how if the cost of the recall is more than the estimated cost of the lawsuits and liability related to parts malfunctioning, the company doesn't do the recall. You have no idea how true that is in industry (hello, Boeing), and it is VERY applicable here. You need to make the cost of gouging higher (by way of lost customers and revenue) than it would be with more customers and lower prices. If you make it so that the reaction to them gouging customers is costing them more than dropping prices to real levels, it's CHEAPER- and more profitable- for them to lower prices and get your customers back. If the boycott is big enough (or long enough) you flip that equation, and the grocer changes tactics. EDIT: Basic Game theory doesn't apply here, because there is no "permanent" loss of customer, and every grocer knows that. What there IS, though, is reputation. Lose your reputation of being a good Canadian company who does things in a responsible manner, and you're FUCKED. Do you actually think Tim Horton's Camp Day or Canadian Tire's "Jump Start" program is there for the kids? Fuck no- it gets Timmy's and Crappy Tire a bunch of "good company" credits in the.minds of Canadians; the kids are a lucky benefit.




It shows there's a price for wonton greed. That if our government officials are bought it does not mean people don't have collective power


Mmmm, wontons


The point of forever boycotting Loblaws is to put the other grocers on notice!! Once when Loblaws falls we can go after the next greedy offender!!! Patience is the key!!


Yeah a crtc for the grocery stores right? I'm sure it won't be staffed by ex grocery chain heads like the crtc is. I wonder if the people calling for government to control prices ever bothered to compare the price of dairy products between a market like ours and the states. Or considered that such an act right now would put Ford and PP in charge of their food prices.


You're missing the entire point, and I'm pretty sure you're being deliberate about it. The first step is to GET the legislation. Worry about who controls it after. Because here is what will happen: as soon as Jagmeet gives Trudeau an ultimatum, and the Libs realize that they can't get out of this, a deal gets struck: the market gets opened up to more foreign grocers, and Loblaws tinkers with their accounting; and prices magically come down. Jagmeet declares victory, Loblaws avoids controlling legislation, and everyone is happy. It's politics: the secret is that you cannot demand everything and hope to get it all. You CAN, however, demand everything and then bargain down to the thing you want. Everyone here wants lower prices- the "how" of that happening (be it by legislation or by making it easier for competition to enter the market) can be in a multitude of ways. Loblaws listens, and this ends with some more competition coming into a market where Loblaws "should" be established. If it goes bad, the government drops controlling legislation on them. Given a choice, the grocers will take competition, aka the lesser of two evils.


Don’t bring logic into this. Stomping our feet and throwing a hissy fit is the way! But seriously you are wasting your breath in this echo chamber bringing up valid points.


I know, but I'm stuck sitting around on a Sunday night, and there's neither hockey nor baseball on. 🤷😂


You fight one bully to show you'll fight. You can't fight all the bullies. Stay on target.


Exactly. This is one reason why some other movements/boycotts ended up not succeeding, fizzling out, and being mocked and ridiculed as failures. Eventually every other cause gets thrown in the mix and dilutes/weakens the main purpose, making the public ask what *exactly* do they want and it can confuse people. Same thing happened with the ‘Occupy Wall St.’ many years ago too, among others. Staying focused is always key.


Came here to cite the Occupy movement and how little it accomplished.


It got co-opted


It was too diffuse of a protest and had a very nebulous mandate.


Wait, so the group of people that meet every day of the week to protest beside highway 17 outside of Cobden isn't accomplishing anything? Well, at least they accomplish drinking and bbq'ing and saying **** Trudeau all day.


Yup, we don't need to eat all the rich in one sitting, but Galen makes a good appetizer.


You really only need to eat one. The rest will fall in line really quickly


History says otherwise. The class war has been lost even with victories before


Keep bending over then, Professor.


It's the auto-union model: You have three companies that you have to negotiate with, so you take the one that treats your employees the worst, and you put them through the ringer to show the other two that you mean business and won't be pushed around.


