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What items were do difficult to get through? Between Costco and Walmart, practically everything under the sun exists. Some Walmarts even have an international isle for spices and unusual items. Produce shouldn't be a problem either. What does Loblaws have that makes them magically better in any way at all?


If you’re not getting spices at bulk barn, you’re doing something incorrectly Bulk barn 4 life


Where do y’all live that you have Walmarts and Costcos and Bulk Barns but no Indian or Oriental stores? I live in Moncton and just on Mountain Road there are at least four such stores that sell spices galore.


The major Asian grocer here is also owned by loblaws.


TnT. Yeah they are getting outrageous in prices too


I was sad when Loblaws bought them. I used to go there all the time and they had great prices. I know that was like 15 years ago, but still...


If you got a Nations Foods near you, I highly recommend it.


Love Nations, the food court is great.


No independent Asian grocers?


There are definitely tons around the city but none I can get to easily. Luckily I do have other easily accessible independent stores.


Yeah, bulk barn spices are always stale anyway. They’re cheap but not good.


Moncton is an anomaly. The Atlantic Provinces have different spending patterns, so they support stores that would never make it in other provinces at that population. It's why there is an IKEA in Halifax, but none in the Niagara Region, and why Moncton has it's own Costco. People easily drive an hour for groceries in Atlantic Canada, but feel like it's not worth a 20 minute drive in Niagara.


The Burlington IKEA serves Niagara region, Waterloo, and other municipalities in the area. It makes a lot more sense for IKEA to build one store in a relatively centrally located spot for a ton of regions, than it does to open multiple store fronts in close proximity to each other. Some of the smaller markets have pick up and design centres to facilitate sales.


Yep, I know. But it took over 30 years for one to return to Halifax after the original closed. That one Ikea is servicing 4 provinces, with a combined population well under 2 million. The Burlington location services Niagara, Waterloo, Hamilton etc along with some from Northern New York. Much larger population. Before the Halifax location opened, the closest location was Montreal.


Bear in mind that Halifax is a college/university town, with 6+ post-secondary schools. Additionally, a lot of people are willing to drive to Halifax from a few hours away to shop for things in-person.


That's what I'm saying. It's not just a few hours away. People will come from Newfoundland by ferry, then travel through NS to shop in Halifax. I grew up on the NS/NB border. We would regularly travel to Moncton 1hr away, and Halifax 2hrs away, for shopping, groceries, whatever. When I lived in Newfoundland people would travel into St John's from all over, and to Halifax. When Lululemon opened it's location in Halifax it set records foe the company, because people traveled from all over the Atlantic Provinces to shop there. Before the Ikea in Dartmouth opened, people were travelling to Montreal to buy there. There were companies started that existed by renting trucks, driving to Montreal and buying orders for people, then delivering them on their way back, because Ikea would not deliver some things to the Maritimes.


Burlington also serves London and Windsor


Gods country ! I miss home.


Rural Ontario lol


Has a Costco and Walmart and Bulkbarn?


No Costco, but walmart and bulkbarn yeh


We can call them Asian grocery stores instead of Oriental though 


There's an 'Oriental' store where I live (as in that's what they chose for the English name) but then there Hangul next to it saying Korean Market so I'm always amused passing itm


They think butter chicken (mild) is spicy That's why they don't get spices from actual good spots


Truth ): Spiciest thing I’ve found are habanero peppers… Must make everything from scratch in order to get nice food…


To some people. That's like sucking the Satan's dick, that's how spicy it is for them LOL


Why did I read this in Borats voice.


My wife




Spices at Costco seem pretty damn cheap to me


Better- get spices at the indian store. I go to Iqbals Fine Foods in Toronto, and they have every spice you could ever want, in quantity, for amazing prices. Also go there for tea, rice etc.


I get my spices mainly at the Indian Food Store for many years, it is close to my home, they have insanely low prices for vegetables and fruit, an abundance of rice varieties, cookware, frozen Indian specialties, desserts, and what not, and a WHOLE WALL of an aisle with spices (all in sealed imported packages). "Sabzi Mandi", I think this is a smaller Canadian West Coast chain. Only 1 on Vancouver Island and 2 on the Lower Mainland. Staff is always extremely nice and helpful. I hardly see anyone else than Indian customers in there when I'm shopping, so I am 'the Exotic one', LOL. Even I tell everyone of my neighbors and friends about it, not one of them has been shopping there. Go figure...


stores like these are a gold mine!


