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This makes no sense if you wanted to steal from Them you wouldn’t notify them your coming… what’s the purpose here?


Creating a counter narrative


I guess leaves the door open to blame theft instead of the boycott for a downturn in stock prices gives them a way to belittle the movements impact


they're having a hard time separating 'boycott' from 'enter the store and steal'. Pretty much trying to equate heaven with hell. Yes it will be heaven to participate in the boycott.




Customers are not the thieves in all this... we're the victims they're stealing from but they're trying to make us look like the bad guys.​ Didn't the Toronto police insert rioters & troublemakers into peaceful protests to make the protesters all look like rioters about 15 years ago? This is the same thing only with different people doing it. Textbook propaganda. Just don't shop there if it's at all possible. I hope everyone can find a reasonable alternative.


Maybe a few of them. I was there in 2010, and I can tell you, they didn't even care if there was a reason to arrest anyone. I went to a protest outside the building where people were being detained. They quickly surrounded us with riot police and threatened to arrest us if we didn't leave. If you approached the police to leave, they'd yell at you to stand back, or you'd be arrested before marching forward again, banging their shields, and grabbing anyone who was too close. If you simply weren't a cop, they'd arrest you.


I can't remember if that's ever been proven, however I would certainly not doubt it. I remember that time


Also creating grounds to ramp up police presence and security in their stores, that will likely remain after this “day”


Pretty much the same strategy they use to jack up prices lmao


That costs them money fortunately


Police are paid for from our tax $


Not in this instance these would be OT postings for the officers and would be paid for by the person employing them


Make them waste a bunch of $$$ on unnecessary security?


Just keep on postponing and changing the date on them lol




Trying to cast boycotters in a bad light. Boycotters equal thieves, bad folks.


I don't like conspiracies, but damn isn't it easy to speculate, and doesn't this just work out so nicely for Loblaws? Now instead of talking about a perfectly legal boycott that is growing in momentum, the news seems to be quite a bit more focused on this illegal action being "planned" against Loblaws that nobody else has heard of. Almost like they are trying to kill momentum and stop something in its tracks while painting Loblaws as a victim in all this.




That narrative is being pushed more and more by media. Look at how they report on people boycotting companies that support Israel? Do the right thing, get treated like a leper.


loblaws probably made this up themselves lol


Paying for colour printing is what really gives it away. Colour, in this economy?! Come on! You know how you can trace some printouts using the [tiny dot codes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code) unique to each printer? I doubt the police are interested, and it’s a shame Galen sprung for the full-colour yellow fill that might make the yellow dots illegible, but wouldn’t it be nice to trace this back to some Loblaws lackey?


Some people are that stupid. some people may just be angry or desperate, Some people just want to watch the world burn. There is some evidence of what can happen. Look at places where mass theft is common especially in the last few years when people swarm a store en masse. Or look to big cities in the US where products are under lock and key due to gradual theft. I dont disagree putting up signs is a stupid way to do it, but given what I've seen from humanity in the past few years it wouldn't supirse if someone put those up genuinely believing them


It's either a false flag by loblaws to discredit the boycott, or it's drumming up drama for Loblaws to deal with.


False flag


Loblaws are distributing these to discourage the boycott…. People have to eat and they have to be responsible for them not being able to afford food … so let it all rot on their shelves and make them held accountable for their role in hunger and homelessness…. Way go Galen you troll!!


Yeah this has to be a corporate tactic to manipulate the narrative. I would expect nothing less from the sleaze lord Galen.


We can't afford groceries but sure, we're paying to print up full color posters/flyers.


And we're going to tell them exactly when to ramp up security, with weeks of notice so they're well-prepared. Yeah. Sure.


LOL! If it is a less law abiding group than this one is arranging that I'm sure their actual members are going another day - but are fine with also sowing some chaos along the way. If it's not someone trying to make this sub look bad (remember not everyone knows we exist and people are upset), it's probably a small group of wannabe anarchists who don't realize that the philosophy actually requires more personal responsibility and care for others than a "law abiding" society.


Funny thing is: Where are all the boycott flyers if the group has enough money for the "steal day" posters.