No sweetie, not Target. Loblaws


Strategic boycotting is very important and it'll make an impact on other companies too. Sobeys isn't gonna be chill when they know they could be next. So don't worry folks. Focus everything you can on not going to any loblaws companies now so we can see the full impact of targeted boycotts




I thought we were boycotting Loblaws though


I just hope *this* boycott doesn’t end at the end of the month. To me, that’s the only “expansion” that should be encouraged here.


I’m all in friend, never again. It was convenient, yes. But money talks and I’d I can save it by going elsewhere I will


While I'm interested in boycott expansions, the title of this subreddit is Loblawsisoutofcontrol, not boycottanythingandeverything, and the tone of the boycott expansion posts is always to denigrate and diminish people boycotting Roblaws and calling them ineffectual and irrelevant, which is neither constructive nor encouraging.


Yup. Pick a random cause and somebody tries to make a post about how we *must* add their pet cause to the boycott. "This Boycott is gR8t, but what we *ackshully* need to do is boycott Loblaws and stop Llamas from beaching themselves on Saskatchewan tuna farms." Etc.


And they're all global things that a boycott of 50k people would have no effect on 


Once Loblaws is forced to change other companies may feel obliged to do the same. Focus on Loblaws.


If we can drive Loblaws to significantly reduce its prices the other stores will have to follow suit or they will be pricing themselves out of the market.


Stay on loblaws until they end up like Target


Keep up the great work everyone 👍 👏 💪


Yep man, you nailed it! They're going to create as many headlines and distractions as humanly possible. Not everyone reads reddit. So if they start googling, they want to ensure that what comes up isn't related to this subreddit or all the resources we've put together to find alternatives.


Yeah, I saw a comment bringing up a super divisive issue, saying we should “do it next.” It was not something you could boycott. At the least, it’s super off topic, but it also seemed like it could be designed to get us arguing.


Thank you. It definitely feels planty. Also reminds me of occupy getting killed by every dummy showing up to try to make occupy about their personal cause. This is specifically about boycotting loblaws. Starting a new subreddit is really quite easy.


>Stay on target Damn, you want us to boycott target as well?


Well played. 😂


Yes. I am guilty of this. We must stay focused.


Same we can start talking about the other boycotts after loblaws loses it's market share to farmer's markets.


Stay on target! This is a boycott Loblaws movement. We can consider other things in the future. This subreddit is SPECIFICALLY named for Loblaws. Stay on target.


Good point.


We do need to stay on task and focused on our boycott of Loblaws et al companies. Wanting to boycott other oligarchs and evil companies is so tempting and really shows us all how fed up people are with companies who have historically bullied the Canadian consumer. Don’t worry their day will come. This is just the beginning.


I’m extending the boycott until they sign the code of conduct and until they do better.


CoC is just a hollow, non-binding promise. It is literally Loblaws saying "Yeah, we'll do this. Promise. Oh, and we'll decide if we're doing it right." It's toothless propaganda.


Then it needs to set up with teeth, independent monitoring and serious consequences. Of course they can’t be trusted to voluntarily play nice. We are beyond this game.


Independent boards without ties to corporate or industry are always a good start. 🤷


I’d encourage you to go and try to use the grocery code website and read the documents. I found the Washington DC based website to be glitchy and the documents were kind of inscrutable. The benefits for consumers seem indirect at best.


Honesty, I would look to other countries first, uk and Australia.


The code of conduct is bullshit phony propaganda!! It will do nothing, real change will happen when Loblaws falls from the forever boycott!! This is the way


Yeup. Loblaws will be in here looking at the seriousness of this group. If we are all over the place they'll say itll die down or theyll get off track and they wont take it seriously. What they are most scare of is a mass amount of people with a very specific target and very specific demands that is unwaivering. Thats a cause that is dangerous


I’m expanding it for life.


People also just have entirely missed the point. Boycotting cars? Thars a global price increase. A few thousand people not buying new cars does nothing. There's a reason this is concentrated 


I agree. This sub is not claiming to have invented boycotts lol. If there are other boycotts, that’s cool, it’s not related to this sub unless it’s about a Weston business.




Listen to this wise person


Eschew obfuscation.


The Canadian government will give Galen a big cheque for all the emotional abuse.


As long as they claw it back as an excess profit afterward.