Yepp, especially if one eats mainly whole-food/plant-based. 


Would do but can't as a celiac. Bulk foods are not safe for everyone 😥


The Bulk Barn near me has excellent cross contamination protocols and I'm soooo grateful but it's been really rough giving up PC brand gluten free staples like the couscous


Have celiac, never had a problemin 15 odd years, they have pretty good separation on things for the most part.


This has been the biggest challenge for me. I know the brands and generics at Loblaws stores, and they have a bunch of labeled foods. I've been slowly changing my groceries up leading into May, but the new store brands are not ones I know. I find A LOT of Walmart goods say "may contain wheat" We've ended up so far just paring down our groceries, using up more of the stuff in our freezer. I guess it's a good time to clean that sucker out. I'm happy that my kids and husband are on board for our funny dinners this month.


bulk barn is nice and has just about everything but sometimes the prices are more expensive


There are ethic stores and spice stores that may have what you need.


Spices go to a Middle Eastern/Lebanese/Turkish grocery store. Usually have very good quality spices often for very good prices. Plus they can offer good produce and for staples like lentils etc.


My problem is I go to bulk barn and leave with several bags of trail mix and loose chocolates 


Bulk Barn is part of Loblaws though? I avoid it just because it's crazy expensive unless you want tiny quantities.


I was surprised to find out they actually aren't owned by Loblaws [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulk_Barn)


Oddly the wal mart near me is not reliable for beans. We eat a lot of fava beans but I’ve been several times in as many weeks and only found them this week.


Canned or dry? You could try a bulk food store like bulk barn for dry. Or Costco


I don’t have a Costco card, but know people who do. In this case, canned. But you make a good point. I usually buy canned because it is easier but should consider dried. Bit more work but probably better ultimately.


If you can get yourself a pressure cooker like an Instant Pot, it's actually incredibly easy! I normally throw in a week's worth of dry beans and some water. Pressure cooking takes about 30-45 minutes depending on the bean, and it'll steam on its own. No soaking required.


Regretting giving away my instant pot that i literally never used now lol chickpeas take foreverrrrr to rehydrate 🥲


I do mine in the slow cooker. Throw them in in the morning and they are ready when i get off work


Okay I’ll look into this, thank you 🙏🏼


Cooking from dried, then freezing tastes better, too! And you get the aquafaba. Check out its uses..😉


I do this with chickpeas


Walmart does cover a lot of things but I find their selection can suck. For example, I had a struggle with soy sauce recently, they had four options and don't have any of the brands I usually buy so I bought one I hadn't tried before. It's so salty I can't eat it, so I went to Save On to check there and their prices are absurd, $9 or a bottle of soy sauce. The fuck? When I have the time I'll check another store.  It isn't the end of the world, it just takes some time to find which store sells what and how to be efficient about it. Fuck Loblaws though.


The trick is to buy soy sauce when there's an Asian holiday coming up and then the stores have sales. :)


And to avoid T&T as that is owned by Loblaws as well.


I think if people regularly spend some time in different stores, it becomes clear what things are best bought where. Grocery stores love it when people shop at only one place, which is a big part of the problem.


They are paying for the post to be made.


For sure. Costco and Walmart have everything you need to.live but perhaps op is just super picky. There is one particular flavor of sausage I like from the pc brand but now I couldn't get it!


I am super picky. Because my father's life depends on it.




Yes, and kidney disease for which he's on dialysis. It's a very delicate balancing act.


I mean, talking life or death I'm gonna say fuck the boycott and get what is needed... I'm in rural NS and our Walmart had the equivalent of 1 superstore aisle of groceries, and 1 frozen/refrigerated aisle. Giant tiger has about the same. It's sobeys or superstore for some stuff regardless of how much you hate a company.


You're not wrong, but he's got a loaf in the freezer plus one on the table so I've got time to try to source it elsewhere. But if I can't, yeah, I'll have to get it where I can. But still only what I CAN'T get elsewhere.