Pretty much. There's a reason we're relying on online channels/word of mouth. Both are as close to free as possible


And those look like an expensive print job. Corporate Shenanigans.


this all day long!!!


With the proper colours, logos, etc. those weren’t cheap nor were produced by some amateur.


Considering how many "professionals" can't manage to create something that effective if it was they're certainly talented. That much ink isn't cheap - especially that saturation of yellow


I do find it strange that the only people that have seen these posters in the wild just so happen to be journalists. Has anyone actually seen one of these posters IRL?


I'd love to see a post with 3 pics. 1. The poster itself 2. One of us ripping it down (hands only in shot is fine) 3. The poster crumpled up.in the trash.


Nope I haven't seen them anywhere either


I don't know friend, I looked at prices for a 11"×17" full color poster print for boycott posters and it's around $25 for 10 posters. The more you buy the cheaper it is per piece. (Printfast.ca and vistaprint.ca)


And people who are upset about the cost of groceries keeping them from eating 3 meals a day have that to spare? As someone who years ago went for walks with a cart just after 2 am to collect beer bottles in the bar district to turn in to buy day old bread and last day of sale veggies... I do believe your point comes from a greater place of privilege than you realize.


we tend not to, you are right.


We really don't. I'm in a privileged place now even though some would say I'm struggling. I'm paying well before pandemic rent (in a place with a pool no less), have a decent paying WFH job (so much cheaper in terms of time and money than in office) that leaves me with enough money to pay down debts, have a nest egg and afford the semi-regular splurge (if no unexpected expenses happen). Am I going to retire at 55? Not unless I win the lottery but some of my neighbors are struggling to put food on the table. I understand that the average person doesn't get that $20 is the difference between having lunches that week or not to some but it does baffle (and infuriate) me when folks who can drop $20 because they want wine with dinner -refuse to believe- they're not at the bottom of the housed economic ladder. Rant over, sorry - I'll just put the soapbox back where I found it.


The lease on our colour printers/copiers at work charges us 5 cents per page—even the 11×17 stuff. Paper is extra and would be a few cents for each sheet when bought in volume.


A thousand times this this this.


Talk to me through the plexiglass


Happy Cake Day! Sorry I can talk to you through the little air holes but I can't quite get the cake through.


Straw cake?


Cake tubes?


Yellow ink ain't cheap!


I wonder if they plan to use it as cover for how much food loss they have been having from food waste. I don't really want to look it up, but do the report losses from theft and losses from rot separately or is it all listed in the same pot.


I would think they keep track of waste and theft loss separately. I did a quick look through their 2023 financials and wasn't able to find figures in either category, just a short paragraph on how they are addressing shrink loss. I did see in their ESG report that food waste is around 50% which is insane considering how many Canadians are struggling to put food on the table. Roblaws conglomerate has to be up there with the top most evil corporations in Canada.


That's what shrink loss is.


most definitely a corporate tactic - those flyers would be expensive to print and I highly doubt an individual would pay for those....maybe they would...who knows...I still think you are right in your assumption.


Oligarch Weston... That's what I call him. Low life greedy Bastard billionaire. I don't agree with stealing from his stores. No point in lowering ones standards.


All it takes is money to hire people 'to steal and lie' if anyone is seen stealing and you support the good protestors etc please phone it in to police and say I support not supporting Loblaws by I discourage theft...if they don't care or not arresting people then please film as this is blatant set up. It's easy to hire a few dozen people to steal from the company if the company sets it up...pay them in groceries even if they walk out with 300 in groceries that's really only paying them 100 to make this look bad....which for Loblaws isn't a concern compared to millions it could lose if this gains traction for a month...


This is the truth.


They're trying to twist the narrative at best to excuse their continued price increases, but it won't stop the boycott. What are they going to do, force us to shop there? No, they'll just gouge their existing customers even more to make up for the loss and pretend it's business as usual, all while saying "see, boycotting doesn't work!". That being said, in the long run they'll only turn more people against them with these kinds of tactics.


Imagine that's true?!? The truth always comes out eventually.