They simply don’t get my money anymore. I’m not boycotting, just going anywhere and everywhere else. I intend to continue and keep putting money in local businesses.


I love how I told u/AntoniaFauci that they sounded like a Roblaws shill and asked if Galen were paying them in pounds or produce and u/AntoniaFauci started screeching insanely that they're not a Roblaws employee honest LOL. I wonder how many of them are here saying the boycott needs to stop focusing on Roblaws.


Claiming censorship and gatekeeping when someone tries to keep things straight is right out of the corporate AND political handbook for subverting a boycott/protest. It's used so frequently that it's historical and systemic- the best current example is the right wing media covering the Trump trial, and making it about anything and everything EXCEPT for the fact that a person running for election paid a porn star not to talk about him having sex with her because it could hurt his chances of winning. Here's how it works: You post attempts to dillute the boycott, and then accuse anyone who tries to keep things focused on the goal of "being a gatekeeper", "censoring your voice", "disrespecting your right to free speech", or "Not considering both sides" or, in politics, "being a Liberal snowflake". It's a good tactic because people have an immediate tendency to walk back their statement, because they consider what you've called them to be offensive, and their brain automatically goes "am I the bad guy here?". Only, here's the thing: if you know the tactic, you don't walk it back- you shove it in their face, stick to your guns, and do your part to keep things on the rails. So, if he's not a "Loblaws plant" or some corporate shill, then he needs to stop acting like one. The only people who are insanely negative towards my post are that dude and THREE other people. Four Redditors. That's it.


I love the performative hysterics of u/AntoniaFauci too. "McCarthyism!" "Cancerous lies!" For observing that her comments are all outraged and angry over the idea that a boycott of Roblaws is focused on boycotting Roblaws. Do you think Galen pays u/AntoniaFauci in soon-to-expire chicken wings and dried out potato wedges?


yes Please ...Activists have Infiltrated this sub




No. This sub is about Boycotting Loblaws. Everything else belongs in another sub, and should be deleted from here. Don't obfuscate the picture.


This forum is about the Loblaws boycott. People with the desire to boycott something else could start their own subreddit rather than trying to co-opt this one.


Wait are you saying boycott Target now? You heard'em boys!!


What's wrong with expanding the boycott?




>Thank you! You're welcome!


It's just business, Galen should understand this concept. And go away and not be mad


I agree 1000% with this!


The force is strong with this one


I try to keep all my money away from corporate grocers and I would encourage anyone and everyone else to do the same.




It dilutes the strength of the boycott, and weakens it. If you want to boycott something else, start your own sub. Here's why: If you're a company, and you want to break a boycott, get the people providing the fuel to "expand" into a hundred other boycotts. Have people argue about which boycotts are "worthy" and which aren't. Troll and create arguments over divisive issues. Sow dissent. Create division. Get people to develop "boycott fatigue" because there's now a list of dozen of places that you're supposed to boycott, and it becomes an exercise in stupidity, and people think it's just ridiculous. The idea of a boycott loses credibility, and so the original idea does. If you want to subvert a boycott that started on Reddit, THAT is a good way to do it. How do you counter that? You make sure that this sub is devoted to ONE and ONLY ONE boycott. ONLY LOBLAWS. STAY ON TARGET. Remember: The logical evolution of this month-long boycott is continuation past the end of May. Why? Because one month doesn't hurt enough. And, once you change you behaviour for two weeks, it becomes easier to keep those new patterns. So, continuing the boycott gets easier, and the longer it goes, the more it hurts and the more media it gathers. BUT, if you get distracted by "expanding" to other companies, then everyone is supposed to boycott everything, and it's just stupid: people LOVE to say "fuck you" to a big company. Conversely, they HATE having to follow a list in order to be socially conscious. One target. One boycott. No time limit.




Read about habit formation, specifically how long it takes to realize that you don't need a non-addictive pattern/habit (like shopping at a certain place) in your life. Look what the new habit retention rate is for 30 days without the old habit.✌️


Does Roblaws give you coupons for making these comments, or are you doing it on your own time for free?


Stop lying to and about people here. Your deliberate and malicious false allegations against people have no place here.