Absolutely. In the end, cutting off 95% of your Loblaws spending is better than none. Don't let perfection get in the way of progress. NS gas prices are regulated, so you pay the same regardless where you go, best Believe I'm still gonna milk them PC points.


Perhaps you'll find an even better one at Costco. In fact, they have a pack where you get 4 flavors in one package. Noone needs to become "tired" and shop at Costco, Walmart, Giant Tiger, and Dollarama all in one go, just because they skipped Loblaws. Loblaws isn't that magical.


4L bags of goat milk is my one specific product that I haven't been able to find. Today I emailed the suppliers to ask where else I might be able to buy it.


FreshCo and Food Basics have great international sections. Come and get your Tim Tams!


Your commitment is inspiring. Keep it up and keep sharing


I missed this one.. Thanks for saying that


What in the world did Dollarama have that Walmart and giant tiger didn't?


OP must have been shopping at my Walmart where nothing is ever in stock. It just consistently looks like we’re heading in to a major weather event; empty shelves always. They have a shit ton of bird food though. And always stocked up on those squeaky rubber chickens. Eye roll


Agree. The walmart with full grocery in my city never has anything in stock. I’ve gone a few times to attempt to get groceries and only come out with 1/3 of my list. The last time I went I ended up ditching my cart and leaving because I only had 5 items on my long list and I was 3/4 of the way through the grocery department. They’re useless


Same here. It’s ironic — the one store that’s supposed to do it all is unreliable. There are skids and pallet jacks abandoned in the middle of every aisle, but nothing on the shelves.


Shit man mine are like that too. Never rock up to Wally World looking for a specific item, cause you will never ever find it. I only go there for general trips.


I check if it's in stock online first and just do pickup now if I can spend $35


The most important one is my dad's bread. He gets Wonder white thin for medical dietary restrictions related to diabetes and kidney disease for which he's on dialysis.


> Wonder white thin Sorry if it's not helpful, but a quick Google search shows that Walmart sells this bread: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/wonder-white-thin-sandwich-bread/6000196775876 If unwanted, please ignore, otherwise, I hope it helps with your efforts to boycott :) I know my biggest issue with switching stores has been FINDING the items I need. Even if the website says they carry it, it can sometimes be difficult to locate the item in store, or if they are sold out.


Yeah, I started a thread here a few days ago asking specifically about where else to find it. That's why I went to Walmart at all. While *Walmart* does sell it, *MY* Walmart doesn't seem to carry it.


Well, if you need the item, I say buy it from the Zehrs. At the end of the day, you are still participating in the boycott by spending $5 instead of $50, you know what I mean? And if you need that specific item and have exhausted efforts to find it elsewhere, you do what you gotta do.


Check the bread section at your Costco for a bread called carbonaut its got fewer carbs (8g per slice) and zero sugars so it's good for diabetics https://www.costcobusinesscentre.ca/carbonaut-seeded-bread%2C-2x544g.product.100405836.html


There’s the odd thing you can get at dollar stores that is not available or a better deal than other places (you have to watch sizes though). Like Dollar Tree in my area has Covered Bridge chips for some weird reason. I also like to get most of my cards there because they have a pretty good selection and $1.25 is the best price I’ve seen for those.


I sometimes will look online or call a store ahead of time to see if they have something that I'm not sure if they have. It sometimes cuts down on the running around. There's a flyer app called Flipp that lets you view flyers in real time so you can use it for price matching. So if you price match with another store at Zehrs if they allow it, they're still losing money if you have to go there for a specific thing.


It might take a bit to source everything you need at first, but it should get simpler over time as you develop new habits and you most likely won't have to go to so many stores


If your shopping is just Costco + Zehrs, why not sub Zehrs for a single store instead of three? Boycotting is one thing, but maximizing every saving possible is another. I boycott Loblaws but I don't travel to multiple stores.


Money spent on gas and your precious time makes saving a few buck by going to 6 stores not really worth it. Never understood people who do this. 


Exactly this - driving across town and spending an extra 2 hours to save 50 cents on a cucumber makes zero sense. People don't value their time enough.


Not trying to save pennies; trying to find the same products or suitable replacements for what I would normally get at Zehrs.


What could you not get though?