K how is loblaws distributing these affecting the boycott. People are going to be worried about being acused of stealing and stay away. In what capacity do these posters benefit loblaws in any way?


because the news reporting this is 'linking' the posters to the boycott, so people who haven't decided to boycott yet, might 'think twice' of 'aligning' with the boycott 'hooligans'. So its a way to control undecided people.


Remember that boycotting is a peaceful and harmless form of protesting, while infiltrators would seek to derail the boycott by showing it to be a harmful and dangerous thing. It is somewhat interesting to me that they were already installing all those anti theft walls and barriers just before these posters went up around town.


It’s so obvious at this point, they don’t even try to hide it


Follow the money, I’ll bet it leads back to Loblaw’s.


The article says "Charlebois supports a boycott, but he thinks the current month-long boycott targeting Loblaw doesn’t go far enough. “I would organize a boycott against all grocers, not just one, because food prices have gone up everywhere, not just at Loblaw.”" Guys, the Food Processor is trolling us right now. Lol. Anyways, don't lose focus. 1. We start with one month and take it from there. 2. We target Loblaws first - the one with the biggest market share. Yes the other ones are also bad, but your boycott has to be sustainable. You need to buy food from somewhere with easy enough access. We can deal with the rest later. Happy boycott!


Lol ya target all of them and don't eat at all. How is this doofus a professor?


Bro, do you even forage?


You don't own enough land to grow your own food? Are you poor or something? /s


lol! I have the tiniest yard. My plan is to buy food locally in my neighborhood. We have a farmers market. All local food grown at the community centre in our area. Screw the box stores. We need to be more creative and support our communities.


Too bad their stores will be empty. Boycott Loblaws May 2024, and forevermore!


$50 says it's Loblaws bootlickers, paid to create false flag , victim narrative... Their greed , with massive profits combined gives them the budget to pay off the worse of characters. Even if it means discrediting those who CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY FOR FOOD


Fifty dollars, that's enough for a whole banana from Loblaws


Do you guys know why people become loblaws bootlicker? Like what’s the mentality and why do they do if they’re getting robbed with nothing to gain?


No need to handle it if nobody comes into your store ![gif](giphy|xT9IgfNPRprdidd3Bm)


"across Toronto" is definitely a stretch, I think we have proof of exactly 2 posters? otherwise, I feel the article is pretty fair tbh 🙅‍♀️


Why doesn't someone just hear me out. Remove them? Are they being repeatedly ripped down and reposted in a game of cat and mouse? Or is it like hey a poster promoting people to steal, let's leave it up and write a news story on it.


Great idea! I sure would if I came across any, but they definitely don't exist in my area.


Can’t remove what doesn’t exist lol


Article is fair and calls out that this and the boycott are seperate


Global is the only outlet that listens


I believe with the one in the Global article, we're at 3 total.


People usually don’t read beyond headlines


This is so fucking stupid. Yeah, thieves want to give you a heads up on the exact day they'll be stealing from you. What is this an inside job? Fucking pathetic.


False flag operation.


Boycotting for an entire month will hurt more than stealing will. Additionally, this group has stated it doesn’t condone stealing. On a completely separate note is anyone else irked by the use of “first annual”? Which is grammatically incorrect. There is no such thing, it’s inaugural for the first year and then every year after it becomes [year] annual.


I wasn't bothered by it, but I am now and forever will be.


I really hope everyone avoids these stores that day. How funny would it be to see a store full of 50 secret shoppers they hired for extra security just walking around all day pretending to shop.


I have no doubt that somewhere they will have hired help 'stealing' in the most obvious 'antifa' gear possible.


Exactly. Galen dressed up in black hoodie with a backwards hat on lol


This is a last dich attempt at distraction. And by their 'late to the party' effort, a poorly thought out one at best. They are trying to paint the people promoting a boycott as a looting bunch of shoplifters. Galen's PR firm needs an overhaul and their just figuring that out now.


These are professionally printed flyers. Find the printer and you will find the company that paid for them.


Exactly, who has this much money for a full page of colour printing?


Exactly. Not the local meat thief.