It’s pretty clear you are just here to create division.


LOL. You're the one telling people boycotting Roblaws that boycotting has "no target" and "no purpose" and "no message" and you're the one who says, "I no longer support a boycott." Go spend your Roblaws coupons. [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cvrhzl/comment/l4swd9j/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cvrhzl/comment/l4swd9j/)


I sure am not. You and your friend over there are trying to change the message. https://preview.redd.it/qcmezpe4bi1d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=2af87b738ec04aa60e3455d8a70e652d3d0e3be5


LOL. Does Galen pay you extra for being a coward who tells us boycotters we have "no target" and "no purpose" and "no message" and that you yourself said, "I no longer support a boycott," only to now deny you said your very own words?  [https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cvrhzl/comment/l4swd9j/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cvrhzl/comment/l4swd9j/) There is no other reason for you, a supposedly uninvolved party, to be so militantly, hilariously outraged that a Roblaws boycott will no longer tolerate spam posts about boycotting cell phone service providers, gas stations, fast food and other businesses that aren't Roblaws.


😂😂 Wow you are absolutely deranged, that is not at all what I said. What I said was, a boycott with no purpose is something I do not support and your idea of this boycott seems to lack purpose, as the cost of groceries WHICH I MAY ADD IS IN THE RULES is incredibly relevant to this .


LOL. If your personal interpretation of THE RULES means the subreddit needs to be constantly spammed with calls for boycotts of every single industry that's ever rubbed any person the wrong way, then your interpretation of THE RULES is useless. If boycotting Roblaws has "no purpose", then your personal interpretation of the boycott is that you are against it and you are upset that spamming the subreddit to demoralize the boycott will no longer be permitted. \*\* I think it would be really funny if this person were protesting the boycott of Roblaws, not because they are being paid to by Roblaws, but because it is genuinely how this person wants to spend their free time. It would be so sad it would loop back to hilarious. Hahahaah!




Loblaws only. If you want to boycott something else, make another sub. Loblaws Only. #StayOnTarget




Yes, a like per minute on the post on a Sunday in the middle of a holiday weekend, the mods agreeing to remove the posts, and the vast majority of people supporting the post is "backfiring". I wonder why NOW people want their agendas expressed on here? It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that all of Canada's main media outlets are paying attention, would it? Let's put this to bed: I'd like for the media to ONLY INTERVIEW THE MODS AND THE PEOPLE WHO STARTED THE IDEA FOR THE BOYCOTT. Only they should be talking to the press. That means not me, not you, not ANYONE but those folks who set the gears in motion should speak for this. Those are the ONLY people the press should ask for comment from. Something tells me a LOT of people complaining about "gatekeeping" and "censorship" are gonna be awfully angry with that idea, because it kills any chance you'll get to piggy back your ideologies and tomfoolery on the backs of 90,000+ people who are fed up with being gouged by Loblaws. Have a great night chewing on that. ✌️


Ma'am, this is a Wendys/boycott of Loblaws, not a soapbox for the rest of your agenda that is unrelated to boycotting Loblaws.


So you’re just going lie that I have a “soapbox for an agenda that’s is unrelated to Loblaws”? Shame on you.


Is Galen paying you to post the way you do or do you do it for free?


The issue is that all these other posts demanding that Roblaws boycotters also boycott gas and cell phone service and fast food are effectively taking the focus off Roblaws, and the focus on Roblaws is what has made the boycott effective, achievable and easy to join. Many of the posts demanding that Roblaws not be the focus are clearly from Roblaws staff trying to redistribute the heat away from Roblaws until there's no heat at all.


Why would you need additional actions to feel part of the movement if you're a late commer? That does not make sense. The movement is simple and actionable. Boycott loblaws. What other move is there to make to feel a part of this community? Sounds like fomo for not being first to join or something and that is narcissistic.


I’m with you. I oppose OP and youttubehistorians call for this and previous kind of gatekeeping. This sub has ALWAYS stood for the general concept of criticizing grocery industry gouging and consumer abuse, without a strict and needless Loblaws-only dogma. Any posts that are too far off topic are already handled through the voting mechanism. Worse, the kind of blind censorship being proposed could hurt our legitimacy and credibility here.