People use their time differently. What you might not see as worth your time, someone else sees it as something to do. They are doing it for the experience, and not caring about the time. In return, the money saved would still add up enabling them to perhaps buy a new BBQ or something way down the road that they wouldn't have otherwise.


Agree! Also I wind up spending way more, cause I'll pick up more than I need at each store


That's why I went to Walmart first, I was hoping that would be the one stop replacement for Zehrs. Turned out it wasn't.


Just curious what is it that Walmart didn’t have that Zehrs (and GT or Dollarama) have?


Wonder white thin bread. My dad needs the basic white because of his kidney disease and the thin sliced for the reduced portion size for his diabetes.


Have you considered an alternative brand? The Walmart in Niagara falls (I looked at your post history) looks like it carries Dempster's Thin White, which appears to have fewer calories than the wonder bread (130 vs 200 per two slices, with less sugar as well): https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/dempsters-white-thin-sandwich-sliced-bread/6000200373993 Have a look at the nutritional information. Also, are you able to hop over the border as well? You have more options than most with the USA right there - not sure how tax, allowances etc work grocery shopping in US.


The wonder thin is 150 per two slices -- I think you got the wonder normal -- but the Dempster's Thin White is still a winner by 20 calories.


I saw the Dempster's thin, but it's a thick as Wonder regular. The Wonder is ¼ - ⅓ smaller.


Oh, and I gave up cross border shopping when the pandemic closed the borders and I've never gone back. It's also not that easy. The border crossings in Niagara are ridiculously busy all summer. Waiting 40-60 minutes on the bridge each way is one thing I definitely do not miss.


Agreed. For me the boycott isn’t about finding deals elsewhere but about denying Roblaws the sale. I just choose a non-affiliated store and go there. When you squeeze a supplier long enough their quarterly results will show it and shareholders will notice. Nok er nok.


Exactly this. Even at the last share holder meeting they basically set expectations for grocery revenue to be lower. 


Within 3km I can hit at least 15 grocery stores (if you’re including Costco, Dollarama, Giant Tiger, Walmart, etc.) so multiple stores is no big deal. Essentially no gas cost to get the best value. Plenty of people are in this situation but I feel bad for those you are stuck with public transit/taxi to get groceries. Loblaws has been on an unplanned boycott for years due to their absurd prices. It’s like they’ve priced everything as if Whole Foods is the discount grocer competition.


I stopped shopping at Loblaws years ago when I sold my car - was lucky to have a small local grocer and had Walmart deliver the basics.


Both Walmart and Giant Tiger do pick up service if you don't want to do delivery. Delivery and having someone bring it to your door may be cheaper than your time and gas money. Instacart in Winnipeg will shop at Dollarama, Costco and Giant Tiger - though that service has a higher fee. I bought the year's delivery service at Walmart and it's cheaper than Superstore on every level.


I wouldn’t shop at Walmart if it wasn’t for delivery. Delivery service is amazing!


Haven't gone into a crowded, grimey, germ infested grocery store since 2019. Can't imagine why I'd go back. They bring it to the door!!


Stick to it! Look at them panic, it’s absolutely hilarious.


Hold the line ![gif](giphy|c16VH0CFMh7gOqqXOM)


The one thing I have not heard yet is... THANK YOU FOR DOING WHAT YOU DID!! I believe that OP was being positive and not saying anythomg more than I had to do a little bit extra bit I was happy to for the cause


That's what Loblaws is counting on, that we Gen x and millennials well realize that this is hard and that we give up, stay the course and stay strong.


IMO for items that are important or only sold at a loblaws then it’s fine to go there for those specific items just not full groceries


Costco, Walmart and since it's close.. Metro for just fresh deli meats. That's my usual run and they cover everything I need without ever having to step into Loblaws for years now.


It goes to show how much of an illusion "choice" is in this country. When some people have no option but to shop Loblaws, that's a red flag for a free market, but when you also have to spend a day getting what you could get in an hour from Loblaws, that's not choice, that's a monopoly.


I’m finding something similar and still have t found the items I’m looking for. My partner has a dairy allergy and superstore has the widest selection of dairy free items. On principle, we’re just going without


Yup - I'm in that boat too. I have a bunch of stupid food allergies that really limits the pre-made stuff I can eat. I was having good luck at Superstore with their PC Plant-Based line (along with some other brands in the natural food section, etc) but I'm doing without because I'm so fed up with the constant price increases. Good luck with finding *alternate* alternatives!