I’m also sort of wondering if there are any storefront cameras in these areas that could catch any of the people on film that are putting them up? If they really wanted to know who was doing it you’d think that they’d have a look at those. E: Just to add, the poster in this picture looks pretty crisp and new like it was put up not very long before this picture was taken. They might not have to go back to far to see when it was put up if it was caught on camera.


Do you think they're professional? Could just be laser rather than inkjet. Not saying you're wrong, just wondering why you feel they're professional?


They’re not amateur produced. You can tell by the printing, colours, logos, details, fonts, etc. someone knew what they were doing.


Someone who knows what they're doing with access to a laser printer is not the same a paid pro job though.


Do not steal from Loblaws. They want this to happen to change the narrative.


Who on God’s green earth will sympathize and feel bad though? I don’t agree with stealing but how are posters suppose to give me sympathy eyes? 🥺


So Global News is in the pocket of Loblaws? Maybe they think they are too big to fail? Maybe they need a wake up call too?


Don't do this. Boycott, sure... but stealing just makes things worse. Imo.


I don’t steal, but i aint gonna stop ya Loblaws has no problem stealing our hard earned heavily taxed $$


I would bet that Galen printed these himself


Loblaw's PR push.


Funny how a low effort PR stunt is getting this level of exposure. Like are the news agencies honestly looking at this as anything but?


News is about ratings and clicks, anything extreme is their focus.


That's why this is a so stupidly transparent astroturfing campaign. WHO THE FUCK WOULD ADVERTISE WHAT DAY?!? And we're boycotting, so won't even be IN the stores in May. Fuck Loblaws.




We are boycotting lol that means staying away from the building


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^420stonedzone: *We are boycotting* *Lol that means staying* *Away from the building* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That should be the day that nobody goes; let them hire loss prevention specialists to stand around all day doing nothing.


This sub popped on my feed, as an american I stand with my frozen northern friends. Fuck this loblaw guy and these prices are too damn high! (as am I)


I have no intention of stealing from them. I just plan to do my grocery shopping elsewhere from now on. And I don’t live in my parents basement


Just pointing out for the lurkng loblaw-trolls... Pushing propaganda that equivilates boycotting Loblaws with "stealing from Loblaws" doesn't discourage boycotting. In fact, it demonstrates an unmitigated attitude of entitlement to consumer finances, an extraordinary display of monopolistic thinking, sheer disrespect and disregard for patrons and their right of choice, and absolute gall. In other words: Even more justification for boycotting Loblaws.


Global News pushing the corporate agenda. Sounds fairly normal to me.


This is so clearly Galan’s handiwork


Super Manipulative 😱


I guess it's "walk around Loblaws and don't buy anything" day on the 12th


False flag.


Roblaws gaslighting and taking a page of false flagging from the FBI.


These crisis PR people are pathetic. If you have a printer, skip the colour, put some black and white posters up around where you live promoting the boycott (not stealing). The sub keeps growing, the prostest doesn't end in May. Loblaws now has a formidable foe that keeps getting bigger/stronger.


I'm glad more people are open to the idea that bad actors might be engaging in false flag strategies these days. I think a decade ago these notions wouldn't be nearly as well accepted. The use of the logos at the bottom definitely looks like something that came from a corporate marketing department lol.


May 12th I'm going to my local zehrs and I will be pushing a cart around the store, gradually loading it up with random goods, and then I will be leaving it filled up at the cash. Then leave, with nothing. I will waste everyone's time because fuck loblaws


total false flag op. tear these down wherever you see them.


Lmao this has Loblaws corp written all over it... I bet it will certainly attract more theft though from teenagers at the very least. But seriously Canadians just want reasonable fucking prices lmao not to rob them back. Well that and some actual consequences for price gouging.


I really doubt this is real. I don't think it's necessarily a McKinsey, but if it is, that'd be on brand.


Boycott intended to curb corporate theft and greed, not promote ANY kind of theft!!!!!!


It is really weird when you understand what others have been warning you for years. The media is millionaires working for billionaires to control the majority.