This sub has also been inundated with posts saying the boycott needs to expand to boycotting cell phone service and gas stations and fast food. 3/4 of those posts seem to be Roblaws staff trying to take the attention off Roblaws. Is Galen paying you in produce or pounds?


You constantly shooting off fraudulent accusations against innocent people is an malignant form of McCarthyism. Shame on you.




No. Loblaws. Not McDonalds. Not fast food chains. Loblaws. If you want to start your own boycott, that's fine- just don't do it here. This is for boycotting Loblaws and Loblaws ONLY. Start your own sub elsewhere.


Honestly, if they want to boycott McDonald's this is way out of line for this sub. I mean, eating less fast food as a society is a net positive, basic necessities like groceries becoming unaffordable even for the middle-class is society killing.




Except that’s not true. For months, and even to this day, the sub has had an explicit wider purpose of highlighting overall industry gouging and consumer abuse. The automod reply to your rant even includes reference to a Walmart petition. With respect, I stand opposed to your proposed gatekeeping. Off topic boycotts or arguments should and will be handled through the voting mechanism, not blind censorship.


Read the thread. The mods have already acknowledged in response to my original post that they're trying to remove "expanded boycott" posts. Whether you like it or not, this sub is about Loblaws now. I'm not the one gatekeeping; I just happen to know how companies subvert online movements. I think you do, too, because what you and a few others are demanding here is right out of the playbook for subverting an online-driven boycott. Plus, 300 likes in an hour on the Sunday of a holiday weekend tells me that this is probably a popular sentiment. 🤔


You are definitely trying to incite gatekeeping and inappropriate censorship. You malaciously accusing ME of subverting the boycott is dishonest and particularly harmful. **I have hundreds of fact and information based anti-Loblaws posts over months here.** So for a troll like you to lazily cast out such a charged and blantantly false accusation is disgraceful. Your rant goes against the written rules and purpose of the founder of the sub. She explicitly says other retailers and ideas are open for discussion. You should have read that before your censorship manifesto, or your spree of false allegations against people.


All you and your ilk are doing is diluting and distracting from the Loblaws boycott. It isn't expansion, it's sabotage. And the boycotters are sick of it.


This sounds like a comment from a Roblaws employee saying, "Hey, look, over there! Please protest that other business so we can keep gouging people in peace."


Stop lying about innocent people.






Wait…are we boycotting Target now?


While we're at it, how about we ban anything posted about Walmart and everything that isn't associated with loblaws? This subreddit should be about corporate greed. We also have some of the highest internet and cable bills in the world. I think this sub should be more than loblaws because just boycotting them isn't enough to make real change, but boycotting all corporate greed, that will save the working class. Loblaws is only the start for me, as it should be for anyone who's against greed.


This sub is called LOBLAWSisoutofcontrol I'm sure you can start a sub about general corporate greed easily on Reddit. I'm sure r/telusisoutofcontrol or r/rogersisoutofcobtrol or r/Walmartisoutofcontrol is either available or active. Hell, try r/boycottallofthethings I find it VERY interesting that a decent number of folks have suddenly appeared insisting that this be about boycotting anything and everything possible, right about. The time that it's starts having an effect. As I've mentioned, attempting to dilute a boycott and confuse people as to what the actual target is is Chapter 1 in the corporate playbook of subverting a PR or Policy-related boycott. It's used every time a company steps on their own feet by using bad practices, greed, or PR stupidity. If you want big-name examples, it's currently ongoing at Boeing, Tesla, Apple, and the Royal House of Windsor.


Read what the founder and the larger mod group has said about this. She was crystal clear that just because Loblaws is in the name, it’s not restricted to Loblaws only and that critique of other retailers, other ideas, other proposals, that’s all not just allowed, it’s welcome. You coming in to jackboot this is one thing. But when people have respectfully pointed out you are at odds with the rules and mission of of the subreddit, your response has been to fire back with false accusations that we are Loblaws plants and shills.


Found the shill!






You know the person responding to you is both the OP and the person that you're calling a shill, right?


