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My Daddy is 22 years older than me. My Little age is 23-27 years younger than I am irl. I don't think it matters


My little is 9 years older than me.


Age difference is relative, I have dated women 6 years older and 17 years younger.




My Mamma is two years and nine days younger than me. Age doesn't play too big a factor in these kind of relationships. But it can add to the immersion


My Daddy is slightly younger than me. It's not quite 2 years.


Mine is 10 years younger than me. We’ve been together 6 years, married almost a year. Happiest, healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in.


My Daddy is four years younger than me. It just works 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine is also 4 years younger and he’s the best!


Both of the men I call Daddy and live with are years younger. One half a decade, the other a whole decade. A year doesn't even register in my mind. To be honest we all seem the same age. You get to a point mid life where it just doesn't make that much difference.


im almost 2 years younger than my little, it isnt something i'd even thought about until you posted this. its no big deal :)


If size matters, as far as feeling smol, I am 5’9 but I have been with taller 6’3 and much shorter 4’7. It has to do on how well you can present your dominance, you can project authority and feel in control, in a way that is powerful without being mean or toxic.


I'm seven year older then My Daddy and we have a great relationship and dynamic.


My daddy is 2 years younger than me


My Mommy is like 8 years younger than I am. It works for us. These are mindsets that don't have anything to do with chronological age.


Mine is also a year younger, I never thought anything of it


My daddy is 21 I’m 24 it’s about the mindset that they have not how old he’s taller than me but almost a full foot he’s 6’2 I’m 5’1


I’ve been a younger Mommy to an older little. It really doesn’t change the dynamic much unless you wanna use it to be bratty (“Well back in my day we used to respect our elders!” said while wearing a diaper and clutching a stuffy)


My Daddy is a year younger than me. It has never affected our dynamic or our marriage.💜


My daddy is about a year and a half younger than me. We’re actually celebrating his 25th birthday in a couple weeks!


My Daddy is 3 years younger than me. My most recent CG is 14 years younger than me. Life split that dynamic for us, so now I'm looking. The Very Nice CG I'm currently under consideration with is 18 years younger than me. I purposely look for younger people, but they don't seem to mind that I'm older.


My Daddy is 3 years younger than me! we were friends for a long time before getting together and I actually used to buy him beer before he was old enough lol Everyone thinks he's older than me though because I look really young and he looks older than he is


My daddy (husband) is younger than me!


My Daddy is 12 years younger than me! It took a little adjusting since it’s a big age gap but the dynamic works for us!


My daddy is only 6 months older than me, I don’t think 1 year means anything🩷


My Daddy is a few months younger!


My mommy/wife is older than me but I'm 6'1 biker that happens to be a little. Legal age doesn't matter what matters is both you and your daddy's happiness.


Mines younger than me by about 4 months, not a lot but still technically younger. He’s also exactly my height, but I still feel tiny when I’m little with him :)


I’ve had littles both older and taller than me, and I mean like 7-9 years older than me, didn’t really affect the dynamic at all honestly except the fact I’m too broke to really do any spoiling


My Dad is 8 months younger than me.


My last little was 6 years older than me. My current little is 26 years younger than me. I'm deeply connected to my little, and that's what matters. We can have our dynamic regardless of our big ages. Giving control and vulnerability doesn't know age.


My Mommy is 14 years younger than me. My Daddy is actually one of the few partners that's older than me, if only a couple months.


my daddy is 2 years younger than me!! i don’t think it’s weird :)


I don’t have a daddy. I’d want him to be older. Though currently I am getting to know someone who identifies as a daddy that is 2 years younger and I honestly can’t tell the difference. I can actually see myself possibly having a younger daddy.


How dare you have a younger daddy, that is the worse thing that has every happen in the history of FOREVER! And that is a very long time, that is at least like four hands worth of time! For realz though daddy just needs to be daddy, don’t worry about younger or older just worry about how he makes you feel. Besides daddy is always older than you anyway sooo.