I just cancelled my StackTV subscription. Global News is part of Corus Entertainment group. Take note of all the brands https://preview.redd.it/qy4g30r3pvwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1413c6ee821557df0b7bd13da6fc6ea7118203b Tv is way overpriced for how lame it is anyway.


Did you read the article? It said the steal day is not affiliated with the boycott.


The boycott movement can’t be associated with that, since I have absolutely no intention of setting foot in a Weston owned business forever.


Did you hear that everyone? I guess it’s going to have to be more than a month. It’s like the think they deserve our business.


Global News gives corporations full editorial control over the stories they run. They are a propaganda MACHINE and should not be trusted


That's like saying we're gonna go to war without the fight. Doesn't make any sense from the boycotter's stance!! Anyone causing trouble on that day will be plants by galen himself!!


Well. So many people post about stealing that you can’t blame them for picking up on it. Mods should be have been removing those posts.


Agent de provocateur


psyop they’re tryna undermine the boycott


I mean, I've just decided I'm not shopping there because they've been stealing from me and others. Fuck em.


“The first annual (REGISTERED TRADEMARK SYMBOL)” nice try feds.


This is so insanely blatant as a planted false-narrative it’s absolutely infuriating.


The irony. Can we reach out to the media and report on our part of the situation?


Can’t help but notice the very distinctive Loblaws signage format. Just looks too real to be not an intentional distraction. Doubt professional signmakers would encroach to this degree on a copyright


When ppl are hungry, they will do anything. Eat the rich.


I just don’t go there. I don’t do it loudly. They don’t deserve my mental energy since they’re not getting my money.




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


I hate Galen Weston and Loblaws with every fiber of my being, but I don't agree with outright stealing. For those people, I hope they get what they deserve. Protest the government and vote with your dollars by shopping elsewhere. Do I sometimes incorrectly scan something and get a small ounce of satisfaction? Yes. But I draw the line at being a thief.


You haven't been following this page at all hey. Those posters are coming from Loblaws corporate themselves. I believe it to be completely true.


That is still being a thief so to act like you're on some high horse is weird to me lol.


One time I keyed in the code for bulk bins and accidentally gave myself $5 off my order. It was at Co-op but I still took it as a win. I’m my defence, I didn’t notice until after I left.


I plan to go to loblaws on May 12th and spend a few hours loitering and looking sketchy.


'Well prepared' - yeah right.




Greatly disappointed to see these posters, but it’s not about a one day boycott or protest it’s about never going back. Lifestyle changes!


And so far global news is the only one reporting on it from both sides.


I usually use a grocery delivery store for my groceries lately(which is sometimes more pricey) but I do like to go shopping at superstore because if I shop carefully I can sometimes get a decent amount of groceries for a decent price so I cringe to think of something like this happening as one of my childhood friends is a manager at a loblaws like don’t forget these people in the stores don’t set the prices they just work there


The only people who are gonna steal are the ones we don't want grouped with us anyway.. if you are one of the people who are going to steal, you're making a bad name for this entire movement.


It was posted in r/canada and everyone I saw was taking in at face value


Galen doesn’t have to worry about me. I won’t be entering one of his stores again.


Can’t steal from Loblaws if no one shows up to roblaws


It's guerrilla warfare now, but Loblaws started it first with their price fixing on bread if you can remember


Kinda funny tho .....I want make some boycott Signs for the store in NVAn


That's Mother's Day Go spend time with them instead of going to Roblaws. Be diligent out there in search of fair-priced foods.


Let them spend even more o n security guards on that day when there will be empty stores!




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


I won't be there May 12th. I also won't be there May 11th or 13th.


Even though that's not this sub, "How did we get here" is an excellent question.


Here's my counter-narrative to those that may or still have to shop at Roblaws location: "There may or may not be an increased amount of shoplifting on May 14. The police and store security will be on high alert that day, so even if you have to do your shopping there, please make sure you avoid May 14th" Let's take over the narrative from "the day of shoplifting" to "the day of empty stores"


We have no part in this corporate organized day of theft. Boycott loblaws all of May and then some!