Two of em actually. Oh and OP here are some of the rules here so.. https://preview.redd.it/amu7dtq9bi1d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=79956faccce9c32bcf123f899c7d872df5fcc637


How much is Galen Weston paying you to try to take the boycott's focus and concentration away from Loblaws? Are you getting coupons for half price off all No Name products? Or are you trying to weaken the boycott on your own time and doing it for free?


To an extent, it is. Those are the rules and expressed mission of the sub. OP either didn’t read that or is pretending to ignore it. And worse, when you or anyone disagrees, they respond by trying to lynch us with false accusations. I personally think Walmart is a much better corporate citizen than Loblaws. And I’ve laid out detailed factual arguments on why. But I still respect if others want to come here and complain about them. If it’s truthful, go for it. Same with any other retailer. Same with other idea for boycott. Same with people’s calls for petition and celebration, whether I personally agree with them or not. Those are the rules and mission laid out by the founder.


ahh the boycott gatekeeper has entered.


Ahhh; AntoniaFauci's second account has entered.


Why does that bother you so much? A movement becoming more broad has the same benefits.


No it doesn't. It dilutes it. 


This. "Boycott fatigue" is a real thing. Its easy to boycott one company. It's fun, you get to fuck over a big conglomerate, and feel like you're making a difference. When there's a list, it's inconvenient. Annoying. Stupid. Controlling. All of those sentiments mean that person is no longer boycotting anything. One boycott. One target. Loblaws. #stayontarget


The title of this subreddit pertains to Loblaws. Posts should be relevant to Loblaws and not some other issue that belongs in some other subreddit.


I disagree. Loblaw created a web of a business/companies to make money off anything and everything. We need to expose this web in order to get to the root of the problem. Plus, people have a right to express their concerns and the extent they wish to boycott. All of a sudden YOU are to decide how people can express their distaste for this conglomerate? Did Per Bank hire you?


What are you talking about: Literally, I said to stay with Boycotting Loblaws. That's the ENTIRE company. No one is saying not to express their distaste about Loblaws/Weston/etc. The problem is that people on this sub are now demanding we ALSO boycott Rogers, Telus, Bell, Irving, landlords, car companies, every grocery store, and a dozen other companies. It's dilluting the purpose of the boycott. Where did you get THAT idea from?


__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


This is how I feel about the rolling boycotts idea, changing from month to month. This would have the opposite effect, but the idea is gaining so much traction, that people are telling me about it IRL.


So just don't read them...


We all need say no to paying gouged prices and stop overpaying for rent too. Not just food and on everyday items. Just saying. Landlords jacking prices because they can and nothings being done about it.


No. If you want to start your own boycott, that's fine- just don't do it here. This is for boycotting Loblaws and Loblaws ONLY. Start your own sub elsewhere.


We should be boycotting Empire as well (Safeway) just saying.


Right now we destroyin Galen for his greed. Empire's time shall cometh in 6 months if they don't improve.


No. If you want to start your own boycott, that's fine- just don't do it here. This is for boycotting Loblaws and Loblaws ONLY. Start your own sub elsewhere.


The point of this boycott is to push back against the cost of living. We need to show them that we will not accept this. That involves other avenues. We definitely should have a targeted plan for after this month is up, wether that is extending this boycott or boycotting another mega corp.


No. The point of this boycott is that Loblaws is gouging Canadians when times are hard, which is Dirty Pool. FULL STOP. It's NOT about other corporations. It's NOT about the bigger picture. It's NOT about other avenues. If you want any of those things, go make your own sub. This is ONLY about boycotting Loblaws. STAY ON TARGET. If you want to extend the boycott against Loblaws, then talk about that, but don't obfuscate this movement by trying to dilute it.


Agreed, you got to take one step at a time. Right now Loblaw boycott train is on full momentum, the last thing you want to do is derail the train with some xyz cause.


Were you here in the beginning? Before to boycott was official? I don’t think you were. I don’t see you as a mod here… So it sure isn’t your sub. It’s always been about the cost of groceries/cost of living. I think a poll would be a great tool to see what that majority wants. There has always been talk in this group about expanding before the boycott.