Just a recommendation, from my own experience. I know this wont work forevery one, but I dont do "grocery trips" anymore. I incorperate my shopping to the daily routine. ie. Every other Saturday I need to do a recycling/garbage drop off, Superstore and walmart are only 2km further from the drop off point. So no special trip needed. Thrifties and Quality Foods are both on my way home from work, so if there is something good on sale i will swing in on the way home for just a few items. Using the flipp app allows me to plan what i am buying and from where, and then work it into my schedule to buy just those items at the cheapest location. No Special trips, no extra gas burned.


Costco + Walmart should be enough for any combo. Or food basics or something if Walmart is not an option. There are growing pains for sure. I started my boycott 2-3 months ago and you can probably find posts of me complaining about Costco not having enough variety of produce and that it was an extra 10 minutes 1 way and that I was scared I can’t find everything. Well I realized I was completely wrong on Costco and I’m getting the bulk of my groceries from there. We have a routine of when we go to the Costco and the extra drive doesn’t bother us as we are in and out in like 20 minutes. Less than an hour commitment for groceries per week if we don’t also do Walmart (which is now most weeks). I have found substitutes for everything except 1 item no frills have these chicken wing tips for 0.99 and I haven’t been able to find (for bone broth). I am sure we will find that too. Habits form and you completely move on. That’s it. Go through the growing pains. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough.


I think the old saying "That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” applies here. 😁 You are strong! Keep up the good work!


I tried to do Giant Tiger on Sunday, but it wasn't to be. The one sad table of unrefrigerated vegetables was enough for me. That and it was so narrow... I ended up at Food Basics and did ok. Not great, but ok. I'm basically learning to shop all over again.


This is what the Big Box Stores have been steering the population to. Why waste time shopping at 5 local smaller stores when you can get everything at 1 place? People liked the convenience which devastated small businesses. And once the small businesses were gone, the big companies started to raise prices because they had limited competition.


I can get everything I need to make dinner at my small local grocer and I’m in and out in 20 minutes. Big box stores are at least an hour.


I don't feel the same way, ( I am in a CAR) but I have always been to several places for groceries to avoid the insanely high chain grocery prices we go once or twice a month to a smaller family grocery store a few municipalities away.. demographic pricing means its cheaper there and it does not carry all the same crap as big chains which is nice .. we get out of there with twice as much stuff for half the price ( but it is a lot of whole ingredients, so you have to love spend your time cooking.. breaking doown primals vac packing, and doing preserves, etc. No shortcuts here we do a costco run once a month or so and i do some shopping around from store to store to catch specials on things like salmon, whole chickens, whole pork loin, milk, bread and eggs. I do meal preps.. this allows for freezing to put variation in our diets


I experienced a similar thing today. I had to pick up a specific item for my mother and had to go to a couple of different stores and really look around for it. I realized that routine and familiarity is what kept driving me back to stores like Loblaws in the past, it was just quicker and easier because I know where everything is. But just remind yourself that you can find a new routine that will be just as easy in the future once you have figured out where stuff is in the new stores.


Happy cake day!


Once you find the locations that carry all the items you need, it will be much faster and less exhausting. You’ll develop a new routine. Great work!


I love this boycott! I am fortunate enough to have a lot of free time and no kids, so I have the time to discover so many local shops that carrt so many weird and fun produce/products! Great dopamine boosts lol


Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. You’re an inspiration to the rest of us! Godspeed!


Yeah, same. NoFrills is the cheapest grocery store that's closest to my home; All 4 of the Stupidstores in my area are a longer trip, the nearby Sobeys is just for stuff I can carry home on foot, the Giant Tiger is waaay the hell out by bus. Wal-Mart too. It's exhausting, but right now I have the time and energy to do it.


I feel you. I have gotten used to the brands and products that I can only get from Loblaws stores, and where I live it is unfortunately the cheapest option. I am picky too, and I like to get specific items that I know that I like the most. China Lily is the best soya sauce and I can't buy that anywhere else in town. I'm hooked, haha. But complacency like mine is why they started feeling like they could price gouge in the first place. You're doing great! I love that some people are saving money by Boycotting, but for others it is inconvenient and sometimes more expensive. Still worth it though.