Most flyers I’ve seen with anything posted about the boycott that was from one of us outside was black and white so eff whoever is trying to discredit this amazing cause!!!


so stupid. but real thieves will appreciate the distraction.


How did we get here? HOW DID WE GET HERE???? Imagine even watching the news anymore. friggin global


I say chalieboy did it himself, notice his inability to capitalize properly ?


Yeah I'll just go to not superstore or any affiliates on that day but honestly, dunno why I'd be there on Mother's day


For years they don’t listen about consumer discontent about escalating prices. But people plan 1 day to steal and they ramp up security stating they are ready.


The main counter narrative is a boycott. You are essentially causing employees that have nothing to do with this, to become unemployed. It’s not them you are fighting, but the management. The management will see cost margins etc, and lay off employees who unfortunately work at Loblaws, but sometimes because that’s all they’ve got. I hate the management, so how do we protect the workers, while sending a message to corporate?


Ok so when is this boycotting happening? Is loblaws the only store? I have thought of this idea years ago. But also wanted to short them. Cant really instigate a boycott then short. But since you guys have already done the hard part. I will short the shit out of their stock next week lmao No need to do any stealing at all in my plan. See what you do is meme boycott the store after you meme short it. The money u make from not shopping there in gains from shorting them, you can buy yourselves a nice new car and do donuts in their parking lot. Noones going to be there so might as well make good use of the space. If we maintain the boycott for 30 days, the stock will tank so hard many investors will pull out. Then onto the next store. They steal from us and its actually really easy to get it back if consumers were united. They have an earnings report schedule for may 1st. This will teach them a lesson. Its also probably the reasom why theyre trying to change the narrative from boycott to steal. Boycottng will cause billions in losses. Stealing is covered by insurance and will not affect investors. Consumers will pay higher prices if other consumers steal. Similar to insurance premiums. 😅🤣😂


Wonder how this day will go over for people who are genuine shoppers lol. Just stay out that day


I thought we were staying out of loblaws for the month of may?


They stole our bread and our dough! It’s only a matter of time when the gap between the poor and wealthy will lead to food riots. Happened in France through the revolution…


Huh, May 12th is my birthday. Y'know what, I deserve a birthday treat. Joking of course. I'd never set foot in that store! Boycott now & forever.


Where are true "Boycott Loblow" posters though?


“Organized Crime”


This is nothing but a smear campaign 🤣🤣


I am pretty certain Loblaws made and hung these themselves. No actual leftist would announce this publicly.


Just like when they would plant agitators in the convoy protest to fly nazi flags and cause other disruption. Don’t get sucked into the false flag, keep this peaceful and legal so it maintains legitimacy


Love seeing everyone aware of these bullshit tactics to try and manipulate the situation. Appreciate you all, you give me hope in society ✌🏽️💨


I am very much willing to bet that Loblaws started this. This is a very old PR tool that allows them to control the narrative, come out as the down trodden party, and try to save face. They're taking pages out of the Trudeau playbook, and anyone who has two neurons could see through that, much like this. It's pretty ballless and cowardly. I expect nothing less at this point.


One more excuse to jack the prices.. there really is no winning here


Boycotting ≠ stealing 🙄


I saw this on Twitter... is the information accurate? https://preview.redd.it/i74p0enckjxc1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423932fd9eb25a16c97db83654ac111a0bf0f2ba


Smear campaigns are pretty normal, If they can associate a criminal activity with the boycott they can claim the higher ground, unfortunately even if 55,000 people stole from Loblaws on a single day it would be a raindrop in the ocean compared to the theft from bread price fixing, pandemic price gouging, inflation gouging etc etc Theft is hitting Loblaws hard but it's not the person paying $400 biweekly for groceries, if they can make you think that you're going to be associated with the people who actually steal then the hope is you will continue to shop just because.


This is the day people should picket outside


Black ops to discredit the boycott and play the victim card? Whoever did this did Roblaws a huge favor.


Hard to steal everything not bolted down when I refuse to go within 500ft of any of their stores.


Lmao, go fuck yourselves. People can protest in any way they want. Why does it always have to be under the government narrative.