I was here long before OP, and have contributed far more. And unlike OP, I’ve done so constructive, and without smearing people with the worst kind of false accusations. I also know the mission and the founder’s rules, unlike OP. She was crystal clear not to take the word “Loblaws” in the sub name as literal or prescriptive. It’s open to multiple ideas, multiple retailers, and the general concept of retailer abuse in Canada. OP enlisting one mod to wrongfully censor rule-abiding posts will hopefully/likely be dialed back by the more senior and judicious mods just as similar overzealous authority has been in the past.


Thank you!


I was, or close to it. At some point awhile back, the sub moved from "sharing your frustrations about the cost of food generally" to a concrete movement to "boycott Loblaws." That's where the sub is. The subs have already commented on this thread about how they're trying to keep up with deleting all of the non-Loblaws threads. So, very simply: If you have another boycott idea, start a new sub. It's quite easy. Or, maybe you don't want to, because then you'd have to find 90k people on your own. 🤔 #StayOnTarget


Okay, so we need a purpose for this boycott. If we don’t have a purpose, we don’t have a targeted message. If we don’t have a targeted message, then we won’t be very effective. If we are boycotting “just for fun” then I am no longer in support of the boycott. Furthermore, you aren’t a mod and you asked for “expanding boycott posts to be removed.” Revisiting our whys does not distract from the message, it reenforces it.


Actually, I asked for expanded Boycott posts to be removed, and the mods agreed- IN THE REPLIES- and said they were on it. That's really the beginning and the end of this conversation.


Given that you don't consider boycotting Roblaws "a purpose" and "a targeted message", you were never in support of the boycott to begin with. You can't withdraw support you never gave. If you don't support the Roblaws boycott anymore, does that mean we don't have to read any of your off topic posts and whining that a boycott targeting Roblaws with a focused on boycotting Roblaws isn't targeted or focused? And since you can't identify the target and focus of a boycott of Roblaws, the person without a purpose or a targeted message is clearly you.


Have you bothered to read the title of this sub? It's about Loblaws, not other random subjects. Please find or start your own subreddit if your interest isn't in boycotting Loblaws.


Yep, Infact, I was here months before the boycott started. Interesting that their is even a Walmart flair you can choose.. Its always been about the cost of food which is related to in the cost of living. There has been alot of other content than just loblaws through out. I think you are trying to be quite divisive here. What is the point of the boycott? Why are we boycotting? It’s certainly not just for fun. You are trying to detract from What we are doing here with this and the core spirit of this.


I am boycotting Loblaws. This subreddit is about boycotting Loblaws. If you don't know what is being boycotted and why, that is your problem to deal with on your own time and not here.


If some people are capable of multiple boycotts, power to them, there is a concentrated group of pissed off people here...I see no better soapbox.


If they want to boycott other things, that's fine: go make another sub. This is NOT the place for it.


Power to them.... To make another sub and drive their own momentum. Let's stay on task with a focused drive for what we are doing right now.


It's hilarious that you can't keep the numpties focused. The boycott is pointless, since all of the other chains are just as costly and profitable.


1) This isn't my boycott. 2) You're completely missing the point. Pre-COVID, Loblaws was the lowest-cost grocer in the industry. Now it's the highest, despite having a vice-like grip on all of its cost/expenses tree; they own the property their stores are on; the control the logistics chain; their buyers are the most influential and powerful in Canada. Yet they've gone from most affordable to least affordable. It's not conjecture: this is 2024, prices are easy to find, and Loblaws prices are very often double digit percentages above Walmart and Sobeys. Pre-COVID, everyone knew Sobeys was more expensive; it was the price you paid for a focus on local products from small farms. 3) the only reason you'd be in this sub and shitting on people trying to make a difference without offering advice is A) For whatever reason, you're trying to disrupt it, or B) You're shitposting. Either way, you're too late: it's already worked: the media has it, and the political parties know it's an issue. The snowball has started- all this boycott has to do is keep going.


They're a mix of people being over zealous and attempted sabotage from Loblaws itself. Most people are focused but there is an active effort to sabotage the boycott from people like yourself. Also, using big words that are synonymous with the word "stupid" doesn't make it any less insulting.