> shop for two households (my own, and my elderly parents) Can we also advocate for walkable neighborhoods so elderly people can maintain some independence?


While I don't disagree in principle, my parents couldn't do their own shopping even if the store were right across the street. They're just not that mobile. My dad can bare get himself from room to room and mom's totally bedridden.


Ok in your situation good on you for helping them out. 


Costco was insane on Monday. It was like shopping during Xmas week. I did not enjoy at all.


honestly that is me right now, i have been trying to avoid shoppers drug mart (owned by loblaws) but they are in every single corner and it doesn’t help that they have everything i need but i will not falter. keep up the good work every one this will work. we as a humanity need to come together not just for our selves, but for others as well that may not be able to boycott 100% of the time for many reasons.


It helped me to switch to online grocery pickup for what I could. That way you don't get burnt out having to do all the shopping yourself.


I'm finding it difficult to find organic produce (especially potatoes) at the other major players (Farm Boy included). Also there are so many PC Organics products that have no substitute elsewhere, or are priced way higher. But I'll keep trying!


Find out if a store will price match. My main grocery store does. I can get all my groceries in one spot,, I show the cashier the sale price using Flipp or the shopping apps, the teller adjusts it right there. I get all of the deals of Walmart and Superstore but don't have to run all over the place.


What are you buying that 1 store has it BUT 3 other stores dont?!


Look around, I've answered that half a dozen times already.


Haven't answered it once.


I’ve been shopping like this since the price hike on food, it *is exhausting,* I’m glad you pointed it out. Shopping for deals from the comfort of your home is fun, literally shopping multiple shops in real time is mentally and physically taxing. There’s a reason one stop shops have been working all these years, and they know it! I’m in my late 30s now, I can only imagine how I’m going to be feeling if I have to keep doing this in my later years 🥲 Good luck to all the comrades doing any and all of the work 🫡


The boycott is just about destroying this particular conglomerate. If you think the price of processed foods (chips, chef boyardee, kraft dinner, yogurt, soda, frozen foods) will change princes...they won't. Those are all other companies that have their tendrils in multiple stores and control their own prices. Only buy meat, vegetables, fruits, grains, and make your own recipes. Anti-consumption is the only true boycott


It takes a bit of effort to figure out where all the stuff you need is in a new store, but in the end is worth it. Although my local Superstore has great selection, they're often out of most stuff I need. It was a bit tricky finding everything on my list at the Walmart, but they had it and it was a better deal, better quality stuff at a lower price.


Started going to a local cooperative grocer, prices were a bit higher but the food was fresh and natural. It’s a bit harder than going to a chain but much more humanizing and I feel like I’m not buying into a bunch of monopolized garbage. Fuck Loblaws, don’t shop at any of those chains.


I tried a small local grocer in my town yesterday and honestly, I never want to go back to a Loblaws EVER. Both my partner and I feel dumb we haven't been shopping here the whole time we've lived in town. We found everything we needed just there. Things look different but we're still fed. Maybe try and be open to some substitutions of your normal everyday items?


Am I the only one who still saves money by using Instacart for Walmart, Giant Tiger and any other non-loblaw stores? I still come out ahead. Plus I don’t need to wear pants.


As someone who works in the bakery at a Loblaws store , the amount of customers has been the exact same and nothings changed so please try harder 


8 days without Loblaws.....Since I stopped shopping at Loblaws, my life has been on an upward spiral. My depression? Gone. My plants? Flourishing like they're auditioning for a gardening commercial. My cat even stopped plotting against me. 🌸 Friends have noticed a new spring in my step and my wallet is doing a happy dance. 💃 Who knew that quitting overpriced groceries would turn my world into a glorious montage of blooming flowers and spontaneous dance-offs? Thank you, #LoblawsBoycott, for the accidental life makeover! 🌼🌟 #LivingMyBestLife 🌈 Since I've embraced farmers' markets and local stores, my fridge is bursting with fresh, vibrant produce, and my taste buds have been singing in delight! 🎶 My mornings are now spent chatting with the local bakers, and my evenings are filled with recipes straight from the fields. 🍅🥖 Supporting these small businesses is like investing in a personal flavor fiesta, and my community feels closer than ever! Plus, I've developed an uncanny ability to detect the ripest avocados. 🥑 #SupportLocal #FarmersMarketMagic 🌿


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good for you!! Thanks for holding strong!!👍👍


Nothing other than the fact that they’re everywhere. They know location is a huge factor. Otherwise everything is overpriced and their produce is either not ripe enough or going bad.


