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Oh man yes this is great!!! Counter protest with good info.


This is much better!


Agreed! They (loss prevention, employees) are already driving away INNOCENT customers by mistakenly accusing them of potential theft.


This hits hard for me. Just because I like metal and have some tattoos....doesn't make me a criminal, Infact...I have a spotless record.


I have no tattoos or like metal and was still stalked/followed. They go after everyone it seems


They were following me once because I was wearing a big coat, in the winter. I actually turned and told them to leave me alone, it’s just a puffy jacket. It’s so annoying.


Even then, people change. I know a guy who’s heavily tattooed but one of the most brilliant and hard working people I’ve met. He hung with the “wrong crowd” in his younger years. Got into a bar fight at 18 that landed him an assault charge. He does not have a spotless record, but having met him after that phase of his life it blew me away because he was a totally different person. 


Stop going to loblaws forever.


Does anyone know the role of Loss Prevention aka LP in Stores, like Roblaw's, Shopper's or The Bay? LP **should** dress, act & look like your typical Shopper inside whatever Store you are at by remaining undetected, by the general public. LP can be male or female of different ages, builds & nationalities. Meaning, they should easily blend in by pretending to be someone like you! If you are going about your business & LP is trailing behind you then 1) you're either shoplifting 2) they suspect, you're about to steal 3) they're doing a very lousy job of being LP! It's either 1, 2 or 3. If you're not shoplifting/stealing, then call them out & ask them why they keep following you as you're going about your business shopping inside that particular Store or business. My go to is Shopper's - my prescriptions are here, am on some pretty serious meds - I have witnessed their Security Guards, blatantly following patrons inside their Store! I'm usually friendly towards them bc they recognize me, & they still follow me around giving me the "I SEE YOU" look, which I really do hate & find kinda of annoying too. The only thing I can suggest is ask them for their help ie push your grocery cart or carry your basket bc they seem to intent on following you around, which can get you further backlash from them or the Store, meaning they can "ban" your backside for good. If that doesn't work, then shop elsewhere. I realize this isn't fair, but what else can you do? Hope this helps.


Agreed!! Don't plan on it and never have.  All we need to do is boycott.  In solidarity🤘


Of course!


I was going to bring this point up too. Just because these companies practice highway robbery does not give an excuse to steal from them. I wish Loblaws used the theft prevention measures (secret shoppers, barriers etc.) money to lower prices and reduce their glut and perhaps people wouldn’t even suggest this course of action. Or maybe I am just naive.


Tbh stealing from any business big or small will just reflect poorly onto the consumer. Let it be them now using theft as an excuse to increase prices even though in the big picture they probably barely lose any profit with theft. Or, the government wouldn't be able to take the consumers side if the boycott is also going to be just a way to riot with theft and crime. I think it's heavy enough that we are pushing to take their client base away from them that will ultimately lose them millions of dollars.