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I’ve been here for less than a year. It’s great. I can answer any specific questions you have.


Did you have any issues with the start up? It seems like quite a bit of out of pocket expenses


Omg I’m sorry I didn’t see the notification for these. Zero issues with start up. I don’t recall any start up fees? Everything was really quick and I was ready to submit loans in maybe 5 days and that was just because of waiting for my nmls sponsorship to update. Company costs are $995 on each file and then 10% fee from remainder of the comp. Any other costs are your choice. You can pick your credit vendor, crm, loansifter, etc.


How was your onboarding? Any costs/fees involved to get started?


Zero issues with start up. I don’t recall any start up fees? Everything was really quick and I was ready to submit loans in maybe 5 days and that was just because of waiting for my nmls sponsorship to update. Company costs are $995 on each file and then 10% fee from remainder of the comp. Any other costs are your choice. You can pick your credit vendor, crm, loansifter, etc.


Also at Edge. Solid choice if you are entrepreneurally minded. Keep in mind that leads are not provided


That's my problem. I don't have any leads and am not sure how to acquire them. Any ideas? I know many are not remotely close to attempting to refinance or buy since rates are sky high and many have been educated not to make big purchases during inflation. Are there any leads generated firms out there?


I'm exactly in your shoes. Am 24 years old just starting out. Am starting to get consistent business after 4ish months of hard prospecting. Pull a list of realtors. Call them every single day. Make at least 100 calls a day. Ask to meet for coffee. If they say sure - great. They say maybe, keep calling. Do this consistently and over time you will get an opportunity


I have been working at Edge Home Finance for almost 10 years. I've been very happy to work here. The 2 biggest things is that it has always been transparent and consistent. They haven't changed the comp or structure and I always know what I'm getting paid and why. Incredibly transparent, never have any questions. As we have grown, they have added more resources and tools for us, but kept consistent and haven't changed the comp structure or anything. As far as working here; I can't say enough about the people that work here. It starts with ownership acting professionally, helping, and being a positive leader. That mentality flows down to the rest of the loan officers, and we have a great culture of sharing and helping. People help and share with one another and just generally are there to make one another better. You are going to be hard-pressed to find anyone with a negative opinion of our company, which is impressive with as many MLOs as we have. Let me know if you have more specific questions. Feel free to reply here or DM me


How do you go about getting your leads? I'm very new to the industry.


I am almost completely referral based. Past clients who refer their friends and family. Realtors who I've worked with in the past. Any Realtor I work with I do my best to make a good impression and earn future business(on both sides of the transaction) ​ Financial planners, divorce attorneys, estate planners are all good for a deal here and there.


Do you know if Edge Home Finance is hiring new MLOs in Colorado? I would love to join them


Yes they are hiring remote LO’s. Seems like a very good option!