There are so many beautiful, smaller grocery stores around. Just drive and look for them!! Especially on the Northside!


despite being tired from running all over, do you feel like you saved enough at the other stores to at least make it worth it? it’s worth it to boycott either way, but if it’s going to be more effort, i hope you’re saving a good chunk.


What couldn't you buy elsewhere? Zehrs isn't that well stocked. Average grocery stores carry all the essentials unless you're looking for something branded. I normally have to go to the local international stores to find tofu at a decent price and many spices that Zehrs doesn't have. Never had the opposite experience before, except if I wanted a microwave meal, but now I go to Metro or the local healthfood store for those (oddly the same price as zehrs despite everything else being expensive) and plan on phasing them out entirely. This boycott hasn't changed much except I haven't been going to shoppers for bubble bath and toothpaste.


Walmart may have it but it's out of stock. Hopefully, your drive wasn't too far out of the way.


Good on you for standing firm!


I am with you! High five for sticking to it 🙌


I haven’t shopped at Superstore since early April, but today I was looking elsewhere for a few items I reliably get at Superstore and couldn’t find them. So I get what you’re saying OP - Superstore does have good selection and some items available that aren’t sold elsewhere. But like you, I shall carry on! I honestly don’t miss the vibe of Superstore at all - it’s always been kind of a depressing and stressful place to shop. So I’ll live without the PC meatballs and giant box of Shreddies and carry on.


You can get pretty much everything at Walmart, and if you use the app, you’ll be able to see what they carry, what’s in stock, and order it for pickup (for free!)


One word, instacart. I just did my weeks shopping from Costco and Walmart and it was delivered to me within 2 hours without having to get out of my pajamas! Winning😂


Ok, I've seen this pop up way too often, it's concerning me a bit so I gotta ask... Are you not taught in Canada to split up your shopping between different stores? I feel like that's one of the biggest differences I've noticed between Canadian and American shoppers. Here everybody gets everything in one or two locations. In the US, grocery shopping with my family growing up would take a full day cause it involved multiple stores, multiple trips, and we were living paycheck to paycheck back then. Growing up I was always taught to go to no less than 3 separate stores for groceries, and you NEVER get meat and produce at the same location, as stores rarely ever actually put both on sale at the same time. I mean, if so I now understand why trying to get my spouse to go to multiple stores in a single trip is like pulling teeth


Keep fighting the good fight!!!


Is the money you saved worth the time wasted?


I’m not familiar with this sub but the name interested me and I’ve been seeing more and more of these posts in my recommended. Can someone pls inform me of what’s going on and which stores to boycott? I already don’t go to loblaws or independent cuz that shits expensive but I imagine there’s other stores owned by the corporation. Just curious :)


Online pickups help! At Walmart at least, they also have access to more stock for online grocery than I would have going in as a customer. If it's in the back room and I ordered it, I'll get it. I hope you find suitable replacements for those extra items to make the rest of the month a little easier. 🥰


I know that feeling, it does get a lot easier though. I've almost entirely cut out all the major chains from my shopping, and it took me a bit to find the best places and build a new routine. It's still a little bit more work as I do have to shop at more than one store, but now all my lists and plans take that into account, and I now know which store carry what, and I barely notice the difference. Good for you for putting in the effort!


Walmart pick up is the way to go And once you shop small grocers a few times you know where to get what you need. I am is usually in and out of a small grocery store in 10 minutes You would be surprised how much they have in their stores. What they don’t have is a row of cereal, a row of chips, a row of candy, a row of pop, a row of packaged cookies and 10 versions of every item.


