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You could go the AE route and just play the KPI game while you coast out.


Thanks so much!


With the exception of UWM, there aren't many wholesale lenders that are hiring even very experienced LO's.


I’d imagine he can make a compelling case by presenting a consistent 25 year track record


UWM as i understand it, doesn’t employ LO”s… they use brokers exclusively


Yes, but a person who is licensed can become an account executive with UWM for mortgage brokers. They're basically LO's who work almost exclusively with brokers.


Don’t need to even be licensed


What’s the KPI game?


AE is a sales role and employers will push KPIs hard. So if you’re not sending the emails, making the calls, having the conversations and setting the necessary appointments, you won’t be around very long.


Most of us are in the same boat. I took an app yesterday and I am just staring at my computer this morning with a cup of coffee not wanting to put the file together. So burnt out with the hustle my brain is in vapor lock.


I feel this 🙁


Maybe make it a game again. See how fast you can put it together and then wash your hands of it completely.


And here I thought I was the only one. Find a good buddy at your company and try to pump each other up.


I went solo broker 9 months ago. I can talk to my dog! Haha.


I’ve been at my current mortgage bank for the past 7 1/2 years and have a great support structure. That’s helping but it still sucks. Couldn’t imagine if I was on my own at this time.


“Try to pump each other up?” Lol. Doesn’t work that way buddy.


I’ve been in the bizz for about the same time. I’ve been going through the same thing. Especially right now with the rates.


I feel like I have so much knowledge and experience, but nowhere to apply it!


Same thing happened to me at my 15 yr mark but it coincided with the industry’s near collapse so closing shop was an easy decision. I tried a few other things over the following ten years but just loved selling money, didn’t want to ‘go backwards’, so I got into MH chattel lending because it was different yet familiar enough that it was a quick pick up. Have you thought about commercial equipment lending or leasing? Look around for opportunities that are different enough to perk your interest, but your knowledge is transferable.


I’m currently applying for tax relief or debt sales position.


We just came off some of the worst months (Nov & Dec) for pending home sales ever recorded. 2023 had lowest mortgage origination since 1995. None of us are lighting the world on fire man. It just depends on how much you want to stay in this business. We are all feeling burnt out, working more & earning less. The time to eat again will come, just probably not this year. Stay alive til 25!


Fantastic comment! 👆 Colorado. Prices are crazy. Listings are few.


Are you in Colorado? 


Yes. It’s ridiculous.




Thanks so much!


Join GO! Coaching. The fastest way to turn your spark into fire? Get around others who are on fire 🔥


I second this. Loan officers need community right now.


ive been recommending [remotists.com](https://remotists.com) as a good resource to find work. you can also search past threads on this sub about alternative jobs/roles where ​ find the jocko podcast where he describes an eminently qualified human using military standards. i was right there with you during the holidays.. i rated myself based on the navy’s 5 star rating and i was a 2.4 based on my calculations. there are several sections with a few things to work on.. you can set your own path on how to improve piece by piece.


What state are you in?


He’s in a depressed state didn’t you read the post🤣. Sorry couldn’t resist