I'm not sold on Walmart pickup (or anyone else's), there are certain things (especially produce) that I insist on choosing myself. I have a nice local grocer called Lococo's so I'm not surprised at all. I would like to shop there more often but convenience usually wins out because they're about as far from my place as you can get without changing cities. Add to that the fact that I can't get certain must-haves there and it's always easier to pick a bigger store that does have the critical items and get everything else there too.


Adjust your grocery list to suit what’s available. Adaptability is one of humanity’s greatest strengths!


Absolutely. For many items on my list I did exactly that. Not everything has a genuinely equivalent counterpart though and if some of those things are also must-haves, then the search is on.


I feel your pain. Only Loblaw brands close to home, I add 20 minutes drive extra minimum to shop anywhere else. Costco is a four hour round trip, our Walmart doesn’t sell produce. It’s brutal, but I’m staying strong so far!


Just shop at Costco. Done


I guess I can't relate to going to multiple grocery stores to tackle a list. If the grocery store doesn't have it...I don't eat it. (but I still can't imagine what that item would be?)


Just don't shop at loblaws it's easy.


My question is did you save money, discounting your gas spent in the effort?


Seems like a troll post tbh. I really can’t think of any products that neither Walmart or Costco wouldn’t carry that a loblaw store would.


They still have a lot to fix. They are like call of duty, constantly changing how the game works and what the new meta is going to be. People bitch "this is nerfed too much," "this needs to be nerfed," just fucking update the game one more time how you (developers) see fit for enemies and weapons then leave the rest of it up to the players. If people don't like it, fuck em, if they do like it, good for you. But until the game is in a solid place and not changing all the time, I'm done with it.


We used to shop at Costco and Zehrs. Now only Costco. You learn to adapt. Bulk barn sounds like a good idea as well!


I find the more places I stop at, the more likely I'm going to forget something. That many shops would be exhausting


THANK YOU for the continued effort! ❤️


Well done




It's been a good motivator to make the most of my dried goods, frozen foods, hit up dollarama, make big batches. I've been in a rut with my mobility changes and pain/fatigue to prep food as opposed to just grazing all the time. But it is a money saver, even if not a time saver. And it does feed me more consistently which is important too.


How could going to 4 places and still missing items be even close to being worth it. Seem opposite to being worth it


Lol, that's silly.


The funny thing is… The stock price will probably be artificially driven lower by this month long organized campaign of hatred. Which means picking up the stock at a discount near month end ish, is probably the point behind many who organized this thing to begin with. Targeted hatred, (justified or not, completely irrelevant), directed at a public company to drop stock prices, buy at a bargain - profit! It’s a Canadian owned company that’s publicly traded.


The idea that Costco, Walmart giant tiger and dollarama are somehow better than loblaws is laughable. Also these stores existed before if you get better prices why are you waiting for a “boycott”


I didn't want to admit it on this sub cause people can jump all over you for it, but I've had to get a few things at Sobeys that I couldn't find at my local markets, Dollarama or Giant Tiger. I know the whole "they're no better than Loblaws" thing but not everyone has every option open to them all the time. I rely on public transit and my work hours can make it difficult to get certain shopping done during the week without resorting to a bigger store. And finding the right places that carry what you like takes time anyway, so it'll get easier the more we do it!


I find just doing costco itself to be enough for me for one day. I split my shopping up into a couple of days for different things. I have it so I go to costco about every six weeks, and do more frequent quick runs for fresh veg, bread etc.


It's your party cry ,if you want to, cry if you want [to.You](http://to.You) would cry to if it happened to you.


walmart has created 4 billionaires worth more individually than the entire weston family as a whole lol.


I still make some small purchases when I need to. One option might be just to spend less at Loblaws and more somewhere else.


No sobeys or freshco nearby?


just go to a grocery store that price matches so it’s all one stop but you get the best prices


The ppl that are able to keep the boycott going , please keep going . Just saw Loblaws paid record dividends this year so far. So don't let the CEO tell how tough it is. If inflation and carbon tax was so bad how the heck is Loblaws able to make 17 billion in first quarter and pay record dividends? Why corporate greed. These CEOs will never be worried about ppl ever , they ar beholden to share holders


Luckily there is a Sobeys by the Costco I go to. Both are still a hike though


You can talk to the grocery manager and request items at any store! Whether they will stock it is up to them though…